Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1967, p. 4

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Mr and hire Robert Steph an Armumng are shown ids lowing their marriage at St Pauls Anglican Church Cool sons Ililt The evening rites were conducted by Rev WI liom Warnlca The bride Is the former aetty Ann Dalesdaum asnnr nrvans ran Some children even alter year or more in school are tied too close emotionally to their mother For example mother writes at her children 7s and They are normal healthy and happy children as rule and get along line with the chil drcn they come in contact with rat school or in the neighbor hood In nice weather they are constantly out oi doors with playmates and return home only for reireshments At school their marks are above average in all written work they are good readers and good at creative work Whats the problem They are terribly anxious at the least change in their lives It started apparently to their first or sec ond years My son ms wns outgoing as baby and lot but he didnt like me to be out oi sight My daughter now was very nonsocial baby and cried at any place we visited even grandmas and insisted on sit ting on no lap As they grow The year of the Centennial and also the 15d cornmealy at Trinity Guild should prove to be an exciting and busy one for the new president and executive in stalled at the January meeting Monday night in Trinity Parish Hall installations were conduct ed by Archdeacon Read SLATE 0F OFFICERS President of the 1967 executive ls Mrs Fred Long others as elniing her will be Mrs Harry Young tlrst vioepresldent Mrs Harold Trepnell second vice president Mrs Wilson Iebb sec reiary Mrs John Seal treasur er Mrs John Stevenson morn bershlp secretary Archdeacon Read reminded all present oi the Christian Forum all Jan 20 at Barrie Central Col legiae beginning at it pm The meeting prior to the in stallation ceremony was chair by outgoing president Mrs lVolienden Mrs West read the dev at Miss Hazel William outgoing secretary gave lull repbrt oi the prevrous meeting and clos ing dinner in Dene ber Conveners re artrng included Mrs John Sieyddsop no member COUPLE EXCHANGE VOWS tor at Mr and Mrs Earl Dales oi RR Gilterd The bridegroom is the son at Mr and Mrs George Armstrong Kit Cookstaiitl The newly uetts will make their home at Giltnrd iPhoto by Les Cow per Sludlot older they both seemed to en joy visitingas long as mama was dose by QUICK 10 TEARS We introduced them to baby sitters though we go out very seldom and they still are upset even at the prospect They car ried no the first low times and still cant relax whenever they have sitter Both oi their teachers last term were concerned over their quick teors Tire girl In kinder garlen was upset it the teacher left the room or was absent or it they had to go to another room different irom the usual routine am not mother who Is away irom home when thechil dren come irom school or who sneaks out at night They al ways know It plan to go out and rt is seldom even once month 0i course go to the store or visit during the day but am always beck bciore them We have no relatives In this state and lew close iriends so there Isnt much social tile at home and think this might alumina Staff Photo MRS FRED LONG PRESIDENT Install Officers At Trinity Guild strip and Mrs Borneiuk sick and shutin The treasurere report was read by lilrs John Seal re port of Christmas hampers pack ed and delivered was given by Mrs West Mrs Lloyd gave the li nanciai report on recent pur chases tor the church which were dedicated by Archdeacon Read at an impressive service with large cohgregatlon in attend BIICE LETTERS 05 THANKR An intormaiive and interest lng letter at thanks from the former adopted child in Germany was read Also letter irom the newly adopted girl in Swaziland Airiee Various groups and mem bers oi the congregation sent letters oithanks ior eash do nations flowers and cards re celved Mrs West past press ldent presented the outgoing president with gift on behalt oi Guild members Mrs Volterr den expressed thanks to her ex ecutive and all members for the help and etaoperation lnthe past yeat lTho meeting oonoluded wlth muchserved by the I966 exeo utivar Install Officers At St Giles The llrst meeting in the New Year oi St Giles WA was held on Monday evening Rev honey conducted Service at Dedication and In stallation at Ottlcers and Merry bcn in the Inuit Ile wee also the speaker oi the evening and gave very lalormatlve talk on zlsl weekly visits to Camp Ilen The President Mrs Room presided over the busi ness at hand and plans were made tor the Spring Rummage sale and also the Spring Colic Party Funds were voted for the adopted childs Easter parcel and tor the Dorcas Group to be gin their worthwhile work lor this year The meeting was closed with prayer and refreshments were served SCIENCE EXHIBITS CUT TORONN CPI display sinnan for the Canadian Na tional Exhibition next summer by Ontarios Cartoonist Cause oi Science and Technology is to be cut back quite consider ably centre Chairman John Green said Wednesday ltlr Green said in an interview It would take great deal oi work and expense to set up displays in the 40000 square loot Ontario building at the ONE dismantle the displays and set them up llter at the centre Teach Child SelfReliance To Stem Emotional Complex helpor hurtas they are used to lost meme being with them almost constantly uhaa they are home liIIItItOIi PARENTS Above all want them to onon their childhood without dread of each school day My husband and both were re luctant in our early school lilo and am even now little nenwa in new situations fly not to show this and want desperately to spare my chil dren this ordea My reply In part gather irom your letter that your main problem Is that you have tied yourseli too closely to those little children To make them more sellreliant physi cally and emotionally may take you some while and lot of patience but your direction oi attack should be to leave them more often with babysitter and to help them to have more experience in normal play with other children their age In your experience at home with them so long as each one is safe do not howtow to their wishes to be in your sight or to do things tor them Try to help each child develop one or more playmates near his own age and to attract some of them to your homeone at first and more later In helping them llnd amuse meat at home aim to guide them In developing skills by which they can amuse thm selves and have amusement with nthtt children making yourseil less and less needed Each child enjoys your loving kindness so much that he rarely feels comfortable at home out of your sight Its wonderful tiroy get along ANN LANDERS ADVISES Gentility Is Missing In This Marriage Deu Ann hasten My huslt band and have been married or to long boring miserable rotten years dont know how woman at my Intelligence and reiloemeat could halve chosen such tonne vulgar man All these years we have ex lstod under the some moi li though we have nothing in com CNE Producer Jack Arthur producer at the Canadian National Exhibitions grandstand show will be watch ing Barries lilockilte Dancers as they preterit melhing new on litterent to square dance retain at the lbmnto and Dist trict Square Dance Association Workshop on Saturday The group directed by tome and new Hay are all mem bers oi Borries original square dance oiub the Besux Belles They have been Invited to periorm at the workshop and later at the evening dance party in Downstlew Collegiate Ib mnto whore Dan Dodo oi Bul lalo NY will be the caller SPECIAL LIGHTING The dance minim performed by the Illuckllto Dancers are armorial In setting new to nouero dancing Bloch iluores cent tubes are used to light the stage Thoidawa wear east tumcs oi special material which gives under the block lighting Hands and uses oi the dancers are bladed out giving the elth of dancing mm The Firms oi the iemlnlne triornbers of the group are pink it with spec rig appear much like the calm oi the new oen iennlai rose omnge with pink undertones White shirts which glow block trousers with side stripe and eummorbund of ituomcent ma terial with nocktlcs oi simillar material are worn by the gentlc men dancers Members oi the Blackllla Dancers include Mr and Mrs Albert Gmse Itlr and Mrs Al Evans Mr and Mrs Bari Dor roll Mr and Mrs Harv Weber and Mr and hits Innno Hey The group has been invited to perform at centennial square dance in Collingwood on Jan 2i sponsored by Blue Mountain Pmmenaders INUVIK WANTS WIIIIION INUVIK NWT CPIChar lotte Whittan 71 an Ottawa al dermnn and torrner mayor will be invited to become secretary treasurer oi Inuka northwest oi Edmonton which becomes village rpl Russel Cournoyea or lnuvlk inl tinted the idea at enlisting the fiery Uttmvn rivir noittcinn alter the two met at party in so well at school ttawa Furniture Mart Shows Designs 0f Past Present And Future TORONTO The past pres ent and luture oi iumlture de sign ln Canada are on display at the Canadian Furiture ltiarl Jon to 14 at Tbrontos Ex hibition Park gt typical carpentry shop irom Canadas past gives Mort visi tors view of the iurnltura made in this country early in her his tory The shop su plied and anus thentleated by Beck creek Pl oneer Village is stalled by cabinet maker who actually makes pieces of furniture by hand during the week long show Before the advent of ma chinery each piece of iurnltura and every wooden item irom buckets tro nailing plan was made by band Even the tools used In their manufacture were hand made This art to all but gone irom the Canadian scene and the aldlashioned tools have become collectora items Some at them have been cher lshed and kept in good repair and such things as planes and wood lather will be used by cab lnet makers who have learned the old as well as the new arts The Cabinetry Shop includes pine chairs cabinets and other ex amples oi furrtlshings made by hand Contrasting with this display at the past is pictorial review at Habitat 37 the modern concept at Canadas iuture irom Ex 6711ere Mart visitors see if signs the experts predict will furnish Canadas homes In our alumni cmury Floor plans ren entngs pempeotrlvee chosen try Dbataietne through tllre ad visory committee of Habitat 61 are on display Design tor modern living can be seen in the bootlnotmoo than 360 ershlblbore in MIMI cum Industry Automotive and Queen Elizabeth Buildings at Ex hlbltloa Park New designs sty tee and colors for the coming years arepruviowed bymanu lecturers and designers at the annual Cnadlan Furniture lilart which also includes the Can adian Floorcoverlngs Market This Is chance to see how you will live this year and In the hrture and the Inspiration irom which these designs lor living have come KING OF THE TOYS Firms founded by one man Whiter lines at this Christmas dominate onethisd of the Mrole British toy market WERE FlAlTERED INDEED BUT Theres only one Welcome Wagon Imitation he said is the ilnast at compliments And as smuehimitnted organi zstion were certainly the toad But ll many have learned the reasonable iecslmlla too olten tells short at tho net thing do beware oi substitutes tor there lanomlsubatttute tor the services at and the henetlts provided through Welcome Wagon moo tie loves dirty oires hunt ing and lining plenty or sex am soilspoke cultured and genteel Next yea the slob retires and the thought at having him at home under my test all day gives me lick reeling at the pit at my stomach want to do some travelling WW bTIIE DAIIIIIE EXAMINER TIIURSDAY JANUARY 12 INT Is Interested In Barries Blacklite Dancers Protnm dizemn oi have expressed interest In the Blacklitera and tentatiile plans or their appearance at Expo nr underway Oi interest to round denotes Is the new dance routine Red Carnations developed by home and tietty Hay 1th dance will be demerst by the Hays at the and Workshop on Sat unity ydlhpeopieoimyowndethl an financially able to take some lovely trig in hed riher hurt and lilh with his Iowhrovr irleads am still attractive and could enjoy the companionship oi hightype man would divorce at age be such terrible lhlngiA Rest Lady Dear Luly Your letter shows no trace at gentiltty refinement or cultun And lottrpoken you arent kiddo It your hubad has been able to stand you or Itmost hall century think youd better not press yarn luett Stay where you are and travel when he goes hunting and tithing JUST LUCKY Dear Ann Lenders Youve done it againexaggerated tar elfcct and Im not going to let you get away wth It You told Mrs Shookup whose husband drove like mad man It Ill the wives who had this problem were lined up they would reach irom the emergency ward oi any toe Angelea hospital to any morgue in Manhattan Allowing six lect tor each wile and considering the short csl route between Los Angeles and lilenhattan is 1470 miles 1117120 wives would iii this space This meeru to per cent oi the husbands who drive are speed omniacs Why then does tho driving population kill only 025 per cent at the entire pop ulation yearly WeillI Dear Prote Einstein Some people are just lucky gees LETTERS Dur Ann Lsndem You were not very sympathetic to the Iyoung woman whose husband is Vietnam ll scents her nosey motherIntaw wanted phone call every time the young wile received letter You surprised me by taking the motherIn laws side Im very disap pointed In you Ann also have husband In Vietnam and too icel that letter irom husband is is very personal thing My motherin law calls me every time she gets letter irom my husband and she reads the letter on the phone Then she asks me to read mv latest letter couldnt care less about BB what my husband writes to his mother and think she has nerve asking me to share my letters with her So far have gone along ilcrrving out certain partst lost to Itezp peace in the ismlly but Im reaching Iho boiling point Any advteet Also Possessivr Dear Also Theres world ot diiiereace between letting your motherinlays know you have received letter irom her son and reading it to her From now on telephone your mothertnlaw when you receive letter Tell her that he reads his love and that the rut is man and wile talk boiling inside will only build an ulcer tootl 000506096 YOUR ALWAYS WE LCOM GlillllETS HOBBIES HOBBYCRAFT SUPPLIES gt CANADIAN GIFTS harrlcs Most Fascinating Shop 123 Dunlop monm Walkers Continues Its treat tinnqu COATSALE Our entire dress coal selection has been dras tically reduced We have large selection of these tremendous valuesln furdrimmed mod els plain fabric simottas and real leather strode GROUP REG TO 7990 GROUP REG TO 9950 $3800 $5800 YOUNG ADULT DRESS COATS These lovely coats come in tweeds plains and novelty weave allwool fabrics with Borg collars Sizes Values to 2490 $1500 Glrll Sizes 712 Valuer to 1999 513oo LADIES WINTER SPORTS JACKETS in fun fur pile and ailwool fabrics There is large selection of colors and sizes available Some of these gloves are slightly counter soiled They regularly sell for upto 293 to novs ltiilEit WElllt This includes snow suits snow pants and jackets Complete stock is reduced and more orrt pro Priced to clear 600 to 12st ManyOther Styles Also Priced To clear rnnrrs lilltlilt stoves 1111 W001 BLANKET These blankets by Plessio come in light green mari gold sandalwood and turquoise They measure 72 90 Reg rm 8088 urns scour cunts Both Cordouroy arid Tweed styles in sizes 3344 Reg to 3500 2498

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