iii it til was HIVK rzoiiii FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE PERSONALS FEED seen GRAIN moron cï¬s For SALE NURSING HOMES Doll LB AW blind 00d his MECHANIC CHOICE WM Allllll and Hit em Omit body And lmerim load nueiiiy irlrpbono rum flhrogfommawumamenrig iinrmu SA coo iii Isil dummy uru saved oil Telephone 0m Hui litir Mousse and aimlumen Conccnmie mind snd ground rlih min on your Imp Suh iscilon gunsmood lrmuou lit bile Yield Scrviu RR coon 1mm MM Wits Munou any lender for ask for further lrdomstion prion Elmulr gonna bAUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIFARU VALUE 1966 RAMBLER 550 door sedan filï¬hcd in Apollo yellow automatic 155 hp en gine radio whiinwalls and wheel disc reclining seats bah price pl new car warranty Lic BlmE Price fl195 I966 LAND ROVER Finishul In blue white 4lt wheel drive and main body Terrific for stilr or ski rev sort I965 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 916011 Wagon DWI whine finish Very clean automobile Licence X41421 01965 VOLKSWAGEN 1200 coach Green finish gas heater one owner unit Inc 36628 1964 RAMBLER door sedan ï¬nished in block whitenails and reclining seats real beauty Liccnce 11111851 I963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 Station Wagon Blue finish gas heater radio shoulder har ness seat belts immaculate condition Licence X41515 1962 DODGE door Station Wagon Finished in blue and while automatic V8 radio Al condition Licence 41446 961 METEOR door sedan automatic 352 V8 power steering radio white walls wheel discs and seat belts Must be seen to be appreciated Licence 39781 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 1957 DODGE V8 AUTOMATIC $99 an VIAU RAMBLER Coiner of Bradford and Victoria Sta Barrie TELEPHONE 7261771 CcntralOnlarlos Largest Rambler Dealer Service Is First AT 94 Tillin 81 Complete collision and mechanical repairs on all models FREE ESTIMATES RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS LID Rays Body Shop TiFIIN 51 7282317 Our reputation for quality since 1951 is your guarantee of sallsfactinn I963 Mercury Convert 565 bucketseals floor shift 490 motor power windows All fine car appointments Licence ONLY $1790 ByronGraham Motors its anemone sr Barrie 7284061 Our name means great deal 964 VOLKSWAGEN all series True economy oar Licence WE ONLY $1295 MOFFATT MERCU RY SALES LTD Formerly Pierce Motors in ESSA 1m moist 1955 cusvnousr for sale door hardtop vs power steering pawns brakes in good condition Tele phone moms my time 1951 ouLuxI Volkswagen inc rue in Al siirpe body also In good condition isicty bolts Telephone 7784969 1m FAmLANE Station Wagon yellow excellent condition radio electric hick window new snow tintl clean interior extra twp nuts in mr Terms Telephoiu 1952 vothswaaer Custom ior salc excellent condition red iinlsb brnnd new tires radio 5500 Tr1e plinrio 1234541 ior further details 1952 CORVAIII Menu cyumisr nutcmrtlc blue with matching in terior radio good tires ln very 1111 good condition May be seen at 271 st Vincent st mom less ronn custom two door stand ard cylinder windmich wron crs snow fircl rest cits pickup lights etc to now wlflalvty leadoes after pm mi suicir coupe for rain in lood incensnlcal condition been restored Desi Elm offer Tele ull More pm in clnillam sodas luxury ino iartog micfly prtnd No now down nlih any term ur Milli Thlepbnoo mml 1M1 mnn hkon station weeds standard in srrcuent numberiin oomiuon with good no tiru mold Sim nail kimono no is can Biscayne cylinder rundsni nod um pow bsiicrlr iuns pod immuulste Interior new Asides 357 new snir pm 1M0 MODEL ml for nil rood condition Telephone now after pm mi PONTIAC Wm door hereto with ndio unitswells In urcu ï¬nglu with mldalnflinv tei or elephan mad or menu 1m sincerity Sedln fully equip ped excelan western oar birch In no Inferior down monthly AIDcfls heenco Talon Telephone TIMI ms clluvnoLm four door rts tlon wagon vs outornnttc power steering Dccpllomlly clean one ourwr car llusi be sold to lefti estate Telephom 7234145 1m Lrlc for nle men time show tins One owner car mo Telephone Hem alter dzio pm rm sizncunv Ixnelleni condo lion one aqu car ilotor Inns misioii and mum rurrsntccd Ior mm months Priced for onion nil Tilprion mowlo MM 1m PONTIAC our door sedan six cylinder itsndsrd low muerr excellent condition ilurt bc econ to be minted Il accepi best otter ncphom mom TRUCKS TRAILERS 1951 rArtco pump Tniclt ror halo motor body ind tires In excellent oomiuon handy for writ Sam for quick ule Telephone mm to iTON Truck mite body with ram body excellent motor poor use or best oifrr still mo pupal liTON Pickup trucir with mks for rile Good condi tion hisuricc Scorer liltncsins telcphonc mum 1952 mmNATIONAL Mon sinks Truck or rule with racks ind top in road rhpc good tires Tele rhono 9m morning or oven nzs MOBILE HOMES TRAI LERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale 20111 Century Homes Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7189866 SNOWMOBILES CYCLE SPORT Sales and Service Pioneer Chain Saws SudJet Snow Mobiles Honda Suzuki and Yamaha 7268771 69 Dunlop St See The HUSKY SNOW TRAVELLER at ALCONA rm miles south of Slroud on high way 11 Testruri the new 500 DARCY SKIDOO Rentals Sales and service Bell Ewart 4562211 MOTOSKI WEBSTER Sales and Service STHOUD 41353875 FOX TRAC SNOWMOBILES DON AND RICKS Sales and Service RR BAHRIE 7258244 after weekdays For SKID00 INSURANCE availablealong with all other types STEVENSONS 113 Dunlap St 7261301 ohic sNolv CRUISEIIS irsuer llIIKIll 5301521635 Show Boot csriey 7M amisld st BOMBARDIER 12 passenger only $1000 May he been stflw Buclow Eganvllledm 0n 8PERSONALS RANDALLS HEALTH STUDIO Sunroom Sauna Bath Massage etc MondayFriday 12 noonID pm Saturday 10 am Couples 645915 pm BARBIE PLAZA 721111761 BE FEMININE Superfluous lisir removed by snowmobile method our Certified Electro lysist is available for consulta tion without charge SYLVIAS SALON Fred Grant Square Barrie Ont 71841380 oLu FASHIONED Team and siclrli Ride PIXUEI will Trlll ASE3m or DIME iis ir rou Rayo drinklnil problem and mint its any time 7253523 12mm ALcogouc llnmeéifc AiAnnn rs roup wsnt on as car sight rascals iiiMoll ii phone My for Electrolysis The safe scientific has an attractive privan room vacant lsrgs clothes closet mmfnrtably furnished Also somipclvste available Tray senice Reasonable rates Phone mm 9LOST 81 FOUND Gussu Losr by Collclhtl eiu deal inscription on black Ironic Pcler Vrnmerd Please tele phone stroud 06221 Reward WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING 728241 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON LADIES HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELLING AVONI It costs nothing to flrid out the details Vritc IIIxs Tent saute PO llox 45 Barrio or call 1266561 lioussuEIDI vsnlcd two adults in mud bungalow lor ninher do tslis plrsu telephone mic MATURE WOMAN for counter work In cash and cm dry elem lng stare ind comopenled dry cleaning Saturday vian new evenings 7250101 anytime liousmvivlzs arm extra money st borne liqu rowers needed immedistcly Apply unzipn and Wellingcr united to Victor 51 Barrie Telephone 7285111 comma Snirs Clerk This permanent Position paying above svrrun salary to start plus mrny fringe bencilts Come in Ior Intel vlow Unltcd Cigar 510M Lid so Dunlop st 12 Barrie woiIAN with salt1 shut who is dcslrour or making tier tninsvcrsrc Income selling coun plcto line or win snd hslrpieccs tn buuty salons in ith arcs ior Csnsdsli lirsrst manufacturer car csontlsl Salary plus commisslnn plus our suowsnco rnr nutncr 1n fomililon with Box aol Berri Drummer SALES HELP 81 AGENTS bus TRAVEL4 am it horns lien over to ior short trips neir lisrrtc Worth up to trim to snow in year write Dickeim Pres Smithvwflsm Palmle Conn 531 Main Ft worth Toxin 76ml EMPLOYMENT WANTED rtsLuqu LADY will mind child ren in own home Collier Si iris on week Tclcphnna moses nitrr pm neseoxsruLs lady will intc day tile in her own home Newton semi arcs Prefer or eyeholds llot lunches Telephone 72mm MALE HELP MECHANIC WANTED Gravel Company requires an aggressive man having know ledge of construction equipment to take complete charge of our shop Starting salary $700000 per year plus transportation and company benefits Stoulf villo areadays bioiiuz Nights 8847201 AUTO BODY REPAIRMAN First class repairman wanted for year round employment Company hencfis Rate $250 an hour Middels Auto Body 839 Essa Road 7260601 SALES MAINTENANCE CHEMICALS desire exceptional man to sell high repeat maintenance prod ucts Io induslrlal institutional commercial accounts in the Bar rieAOriilla area Fantastic oppor tunity for selfstarter Establish ed business exisls Top industri a1 commission Call collect Mr Vellock area dlSRUZilil WEARE EXPANDING Sales staff being increased Sales background desirable but not essential If you have ambi tion and are interested in per manelil sales position write Box 870 Barrie Examiner cart SALEMAN wanted We have In opening for man lntrrened in making money Talc one swarmed Motors Ltd OPENING Fort Rawlcim Dealer in barrio and slmooc County Cul ram $2 to st hourly and up Write hawlelshs Dept Amelia ions Richelieu sh st Henry Montreal DnIvElts steady or puttime Must be 25 years or over nut ep pesrance Apply Central Tud 29 Maple Avenue Barrie InuiNclAL Opportunity wanted young man with banking or credit experience ior national company hvritc to Box 11M Banlo latrin er sALas PoslnoNssvnusbls Geor rlau usy ma with heldniflce usrrlc Must have err sale ex perience good ssles personality opportunity for advancement Tri For Want Ad 10 HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS BE Carrier BARHIE EXAMINER NOW AVAILABLE IN MANY AREAS OF BARRIE AND SURROUNDING COMMUN lIIFS There is pmbably mute open near your home right now PHONE The Barrie mailman Hair stylist waisted tot uluupodmi pom also in his 31 warrior or wflhlflllfl137iaflflflmfl 12 TENDERS Department of Lands and Forms TENDER N0 17 FOR PROVINCIAL PARK CONCESSION Soalcd tenders dearly mm TIADImS NR HEFRESL MENT SOUTH OONCE$10N SPRINGWATHL PROVINCIAL PARK will be Mcelved by the Department of bench and For csts until 1330 pm WEBB DAY JANUARY 15 1967 deposit In the amount of tuuityfive dollars $2500 in the form or money order or cmtiï¬od cheque must acoorn pany each tender Tender forms tender envelopes and detailed lofonnntlori are available fmrn the District For ester Department of lands and Forests llople Ontario Tenders must be enclosed In cil vclopes provided for the purpose The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted LEMAN District Forester Department of Lands and Forests MAPLE Ontario DESBORO ONTARIO New Central School for the Sullivan Township School Area Sealed tenders on stipulated sum basis for the New Sullivan Township Central School Des boro Ontario I10 miles south west of Owen Sound consisting of eleven classroom and gen oral purpose room plainly marked Tenders for the New Sullivan Township Central School will be received until 500 pm EST TUESDAY JANUARY SI 1967 at Ihc offices of Salter and A1 Iison Architects 29 Clappcrton Street Barrie Ontario or by Mr Sutcllffe Secretary Treasurer Sullivan Township School Area Board P0 Box 65 Desboro Ontario Plans and specifications will be available to General Contractors on and after Thursday January 12 1967 at the offices of the Architects on deposit of cer tilled cheque made payable to Seller and Allison Architects in the amount of TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS $2500 Plans and specifications will be on display at the Toronto Con struction Association Barrie Builders Exchange and the Owen SoundBuildcrs Exchange Bid Bond drawn in favour of the Sullivan Tovmshlp School Area Board in the amount of $3750011 is requirement of this project Lancet or any tender not neces sarily accepted SALTER and ALLISON Architects 29 Clapperton Street BAREIE Ontallo IiiAUCTION SALES ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Friday Jan 13 830 pm sharp at the Book Store Essa Rd Allandale Barrie Sale of antique glassware Iron pols dishes china wooden Vises relrlgaretors furniture books toilet sets clocks copper and brass china cabinet break fast sets chesterfleld and choirs rlardiriieres bells showcase cash register and many other articles too numerous to list Terms cosh No reserves as owner is closing store JERRY WUGHLIN auctioneer Service Dial sphone 726M anoi pm for appointment experience department We also require an estimator of blueprint reading mostly from architects drawings For both these twenties vancoment to the right tried Want ad Section plume mom sites pm accepted until pm ORILLIA DRAFTSMEN ESTIMATORS We require the services of drallsmen with two to five years minerath in the mechanical field for our engineering Thismanwillherequiredtoestlmatowork positions tiheideei eliminates should be Ilicdr We offer good starting salaries and emotion prospects toi on Reply in continence providing mullete deiaeooi experiences aridsaiiary requirement to Personnel Départment PORCELAIN C7 METAL PRODUCTS LTD IS Colborne Street 7282414 preferava with some knowledge Department TODAY 7266587 effect tie frames your face in MALE AND FEMALE Salesman PAPER ROUTES ARE Exapuner Circulation I4PUBLIC NOTICES TIC TO ALL CONCERNED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ESA The Council of the Corporation of the Township of 335 upon the recommendation of the Web of Essa Pinuan Boardsndlnsbtordnncowuh the pmvlsiom of 111 Planning Act has had prepared an Offi cial Plan of tho Esta Planning Area midi the land within the Township of he 1M Official Plan has been pre red to provide gulds for the Township of Rosa Coun cil and the Planning Board In the Studio of on powers con ferred on them by The Plan ning Ar and The Municipal Act Revised Statutes of Mario which relate to the development of the municipality 1th plan is the outline of the policies which the buried and the Planning Board will follow to use the Township lands in the best Interests of health safety welfare sivd convenience it is Intended to give direction and order In the growth and change within this planning area to provide ii sound basis forsudi further studies as may be re quired and to reduce the elo merit oi speculation or conflict due to uncertainty as to the manner or Sequento In which such development Is to take place In addition balance between agricultural residential com mercial and Industrial growth will be ensured and provision made for schools and public open places of size and loca tion most suitable to the needs of all pincerand It will also be of use to all public and private agencies In the planning of their Tlï¬llle activities In Essa Ton1p This plan Is not Intended to be used as an Instrument to re strict the use of lurid In the man ner of zoning bylaw Suffic lent powers to control land de velopmcnt will be available to the municipality through sub division control adreements zon in bylaw and the direction 01 public works The Offlcial Plan is the means bv which the use of these said powers are direc Iod and coordinated All concerned are recommended to Inspect and comment noon this Plan at either the Township of Fess office Baxter or Ross Pharmacy BarrieBorden Plaza Angus TIL ClerkTreasurer TOWNSHIP OF ESSA PATTERNS 7hn¢ 141 SLIMMIINIG Soft as candlelight the cowl flattery Below simple slim ming lines Quick to saw in tis sue falllc wool Printed Pattern 1736 Half 51ch 12 1W1 1614i 18 ZDIz 22 Mill Size 1de requires 17 yards 45inch HF CENTS ISOcl income the smmps plows breach Pattern Ontario residents udil be sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRE85AND STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE loans care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept so Front Street West Toronto Ontario FALLS 150 BEST DESIGNS lively school sport career gla mor styles all slzcsexira fea tures In new Fa113Winter Pattern Catalog Clip coupon In catalog choose one free pattern Send ONTARIO messes all of Sirstford twins Mary and Robert Doughty wish Sir John hbodonald happy 15an birthday and thank him that it Itfelionlscbcdldeythls year Ontario school cblidnn got halfdoy helidly Wod nnday In honor of Canadas CAPTURE SIR JOHN 111 ICE first prime minister The Ito bust of Sir John minus an In his Mac was made by Herb Locks of Strslfold IG IVIrcpllOIoI TORONTO ICP Distrlb utors of book msgaxins an nounccd Wednesday that no fur ther copies will he brought Into Canada of the current Issue containing the Ilrst Instahnent of the controversial book Death of President Curtis Distributing Co Ltd of Toronto said the cost of print Ing and distributing extra copies would be uneconomlciu its the same In the United States he said lners will he no extra press runs there either copies Into Canada compared with the normal 21000 and Engine Reg $97500 action with dowel lots 259innnnl si 50c He sold Curtis brought 40000 his to they were sold out almost the minute they hit the stands Magazine With JFK Story Is Fast Seller of the Magellan Were available for news stand Isle 500000 The ion mm on more than usual Subscrlpuop book by Wllam Manchester about President Kennedys al sasfnatlori mono In the next Issue due hero Jan 24 NEW YORK AP par tially one of the hardest S3 to come by today Is copy of Look magnlnc containing the first instalment of WilliIn Man chesters book The Death of President Some news stands reported selling out within an hour alter delivery Approximately 974000 copies Now circulation of the magazine aboutv7izd000 Some dealers were being of fciod cow fa uttn sipp menis The regular price 50 cents How to relieve Dodds lldriu Puls tor puns Irons rule doodl ninth his you feel rut but will on ACIIE Theres No Fun Like SNOW FUN and theres no snow fun like the fun you can have with McCuIIocIt Snowmobile Go with the winner for more fun In the snow 155 119 Length IN Width $8 llclght 31 In for handlebars Weight 250 lbs Steering Direct Handlebar Dllvp chain sndtorque converts Gas Tank Gsl lrnek Moulded Rubber heat treated nylon insert Brake Hand Controlled Sealing TwoTsudem Dolly Wheels is in sell Windshield Chrome moulding front bumper headlight tail light rear lowing hitch tool kit rear saddle he comes oompch on all Snowmobiles as standard equipment 5895 Platform to 95 Track 48 Weight Ibs Carrying Capacity Mt lbsi Length 11 Platform WPlywcod Tongue Strive 90 either side coupler with double safety chains Tires ilitl 111 Tilt Mechanism Lover lock positive Features front end tilt and swivel tongue for easylosding and unloading Painted yellow and black Filled wills directional signals and wiring harnessing for car and trailer SAL $159 or STIIIIE An Item of Free Parking Izsssal li