1mm ms The Building Editor The Barrio Examiner Barrie Ont Enclosed please find $105 for which send me Lha book entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOME Please make remittance payable to The Barrie Examiner news or TOTTENHIIM By MRS VICE Tottenham Womens lnstltute met at the home of Mrs Freeman Jan with an at tcndunco of 27 members Agrt culture and Canadian iudustrics was the theme Mrs Mo Claln presented an encouraging tsoasums report Mrs Thaw read paper Canadian Indus try Owned by Canadians for Canadians Mrs Morgan Mrs McKenna and lira An derson held discussions pertain ing to the family farm Febru ary meeting is to he at the home of Mrs Wicc 10 NEW HOME number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs Herb Kant to honor ltrs James Emigh Mr and Mrs Emigh will soon move from their Queen St residence to new home in Rodciltf Acres She was the recipient of many lovely gifts Mr and lira Emigh have son William teaching in boys school in Africa and daughter Donnie Mrs Jim Stone of Tottenh am Mrs Emtgh is principal of Tottcn barn public school Mr and Mrs Frank Prothero and family and Mrs Andrew Archibald have returned from trip to Florida Mrs Earl lrwln nea Isabel Drununond has returned to her home in Fort Lauderdale Flo having spent the holiday season with friends here Mrs Hume Newmarlret spent two days recently with her daughter Mrs Oral McClain Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Saturday attended the funeral of the latters brotherinlaw Nor man McMullen Orangeviile When you are at Expo you will commute in buses designed in Tottenham by Mr Taberner These cross the Samuel de Cham plain bridga to St Helens is land which Champlain named for his wife Helen who lived in France senior citizen has his own way of heralding 1967 Hammond Mill St at years went skating on pond on his farm When he proved he could still skate he remarked to friend he had better not overdo Vii Mr Hammond has been an ardent lawn bowler for many years and in late had his name inscribed on several trophies Mr and Mrs Ted Elmer and family spent the holidays to California with the iattera par eo DECORATION swsnns The outside lighting this year showed nnrch interest was tak en and many new attractions were added by the citizens Prize winners were Bart Keogh Alton Andaman Grill Abram St Francis church and Jim Stone Judges were members of Schorn berg Horticultural Society Mrs Seitz Mrs Monty Gra ham and Mrs Ray Maison The Firemans Association sponsored the artifact Mr and Mrs John Claridge and sons Windsor spent Christ mas with Mra Clarldge Miss Fran Menzies who re cently completed the first phase in navy training at Cornwallis visited at the horde of her Par ents during the holiday and has returned to Halifax to continue bei training um mm Ittrrtt Miss Elaine Graham who is studying at Queens University Kingston was with her parents Mr and Mrs Monty Graham for tho holiday season VISITORS Mrs tVicc spent Christ mas with her mother Mrs John Easton and son Creighton Wicc and family Pcnctang Mrs Keogh and lira Walsh spent Christmas with their families in Toronto Mr and Mrs Barry Kant Montreal visited New Years with the formers par ents Mr and Mrs Fred Kant Mrs Herb Walsh spent part of the holiday season with friends in Toronto and Woodstock Mr and Mrs Jack che and family Chatham and Vernon Wire and family Smithviile were with their mother Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson are holidaying in Cape Cod getting acquainted with their infant granddaughter born re cently to Mr and Mrs Dick Hopwood Mr and Mrs Clar ence Gilli of Fillmore Sash are visiting the latters htother inlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Walter Hurihert visited during the week with Mr and lira Ce cil Stephenson Sarnia Mr and Mrs Don McNaughton London and Mr Gillls brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Murray Waugh Toronto nirvana By MRS TERRY Mrs James Besrdsall lcit Jan to spent the winter in Clearwater Florida Mr and Mrs Beardsalt are apend ring couple of months in Matilda Mr and Mrs Howard Spring had as guests Mr and Mrs Reg Spring and family of High land Creek and Mr and Mrs Earl Spring Chadram Mr and lira Petropouios Paid and Janice Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Tipping Mr and Mrs Robert Potti cary of Saskatchewan are guests at Mr and Mrs John Houden for the month and are renewing friendships in the area Guests with Mrs Cama han were Mrs Charles Burton Pam and Rob and Mr and Mrs Ross Dickie Toronto Mr and Mrs Russell Archer and family Guelph Mr and Mrs Stanley Drown Barrie spent couple of days with Mr and lira Ciiii Archer Sympathy is extended to the family at Jerry Barrett whose flattera1 took place Jan Mr and Mrs Rupert McGrath and Brian Mr and Mrs Rodney McGrath and Kim Brockville Mrs Farsgher Toronto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Scott Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs John Houden who on New Year Day cale brated their 59th wedding anoi yersary Mr and Mrs Ernest Scott of Eimvale celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Doc 27 at their home Congratulations and gifts were received from friends and relatives who called in the afternoori and evening Guests came from Toronto Tim rnins Eiora Kettleby Barrie Orillia Midland Vasoy Orr Loire Wyevala and surrounding area AWNea Heres home that hsstho appearance of damning story and half homo thats actually two famtb unit which will help pay for itself First story isstwobedmomplathhas two tromt cntranctsooc ser ving bothunits the other con pucly pnvate Service ammo semis bout units Theres an extra lavatory on the lat floor The upper unit provides exch lcnt accornodstlaru and should be easy to rent Allowance has been made for ample storage space to the unit Oon struction is Eric Veneer with vertical board accent House could be built on to foot lot lower 1186 Se FL Upper 710 Sq Ft Standard Blueprints for this Design No sap cost no for tho first set and $5 for additional sets Blueprints comply with the National Build ing Code or Canada and are ob tntnnbo by return mail Ontario residents must remit per cent SaiosTax BELL EWliiiT By MRS ORR Mrs Gcorgo Baxter held social afternoon recently for DORA ladies Visitors were Miss Loueiln Donneiiy Newmarlret Mrs Wilfred Stewart and lira Stewart Donnelly Churchill Mrs Jack Rcivc chroy Miss Louise Roardon Stroud Mrs Choppel Mrs William llod iey Mrs James Itcld and Mrs Fred Quontz Bell Ewart Christmas service in Bell Ew art Baptist Church had as speak cr Carl Lesohied Lewlsporte Nfld At the close of the ser vice presentation of gifts to Mr and Mrs Travis took place Mr and Mrs Laschled are Pas tor Travls daughter and sonin law They with Mr Lcschieds rather of Vaidhof Ont wero visiting the Travis family in liarrle for the holiday season Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Boutnan of Faith Baptia on tho birth of Lona Christine Doc 27 CHRISTMAS VISITORS Hubert Prenton Fort Francis with his sister lira Harold Sheppard Mrs Shoppards mo thcr Mrs Joan Huibort Buffalo also spent the holidays with them Misses Mary and Wendy Lloyd Kingston with their par ents Mr and Mrs Cribbage Pickering and Mr and Mrs Gerald Hadley Concord at Wil iiam Hadleys Mr and lira Alon Proph of Toronto with Mrs Chappel Mr and lira Plume and Mrs Waiters Toronto with Mr and Rnffett Mr anth George Green and son Colli wood with Mr and Mrs Wal ter Moore Mr and Mrs Brown and daughters Coidw ter Mr and Mrs William it Nabb and family Stoney Creek Mr and Mrs Hillrens and Bud Toledo Ohio and Mr and Mrs Villoughby Shanty Bay with Mr and Mrs James Orr The new fire truck was given atrial run New Years Eve It is welcome sight both for fire protection and lower insur ance rates which have been high in this area Mr and Mrs Harold Sheppard left for months vacation in Florida OSE Trombley has re turned to HMCS Stadaeoua af ter spending his leave with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Trombley The Girl Guides and Brown tea at Bell Ewart and Lefroy held their Christmas concert Dec On Dec 12 Guides and Brownies met in Lefroy Hail tor Christmas party and exchan ged gills Dec 17 Bell Ewart Baptist Church held their annual party Attendance bars were present ed to six children PUBLIC NOTICE Ihe New Year is here allowing Creed Chevrolet in Calliowa to put out another $10000 01 m4 moneydown financing of nnycaryouchoose Euy Chevrolet oryour choice ofover 50 fully guaranteed reconditioned tradedns The only requirement is that applicants live with in 50 miles of Coiling wood have steady job orranty regular income and sincere intention of pay ing their obligation Creed Chevrolet feels that fin ancing of the full pur chase price gives definite proof of the conï¬dence they have in their mer chandise and in many cases Creetd Chevrolet sells for less Lhnnwhat you might still owe after paying onothlrd down i° 11 tooth accepted by plume Coil 4452164ask Credit rlttanager SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CLOWES By tIILl KEITH LEE Clones will be held Jan to at the home of Mrs John McLean Roll call Name patron and give its antido motto Mrs Gordon Shciisw contest Mrs Harold lrigh program Mrs Leslie Moo etarent events everyone lunch Mrs Laurence Fraser and Mrs Dee Paradise Prank Madden is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Miss Sisko Wardenasr Mea lord visited last week with Miss Lynda Lees Mrs Ralph Hayes and chil dren spent few days with her Mr and Mrs IL Momm nh New Toronto Mrs Annlo Kerridge is home after short stay in hospital Those spending New Years with friends and relatives were Mr and Mrs Jlm Ney and fam ily with Mr and Mrs llsrvln Stevenson Bradford Mr and Mrs Ken Dicker and family with Mr and Mrs David Glenn Ileatbcote Mr and Mrs Rich ard Anderson and Wendy Elm lhvaie with Mr and Mrs Keith es CROSSLliND line ALLEN Visitors for the New Year at the Barnes homo wore Mr and Mrs Frank Squires and family California Miss Jean Barnes and friend Toronto Knox Ladits Aid met at the home of Mrs Sam Allcn with six visitors and nine members present Topic was taken by Mrs Ecll Mr and Mrs Mac McGlanls Barrio wero recent guests of Mr and Mrs William Bell Stanley Darncs returned to Calgary otter holidaying at his home here APTO Ry MRS CARSON Mrs Darmos Willowdale and Toronto friends visited Mr and Mrs Carson Jon Mrs Draper underwent surgery in Royal Victoria H054 pital last week Mr and lira ti Kanls were with their families for the New Years holiday Sympathy is extended to tho family of Cox who passed away Sunday uso to lrving and Clarence Carson in the death of their sister Clara Carson Wight an THORNTON By MRS HOLT Mrs Fred King Rose Ayerstl of Gananonuo visited Mr and Mrs James Speers and Miss Mabel Nixon Jan Spencer was admitted to Will Victoria Hospital Jan Last Sunday Mr and Mrs George Holt were guests of Mr and Mrs Emory Belfry Erad check These Olfactory Manufactured and Chip Proof Door Easing Mouldcd Arbortto Counter Tops Fiva Beautiful Wood Shades Handrubbsd Finish Hood and accompanied them to Oshawa to visit Mr sod Mn Larry Belfry and Wm Tbs an no at congregational meeting of Trinity United Church will held Monday Jan 13 pm in the chord moo room Ladies please bring hands Thornton Womens Institute iii hold their Jen is meeting attire horns gt Mrs James Spears Visitors will be wet come Note diaries of piece Bert Horton lett by motor for Florida last weekend Ho peels to return by air at the end of the week Miss Irancu Wicklum spent Jan with her cousins Mr and Mrs Norm Ttnrell Weston STROUD Hy MRS BERT MULEOLLAND ANNIVERSARIES Mr and Mn Gouge Swim celebratni tint 57th Wedding writcrazy Jan 12 and Jan ll Mr and lira Rtml Oon mplu Mr and Mn Giar Wotan and fanfly of Hiltasdton spent the Now Year Weekmd with tho Ion mers mother Mrs Evelyn Wright Mulbotland is Mam norm in Motto M8 this week Mrs Swanson Gtammd Bench foil breaking an arm and is hospitalized ARENA Steering hockey and broom ball are bdng calmed at Strum arena Milton Welsh is caretaker and Mrs Bert Mulhoilard op orator of the booth While skating at the now Can tcnniai ParkBrltmng the htiiday nook Mary lock dell inmtdng hcr collar bone ORO STATION Hy MRS II CRAWFORD Mr and ltrs McIntosh spent week of the holidays with their soniniaw and daugh tcr Mr and Mrs HarryRlches Stoney Creek Mrs Mary White head Toronto spent last week and with lfr and lira McIn tosh Miss Cathy Ptrrie and Calvin GeorgepToronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Robert Pirric Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mr and Mrs Marvin lic Dougull in the sudiest death of Mrs lchougaiis mother Mrs Dimaltne Hawkcstone Mr and Mrs Morton Dale loft Saturday to visit in Sarnla and Detroit en route south for few weeks LETTER FROM INDIA their meeting nt the home of hire Maclnoes Jan with large attendance Mrs Blackmoro president Mrs Goodllft and Mrs McCuaig gave devotions and theme Why Believe in God Mrs Mao lnnmreadaletierotnurohin rest from lady In India Next meeting will be held at Mrs Melville Crawfords Feb ruary Features Factory Finished Citstom built for yourkitchan Easily installed Cali Al at 7261466 719 End Road Tho Presbyterian ladies hold ANGUS alas nucnwoam Mr and Mrs Ernest Ham mood arrived home from St Peiersburg Fin where they have been spending the winters for several years Mr Ham mond was ill and is patient in Barrie hospitaL Walter McMackoo and William 1lllsvtdmn are both on the sick Mr and lira Frank Dunn mo tored to Kingston Jan with their son Alan who returned to the hï¬liary Wage attu spend in three weeks at home Mrs William McKinnon re turned to New Glasgow NS after few days visit with her 3r TE Mm mu WAY JANUARY lNiIl sister and brotherlnlaw Mr andsm James Andrews Car tre Mr and Mrs Cameron Mc Ras visited the formers cous in Miss Enid McKenzie pa tient in Mcaftrd inï¬rm Mr and Mn Gifford Duckworth Orangeville visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Duck uorth and Duckmth Mr and lira Harvey Robin son spent few days at Iron Bridge with the latters brother and Itstertnlaw Mr and Mrs Bernard thliton Mr Million was patient in hospital at Blind River but had returned home Miss Debbie Falconer Bay Ridges spent couple of days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Rev and Mrs Robert Lacey and family Applevrood Acres Mr and Mrs Patrick Lacey and Bruce Windsor Mr and Mrs Roland Hammond Brampton Mr and Mrs Alan Dean and Mn Clara Gordon Toronto visitedhln Hammond and Mr Hammond who is in hospit at Mr and Mrs Roy Sleeper vis tted Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sleep er and Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson Guelph HOLLOWS Dy MRS BOtlDEN Mr and Mrs Boaden spent New Year Mr and lira Allan Bowdeo Mldburst They have also been guests of Mr and Mrs William Carr bokstown WINGNBS Mmfl um WW WtNDSHtELD ii 32w MataMaster AEROSOL SPRAY Clearly most necessary aid to safe winter driv mgi Spray ii on to melt ice sleet or frost Cannot may th Canadian Tire side windows Safe FROST SHIELDS Designed for tho defensiveminded motorist Prevents steaming and frosting of interior gloss areas Everclear pinatio Ail round protec tion windshield rear windows Winter Storm Arttir Wiper Blade real blizzard beater IDsices as it wipes Flexiblefice repellent nood Universal for curved Windshields snow no ice BRUSHES scrsprrs 3hr 11 bushy nylon brush plastic scraper longon vai Deluxe Snow Brash Our Best $15 Ice Scraper clipon plastic taer AND CARRY are wooden handle overall length 1EXTttAl side and Plastic WtNDSHlEiD PROTECTOR No fee to scrape drive uway without delay Coldproof plastic aide vent fitting 74 Gives weather protectioh ï¬nish Be on the lookout with accident preventorsi ITS THE AM See and to New Ontario Department of Transport Regulations requires clear driving vision through frontprrar and BODY MOUNT Car Mirror All nonglare iinishj Lustrous polished chrome arm Ensily mounted on any can Die cast zinc ballp apringten aion Vt iw 24o wwoswrto wnsara Militantsseer ProMix era GALLON conmnvnn tests to 20 below zero Bandy holeindire handle for easy histant ap plication No messy annoy ing mixing and stirring Safe to usewiilnotbam auto ï¬nishes at most ian Tire Stores At BROWN aanhteitro no punter sr wasri aARRIe