Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1967, p. 2

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MEMBERS OF the Barris iinter Lamival Queen eon lesi mct last night in mm plete arrangements tor the pageant in be hed at the Continental lnu Feb ii at riyil Pat Clayden ounmlltea vicechahman lune Everton chairman Noella Bannister Expect Keen Interest For Queen Contest stressing that the winter cant lral queen contest Is high light oi the annual Ernie ex travaganza Lhe contest commit tee hopes and expects that all ellgilLe Barrie girls and no men will participate in the Feb ll pageant Open to all members ol the fairer sex aged to mid over the 1967 Bandc Iiinlu carnival Queen will be selected on the basis at sports univit person ality gromiing and poise The queen and her too prin cesses will be crowned by last years contest winnur Airs Ei icon Paceilo at the ConLlncntal Inn at last pm lollowing pro liminary Judging The tour judges as yet no named view the contestants at pm Holy iaycettes who form the queen contest commit tee and cniranls husbands boy triends and parents will he pres ent blaster oi ceremonies will be Milt Conway oi CKVRTV while the judges are nonlet ing or their usually difficult de cision the Continental Satur day night crowd will have its opportimily to voice its choice The girls will mix with the public oath of whom will be handul ballot Following the announcement of the judges choice one at the members of the public who selected the win ning contestant will be eligible Itor special prize The committee is hoping tor far greater participation in the contest than last year when only 23 contestants entered The carnival queen and her princesses will receive cash and other prich to be announced iLioer and will take part in the Joamival parade olficial open ing arena show and the carnl vol bail In addition the que will be intoviewed on telth ion and will be on the boy to congratulate and achrowiedge timers oi the various events BARBIE MAN AND BROTHER HELP CHANGE BOYS LIFE Eugene Boulillcr 11 us Ciapperton St Barrie was one at lour Canadians who played an important part in changing the lie at nlnu monthold John lilarchcllo oi Toronto John underwent open heart surgery It the Hospital or Sick Children Tuesday to cor rect partial blockage oi an exit artery irom the heart The Iniant Is one at live known Clnndlnna with ran blood tlile Kl The baby waited morc than month until the lied Cross tracked down enough blood donors including noutiiior his brother Alvin oi llali lax Allan Priestly oi Winni peg and Margaret Lcaak ol Sudhury Mrs ll ltlncLarcn head at the Red Cross Blood donor servlce in Barrie said aha was contacted by the Tar ontoRed Cross oiilce and told thli BoullIler had moved here lrom llalilax some time ago lilrs IiIncLaren called the assessment department who told her the owner ol the building where Boutillcr llvcrl The owner in turn gave her the apartment number they have on telephone and roll lives at the youth led her to Barrie Tanning where he is employed Boutlller was taken In lilcn Iord where clinic was in op eration and the blood rushed to Toronto Ono plot or blood was need ed to prime the heartlung machine which takc over irom the heart during sur gery Three were required tor postoperative lronslusionr Special permission was need cd to enahic Boutlller to give the blood as he is under the normal age Dr George Trnsler who headed the team at doctors periormlng the iourvhour oplt eratlon said the babys condi tion bciore surgery was pre carious The high pressure caused by thc narrowing could cause the heart to bent dangerously Irregulurly or even stop Dr Trusler said John son nI Mr and Mrs Giovanni hinrchelio who came to Canada trom ltaly 14 years ago was reported in good con dltion Wednesday hospital spokesman laid be was taken all respirator used during the llrst day liter the opera tlon Fined Loses Licence For Leaving Aeoident Scene 31yearold Harrie man was lind snnso and lost his driv ers license or year utter he was founded guiltyoi failing to remain at the scene oi an ac cident Dec 23 Convicted was Ronald Vol llck of 117 Victoria St Barrie lie pleaded not guilty Crown witness Louis Pintar oi 86 Victoria St said he was sit ting in the window of his home at ll pm when he heard crash He testified he went to the window and observed two toned 1957 Ford pull away trim the side at car owned by his guest Dan McArthy at orillia He got in his car and follow cd the Ford to the BarX on Tiiiin St where he saw the de fendant get outot the drivers side or the vehicle Pintar used public telephone booth to call his wife who alerted police Pintar told court that he lol lowed the car to the Comet Ser vice Station on Durllop St and Ferndale Rd The car pulled in behiild the station and Plntar Waited on the south nde of Dun lop St Constable Hunt at the Barrie City Police testified that he was alerted to 86 Victoria St where he saw loss Plymouth with the right iront lender and hood bent and with damage to the grill and bumper Const Hunt then proceeded to the BarX and followed two sets ot tracks lit had snowed re cently io Dunlap St where he met Mr Pintar Alter conversation with Pins tar Const Hunt said he pro needed behind the station where he iotmd Mr Voliick behind the wheel or his car Hunt told the court that Volilck said his bro ther had been driving the ear and had when all across the iieid Aoheck oi the urea re vealed no tracks leading across the lieid Coast Hunt told the court there was smell oi alcohol on the determine brosd1 and he had loose appearance when walking but in his opl on there were marinated ds to charge him with impaireddriv ing Ha said it was borderline case Ronald Voliick told the court under the protection ot section live or the Canada Evidence Act that he consumed nine or 10 ounces of rye whisky at his place at employment proceed ed to another company party where he had two more drinks and then went to house on inhisfil St where he was drink ing pretty steadily until he leit at pm or possibly earlier Vollick told the court that man flagged him down shortly alter he leit the house He tes tiiied that he thought the man wanted ride somewhere and that the man wound up driving We hit something at one time he testified dont re member what Next thing he remembered was the light from the NEW cruiser He told the court that as tar as he knew the person who was driving drove behind the Comet station and left wasnt driv mg He said he didnt remember the police taking him home but he remembered that his wile was mad at him Describing his condition at the time he told court would say was dead drunk In his summation Delahce Counsel Graham said tha important fact was that the de lendant was in such condition that he could not and did not at tempt to evade civil and mm inal responsibility Crown Attorney said it was Iantastic story to any the FIRST PATIENTS Hospital Board IIembcr Eill Caldwell came up with the most humorous remark during the boards threehour debate over complicated tendering problems on the new addition to ltVH Were building psychiatric ward as part of the project he said The board members may be the that ones in It least in his summation and not ed that Vollick had been con victed of impaired driving in February 1964 Adverllsamert THE SEASON IS HERE FOR CHEMICALS AND SALT ON THE srnms The Inevitable winter season with accompanying hazards oi ice sleet treezing rain and snowstorm is right armmd the comer To protect the motor ing public most municipalities rely on the various types oi chemicals salt and other sub stitutes to retina the slippery conditions Reports show that chemicals spread on the streets to melt ice save half billion dollars in property damage each win ter Calcium ohlorideand plain rock salt also prevent 32000 deaths and injuries Calcium chloride malts iw taster than anything else StreEi officials mix it with salt to trigger melting and make streets and highways safer for the driving public The calcium ddoridelnstitute oi Washington DC during last years snow season advised When you take care oi your car winter car corrosion is no problem Wash it often this winter especially alter snow storm Inokl alter your car this winter as you did lastsum mer and it will serve you long er According to the Salt Institute report Speedy Bay Oar Vash experts agree that the best pro tection for your auto is to wash thcoar regularly during the winter to remove salts along with road grime industrial con tamlnanls and road tars Speetb Bay Car Wash will re move adchum fluoride and salt from bumpers wheels un der lenders and panels WASH YOUR CAR OFTEN 1T PAY SPEEDY BAY CAR WASH =Bnyileld5tq Government Dock BARBIE onrnnxo and Pat Sheiswcll Front lelt to right Darla Vitty Giselle Wedge Kathy hornth and Susan Neal 3YearOld Girl Struck By Car Escapes Injury It threeyear old Barrie girl escaped lniury alter the was struck by car outside her home Wednesday ntternoon Donna Oorbhse at St Otta way Ave was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital but an exam nation showed she was un harmed Driver oi the car Thorn as Daniel Sexton til at Otta way Ayn told police the child darted in front at his car and he was unable to stop because at heavy snow in the area Coast Johnson who are rwered the call at 315 pm ilcfiiommended no charges be Two collisions were reported in the city ynierday resulting an estimated $405 damage Cars operated by Roger Lacey Zr at East St Barrie and Patrick Joseph Brennan at hi it Victoria St collided out side ltd Sanford St at 1150 am Coast Johnson estimated damage at $235 lvy mach carnal an nod dent at Mary and Simone Sts at 1210 pm Cars involved were driven by Linda Pall 32 of RE Shanty Hay and Carol Ann Watson 22 oi 191 Ardagh Rd Barrie Const George McLeod estimated damage at 5150 CITY NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER fliUIISDAY JANUARY refiners Barrie And District Churches To Sponsor Ecumenical Forum To mark the International Week at Prayer ior Christian Unity the Churches of Barrie and District will sponsor an Ecumenical Forum on Jun 20 at pm in Central Collegiate Auditorium leaiurlng colored motion picture lilm entitled Dust or Destiny This lilm Is irom the series May Attend Fish Auction Barrie Aquarium Society held their tirst meeting at the year lilesdey night in the library hull with 50 persons in attendance Ailcr series of slides and the screening at movie on iish Norm Ross ol Aurora conducted an auction at lisb and supplies it was decided at the meeting to try and interest enough people in attending giant fish auction at iiillowdale Aquarium Society on Feb so that the club could rent bus Next meeting at the society will be at 830 pm Feb at the library hall $325 Damage In Accident Provincial Police at Barrie re ported one traiiic accident chd nesday resulting in an estimat ed $325 damage truck operated by Cilllord Ford RR Utopia was involve ed in collision with an auto driven by Paul Michal dI Rex dale The rear end collision which was caused by icy road eondiLlons occurred on the loth concession of Vespra Township eighttenths at mile north of Suhnidale Ed Coast Mike Jago investigat LUSTRE semigloss enamel Reg $3455in SalePritie 5275 OT For kitchens bathrooms and woodwork Beauty and durability Easy to wash Colors match Spred Satin liliillllSliliS nmnwanrb Dunlap St mom Sermons irnm Science and long with olher iilms will be tcuiured at Expo in relation to mans religious heritage The lilm on Jan 20 will be lollowod by an Ecumenical For um and discussion by panel oi six moderated by ltir Vil llam lleli principal Hillcrest Public School The panel will consist of medical doctor science teacher two high school students businessman and housewile The program has been de signed with the teenager and adult In mind All age groups will llnd the evening one at chal lenge ml satisfaction and ans wering many of the questions at the inquiring mind Assisting in the service will be ministers representing the dil ierent communions teen choir members at tho lioyal Canadian College at Organists and mem bers oi lratcrnal and service club groups IICAP ASSOCIATION Wing last night presented charter to the associations wo mens aindliary at social ev ening at the RCAF club WIN St involved in the wrcmmcs from lelt to rim are Del Kelly associa tion prosidcntc Mrs Audrey Strung immediate past presi Auxiliary Receives Charter From Lodal RCAI Association The near Association ving 441 last night prcsented char ter to the womens auxiliary oi the association The presenta tion was made by immediate past president Ken Mitchell to bits Audrey Strong his auxil iary counterpart The womens auxiliary is now part or the wing or the rat time since the associations in itiation to years ago Presenting the charter lir Mitchell expressed appreciation to all auxiliary workers who have contributed not only in time but cash and allround JMRIUE PREMIERE The Clvilon Club at Barrie will be hosts at the premiere ot Rodgers and Hammersteiha Sound of Music at the Roxy theatre pm tonightlho club bought the house lor the ave nlnga pertormnncc with pro coeds to public servlea work FIELD NATURALISTS ireelance photographer who works primarily lor the Nation al Film Board of Canada and the United Church or Canada Freeman Patterson will address the Brereton Field Nturallst Club Jan 18 in the library hall eiioris in helping the wings op oration In one car alone according to ltlr Michell the auxiliarya eliarls made sure that the air cadeLs squodmn was sustained This he added Is now in the past and the wing is iinanclal dent oi the womans auxiliary Ken Mitchell immediate past president of the wing and lbs Dorothy lilmnirly nib iliary president ly sound with the ladies auxili ary playing no small pail Special appreciation was ex tendcd to the llrst auxillar presidenl in 1960 Mary stock Phyllis ltllicheli Audrey Strong and current president Dorothy Humphrey 0n the occasion the auxiliary provided the wlng with sun prise in the iorm at $500 cheque ior general weitare oi the association and In support oi their youth work BARBIE ITALIAN SPIIIITSMEII Special Annual Italian Dinner Dance Feb 4th at the Continental Inn pm Refreshments 45 Dinner Dancing pm Tickets available by railing Ross Parrl or Giovanni Quinlo at Giovannit Perri Hair Stylists 143 Dunlop St 7287443 lVIosiyns presents by popular request their SemiAnnual armor SALE San runs sac Hill in Purchase any item at regular price the second item is yours at 12 PRICE on 4o oenlap St Example Isl VShirt$398 2nd Shirt Total $597 Bring Friend Save Together BIIIIIIET ACCOUNTS INVITED YOUR Previous SALES sues FROM MOSTYNS ARE Worm FOR nus SALE Open Friday night till pm lldénté

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