vssaan COUNCILLons SiiillT TERM Vespras three new council lors have started what is ex pooled no he particularly ac line term with the third Bar rie annexation of part oi its territory slnca becoming city in 1059 looming as like ly prospect Shown are Harry Adams tleitl George Hole and Allen Johnson the latter the son oi the in George Johnson lormer MP lExam iner Photo Start Dismantling Mill At New Lowell NEW LOWELL SiamWith tho reconstmction ol the dam just about completed this Sun nidale Township community is undergoing change in its devel opment marking progress lrom past era The old mill by the dam is being dismantled the onetime railway station removed and Duils old garage building has been torn down There is quite history behind all these build ings said Ivan Dull well known local businessman whose modern garage known as Ivan Bull and Sons is loaded on Slmeoe County Road which terms part oi New Lowells main thoroughfare OLD LANDMARKS We just linishcd tearing down the old garage last No vember said Mr Dull Work is now proceeding on the other dismantling projects including the mill While these buildings were long considered landmarks the change is ior progress it was suggested Workmen also were lound at the New Lowell dam and It was learned development of adjacent lands tor multiple use conserva tion purposes will be the next phase oi this work which is expected to aid New Lowell de velopment We hope to be lna position to restore the water and till the pond next spring said Reeve Lloyd Pridham ot Sunnidale Township who is chairman oi Nottawasaga Conservation Auth ority which includes the City oi Harris the towns of Alliston Collingwood and stayner and also live villages and 18 icon ships The macro development here is one oi number at projects lor which improvements are WAVEIILEY By MRS REG Dille The United Unicoh Women held their January meeting at the home of Mrs Ken Trees with to members and one visitor President Mrs Royce French presided and Mrs Cal Ellery led the devotion Plans were made or dinners or the 4H leaders later in Jamary LAM was served by Mrs Herman Trew and Mrs Robert Shear down assisted by the hostess Mr and Mrs Clarence Forbes and family Franklord were re cent visitors with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Harry Enrich Miss Patsy ifsend returned to Toronto University after spending the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Elmer French Miss Marie Darby Lakeshore Teachers College is student teacher in Barrie this week planned this year Since this da velopmeot includes water sup ply reservoir it qualities tor 75 per cent provincial grant in stead oi the normal 50 per cent Sunnidale Township has agreed to pay hall the remainder as required by regulations and the rest is shared by the other man iclpalitles concerned CEMENT DAM The new cement dam replaced an old darn which was to exist ence tor years not far irom the old New Lowell mill now being dismantled While work on the dam proceeded the river was diverted to one side to malts way tor the construction Besides adding line new park ior New Lowell the pro tool was designed to Improve midwater supplies to note trol surlace moon and reduce downstream flooding the lSIauc project area 50 acres is to be used ior water area with an estimated storage capacity oi 00000000 gallons TONENILAM PROJECT Reeve Pridham also said tur ther development oi the we acre property adjacent to the There Tottenham pond is planned Reeve Prldham said camp site area will be develop ed roads constructed and more tacilitles added to those instal led last year The project re ceived considerable praise lrom Reeve Fred MacLean and Coun diim Ralph Hatwn Opal Mc Clain Leonard Abernathy and Alton Anderson ol Toitenham The water is supplied by springs which is pumped into the pond Tottenham Is one oi the live villages in the authority area Others include Beaten Shel borne Creemore and Wasaga Beach Townships within the area in clude Adtala Tecumseth Ves pra Medante Tossorontlo Sun nidale Osprey Orb Nottawaaa ga Muimur Mono Melancthon innlstil Flor Essa Collingwood Smaranth and West Gwilllm 11 AT EDENVALE Some park improvement also is planned shortly at Edenvale In illos Township near the Ves pra border New entrances ere ed last year are expected to encourage more visitors park which has new picnic equipment by the river Among other projects listed tor early attention include new dam at Utopia on Bear Creek in Essa Township devel opment of tzacre property at Avenlng and also lurther work on 300 acres submarginal landsAin Osprey Township which is being converted into fish and wildlife management area The authoritys tree planting program resulted in more than 135000 trees being planted throughout the watershed last year and more is to be done this year annnn rssn Town at the snanssv THIS WEEK Coming Fob l8 The Mod Bun Door Prizes Saturday Jan I4tI1 iIE PIIIIPliitS one of Torontos top grouplt Dress Casual in Medante Township interest has been shown in proposal to create an artiï¬cial lake which may be gone into at greater length shortly Tntstees At lro Elect Chaiman EDGAR 15mm Dr Paul Walsh ot shanty Bay has been elected chairman at the On Area School Board succeeding Howard Campbell who is now member at the Oro council Dr Walsh was elected at the inaugural meeting held at the Best School here at which the new member Lorne Tud hope was welcomed to the board Other members oi the board Harold Husband lormrr chair man Gordon Bldwcll and her uall MacKay Joined in the wel come John Currie secretory treasurer recorded the minutes Court Records Vespra Appeals 0n Assessments MIDHURST Stall Some 15 appeals and also changes were made in Vesprn assess ments by the court of revision lollowing session here George Thompson of Slayner was chairman ot the threeman court Decisions were given on all the appeals The changes masts ly concerned recording new salts of property or parts at properties As is the case for most other Simcoc County municipalities Vespra assessments are made on the current yardstick lor the current rates Reassessment on the new provincial manual which calls for 100 per cent usessmcnt on presentday normal sales value is proceeding by the coun ty assessment department it is anticipated the new as sessment will go into cllcct simultaneously when all reass essment is completed throughout the county Oiliciols said they had no iulormatlon about when this might be hot pointed out it wont be in elfect tor this years taxes and probably not tor 1068 Liquor Vote Campaign Quiet In Tecumseth BEEION Siam While It has been the subject of inter est neither wcls nor drys hava done much public campaigning concerning the coming liquor rate which to be held In Tb cumseth Township on Wednes day January 15 Preparations tor the balloting are proceeding and the people will be asked to render decisions on the question oi cocktail bars and dining lounge the vote to carried it will open the way lor development at large new rec reational area where night club and restaurant is planned near Highway east at Allistou Oppment In the tacitl Lles contend that every now out let encourages the sale oi liquor whidr they deplore The main argument oi supporters has been that the tactiltiu will boost tourist business and develop ment tor the township MILE LICENSED No villages within the town ship area have licensed premi su Beam near whim the Tecumseth municipal hall is located The Bectonta Hotel has DISTRICT NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY L2 13515 DISTRICT BRIEFS END FAULTFWDLNG VAIIMINSTER Stall Let us be done with faultalinding and leave oti sell reciting was the motto chosen tor the monthly meeting ot the Womens institute at this Mtdonte Township com munity Mrs Edward Saliowa will be hostess lor tho gathering which is to meet Wednesday January 10 with Mrs Lane in charge of the program YEAR OF OPPORTUNITY VAUBAUSHENE StalllOpv portunittes for Canadians durinK this Centennial year will be dis cussed by Vaubaushena lo mens institute at its regular meeting on Wednesday January 10 in the institute hall here Roll call will be answered by Committees Appointed By Creemore Council CREEMORE Stall Coun cillor Harvey Pettlgrew has been appointed chairman ol the roads and streets committee which plans another busy year of improvements here during 1967 At the inaugural meeting oi the Crcemore council Reeve Gordon Watson started his sixth term as head oi the council lie was named chairman oi property as well as being member oi all committees by virtue oi his oilice Reeve Watson served on the county roads committee last year He will represent Cree more at county council sessions opening at Barrie next Monday January 16 at which the 1067 committees will be chosen HEADS WATERWORKS Councillor Bruce Melville was appointed chairman oi water works Councillor Nelson Corby hydro chairman and Councillor Alex McAllister linance and general administration Rev Gill Anglican church rector said prayers at the in augural and Joined in congratu lating the members on their re election Councillors Corby and Mel vrlle have been council repre sentatives to the Creemore com munity centre board new ce ment floor is to be installed in community project next Summer There has been dis cussion about artiiicial ice but no decision has been made yet by the arena board An Ontario government grant of $4000 through the Commun ity Centres branch has been an incozuive toward making more improvements local eam paign started over three years ago with Councillor Pcttigrcw as chairman has raised some $3700 toward accmcnt floor which would increase the arenas use during the summer This new LOWELL By MM PADDISON Sympathy ol the community goes to the Corbett iamily in the passing ol loving sister gt Mrs Annie McCari at Coiling wood hospital also to Mrs Joe Gordon and the Pearson lathin in the sudden death at sister Miss Clara Pearson Collingwood Hospital Jan The Womens institute met at the borne of Mrs Paddison It is planned to put four books in the library in memory of Macham Mrs Wes Mu berson Miss Mary Matthews Mrs Stainton Mrs Casey and Mrs Coe contributed to the pro gram Mr and Mrs Welsh and chil dren Toronto visited Mr and airs George McGiilivray Sun By Miss Nancy Lou Dull Toron lo spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Don Dull WattswogOn Chuckles l963 ACADIAN BEAUMONT This could be the canyouvo been waiting last door mu rumours door cylinder clean 110500 65 WEED WATTS Moms beauty finished in an exciting shade of nuptic turquoise Locludes economical cylinder motor with automatic trans mission deluxe GM radio snow tires and our famous will warranty Priced at only 19500 EWI automatlc exceptionally 7282121 money was raised outside ol taxes The $4000 grant along with $1547 as Community Centre Board balance and the $3700 makes total ligura ot 597147 ltiembera oi the Crecmore board were advised recently that lor the sum oi $5000arv tilieial ice piping could be In stalled for the time when an ice making plant could be tinanced JANUARY SALE 20nly Scatextric Car Sets 25 OFF NIIIIIILIIS Itoaar cannon to Dunlap Iboam Why am happy to he Can adian Members oi th slouch committee includa Mrs Brown Mrs Long and Mrs Whitehouse FORESTS BECOME CASH The world toul oi orest prod ucts in 1966 exctedcd 0000 W900 IMPERIAL bWIILMIfl mliEIllFIltlBEmiim HONth BUGKMAvaIm ELNJIA wanrmauut ra llitlliflTll roa FURHE INFORMATION licensed more rooms and cachet Tottcntnm too has licensed iaciilties which have been at tracting good patronage other licensed premises are located at nearby loretto and Bradlord Alliston has government ltorc and warehouse but no Il consul hotel facilities tor the sale of liquor it the vote is carried in Tecumseth the pro Wed new restaurant and her would be about three miles east ol the town CHECK VOTERS LISTS Armaments tor the rote In being carried out according to regulations at the Liquor Lil cencs Board Bonaiids resi deals at years or over who have lived in the municipality tor three months or more are eligible to cast ballots and all are urged to check to see their names are on the voters list special enumeration was held to spare an uptodata list for vote The regular municipal list could not be used other taxpayers and qualilying tenants are eligible to cast bal lots in such elections Tecumseth did not have an election in December since the council was elected the year he lore or two years The vote was asked by petitions which made it mandatory tor the council to act The members include Reeve William Milligan Deputy Reeve Harry Cross and Councillors Reaiord Long Allan Glasslord and Wallace Halberl Emile WW Mimi uniIll IKE mmme sinscrim ADULT ENT it 7283440 PHONE 7284681 ROXY Innow tlltth CIVITIIN IILlIII OPENING TONIGHT FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 46 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ll AT 8250 EM popular plain tint inn WINNER ll liltitltl tliltlls nailing Balloon lillfll gt it Willi nu ur bids amlnoï¬gr wrgalitflmo mmiï¬mnflnflmn Imr man EVENINGS Wednesday 5125 ALL aurora rkx mention soon we alteration Boxolfloa open daily it noon to 030pm sanctum SCHEDULE OF PRICES RESERVED BEATB ONLY Evenings Sunday through Thursday Friday Satulday Holldayl $200 Matthew Saturday Sunday days 1150 75 Namt Address Mat last we Logs Mali selladdressed envelope with cheque or money order psychic to ROXY THEATRE DWB Wu BARBIE AlisaIslmsema Date Requested since only propertyowners or Continental Inn ENJOY THE HAPPY ATMOSPHERE AT BARRIES CONTINENTAL INN COMING JAN 16 OZZIE CANDY APPEARING noan SANDRA SCOUVILLE and Piano Styling of Barry Phillips IN canons Browns For Your Entertainment SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING 930 to I100 $245 plus tax Per Person elitist snnnnv SmOrgusbord MAIN DINING ROOMS Recommended By Holidayers 5pm to pm The continental Inn tau 7261834 Foa DINING aeseavmtons