the Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newepapaia Limited 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher 24 William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor uoaoar FEBRUARY 1m PAGE g4iahlLJLuklgJiLhA LLd he Undecided Voters Are Largest Political Party According to the Gallup Poll of Carla da the Progressive Conservative party Is moving thward convention to decide its future leadership at time when the partys popular support is at tlte lowest ebb since the election of 1065 However the most significant item In the latest poll Is the fact that there seem to be more voters in Canada who are undecided as to political preference than the number who adhere to any one part tcttlar party The Liberals can claim 25 per cent of the voters cording to the poll the Na tional De tic Party 10 or coat the Progressit inscrvalives per cent the Social Credit and other parties per cent The undecided are who ping 32 per cent of the eiectoratc ere ore ac cording to the poll the undecided Is Canadas largest political party Compared with the poll taken in No vember of 1066 the Liberals have re mained constant the NDP Itas gained two percentage points the Progressive Conservatives have dropped one per cenlage point the splinter parties have remained constant and the undecided were reduced by one percentage point Apparently the poll did not attempt to gauge what even those slight ehaitges Signin by asking why those who had changed loyalties would rather switch than light comparison of the latest survey was made to the 1065 election with the undo cided the largest grou removed It showed that the Lt erals had drop ed three percentage points from 40 to per cent the Progressive Conserva tives from 33 to 25 per cent whlle the NDP had risen from 18 to 28 per cent and the splinter parties from to 10 per cent However this presents picture that Is for from cotnplete For instance what was the percentage of undecided in the November election of 1065 We cant tell from comparison which eliminates that factor To illustrate our point the NDP com mands according to the poll 20 per cent of the decided but only 10 per cent when the undecided are added to the mix It would seem that as the Progressive Conservatives near their convention in September they land all parties for that matter should be concerned to know why onethird of the Canadian voters say they cant make it their minds as to which arty tvoul best represent them and tteir nation Whatever the reason the undecided should be very great concern to all of those who wish to govern the Caned inn people DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 25 1032 Sim coe County Council appointed ecIaI committee to deal with teachers sa aries In secondary schools Knight Alliston elected convener Opinions differed among municipal trustees as to minimum Girdwood principal Barrie Collegiate reelected chairman Library Board Librarian Lila McPhee reported record issue 54001 books in 1931 4900 higher titan previous ycar Scott Bros James and Cumming expect to start icecutting on hay next week when depth reaches 12 inches They will cut from Little Lake to reserve Lay retired manager Bank of Com merce addressed Kiwanis Club on Yukon gold rush days He was manager in Whitehorse 190006 and recalled big bank holdup at Skagtvay Elmvale United Church celebrated 50th annivers ary Participating were Mr attd Mrs Bishop only original members left of St Johns Methodist congregation Rev Rintoul is presont pastor All piano pupils of Miss Muriel Bryson suc cessful in recent exams Toronto Conserv atory Big cut in personnel of RCAF by government for economy reasons af fected many pilots and mechanics at Camp Borden Story is that some of those released plan to form two squad rons to serve in China for Nationalists Al Edwin Sugg appointed conductor Bar rie Citizens Band following rctirement Andrew Wiggins Henry Lennox elected gresident w1tll Allan Percy secretary arrie Choral Union presented Unem ployment Relief Concert at BCI aud ltorium assisted by Beatrice OLeary col oratura soprano Wishart CampbellI bar itone radio artist of CFRB Hildreth Len noxJIforren elocutionist Audrey Clifton and Edmund Hardy accompanists In line with most townships and municipal ities Essa reduced all salaries and wages 10 per cent Horatio Nelson Lay was commander Royal Canadian Navy ships that rescued five people from re cent Communist uprising in San Salva dorl Methven Adamson superin tendent Midhurst Forestry Station ad dressed Collier St United Young Peo le on Itural Beautification Churc ill curlers continue in limelight At Toron tos big bonspiel rink of Reive RA IT HAPPENED IN cannon Reive Relve and Jack ltere sidplt ping won Seagram Tre hy Walter Al ans rink reached thi round of Royal York event Jose Lang of Grove Street furnished ths newspaper with complete list of officers and personnel of Slmcoe Foresters four companies of 85th Regiment who served in NorthWest Re bellion Sgt Lang was orderly room clerk Detachment left Barrie March 30 1885 commanded by LtCol Brien of Shanty Bay George Powell former Barrie hockey star playing for CNR in Montreal Industrial League and Verdun of Quebec senior loop received favorable mention to Daily Standard Feature article on sports pageby Oliver Cameron who was club secretary re called great Barrie Colts junior hockey team of 1010 Johnny Dyment was man ager They lost to Ontario finals only due to mild weather in Torontos Mutual SI Arena which had no artificial ice then The speedier Colts lost to heavier team from Preston Players were Orv Brown goal Russ Horsffeld point Sib Rowe cover potrtt Stan Horsfield rover Gor don Meelang centre Ab Leroux right wtng Frank Foyston left wing Bruce Thompson was trainer Old time fans claim this to be finest hockey team ever assembled in Barrie Poyston was from Mtnesing Brown from Toronto Leroux from Midland Others were natiyes of town Other Editors Views CANADAS MUTED SONG BIRD Calgary Herald What other country but Canada would go to the trouble of developing special horn for its Confederation train and then invent rule to mute its happy sound The horn was devised to play the first four notes of Canada The train with its realistic exhibits is one of the main features of the centennial Everyone is waiting to enJoy its displays And everyone is waiting to hear the song it smgs But the board of transport commis sioners has decreed that the horn can be sounded only at pm each day the train is open for public viewing or on special occasions our VTHE CANADIAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY WAS BORN OF NECESSITY IN 1705 WHEN WAR IN EURODE GUT OEF SUPPLY SHIPS TO THE 114041145 PEREE DEIEPEAfWIFMDWWAAL RAN 0M 9qu Laws GAPTIVE NEW ENGLANDEREuWND HAD KNOWLEUGE OF siPINEJeNEnzmi CLDIII FAEYORY LACKING WOOL TREE BARK AND METRE iy75 715 ZIflf £4ka WAS IRON6W6 Mmï¬l MY EEP WWI FLAX DR KEMP 5H5 SUBSTIWIED NAIR BlIï¬ï¬‚m headcount $0AMPEDEK Warmest nooeo QUEENS PARK Stay In Rural Areas Veterinarians Asked IIy DON OIIEARN TORONTO The department of agriculture is starting pro gram to encourage veterinar lens to get out In the rural arena where they are needed sum of $1000 year wlll be awarded to vets In their four yanr professional course For each year they spend to big nnimui practice following lzraduatlon mm of thelr toInl award will be forgiven But If they take on city practice treating hudgie bIrds for laryngltls as Liberal Elmer Sopho cynically expressed Itl they will have to pay back the $4000 Many graduate vets prob ably themajority now are In the smallanimal field in the cities And you cant blame them The work Is easier and the pay much better it Is so lucrative in fact there has to he doubt as to how successful the program wlll be natural development was that opposition members asked why the same program could not be extended to doctors and dentists who are needed out in the country even more than vets OMA RESPONSIBLE No reply was given to this by the government but the main reason why there Itns not been an aggressive campaign to In duce doctors to practise In less settlcd areas lies with the On tario Medical Association The 0th resists any inter vcntlon by government at all In the medical field and prefers to try and meet this problem on its own Municipal Affairs ernls ter Wilfred Spooner has been going through rough time In the private bllls commmlttee this year This committee gets local leg Ialetlon that comes before the mom new Ellie Bertie Examiner to Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second clasa mall Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and StetuioryHoIIdaye excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $1340 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrio motto yearly Ontario $1200 your motor titrewolf $15 year Mail out aide Ontario 514 year Out side Canada British passes sions $15 year USA and foreign $26 yearl National Advertising of flees 415 UniversityAvenue Toronto 040 Catheart St Montreal 507 1700 West Pen der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press andAudit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press to ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches In this paper cred Ited to it or The Associated Presserlteutera arid elsolho local news published therein house and Mr Spoocner attends to give the position of his de partmcnt and Indirectly the government on the various matters before It as guidance to the committee The committee this your has shown an extraordinary reluc tnnce to take guidance how ever It has over ridden the nnrtstrrs ad Ice several times RELUCTANCE EVIDENT Tut was particularly evident tvlth number of bills before the house to give property tax rebates to older houseowners Ifomllton pioneered with this legislation last year and vari nus other municipalities are try CANADAS STORY BNII lict Approved if By Queen Victoria By I101 BOWMAN When John ltIacdonald George Etienne Cartier Gait Tilley and Charles Topper went to London In tees to have the British North Amer Ica Act passed by Parllemcnt one of the highlights of their visit was an audience with Queen Victoria It took place at Buckingham Palace on Feb 27 1857 and the occasion Is com memorated in colorful paint ing it shows the tiny Queen seated in an ornate room of Nd and gold with glittering chen dellera hanging from the ceiling The Queen was dressed In block In mourning for her husband Prince Albert who lied died five years previously Princess Louise who later went to Canada as wife of Gov ernorGeneral the Morqula of Lorne stand beside the Queen although half step back while the live delegates stood facing them They woreblue court unl forma and no doubt It was an exciting experience for them No of them were colonial law yers two were businessmen and the other was countr doctor Although the painting ahows them standing together writ ten account of the occasion anya mnemonic tag to follow Ita load during the current scsston Mr Spooncr hna atrong feel lnna ebnut oneaspect of these bills llo doesnt oppose the principle of giving rebates to older property ownerswho of course dont Incur education costs Ilte biggest burden on municipalities But he feels definitely the re bales should not be an out right gift He would have them made or an advance which the muni clpnllty would collect from the cstatra of their property owners on their death But the committee hasnt agreed It has put the bills through as presented they were taken Into the recep tion room one at time by lord Carnarvon the colonial secretory and they each had brief cltnt with the Queen Then she sold few dignified words approving the BNA Act and John Mncdonald replied We hava desired In this meas ure to declare In the most eol emn and emphatic manner our resolve to be under the rover eignty of Your Mulesty end your family forever Then Macdonnld bowed and backed out of the room with Lord Cernorvon backing beside him across the polished parqhet floor and through the double doors Although Queen Victoria ag proved the BNA Act on Fe 27 It did not pass through Parliament until March OTHER FEB 21 EVENTS IntoLouis Hebert flrat doc tor In Canada was made seigneur IotaAbbe Qucylus head of tho Sulplclena In Montreal was refused pcrmlsslon to return to Canada after visit to France trioFrench government Ia aued or additional 11000011vres In playing card money 11139 Upper Canada parlia ment began session that advo cated union with Low Canada OTTAWA REPORT Old Folk Baffled By Pension Form By PATRICK NICHOHON OIIAWA Parliament has Iron approval to Health Mini tar Allan MacEachcaa proposal that our old Ill pensioner ahauld be assured minimum Income of $1160 each year lhtu any old person who has on lemma eIhar than the old age pension of month may qualify for the full upplemcn tary payment of no month whlla any penon whole other Income In ten than me year may qualify for partial aupplo ment of aomethlng tau than month Ihrle paymenla are to be mada retroactively from Jon 1961 Application form haw Jlildli beenxaentmogl to all knutï¬n peep an iv it reached Iha III 60 before Jan this yearand who thus Ia entitled to the old are pen alonbut who has not yet re solved an application formmay obtain it by writinl In the de partment of national health and welfare Ottawa 1t waa Itcer predicted by many MP that the launching of this discretionary welfare pay ment would cause the greatest tangle of confuslon ever created by our welfare IaIe machinery Thialr already proving to be the case Many old follr era completer baffled by the apï¬llg cntton form And lhl baf ment LI not relieved the on lanatlan In the In ermottnn ooIIIet vided by the govern ment guide for use In IIIIlnI out the application for thla new benefit Conalder for example lhil typical ampla of bureaucratic Jargon III come of Income old folk are asked to report nat renta from property They are told report only the net amount of root received In me whether from room dwell lnna buildings land or any other property owned or oper ated mm the full amount of annual rent recalved deduct lp plleahle expense on theprop erty for example property tax Insurance ca Ital coat allow Inca and ma maintenance re aIrI rrlve at tha net rental ncoma BADIE CONFUSED Aunt Sadie at Gopher Prairie who for small charge accom modeled aome atraoded touriata on her living room uIup dur Iog the rodeo In can used about capital cost allowtnca on that old piece of furniture which her husband Inherited from his aunt Bess And as for the cigarette burn on her coffee table which young Gert made by cutting down butth gateleg eho cannot quite apperi on affltlflii maintenance rcpa ra to In thII wildly confusing altus allon one white knight he rid den on his charge to the old of old ladies This All Halos Conservative MP for Wellington tutso John Meedonald was member of British dale gallon that ucnt to Waahlngton to settle differences use MenItoba legislature protested federal Interference In aeperate echoela question ImSomlln government of British Columbia wu dlamlrred by Lieutenant Governor Mc lnnea deaplla atronl protests When you save the CEOAhead woy YOU QGI Liie insurance tool not your way neither my South ha ha at an example other MP could well follow gut an advertllamcat In uelph Mercury announctnl that he had borrowed the empty tore when Tourta uaed to mana near and would recei Ihcre any worrlee MJNIIIJ on Monday Feb between am and and Iry Io mist them to his advice In their most optimistic mo menta Iorella probably never ex clad auch crowd oven at ea All ullmatrx that he pro toned over 150 people So many baffled old tot were el bowing each other ankle to get ht help that he forewent his dinner hour and tuned num bend tlckala Io enlure first cemoflratnrvcd falrneu le Ontario Govemnant men annuatton an Income II Utah lift Income What the pub lion of person who worked In use but receive no Income to toe Does person who has his bIthday during I061 qualr Iny The tenrera were Innumcr eble but All brouth all the tough onca back to Ottawa hoping that the bureaucrats can unravel the tangle they have created BIBLE THOUGHT Teach Ina to do no will Paalml Milli The will of God will almost Invariany be contrary to the way of man My way are thounhIa our thought ralth the lord COWNIEB COST MUCII Portugal ha 100000 troop In lta African colonies and spends nearly $30000000 year fight Ing nationalist rebcla it woman STOIIK SPOTTEIIS Sunnnelatalyt AllotltJhat Ir When lha terk depth In tlrnatorthaWaieomeWa on Italian to arrive with It for baby and helpful Infor mation tor the new mother But Inoa the torka numbartha HoaleaaWaI coma Wagon need apottan to help out Ba atcrk pottar In your hhnrhood our Hon wIII appreciate youf and It will Ina motherl To rarwt atorlt IIhllnpl call maï¬aor yuan Choose live yenrsovlngs goal Itcould be or little as $600 oros much as $5000 Your convenient monith deposit can range from $I0 to $5333 Whatever savings gool you sat 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