osubiect to mountain witch IlTHE HARRIET EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS of tho Blessed Event can bo announced to your trirnds and relatives tor only 5200 Just telephone mails DEATHS CAMPLIN iiflu Slclll Al omenson licmorisl Hospital Al lhim nlI Irdnesdly January II M1 Gladyl 5min uirrn of Cent 51 Dtflfln le hcr 73m year lovcd wtfe of the in inner cumin dur outer or our thin smith lien tlrI uundeui MIN cardinch Allen Ind run in Allen Ind mm Mn 11 ï¬lms both rumored Resting at use llurhes mu Home Cookrloun urll11 coo pin on Priory lsnusry is com to Trinity Unirod Church melon for service Pan In artmerit Minn Unllcd Crmctrr By Ivun caskct will nmatn closcdb CARDS OF THANKS srnovLDaly slncern thanks in tho nursrs It Royal Vlctom lloo pirl Dr man and Dr Cmullnd and lit villa rcni unis and flow ers during my roccnt lllricss Airs Diem SDMIE rhsslz hunts nrywl extend our hcsnfrlt thanks Ind spprreis don to our irirnds ncishbors nod rsirurss tor the many acts or kindness during rho loss or our dear Lister suedi trunks to Rcv Eur McCarroii Ind ihr lluthcl run mi iiornr Tlia viison imlly IN MEMORIAMS HE FERRIEILIn IOHrll memory at dear husband faihrr and grand mher John Perrier who pm rd away January in 1057 Just th your lilo WI Immith lust when Vzur your table host You went culled from this uorld sorrow To home of ctrmal mst mi remembered by wifo Ada ronnrsln imllll memory or our don slim and nromristiror Rldllrd rorbes who pmcd Away run 10 loco rhosc rc love no licvcr lore ror nlways lhcy will be Loird rtmurnbered uncured Always in our memory Lovingly romrmhcrtd by Cecil Wny ltoward titIv Jennie nnd grandchlidrcn hummus1n lands memory or my mother lbno llclTy who passed Away rebruary iti loll my sther llcrben wllo pissed Illay January ha 1952A run my vtstcr lil pass sway lrnu 7ilso The world chrnm yelr to And Mandy mm day to Hut now will tho dins ed horn memory pass nlla Aliiars remembersd lIllrlbcth liltthclrs COMING EVENTS TONIGHT CMHA Annual Meeting Barrie Public Library pm TELL MORE SELL MORE WIIEII you place your Articles For Sale ad in The barrio Elr amioer keep these points in mind stan What item is Brand name Slzo IAgo Color Conilition Spcclticallons Acccssorm and attachments Price Previous usage llphnlstcry Flrtish Make it easterfor the prospect Ito oily Remember the Articles ilor Sale classification lstho iTeoples Market Place include as many of these im portant features as you can mousauus snor THEM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 24 WOILD MINIMUM cnnssrrmo ADVERTISINGCub Diloollnt Rlbcs apply paid with in days 41M Par word per lnseh Lton or om or two days Thus ioonsecutive insertions 40 per word tprr insertion total sees Six cori isrouilvs insertions 7122 per word pgr insertion total $504 10 Id riltiorial shim it not pild within uven days satisfactory results obtsined Iclcssliiod advertisements rind Dott ccs for these pagos must be rc locivcd by pin dry preceding puollcatton with Ulo cxae lion or clnssincri DiAPia ndv rcnientr which must be by 1200 noon preceding dsy uLlim LETTER uox accruals wing Blind Lotter BDX Numbers Iol replic is held strictly consid nntinl licpllcs to Letter noxca win in held only in dsys 1er last dnid or puhllnuon Advertisers using box Numhcr will be charged cents Lion or any advertisement and then Check Your Attic Storeroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Dlscdrds Call Want AdVisor 7282414 THURSDAY JANUARY m7 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Emory Miller ills REALTOR Mortgages arranged 07 Dunlop St 7201881 BEDROOM BRICK HOME lth finished recreation room spacious kitchen living room with fireplace and den lhich could be used ior extra bed room 111 new insulated garage and workshop 26 38 Posscssion date Junc IuII price 519900 Call Iiarvcy chcr 63015 GROVE ST EAST bedrooms large living room kitchen and tourpiece bath Large 101 ï¬t it 165 close to schools and churches AskinK prico 313000 Terms to suit Call Karl Marshall for inspection 7259917 11 DUFFERIN $12500 Loads of room in this clean 11 storey home spacious living room Mparntn dining room one bedroom and bath on main floor big bcdrooms up large rcc room complete with bar rind rcfrigcrator Tcmis Call Rita Scandrctt 7284865 CARSON PHOTO ML5 REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST PHONE 7208481 TIIIUVING BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Beautilul noiv motel units plus four room living apartment eicctrlc hcnt throughout Situa tcd on Highway 2c in thcl heart of ski land Only $18000 cash required Call Norm Synnatt CENTRAL Cement block building about 7000 square feet ideal lor al most any type at small business Call Bill Hamilton BUILDERS DEVELOPERS OPPORTUNITY 11 acres of level land with acres in city Cali Bill Hamilton Norm Synnott 72025517 Bill Hamilton 7285325 Russ Carbon 7286151 Rupert McGratIl vale 7291122 Charles Homlo 7206482 Choiian it Co Limited MIS Realtor TRANSFER PROBLEMS Use our gunrantecd purchase facilities plus the assistance of 58 trained personnel to help you relocate ONLY $1000 DOWN Here is an excellent centennial project Your own bedroom house with dccdcd rightotway to Kcmpenfelt Bay Circular drive large garage and much more Only miles to Barrie BAKER Branch Manager 58 Oakley Park Square Barrie 7284401 Gibson 7260404 ovcnings kHTH Realtor Limited HIGHWAY NO 11 STROUD Year round brick home bunga low in immaculate condition it tached garage oil heating drill ed troll $2000 full price SOUTH OF BARBIE Beautifully landscaped cement patio tower antenna Utility room breezoway sunroom at tached garage $20000 full price Contact Ediv Show Stroud 4363116 131 Eglillton Ave East Tomato 12 KEITH MARSHALL MLS Realtor insurance Orchard Drive 7282592 INCOME PROPERTY lwoyearoid storey bri semi detachedlarge room and kitchen piece toilet down three bedrooms and bath up both sides Close to down loivn and schools Si mort gage carries for $19 per month PII with only $3500 down for each side Call Rose Pappln 7285229 Rose Pappin 71175229 REAL ESTATE no Hayfield Street PHOTO Mortgage Broth Avallsbls CURLY WMAN mars HAROABET MOORE 7152374 Gwnlli KossArz mam Villain BIDWLLL 71w MILDRED noon mm 32 HIGH ST Charlie Read 7207517 Smith Campbell 77839 Don Campbell 46727123 FRANK 7i BAYFIELD STREET bilrgo kitchen dining loom slur HAGUs PMNK Ncu 71560 MLS REAL ESTATE 119 Dunlap St lots Asking $6000 No 1520 STAFF OF 12 TO SERVE YOU At tho Five Points doadend street required by purchaser 11113 253 MacArthur ï¬ll0637 Rogers 7703582 Foster 7755745 PETER and WILES LTD IIIIMEDIAIE POSSESSION bedroom modern homc outside of city on highway moderately priced good family home Don Wallace 7202110 Dndle 4301734 TJA COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST 7734485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor Evonlrlfli GORDON courtsmam WALTER camsmall SANDY Goons7m GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR Barrie Hwy 11 South Day or night 7261904 7287957 RAWN Rwl Estate Brokcr 30a Baylleld St 7289451 Specializing in Rural Properties Evenings cau Rawn 7268990 Larry Tunney7200715 Leo Cavanaughmlzov STARRT We Sell Rural Ontario CALL BRUCE McLEAN Coaqu 45844540 THREE ACIDS APPROX In city PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY ILLS REALTORS 7266153 Free 0mm Parking $19mthlslorelybodroun lridt bomeisinenmllmtcoa ditlon has largo Labaped liilog dinlru room kitdten with cat ing aru master bedroom niece vraaimn en mile and mill in clflhed closet hugs linisMd mention oppohitmant to inspect call Mildml Mm EVENINGS CALL CAMPBELL Plimo 11115 REALTOR mu ARE YOU TOOKING FOR AN WWW ventrally located in Barrie we have an older home with two apart ments mil with bedrooms living room and kitdim lleatcd bygasandoonbeboughtwithalowdownpoyment roan carping For ms ronam Mu ELAINE Nixon 7mm xmosrmunrr in mid Lou commonal 7mm RES 7297359 Hugh Plowman 7250129 Ed Gavin 4246601 Ron Allan 450531 Doug Campbell 4571423 NELLES Photo ll Realtor 7201405 HERES BEAUTY of clean lint that will gird your hoart lift Timebedroom bungalow only it yours old and it sparkles wcliï¬nished recreation room garage and situated on large lot close to separate and public sdioos This galn wont lay long Call today EVENINGS CALL nouns 11 tCHULRl 00mm 71mm non sltvNDms Cuohtn um SHELSWELL and WILLSON MORTGAGE BROKERS 7201427 or 7201428 Would dovoop into beautiful Call Mrs Brown 79137255 BEAUTIFUL HOME In downtown aroa across from 10110 oil Collier St This house in excellent condition and slimtid be seen to be fully appmciutcd Has terrific possibllitils in that location No 1516 Call Jack Madam 72849603 VLA OPPORTUNITY it hero of land with whito clapboard blur galow Zcar gmge and born 20x40 in Brontwood $11300 No 17 Cull Norah Rulkes 7261109 am to pm ROGERS CONNELL Photo 111S Realtors DUNLOP STREET EAST Phone 7235560 CONVENIENT CENTRMJ LOCATION 4BEDROOM ERICK IIIODERNIZED BATHROOMS $17000 wellmaintained oilhoatod home of mi charm and oomtort with attached garage located in St Marys GIllrdl and school area this unusually line property is on quiet wailtrzcd All wiring and plumbing is in for duplcx it Phone NOW to arrange inspection Photo EVENIN GS CALL Fred Elliott 77mm Cantrell 7209165 Mrs Norina Rogers 7233537 GOOD lNVESTMENT $46000 100 acres acres within the Barrie limits close to 400 Highway down payment Contact Mr Annstrong Kettleby Oltice GIBSON WILL OUGHBI LIMITED Realtor phoneAurbra 7276226 OSCAR BATES Real Estate Broker THORNTONHWY 27 Telephond Ivy 129311 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7282419 93 Dunlop Sh In And 2M mortgages arranged on low monthly psyrocrits wa will buy your prosan 1st and 2nd mortglres LAURANS mu Allisan 4357514 mu MARSHALL 720850 GREIA 2mm 7185171 AF PhotomRealtor ROSE APPRAISALS Monrchcns RENTALS 15 OWEN 51 7282379 IAI H052 Ros 72843116 Bill Macan Res 72017126 Russell Smith Ros 7209990 Mary Vair Res moses Dick Hartley mWlll 410 coDluNGTo prelim thred moms den Romulus mom with rlreplue Hanoch kitchen llvliigdtnlng room with hmdioom 1230 WILL vlnw olblly 71A OWNEII ANSITHRILL Pour bed room split level avcd drivc ilrrl Ily room with koul Tully lurid heaped Close lo Iil ICIIDOIS Earl guardian rutprions mm pm my EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 721177414 Eflnofls on comment All prions insertion onlus are accepted convenience to tho advertiser Thenlore the Cludtild Advertising Drpartuient requires all Idvcrtlberl to kindly roclltck thoir advertiseman Immcdhloiy uter first insertion in order that any error or omissions my be It ported MDflfl nrn in order that sum may be rectutod for the lot lowtng dayl publication The Unn rlo Exlmhlel is responsible or only can moonectly printed inscr only tattle axiom of portion rd that Involves Lbo ndsprint arm which do not lesson the wins of tho naysrussrnsnt not rllriblo caNcltLoATroNs 5270 It 017 Im or same day cancellation for comet10m bybukefloodl Tho DArrIlFExlmlner rcmvll till Photo iVlLS Realtor White 109 Hayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited RES 720M711 Port but on DWIIIMP room cotton mile north Barrie or two or three bedroom Mule in Burris wnto Bax Mo Barrie Exmlllel EXECUTIVE TYPE Ilolmi nutty bedroom balcony brandloarn rur walk out from lower love nearing completion cross to nlt lchoDil 10 minute wllk iron downtown mom Two ubuttoonl ironic room large kitchen bath basement MreIUMI room Close lopohooln Ind roboriu Good mumowner hold Irmrlgago Tele phonn radom COMPACT ImIiY home out End titres bedrooms md rise slanted full mutt close to nslwoll mi 71 Good vltlun It Um livtn ul Him to classliy rsvlso or select my want ndi ll Write rmltor miln SPACE FOR SALE OR RENT normal sPIicL for aid or rent 1600qulrd rot nl dry ltorIlo near Burris nsuonrble sultahlo tor workshop erio Box £0513 per LOTS FOR SALE flailTEN ACRES bulls strum ravine Elfliu IIILIH Writ Bax so Barrie Examiner PROPERTY WANTED usT turn us Aim nonnx Elm ory luillsr ills Realtor 51 Dunlop Wort 7101118 cUDAn swnluP Wmch to buy For further particular tAIepIIorld 5494050 or wrm Lionel nobltntlle Box 468 PelletInt BUS OPPORTUNITIES PnonTAlsLl sideline You can nuksmonoy ruttrig Chinchlliu in limited accommodation Excellent markets wrlt or visit stomhousc EhLlchIllilJLIMIb 1111 Uxbrlttge Ontario REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES DRY CLEANING Bum mo Ibhodinthllamovwflnan snowing nudism prom Sou turn nvnitnbto to nllcblo ww en Annhit wni nor an nnrrlo builder svmvows btl Hm Populnr ltecisunnt in writing malty meiltm Im on Munan Monthly unnoolnl nomads mil hbll to Intrnllrd puny mm down it male in units Realtorm1tm vnum no bulldlnl atte not Ind Illlnl Marten baunllnl down Parnut uriy pomion Good Dartm om tunlly for rnterprisi 11h ltntte Rultvr te no no MORTGAGES llIMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARM AND coullzRCML Pitonth soil or VALUATIONS If You Need Money To limlolldlll dbu off ulsUJll no mortnn omtnl out In roumcnll An wor hwhiil um Write or Phone 7200901 Mortgage Funding our SimpsonSears DUNLOP 51 Hambu Dnluio Martin Broan Aloeiltloo WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simplo intcrcst up to 110 of your prop erty value Low monthly pay ments up to filtcen years to re pay For any mortgsgo prob ems sea CORBYRodI Es tate 94 Dunlop St mfllil Nun hlanTononr sec llcnry Plrtck And Mishll colllr st muss INSURANCE THE MARITIME LIFE ASSURANCE Armed Service Division Personal Lilo insurance Mort gage Insurance Group Plans Annuity Plans Tax exempt Pension Plans Ernie 13 Sailor Barrie 7202135 Ray Bullock Angus 4495760 RENTALS HOUSES T0 RENT IHLLSDALB Trim bedroom MilO or rout modeln cunvrnlrncu lir twhtd garrs Avsllnbln Immedi linly TbilPhom urnulo 7791122 NEW BEDROOM horns bellm hsily lllldstlped Idul or KINRd couple nrni rompbio to right party him In Box D53 IIlo El 110 Barnumr HOUSES WANTED WANTED llnrbcdimtyi good ex ecutive homo loi rout in Burns Tctcphonp cunpbcll Realtor 72602 BEDROOM House or Apnrtiunnt wanied to rent with buoment or storage room our public school and hospital by Pop Tklcpllono 95905 To donation honla required by mature built in Barrie or within bntllo as Pious con tnet Mr Pomst mom between am ml pm WANTED To RENT or bed room hoiuo or maxLulth on nu unry is in tho listen or Angus area by nrellable 11glish couple with one thrownhold child Ir rlvtnr trorn Vsncouver nbout ln ulry 14 Plus writs to nor 34a Barrie Examiner APARTMENTS TO RENT NEW EXECUTIVE SUITE Luxury tarnished bedroom apartment cable TV 4pc balli Suit adults Central 7260901 930 to 530 weekdays 7200108 evenings NEWLY decorated two bedroom talent in triplex asst cud calcd Tolephnno New 0N2 BEDROOM Iplriment rent private entrance parking in drive waly Hunt and hydro included Tn hone Iflmm ALLANDALH Heaud our room Apartment with wiva entrance hiiu imii piti Ti iw buy cop and 7135890 THREE noon Apnrunent for rent hoisted second floor or con tained privmomrme padhing Available immediately Telephone mono or mm Erma noon comlomhio nprrt guilt ï¬zflsheg Close to 511 on In parkingups par month Telnphann two bedroom UNrUrllenEn abutment or unt LII SLrond IPIrtmcnt building but WIIH tic19d $70 monthly Avllllhlo Jlnulry 10 Telephone KIWI after pm MODEILN two bedroom heaped apartment for nut stovr romp erntnr washing rnelltiles parking ma Aplply 10d Ksrnpenselt Drive Apt zu or telephone mom VEIIY CENTRAL Two bedroom Iplrtmerlt Itnvo and raftigentur winner Ind dryer in laundry room garking flclllttel Adth Dilin olephona 7m THREE 1100M muconulned ru nnnhle comionlbly IM water AMI€11 redecorated Choice loon IJon It MPH bill laundromat Parking SPIN Penehnl 5t 7784 3594 01 MOI UNPUItNtSllKU heated IPIrtmcntr bedrooms Hvlngroom klan and DIM bath 11 ML BAY gelled st Apt or lephono Truan Apartan 9n mike 5t near Dominion Plan and bench Ono hrdroorn roomy apartment with private Enkfllce Plrltlrll laundry abilities Telephony 713 not or M2500 IIDWNTOWN Apmmcnt second floor with living romp kitchen two bedrooms piece bath sum Ind rcmgonbar Firkin Wlleri Mmed himIt anypliï¬ilwo mosh ep on 72 yr mu Inka 72117 17 C017 For Want Ad Section accepted until tun RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT mm butd tom roan Mohan vltn emnnu Mutts ux nodal unrumlma modrd lumpoi tor rent floor stop doormush Ami Wright mm tempt masril MDDILI unfurrunbcd bod rooru abutment lo mt run up mt WI llnr Gatorst Electric no monthly Avatnblc tundimly Tuophons maria ROOMS TO LET runmslllo bedroom in print lur resalema unrn up plied Putting million Telwhom amour club room for nut bond opuonnl Gkullcmul preter Rd Close to bus rtov cntrnliy Iocltod remova mam CLEAN mm mm bedroom Im rent Central button No mulr Telophonp mam CENTRALLY located Nowty dl corned stuptn looms linen rup lted pnrklnr Idiot er renuemn Okphm mom or call It 71 1117 st liter In nansmINo Room pith stov nd nfflurltor Central location Pulling mums Avnllcbio La rncdlntsty per week Te MM mm or 725W uniGllT R00 nvsllnblo Immedi nicly sulublc for young gentle ni unen supplied Rul stop It door Conventat to lunch bar Penth st lplophons mam cramming located bed hllulll room prints built my kitchen nnsrlts rcnirrntor hut rnd utiliter lltd Telephone can or ROOM AND BOARD noon on noon nnd Bond mil nblc tor two lldiu or gentlemen ln prlvnh home Reasonaqu rates $125111 Putlull leleptwm 718 OFF STORES TO RENT Vino sle or rent turn but am Rclsomblo to responsibl my ApPly in pcton lu burp llrric SPACE WANTED wanran ro ms nopmxlmto iy memo lquara ft of iloor rpm for occasions pron rnret lw ouoic ims Elms ruin sonvenlenm eio rlt Property ManKer Po pox acnie ARTICLES FOR SALE Hearing Aid Batteries All Sizes Authorized Zenith Agency MacKAYS PHARMACY tFormerly Caldwlliill 66 Dunlop St 7282903 TURKEYS Fresh killed1025 lbs 49c lb up FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER Red or Blue Brand Beet Front Vi Hind Va and Side of Beef Cut Tapped frozen and de livered Also Pork Whole or Curing and Smoking JERRYS MEAT MARKET PAINSWICK 7286874 CLEARANCE USED WASHING MACHINES $1995 AND UP McEADDEN FURNITURE It APPUANCEmW Highway 27 North NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house of fine broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prices 65 Collier St Phone 7291311 slus FOR SALE Junior toot SB Ind 46 foul $550 Bin to in amountsused once ele phonc mlsm GENUINE Hudson Scat coat for rate rise 20 in excellent condition Rclsnmbie Telcpiwno 7101320 tor runner details BEEF mourn 37c lb lands ore 1b sides 45c its Top sunllty hilly fuanlntecd Dicks Food Market so oolller street norm Tel phond 7236K hmsmT conl for nib nix 2W1 with matching musknt It In good condition Too large or owner No reasonable ostri nursed Telephone 7mm Wilme WAEHER rate Butty almost new Ill good bondi tlnrl priced rembiy It $711 Trlephonc 722mm woon Pop SALE dry mixed and white birch roi lire place rim or ï¬lmm slrnls or run cords delivered ltomncble Telsphons 7mm DOUBLE BED Spring Mum Desk perish Great or orcwsrs reirprwne pencil cm leg table rid mm or moan evenings slam ron SALE 10 in whit csrdboud Dumole pt to mt Home or sills etc Avnilnblo at and Drunlner busier oirlpo mum Equipment Scam ksrkely moat slicer stools coiiro Gory stove counter Shelves etc domestic ltovrl hesvy duty rin érirsntor Telephomi 1m liter p111 Udall rmATmo equipment used airlines two usrd blold nir oil runners Gnvtty umcl lonrd nlr blam Spars but creed IIr In Alla number of used sinks rid basins from Ilo to no Parqulrs Print2w Plumbing Ind Huiint Dunlap st wut mom WANTED someone to take over balance of plymentl on Singer lu whistle rig in swing rnncnlnn Makes button holes mI on but tonl fancy pattern 11 automati cally Wflnllly 333 Minn owln $5400 or $600 month yeu mum um Included Write Illed P0 Box Lon don Ontario Our Loc rrpm Mntltlve WIU III on you ARTICLES FOR SALE Have Your Own January Sale List Your Dont Wants In An Examiner Ad Used TV Appliances RTE yoIaSTogRUXTym sum $1 l900 ROGERS MAJESTIC RADIORECORD PLAYER 05 Ihroeopeed ldrsl tor rec min $3995 23 SCREEN SPECIM likiiili stouoo USED REFIGERATORS ll cu ft them across top like new heyear guarantee $l1800 SAC ONLY 30 GURNEY RANGE 5pm hrily amorriatic flmerepptiame wild $6995 All 1966 Models of Appliances TV at Big Discounts and see these SPECIALS Phone or come in Monarch Refrigeration Co 110 DUNwP STREET EAST 728205 SLIP costs onlu clu IIINS suns club re pants skim dic 51 rem star co ncn WI TcLLvlsluN for inguinal lnch romp new no compleltly overtcults Telephon mow zxznclao nuts for sole also Belt slendorirer both in good condlltoll Totrphono 723874 any time snowtilolllur la nun Bombn dlrr smumobllc mo Call Burton 416229 stroud szcnuc sNow Blower slightly Ilnd 1111 price Telephou assl utter pan lvlislllNo MACHINE or nil Slnrrr petalautomur am far old excellent condition tad elo phono mom for furttwr details Armour stroP Intriguing retre tlon too You st Look for the blue gnu post on Hwy 11 lust snulh oi Barrie nPPLlnchs his rule secondhand wholesale prices srs wring II and IulalnaLlc willie dryers and flown Telephom stroud Ltd mo 3833 by 72 $975 by it turd othertllnl 7mm 1150 Rnydcn Johnston telqvltorlr 7201507 MOPIAI chucrruc unripe spuri merit the $25 an inch Electrtc nnngc ciao hlrclary apnlrnnnt sire Electric Range 355 Pflkidhlrc no inch nun yrs Lari nerrlr rsior acrossthclop irecser slim ernm Washer v20 rsbls Saw with stand 15 In Electric Motors vlrious prim Robinson nsrdwm si onnlop maul ARTICLES FOR RENT mil 3115 0cfor my mmhlng er sy per marl TilTigtr Point lsh Hut co tel Phorie mum TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7202414 7282059 ARTICLES WANTED lioUTll BED wanted to buy corn Pletr in good condition Por fur ther particular telephone mom flsll tlUT wanted tun enou ti to urnmmodnlo two Maple Tre phono 4241734 eveninfl waNTzn mnutum stom d1 shu nnttnues appilamu Roth se7cond Hand shop Coohtowu 430 rli it FRUITS 8i VEGETABLES ArrLids ALL Kmns Ind up per bushel Bring containers at Slnlord st vacsolo DOGS AND PETS nthlnN SHEPHERD Pup or sale remitted female months old black Arid tun Telephone moors FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast iervlce PHONE BARRIE 7207751 Collect or ask tar NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91100 NOCHARGEI 74 hours day days neck RR Faxmead Ontario License No 290C Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dz Service Case New Holland David drown oestty 176 BURTON AVE 7281573 CASH TRADE TERMS SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately HOME RENOVATIONS achlAlenvG IN HOME mo VATION and IMPLIE rru nunt ntes llenry limiter mason SECRETARIAL PHOTO COPY mlmcomph elec tronio stencils upstairs lnner Stationary courtesy speed qunL lLy 7139010 DRIVING SCHOOL cm WIDE Driving School My licenced muned dunl controls For Inlonution out mom bmsnolus nrlrvma smooth Llomoed instructor and 11mm tms Pbortc molds anytime FIREPLACES nrucK AND no Fireplace bullt by expert eraltsioen the estimates moods nus CLEANERS UPHOISTEILING AND RUG CLEANING in your own home etc READY FOR USE IN HRS Free estirnales NEWWAY UPIIOISTERY Cl EANERS Phone Camp Borden 4241250 no 17 YOURSBLP be It Holt cl nu muthod Urn our ml ch TreelsanWITIWA 1mg 1zolsll DIAPER SERVICE DryMar Diaper and Linen Service Sheet rentals 25c weekly Do mestic sheets washed 70c cadl Diapers $175 weekly Dry wash be per lb Pickup and Delivery Telephone 721181011 for prompt 24 hour service PLASTERING 611055 PLAnmlNG and Rs plils Free estlmntrs Reasonablo ram Telopbom molar WHEEL ALIGNMENT moons whcal Allameat Ind Bilnoting 21 Toronto st Rllph iiPen Proprietor mam FLOOR TILE woLPnNolsN WAofllo Llnol cinn oer run All nukes ll kinds rd Toronto 51 msiis ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM windows Ind Donn installed Call Bob 4361770 ror uler Ind service CARPENTERS ALTERATIONS all kinds bullHn cup rec rooms sic Phone mom ou Ora 4575532 sauna BATHS alarmist sauna arias and Mass uo Tbs ultlmnto in hnlllly relax ruon Prints dl leaflemerls Slunu daily rn 7287111 BOOKKEEPING 17 GRAVES Em Admin but11 bookkeeping systems In come tax services 773com P0 aox Barrie INSU LATION llLDWlNG busmun inrnlrttou Pres estimates cnrsntecd work rouphm Scott Muir Till1m JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING Port clean elrrnlng for homes outlier stmsi alum OlePin Sonics 7137133 IRONING momma $2 per basket wishing and lroriln $150 Flour and do liver Phonflo 77400853 ODD JOBS Don Jobs No Job too until pnlotlnr etc TeltPhonc mom