Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1967, p. 1

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Slow Start For Govt an Insurance System iv 103rd Your No Barrio Ontario Canada Thursday January 12 1967 0hr Titanic Examiner Award RVH Contract IoEmery Add $140000 SEE PAGE TWO Slrvlng Simeon County For More Than Century Not More Than 10 Per Cbpy 13 Pagu MAYOR COOKE OPENS MANSFIELD ADDITION City oliicials hrul area in dustry representatives Wed nesday helped HominidDem OTTAWA CPLTile legisla livc rhccls started slow roll Wednesday tow ard Canadas first system of insurance on the pritilics sits in banks trusts and loan companies The government is not putting high priority on its bill to set up the Canada Deposit insur ance Corp It will probably not go back on the Commons agenda this session But Finance Minister Sharp supplied details of the bill in the Commons Wednesday so that parliamentary commilce can consider it as legisla tion complementing proposed changes in the Bank Act He also promised action on joint basis with the provinces to protect the public interest in othcr waysthrough new se curities regulations and im proved tr of over finance companies AIMS SET The deposit insurance schern has three goals Ito guarantee the safety of individual accounts up to $20 000 to provide loans to finan LATE NEWS mfllfififWJLfi man General Co Ltd launch its sixth and latcst expansion at the John St plant Barrie Mayor Cooke right as cial institutions that may riln into trouble meeting their ob ligations To improve minimum iltiallr cial standards of dcposit taking institutions across the country The insurance will apply at two levels and it is this distinc tion that provoked opposition MP5 to complain that the gov ernment is treating the whole issue timidly For the chartered banks and federallyincorporated trust and loan companies institutions sists MDG president Moore at ribboncutting cere mony Story ulld picture on Page Examiner Photo that lie within federal Jurisdic tionthe insurance will be man datory For prorincialiyincnrpuratcd trust and loan companies the scheme is available on volun tniy basis These institutions can join if they want toand it their provinces agree All member institutions will have to meet minimum stands unis They will be subject to federal inspection lever Ot tawa will use to upgrade prac tices of the So called near banks Subsidize Competition Under Govt Insurance Bill MONTREAL fCPlW Earle McLaughlin chairman and pres ident of the Royal Bank of Can ada said today the govern ments proposed deposit insur ance bill will force chartered banks to subsidize their com petition He told the banks annual meeting the bill part of amends ments to the Bank Act now he tore the House of Commons will 5131 1211 Seeks Marriage Law Change STOCKHOLM Reuters Swedish member nfParliamenl tloaid today he will try to force dirange in the countrys incest laws so that brothers and sisters may marry Students Attack Russian Secretary NICOSLA AP Viasili Sidoroll second secretary of the Ru sian embassy was attacked by Greckoypriot high school students during an antiSoviet demonstration in Nocis today He escaped unharmed Bombing Is Indispensable SAlGON Reuters GenLEarl Wheeler chairman of the US joint chiefs of stall said today the bombing of North Vietnam is an indispensable part of the American war effort Want Abortion Law Changed now DELHI on government appointed committee oi donors and family planners recommended today that India relax its law which now permits abortions only it womans life is en dangered by pregnancy MiniSkirts Replace Settings JAKARTA Borders indonosian dirls have replaced their sotorigs with miniskirtts some as mudi as seven inches above the knee in new nave of ththn pop culture Beetle music is back again uflerltwu years of olficiul wrplunnalion immuammaicasrmm impose compulsory insurance on the very institutions that need it least The safety of chartered banks is unquestioned The ma jor effect of imposing deposit insuranccon the chartered banks will be not to increase protection for their depositors but to force the banks to sub sidize their competitions the federally and provincially char tered nearbanks It might also tell the world that the strength of Canadian banks has diminished to such an extent that it must be buoyed up by depositinsur ance Mr McLaughlin said the problem is not insurance but the lack of regulation and in spection of nearrbanksa term used to describe such institu tions as credit unions and trust and loan companies Arrested In Stabbing Bus Driver TORONTO CPI Police cl rested four persons in sub urban pool hall early today and charged them in lhe stabbing Wednesday of city bus driver Charged with wounding with intent to disfigure were Paul Harold Thompson 20 of tor onto and John Edward Mc Kcrnan 17 at no fixed address Thompson and McKcrnan were also charged with at tempted robbery along with John Lyon 18 of no fixed address Lyon and his wife Karen 20 were also charged jointly as accessories Nonmon Partlngton to of Lorettn 35 miles north of here was In fair condition in hospital today after he was stabbed several times by two youths By THE CANADIAN PRESS it was happy birthday John across Canada Vcdncsday as the country paid tribute to its first prime minister Canadians from Newfound land to British Columbia rc callcd too years of history and gave thousands of school chil dren time off in honor of Sir John Macdonald tho contro versial Conservative primc min lstcr who was born in Glasgow Scotland X52 years ago Wed ncsdiiy Sir John prime minister trom 1867 to 1373 end trom 1870 to 1891 was also honored by the nations premiers and members of the llouse of Commons Birthday parties were held in other years in honor of Sir lohn who carried the title Father of Confederation but VMncsdny was the greatest because at Canadas Centennial Ycor celebrations The biggest party was in the city of Kingston where he first entered politics as an alderman and continued to represent in Parliament large cake was decorated in his honor and Prime Minister Pearson said MONTREAL tCPtThe par out of about 217000 pupils in the Montreal area have been told by the schools to keep their children at home Friday be cause there appears to be little chance of averting planan strike of 9000 teachers The teachers employed by the Montreal Catholic School Com mission have been told by their union leaders not to report to school Friday unless they hear to the contrary from their exe cutive Hopes for settlement dimmed alter the teachers oer gotiators turned down new wage otter by the commission making the strike appear in evitablc Parents meanwhile have sent an urgent appeal to Que OITAWA tcPiNew safety measures are being studied and may be applied in Canada this year to headache remidies ap parently the greatest poison danga in bile country special advisory committee examining the problem is ex pected to make safety recom mendations to the federal health in onion department this spring as re The Examiner TODAY Ann Landau6 City Newsz CInsIliiedls 11 Comicsii District5 Deathsin Editorial4 Sportyit ll Theatre5 Womensd 7v rv Lirnn 14 weatherLi rm mmuwmmMvameunavummlmlimuafl worthhumanmownwnvnwn Que Teachers Strike Friday HEADACHE neurons Consider New Safety Measures safety measures They include cylic acid phyaiciaa immediate Canada still has plenty to learn from the old rhieftan Sir John who boasted that the public preferred him as prime minister drunk to anyone else sober was remembede warmly as man who fostered US leis Pound Iron Triangle In Vietnam SAIGON APiAmericon iel bnmbers pounded the iron Tri angle with repeated strikcsjlnr day while on the ground armor lcd US troops uncovered more Vlct Cong base camps and large caches of enemy rlce As the warr blEcht ground sweep carried through its fifth day US headquarters reported the count ot Communist dead rose to nearly zoo with to prisoners taken in the drive to clear the Jungle 10 to so miles north of Saigon US air raids over North Vietnam were down to to mis sions Wednesday because of persistent bad wealhcr bee Premier Daniel Johnson and Education Minister Jean Jccouer Bertrand calling for government intervention WANT MEDIATOR They asked the government to appoint special mediator to help resolve the contract disr puie The appeal was made in telegram signed by Mr Cecile Jacob president of joint com mittee represrnting parent teacher associatian and other SWUDS The strike would close 500 elementary and high schools The Montreal Catholic com mission also administers Catho lic pirblrceducation in several suburbs as well as in Montreal itself suit of yearlong study of the problem lofocmants said that among the possible safety steps being considered are limitations on the number ot pills in bottle safety caps and drastic worn ings about keeping pills out of the reach of children In the United States the fed eral food and drug directorate has reached voluntary agree ment non the drug industry and the medical profession on such reducing the number of fin vored childrens headache tab lets per bottle to do from 50 The limitation applies to prep aretionr containing acetylsalr Ono US study indicated but the peak of severe titties or death from such pilipoisoningo among children com when or more pills were nsurned Vibe US standcrck Blsowtl require now warning in addi tion to the present injunctionvto keep medicines outofthe hands at children Labolowill have to sin titlno cap is Nope cii chiiiipioof invcescsoftccr idontal overd so contact Canada Pays Tribute To John Macdonald national iiity and set the mold for the Lanndo of today Mr Pearson said that Sir John and his fellow Fathers of Confederation were inspired by faith that great national dcs llny ould be achieved only through unity As symbglic step of this thcmc Mr arson announced that provincial premiers will be made members of the Privy Council of Canada The Privy Council advises the Queen on lcgislirtlon through the Governor General By tradi lion federal cabincl ministers have gained automatic mem bcrshlp for various contribu tions to the country HERES our Astwo small boys stored at an abstract pointing in mod crn art exhibit one whispered to the other Lets get out of here before they say we did it MAO CALLS ARMY I0 CRUSH No Indication Opponents Buckling Under Pressure TOKYO tCtIilan Tsctrrng has dollicrcrl an ultimatum to his enemies called on the army to help crush them and obtained pledges oi loyalty trom military units lhrouglroui China organs under his control reported to day There was no indication Maos opponents were buckling under the pressure Petting radio said Mao has ordered complete rc orgonlzalion of the cultural revolutionary committee of the armcd torces possible indica tion of military opposition to Man despite the claimed pledges of support The now turn in the 71year old Chinese Communist party chairmans seething struggle with the party faction headed by President Lirr Shnochi coln cided with an admission there has been fighting in Shanghai Mao ordered the city quaran lined and all travel in and out limited shanghai focal point ot the power struggle was on the brink of decisive battle be tween supporters and opponents of Mao the new Grim news agency hR CNB Equipment Efficiency Questioned At DORION Que tCFiJurors and lawyers at coroners in quest Wednesday questioned the efficiency of ONE level cross ing equipment in the hot seal was Lewis Hawkins 59 of Ottawa chief signal otficcr of the boardol transport commissioners The inquest began itonday into the Oct collision between Women Identin Boston Attacker CAMBRIDGE Mass AP 35yearold mental patient who claims to be the Boston Strangler has been identified by three women as the man who invaded their homes in subur ban Boston two years ago and molested them sexually Albert DcSalvo former house painter and laborer from nearby Maiden is on trial in Middlesex County Superior Court on charges of breaking and entering armed robbery assault and sex offences Dorion Inquest CNR freight train and char tered bus that causcd the dcflth of 20 young personsin the hits at level crossing on one of the main streets in this commu nity 25 miles west of Montreal The westbound train ham mored into the bus at 730 pm split it in half and dragged the flaming portion 2000 feet down the line The crash caused the immediate death of ill teen agers and driver Marcel Flsury 20 Another strident died of in juries eight days later Mr iiawkins first dcscribcd the level crossing equipment in use at Canadian level crossings as firilvsrrfe Later under extensive ques tioning from Judge MarcAndre Blaln several jurors lawyers and Crown Prosecutor Claude Nolin he admitted the equip ment could have drawbacks under certain situations COULD LIFT GATE He said in answer to ques tion that boy of is or 14 could lift barrier to an elevation 45 degreessufficient elevation at the Dorian crossing to per mit bus to pass underneath lle sup merits Guards and paraded through Shanghai streets in open trucks today for chncrs living there said in lclc phone reports to Hiring Revolutionary groups in the port city Chinas largest ac cuserl the municipal porly com mittee there of causing eco nomic sabotage and Industrial tmrcsl according to rrgcncy re ports monitored in ltong Kong The appeal to tire armyand the reported swift response nlso suggested that the 2500000 nrmed forces may be wavering in their loyalty to Mao and Dc fcnce ltlnislcr Lln Pioo his No ally und nominally in control of the army The armys declaration of loy alty followed an editorial in the Poking Peoples Daily and the theoretical Journal Red Flag both controllcd by Maowhich warned Lius inctlon to make final reconsideration immedi alcly and surrender to the row lutionary people On the heels of this ultima tum which used the word final for the first timc four im portant olflcial bodies domi nated by Mao issued directive calling on the army the party the government and the people throughout the nation to take concerted action and to boat back the now counterattack if the bourgeois reactionary lino Until now the army has been carrying out its own purge as part of the Sitcaiin great pro lclarion cullrirai revolution Negroes May Form Nassaus Govt NASSAU Bahama Reuters The Peoples Liberal party in day worked to give the Ba hamas its first Negro governs merit in the British colonys 300 year history But whether the PLP would get the chance de pended on luneuhiie man Lynden Pindling the partys 36yearold leader re ceived heros welcome in Nas sau Wednesday when he flew in tram his Andros Island constitu ency to try and form govern ment Whether he succeeded or not depended on Alvin Braydcn the while tormcr speaker of the United Bahamian party who was returned in office in Tuesv days election as awlndepcn dcut

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