lhilc otiiunls across Can ada eulogin Conicdcraiion architect Johil Atacdonald Wednesday John IiIcRac takes rm Wuvmw anti ANOTHER ASPECT 0F SIR TOTINS BIRTHDAY French stand hatoro Queens Park in Tomato Ic Rae who said he was tired ni cupituinling to the French also said he planned to picket every centennial celebration he could get to this year CP iirephotoi WORLD BRIEFS ANTIQUES PRESERVED TORONTO ICPi Antique vehicles will be preserved as rcsull oi Ilaltun Countys ecu tcnnlul project announced Ved ncsday Stage coaches buggies slclglis and horsedrawn agri cultural Impltmenis will be housed in an addition to the Tilli ton areas ilailon County Alu scum The 531057 enterprise will be shared equally by the municipal provincial and led erai governments PRIAIIIIE TD TOUR U3 LONDON thplDr Michael Ramsey Archbishop of Canter bury will tour the United States at the end Oi September and early October spokesman Ior the Cllurch and England inter matinn olticc snid Thursda Last yearI the archbishop ma Canadian tom RODDED TWICE SAME DAY LOS ANGELES AMWed nesday was bad day or the US National Bank in the Dunno district of Les Angelcs Police said gunman made oil with $1795 during holdup shortly before noon Three hours later another gunman made oIt with $2030 GERMANS GET FALLOUI MUNICH APTlfhe Bavar ian interior ministry reported Wednesday radioactivity from the latest Chinese atomic bomb test now has drittcd as far as West Germany URGES MORE ATHEISM MOSCOW iAPiPravda calls tor an increased struggle against religious survival in this 50th year at Communist power The Communist party newspaper urges an increase in atheistic education for all age groups The tact that part ot the Soviet people still to one ex tent or another pay mbute to religious superstitions causes damage to our society Pnavnda says Parliament At Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEDNESDAY Jon IT Finance Minister Sharp an nounced that the government is getting maximum otszo 000 an account on proposed deposit insurance tor banks trusts and loan companies Unemployment iigures or December showed an increase to 266000 from 2380th in No vember less than the usual seasonal increase The premiers at all it pro vinces were appointed to the Queens Privy Council for Canada inva centennial year mallet Supporteis of Opposition Leader Blelenbaker indicated they willvtight move by party president Dalton Camp to get control of party lunds Spokesmen or all parties in the Commons paid tribute to Sir John Macde ht ob servance 01 his birth date 152 years ago Immigration Minister Man chuod announced plans to ex erupt French immigrants as well those from Britain and lreland from RCMP in vestigotion THURSDAY Inn 12 The Commons meets at 230 pin to resume debate on the transport bill The Senate stands adjourned until Jan at FILLING ALL EARS Sales of electric guitars in he United States were esti naled to exceed 1750000 last year Orange Iemon Limo Pineapple Raspbcny Champagne gt5AVE T4 JAN Ill4 HOLD DTJlIIT SIIODT ITONDEAU PARK Olil CPI lhc door population or lion dcau Provincial Park was re duccd by 13 Wednesday in the bcry The impacte park is tirsi Iccr shoot by conservation otilccrs in two years The oI Chntham Choose from these delicious flavours while they last gt Stock up on Royal old fashioned Ice Creama big value now when you buy in fours Royal SHERBEI PIIITS Available at the following Dealers L6Eï¬Â®Vt 6W Restaurant IRS Dunlap St ticers who estimated the dcer pnptilfltinn hclorc the shoot at l00 said overpopulation ol dccr lCiltlS to disease among the nnl mats and stripping of shrub nhoutzo miles southeast of om FASHIONED ICE CREAM Iialf Gallons This annual sale is your chance to buy Royal iamous top quality old fashioned ice cream at 20 saving Shop early lor the best flavour selection Vanilla Butterscotch Ripple Black Cherry Crisp Chocolate Ripple Strawberry Pineapple Neapolitan otfec OLD FASHIONED FREEZER PAKl ICE CREAM HALF GALLONS Coronet Ice Cream PINTS Those who lov luxe qiuaiit 21 Reg 35 Coronet Pints illWinter Thrift Banana Split Cherry Vanilla Reg Cream can save on FOREIGN AFFAIRS LBJ Approves Policy In His Union Speech PHILIP DEAN Foreign Nan Analyst The United States has changed signiï¬cantly In Its lit tudcs lrom the Innnon and Bsmimw years containing conumnlsm The US has ro lnxed in its so years or world leader it the slrnlns at war in Vietnam cause impulsive acts that appear immature this may be only becpuss wars bring to the trout the military and their civilian roolen men seldom characterized by subtlety Otherwise President Johnson in his State oi the Union gave his otliclal sanction to the new liclcs toiling communism uck In Europe has been deti niiciy abandoned to be replaced by committal with Eruvpoon Communists cooperation both commercial and political Com mon interest between the US and llussla notsto mutually on nihilatc one another has been conceded tor soma years Mr Johnson now concedes they also have common Interest not to unbclonco one unoihcrr budget in on arms race Competition in economic aid in the purchasing of allies that is is also beog buried and underdeveloped oountsia will not be able to count my more on playing one superpower against the other India and Pakistan must be helped to iced themselves Mr Johnson said but he also said that thcy should not be helped to mcnuce one another In other words they have been put on notice that soon they may have to seek improvements in their living standards by eliminating arma mcnls rather than asking the rich tor old There is confidence in America that Russia shares this view thot the poor must JAN III4 95° Rog $Il5 Maple Walnut Chocolate Orange ICE CREAM $460 5379 de ice 39 SAVE 16 Reg 55 JAN 14 728515T Witsousnru WHITE Alcona Beach MIKES MILK 135 Dunlap St 400 GRILL Cor Anna Bunion St choose between guns or butter No longer will America pitty the global shcrtll arming any deputch prepared to take an IotiCommunlst oath Even to Communis Gilna hlr Johnson conceded the eventual right not to have such American deputies as neighbors And the ports at Mr John sons speech that sounded most hkamolmionmanitcsto promising exlcnslon social slicurity medicare help with GUARANTEED VIISEII TIRES Ride FREE until May tiny Guaranteed Used The now and instant writ refund your full purchase price if you trade it ill bcioro Mny lot Youll nova urchnso prism of now Firestone Suddt Champion Nylon Dcluxn on old In cit Mul ot condition liniy14 Sin 1wa Imlm Iinholil mm roblcms at low and order tor ocal communities ncra clues to the reasons lor the slgnlllcaot change in Americas posture us motor lottor in world oltnlrs Feeling more re cure in the nuclear stalemate the American people are not pro and to give priority over the own condort to things such as the IndiaPakistan dispute Amino want random lrorn having to support their elders They want condort and alllu Sleicilwroivxed ï¬lminn or can ï¬mï¬yflm our the nch Erma Clintin proporlloulolyl mum WW CAIIVNOMIHEK Mglpffllmnflidan Start up now and int tipping cram mu Cushion lurquolu or um no you once guaranteed and secured against the exhaustion at re sources such or water or Imme diatc and tangible threats such as crime The thrth of surprise world war lounchul by Russia no longer secnu tnngible to the American who now sccs thanks to better communicauvns that he shares with the Russian common concerns that have little to do with vmrlzl dom lnoncc and most to do with better Iiie FIREAIEN 100 DITUNII WARSAW AP Provincial authorities on iovcstlgoting why the poticc instead or lire mcn had to light truck ï¬re at Cheim southeast Poland Ap potently the entire tlro bri gade was too drturk oven to hear irlcnhoncs or slrcns the newspaper Kurlcr Polslrl re 1111 BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY ll Pope Deiends As Churches Meet Up Unity VATICAN CITY Reuters Pope Paul delended VMnesduy the concept or or intallibiluy as Ramon Csth and Church 0t England thcooglans held the lirst lormal talks on unity in 400 years The ioiotlihiiily ot the Pope is one at the main Catholic teach ing rejected by the Anglicans Speaking to pilgrims at his weekly general audience the Pope said he had the duty to tcoch the word at Codin an inlalliblc way it necessary tiers is the voice 01 the Lord he said licro is the mogislcrium oi the church which sits in most authoritative chair and which exercises on of its supreme iiincllons that at teaching not on ordinary science but The word of God and ot touching It In the name at Christ ol intcr prollng and guarding It in its genuine meaning and it neces sary to an tntoilible way in ccr rycclalcascs andtncer loin solemn terms ported Siuii on tho Champion or rcrni it wliru noplml lo Firestone Safety Lilnmpiol ion or lnmium your turn ludmnicn nll owl tire It nu used the or who lute prllwriiulmic tum nrly new Firmione tuho by seller DELtilt Retread trrcsl nuwu WEEK uk nand loom bvtbl soar too van 69 non See our complete selection of Used Tire bargains any mnk 2WAY GUARANTEE Wcrrjuoruntn to rchiltn ihn toll st paid or uch oils or ANY rcurcn within 12 month at mrchnse $4 prim ut liro will In ntqu towner pinchub oI cly CilnlnpiuliNylollDtluxnChlmrr ion or Premium soo rim and cnlirn amount or on 7ch nttubn will bo Allowed toward pmhm otany new Pimton WESTINGHOUSE lIGIIIRIIIBS lJieven Anglicons and to no um 500 any typo any size the nomlm olln mw Nylon Dlltlxu mp to May lot ughth lload liaznrdn under this Kunmrllca tics per month used on firesto Safety Champion Nylon Conldul No1 placement lire EU mix nowI Gltylceond ttro no 5m VII OPEN DAYS WEEK and Friday Night until pp WIIIIISIIIEID WASIIEII hunt for mt um Inn vioc Iniaiiibiliiy man Catholics are meeting in closed session They include two Canadians ltcv John Renting member ol the Paullist lolhcrs at New York and Rev Eugcno ll Foirwcather is at Ottawa protcssor cl dogmatic theology iat the University of Tomotol Trinity College REACII OVERSEAS The USSR does $1600 oooooo north or Iaretgn trade WORLDS FINESY GLASSES OUR EXFERT FITTERS WILL ADVISE YOU ON THE COLOUR STVLE MOST SUITED TO VDU FAST ACCURATE SERVICE mum ms OPTICIANS IARIIE ID Dunlap We PIEMIXED ANTIFREEZE may to Install mun