BARBIE FIREMEN HOLD SOCIAL EVENING Barrie Fire Department holds social evening three or four limes year ltcgular firemen volunteers and retir Plan Special EVents At Easter Week Barrie VATYWCA has estab lished special schedule 01 events for Easter week Each day from March 25 to March list there will he swim ming classes and lessons for variety of groups lnctuding an artificial respiration course for and girls nine years of age iii over who have passed their Star The course will be held from to pm and will Include the basic methods oi artificial res piration All gym and eratt classes are cancelled for Saturday March 25 There are two events Monday March TI for boys and girls to it table tennis tourna ment at am and an Easter egg hunt at pm Tuesday will see skating party at the Barrie Arena start ing at pm hobby show for boys and girls to 11 yearsolagc ls sot for in am Wednesday Prizes ed lirelighters get together or meal to exchange gossip and to talk about That one that was so hot we could feel the will be awarded dance will be held In the afternoon ior to to 16 yearold only running tram to pm Expect 28 Ilinlrs In llnnual Spiel Third annual bonspiet oi the Simcoe County Mutual Firo Aid Association will be held at the Barrie Gating Club April Barrie Fire Department has challenged 21 other depart ments to try and take the championship trophy which Barrio holds Some 28 rinks from do pamments are expected to par tieipate including three from outside the county Barrie Fire Department ls hosting this years spiet be cause they won last years There will be two events starting at 330 am heat 300 feet away Lclt to rtglrtr Gordon Spring assist ant chlci Dan Keeat chief truin former chief No events are set for Thurs day an Easter croft program at 10 am and afternoon movies starting at pm Both are for boys and girls ii to 13 An Easter fashion show for girls to years and 11 to 13 ycars has been arranged tor Fri day Children must be accom panlcd by adults Special prizes wilt be award od for those with the best de stgned outtits hrrther Informa tion may be obtained by calling the womens director Cheryl Whitï¬eld Last activity for the week is mu Teen dance hiday at pm TRAIN YOUNG SHOTS VINNIPEG CPIThe Mun itoba government established its first hunter safety training program last year open to any one more than 12 years old Six hours of training in gun safety hunting conservation and woodsmanship were required GROUP WILL PERFORM AT CHURCH SERVICE AT BORDEN Music Will Highlight Youth Church Service Rhythm and blues music com bine with worship in an unus ual youth service to be held in hinlty Chapel Base Borden on Sunday March 19 at 645 pm It is sponsored by Teen and Twenty Chapel of Toronto youth ministry of the Presby terian Church in Canada The service led by seven piece combo Is not pertorm ance or entertainment but reg tdar worship using popular mu sic and contemporary language it includes sermon by the Rev Dr Buchanan of Toronto but music much at It congregationa al singing led by the combo occupies most of the time The objective Is to communia cate the love and grace oi God In way that Is meaningful to young peopleapeaking in to days music and language It proclaims faith that is real and has integrity Jack Green the program director said Young people must he told about Christianity in contemp orary style it God is to become real to them because they do mood that their religion be as dynamic as the restvoi their lives he said As well as showing nonchurch youth that they are creatures God the chapel minis at tempts to renew the fath of those already in the church it does both through creating new awareness at the roality life and Its challenges In tho service young people 11 challenged to trifle 1mm hafllupate in or titan seek an escape Prom real ity Mr Green mints out Then they will be able to live more meeninï¬ul lives iWe hope It willaiso Act as catalyst in the mortality he says stimulating effects to toommunicata with youth to sim liat ortelntcd ways The group has been conduci Iltg antvices in Metronin llor oato and various Ontario cen iru for the last two years Large the go the biggest as heart crowds are attracted wherever they go the biggest was nearly 2000 in London Ont Last East or they went on weeks tour of five Ontario centres and dur ing the summer visited Detroit Michigan Two recordings have appear ed the latest iaTherea Rhythm in Religion When its For heal condensed service including or iginal songs and arrangements They are issuing sheet music too and service was televised by the ORG for the nationwide Orrler new for Easter °Dllverv loo ally or In it nIn if wor mus WED Dr uric HARRIS stowans as Dunlap ltMittt communication in Torontos Heritage program During Fab ruary they sponsored Cross arr reat fourapart experiment in Yorkvilla district The service is open to all youth and their families Following the service lunch will be served at Coiiee Hausa when singsong and more mu sic wtll be rovtded by theband and folk gers and Sid Martin first lieuten ant 3YearOld Killed When Struck By Car tonerold Base Borden aeros aod oarelu driving in menace lion with the death may of three year old Carmen Bian beth lvey oi 20 Sea Loop Base Borden The girl died in Royal Via ria lloaatai Sunday am of injuries suffered when she was struck by car early Saturday evening The accident occurred lust north of the intersection of Ra millos lined and Canbria the girl was watklng with her mother Mrs George ivey They were returning from an Ice show Petit oi Boating Block Base Borden was charged followin an investigation by Guest Car Benton of the provincial pot ice detachment at Barrie and Base Borden Military Police The girl was struck at 730 pm Saturday and died army at pm in Royal Victoria Hospital Petit is In custody but the date oi his court appearance has not been set TV NEWS Till2 llAlutlE EXMUNER MONDAY ltthle ll m1 GBRDC Reports Increase OI 300 Per Cent In Muskolra Membership in the Georgian Day it Development Council continues to climb with 300 per cent increase In Mus kcloa District municipalities and 100 per cent increase in Duiicrin County bringing total member ship to lit out oi possible 152 cities towns villages and town ships in the tour counties and two districts encompassed by the association City council to Barrie has not yet decided whether to rejoin the GDRDC Finance Chairman Roberts seidelodny it may be some time belorc decision rs made in 1965 membership looped from 61 to 11 communities The counties of Bruce amt Simcoe are 100 per cent represented again in 1967 with Grey County yet to be heard from in April Grey was 100 per cent mom bershlp in 1960 Duiierin County which was so per cent represent ed last year has assumed 100 per cent membership this year The District of hiuslroka had only eight per cent of their municipntltles represented in 1966 but to date this year It per cent have taken out mem bcrshtp Besides Braeehridge and Gravenhurst the sole Mus koka representatives last year Bola Draper Township Muako kn Township and Ridoul Town shlp have cast their lots with the Regional Council so far this year Assuming the ll per cent of the municipalities In the District of Parry Sound and the County of Grey will retain membership again the total so far in 1861 would be 120 or 75 per cent of the municipalities and 92 per cent of the population within the rcgr Two Injured In 2Ccrr Collision Theresa Mcltenna 17 of Col lingltpod and Wayne Michael Fry 19 of Nottawa seriously iniured in car accident Sat urday were in satisfactory condition at Coilingwood Gen oral and Marine Hospital this morning Oars driven by Fry and Blair Kenneth Eagles 20 of 111112 Ravine collided traction on Highway 24 west cf Devils Glen at pm Saturday The MoKenna girl was pmenger in the Fry oar Eagles has been charged with careless driving failing to yield half the road and cone stoning liquor while minor third victim Judy Kelly 16 of Dunedin was less seri ously injured She was pass enger in the Eagles car Another weekend accident at Oriltia sent four to hospital loiured were David Hannah of Georgetown Alexander Kazan iclr and his wife Alvina of An sonville and Howard Jehb of 100 Orland St El Onillia The throwerpr near the Highway llWest Street in tersectioninvolved autos driven by Charles John Grigg of 265 Harvey St Grillia Hannah and Elsie debt of Oritlia Hannah suffered lacerations to the head Alexander Kazan irk mattered lacerations t0 the knee face and neck Alvina Kasanlck sutfered dislocated knee and bruises and Howard Jcbh suffered broken ribs The mishap occurred Sunday at 308 pm Police estimated damage at $2100 single car accident ncar Sunnidale Corners resulted in an estimated $1000 damage but the driver Robert Dean 0f 76 Parksida Drive Barrie es caped injury He was charged with careless driving FEEL THE HEAT The Aetas trihcsmen oi the Philippines smoke cigarettes with the burning end inside their months To RENT WAREHOUSE SPACE 6200 Sq Feet or Portion thereof Phone 7264813 tow tow Regular Dry Cleaning Prices rams snrnrs PLAIN onassss 135 MENS sujrrs iFree Picktip and Delivery FLASH SERVICE 135 7i85428 Honour CLEANERS DriveIn location roe sovs nnzano ron onivras ll potholes in the roads amt mount to cortend uith Barrio drivers are findin an additional hazard to playing roed hoo key in the five minutes the photographer took to talle Narrator on my more cars Althadtoatowdownanddu tour aroimd the dltldren Permit Values Rise Due To RVH Expansions building permit Issued for the expansion at Royal Victoria Hospital has resulted in per4 mils Issued to the end of Feb ruary this your being $1757 232 ahead 01 the some period last year Nentytuo permits were to sued during February with the RVH permit being the only major one Six permits were Lssucd In the residential category all for repairs and alterations total ling $0100 Eight commercial permits were issued also ior repairs and allaratlonsfor value of stucco $3000 permit was Issued for Insulating tempomry building at SacBoy Coolers Ltd at Patterson iload There were no other industrial per mits issued In the miscellaneous and nonassessable category seven permits were issued Including one to RVH tor total of $1301100 So far this year there have been no permits issued for new dwellings although other resl dential permits have been is sued for an increase of $5362 over last years $13450 Commercial permits Issued have Increased five to 16 but the cash value hasrdeereasod $23130 over the same period in 1566 Three industrial permits have been issued In the past two months increasing permit FASHION SHOW The Royal Victoria Hospital Amotlaries will sponsor Por traits oi the Past centennial fashion show at Central Colleg tata Auditorium Maren so at value 500 over January and February test year The same number of permits were Issued for January and Febrqu 1967 In the miscell tanoous and nonassessabie cate gory but the value has increas ed $1789000 over he years hotel at 314005 breakdown of the percent are values oi pennitl leased for January and February this year shone that miscellaneous and nonassessable permits ao munted for 095 per cent those issued Residential permits thtl year nukaonspercentototretotei commercial permits account for 21 per cent and txrdristrtat per cent Lost your the breolldown for the same period war as foli owr residential 299 per cent commercial BM per cent In dultlal 10 per cent and mto cellorreous and nutarming 126 per cent 530 11111 THE BARRIE CONFEDERATION CARAVAN COMMITTEE REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TALENT to entertain visitors waiting to pan through the exhibits when the Confederation Car avan visits Barrie on May 7th 9th torh and ink between ll mm and 11 pm interested groups and Individuals ereuked to contact Mrs Wendy Hicks 94 Johnson 5t Paynow flylater Money Send us French postcard The Bankof NOVa Scotia Scotlabank Savlnga Europe for $10 week Thr trmauroua European holiday aaem remote lust new Bring it Into team with Scotlahank Savings Plan There are nurnharle choose tramand you can pick your own farmr and the length at time you want to ravr Example It you put aweyJual month starting now you could be tailing that iotlaunt to Paris and The fllvlara summer after next Its that easy 50 put data on your dream And run your trip wlth stopover at any branch otTha Bank at Nova Scotia Watl beolaassdtotsltyau aboutthoapoolal alylngs plans weve worked out Just tor travelling lolte like you Ban voyrpel Sootlabank Savings Ona or Scotlabanke seventy Services