Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1967, p. 4

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7132 Annie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 anfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor mummy tumor m1 Paczt Committee Revision Helps Save Work In Parliament The plan was evolved on Parliament Hill about two years ago to send more work to committee for detailed study The aim was commendable It was to case the lead on the House of Commons members as whole and to bring greater efficiency It is now becoming more and more evident the Commons committee system is not working out well and that further adjustments will be required In fiveday week it is becoming in creaslltgly difficult for members of par lianlent to provide uorums for the com mittee meetings described by The Ottawa Iornal the situation is case of the load being too great for the willing horses Some members are not keen on committees and find reasons to be ablt sent Those who attend faithfully often find it impossible to provide quorums for meetings on Tuesday and Thursday Many members still feel Monday and Friday are halfdays as far as their at tendance in Ottawa is concerned Wed nesday as caucus day keeps members in their party parlcys for the full morning The problem has therefore become one of endeavoring to fit the sexton of 31 committees into threeor four days of the week Particularly when many of these committees are active con siderable difficulty is encountered IIo proposals have been made to remedy the situation The Jotunal says thoughqu members speak more and more of committee days the set ting aside of one day week for com mittee work only The House of Com mons would not assemble on the day designated and members woidd be ex pected to devote their time exclusively to their committee responsibilities second suggestion is that the House of Commons adjourn for week at time and members turn their attention solely to committee work The committee system as means of handling the increased flow of public business and of keeping members more fully informed is sound It should not be permitted to deteriorate On Its efficiency to major measure depends the efficiency of parliament DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 15 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan 1942 Bar ries new mayor Donald MacLaren delivered inaugural address at first reg ular meeting of town council Ile ado vised that municpal maintenance and necessary repairs be carried out but capital outlay be deferred during crucial war years He paid tribute to work of clerktreasurer Arthur Smith who hart efficiently and faithfully filled of fice since 1915 Albert Toner Reeve of F105 and Irwin II Luck Reeve of Ore mentioned as wardenship candidates for Simcoe County Second Battalion Grey and Simcoe Foresters authorized to recruit full strength Turner fomIor owner Barrie Busi ness College has recently been principal of secretarial school in Fred ericton appointed accounLing master for Mount Allison University Sackville NB Town council set amusement mach Ine tax at $150 LtCol Sher ring senior Protestant chaplain at Camp Borden said he was opposed in prin ciple to special days of prayer lfwe were really Christian there would be no need he declared Orville Todd Churchill beganrfourth year as Reeve of Innisfil Also acclaimed were Deputy Thomas Cook Councillors Dalton Bant ing Clifford Lockhart Wilbert Black Kempcnfelt Bay froze over Dec 30 Ac cording to records earliest freezing was Dec 1875 and latest Feb 1932 Town Engineer Otto Rawson reported construction reached new high in Bar rie during 1941 with 40 new dwellings Guthrie community shocked to learn of death Monday morning Dec 29 of Rev Roy Gray United Church min ister He had preached three sermons Sunday at Guthrie Oro Station and Shanty Bay Barries new roller skat ing rink opened in fomier llarris Mir tors Bldg on Elizabeth St now army navy and air force veterans club Opening of junior hockey season at Bar rie Arena saw Colts tie Markham Aces 77 Referee John Dobson of Barrie call ed 20 penalties Match ended in Wild freeforall in which fans jumped on ice Wilson Craw native of Thornton appointed managing editor Peterbor ough Daily Examlner He is son of late Rev and Mrs George Craw II Rus sell Nettleton manager Bank of Tor onto installed as president Barrie Ki wanis Club Tony Deearie returned to Barrie from Brantford as manager Zellers store He was manager here 193540 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS OLD AGE ALSO HAS ROMANCE Windsor Star Romance is not the exclusive preroga tive and pleasure of the young It also can happen in the older years and we recently came upon happy couple to prove it This man and woman had been born on neighboringfarms They played as little tots when their mothers visited Later they trudged up the rural read to school in sunshine sleet and snow When they grew up their ways parted the young man going elsewhere to make ruffledv twewzwmm vwsgzressiuemymw living to marry and to sire family Shetoo wed and moved away There came time when their families had grown up and each had lost the marital mate They chanced to meet again They renewed the friendship of their childhood days They decided it would be nice to spend the last years of their lives together as they had spent so much time together when little They married There they were past 70 content with life with their memories andwith each other There is something fine about this romance in the evening of their lives EIRST EREIGHEER TO REACH MONTREAL the Norwegian frdghler Iyorwarded role cone for be Svanefleli dodfavat Montreal In the ilmyessel of the year Thursday winning the annual to reach the port The SvanE fjell readied eth tillong lead over her nearest val the Danish freighter cola Dan ICPWirephoto THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS DICE ARE USUALLY SLIGHTLY LOADED We Shall Have Peace News Seems To State By PHILIP DEANE Foreign News Analyst We shell have peace the news seems to be saying Much depends of course on how you read the news Admittedly In Vietnam the war goes onwith both sides offering an end but on mutuallyunacceptnble con ditions Russia appears to he es calating the arms race by cm barking on nrlnous program of antirnlsile construction that may have to be matched by the 05 Jordans King Hussein says Moscow is trying to divide and rule in the Middle East and Indeed Syria is using Soviet weapons against Israeli hordcr guards who employ French weapons to blast Jordanian vii logesln Africa military coups keep peace with tribal mas sacres Yet we on moving closer to the certitude of peace Peace depends not on abolish Ing conflicts and rivalries over night but on replacing murder ous films of conflict with less murderous forms till nations like mrfbers of civilized so ciety resolve their differences in court rather than in gun rights Which brings us to the problem of the concealed gun and bow to detat it the prob lem in ottrer words is disarm ament with Inspection which can only come about if the de sirability of Its purpose peace Is truly recognized by both sidesthe us and Russiaa being the greatest common pri orlty RECOGNITION GROWS Such recognition has grown hi this hydrogenbomb era giv Ing us the testban treaty the treaty prohibiting the use nf outer space for oher than profiles and the agreement between Moscow and that nuclear weap onseshouldrrboidcnlmsmdiosecmmhd Mao do not now have them which means that the finally abandoning its Ir tiara eonuam with oontaming the Soviet Unton by using Ger man strength to that end Ger many may pas from being bulwark to being neutral till Sonic Examiner Authorized as scoood class mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statumy Holidays excepted Subsuiption rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $23M yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $1340 yearly Ontario 512 year motor tinowofh 515 year Mail out side Ontario $14 year Out VaideHCsnada British posses sions $15 USA and foreign $26 yearn Offices 415 University Itve Tomlin 640 Catheart st Montreal 507 1200 West PenderStfiVatlcottvnr BC gt Manber of the Can an Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations IheCanarlian Press is ex eluaively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred tied to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein ground Thus the German threat to Russia recedes and Russia less afraid reacts more rationally In the more relaxed almos phcrc trust of sorts is easier and disarmament Inspection is not so difficult to arrange Spy satellites now are perfected enough to photograph objects smaller than man and neither side attempts to shoot down the oIJIers satellites So the be ills of let Etimssile oct work cannot be hidden and Mwaw Washington agree ment not Infd EJLiI networks may not simulate over the prob tom of inspection Money Is factor in this re lease from tensions Russians have become affluent which means they have comforts and hope for more Like us they want less guns more butter Prague radio told us at the close of 1066 that the Soviet manin spacc program was slowed by lack of funds yet in Illa same year the number of private cars produced In the LISSR increased substantially The US finds its prosperity threat cnezi by the drain of gold to Ii nance foreign war yet the US public does not seem dis posed Io cut its expenditures on pleasure travelling to conserve foreign exchange There seems then to tip certIIrKle of pasta or rather of frecdom from world warRus sia wouldnt fight even if the US attacked China and such an attack would not mean world war only larger but still to calilcd Asian war This may me be peace on earth but it is promise that the human race will survive long enough to learn how to eliminate even lo cal wars caused by the rebel lion of the colored and starving part of our globe LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Sir would like to commend Trustee Hickling Barrie on his stand on the Collegiate being used for bridge on Sun day Somewhere which must be oldfashioned it says Remem holy Upon the remarksof the others on the board if tles is their thinking are they worthy of directing mucaulon At theYIfCA they have group of people with Bridgsitus growing disease Instead of setting aside one day for God they now push Him into corner and now we have halfday Oinisfinns But when trouble comes they re member llim and the chur jeant what is the difference be tueen bridge and when it is on day set aside for God Prayfully ActIRISIIAN INNISFIL TAXES Dear Sir Rob the poor to aid the rich phrase in the Barrie Ex aminer of the Dec 22nd inst by ihe Ionisfit Township Reeve Taxes have to be paid and it doesnt matter when they have to beipaid but the summertime when they are working is the best time though the two per cent allowed as rebate is their savings for the next years tare es however two per cent is small savings pretty low in terest on their money Many of the poor people and the writer is one of them in the twin came tax bracket class have to wimp and save all year to pay when their tax notice comes in any 33 days and am glad to save the four dollars per year for the next years tnxes think the poor peope should he encouraged by tax rebates to pay IheLr taxes eady in the year and not at Christmas time which is the best method for them There are many ennfldcrably wealthy and very welloft people living in this township as it Is one of the detract townships In Ontario The residents oWn lake property and cottages houses apartment bluidrs and forms which they derive rentals and etc wait to pay their taxes In order losqueeze out the lost yearly interest on investment In the Credit Union andoher in comes at seven per cent Inter oft ondIIIIEn complain that they bcr the Subbth and keep it miners dont get fhercbate on taxes having used up the time to the deadline Who ls Icgislating for uhom Surer not for the poor who have to pay taxes anyway Living in the township one knows the rich who get richer from those who are poor and get poorer Let them complain about the rebate if they dont pay earlier The writer is sure that th council can use the tax money at any time of Ihe year but more especially so in the sums mertime when there is more work to be done Ihe council could invest the surplus money for interest and his wouldhelp reduce the taxes for the poor If they wanted too The system on taxes is fine Hueser Aos mange would cause dissention and may jeopardize the vote at the next coming election of rceve and officers for the town ship if the old ones run Any change wouldnt make any dif ference to the poor Taxes should be calculated on peoples totnl yearly incomes say five per cent Instead of assessments on properties then the rich could compensate for the poor Inuisz Taxpayer Exile Army ls Jailed KEY WMT Fla AP leaders of linychanHa eidlc army are In against Cubas Fidel Castro 011Innls ntKcv Vcsls Mon roe County held for the federal government on charges of violating US neutrality laws ball was set at Rolando ltlaslerrer mil turning over breakrrpot fan tastic plan to conquer Haiti and turn it into an invasion base OTTAWA REPORT PolicyMaking Grabbed From By PATRICK NICHOLSON mAWAA funny thing hap period on Parliament Hill In 1h moat Wrapid ma Cash has over WM collectively the least effective In living memory The diminish ing status of the Individual MP was eroded even more as the cabinet was permitted to grab policymaking power from the Home of Commons to greater extent Administrative poms Ind al ready been substantially seized by the civil service despite the considerable activityln commit tees this trend was not belted because the RIP forming those committees abseottd them selves In droves while of those who did attend only an out standing fmv like Alf Hole and Bryce Hackneyreally did their homework Vilh ower concentrated In the hon of the cabinet even minority government can ulti mately perturn its oil Even so clumsy and arrogant mln ister can encounter heavy weather In steering bli throum the house while on llslule minisch can trim his sails to float through any storm and emerge with better bill at the end We have seen this contrast during recent months Defence Minister lIelIyrr lacking the finesse of such parliamentary scamonship vainly attempted lo bullet his service unification through Parliament Meanwhile two controversial bills were ndroltly steered through by the more subtle health minister Allan htocEachen MEDICARE IIND PENSIONS The tsyearold Nova Scotlaa IIII not find the sailing smoth for his medicare and supple mentary od age pensions but he never allowed the atmos phere to become embittered Instead he kept close liaison with the Conservative Opposi tion giving recognition to proc Ilcul suggestions and receiving Invaluable help notably from OriIIias Dr Rernie Rynard and Saskatoons Dr Lewis Brand dcsnito their criticism Thus Allan MacEacben Im proved his already high repute and could cnloy his Christmas BIBLETHOUGIIT Lord Inrmubiu In they visited fhcc they poured out prayer when Ihy ehnslelllng was upon them Isaiah 1616 Men still find It hard to pray until the hard times conic We to chI to keep In touch with IhelLord when things are going wn please THE NEW RUBBER STA AN INKPAD TlIhTifiom 16 Bayfield ORDER ANY NU 71$I25 Provincial and Fed CARRIER MISS YOU If your Barrie Examiner carrier has not arrived by put 7282433 And Copy or Ellminel war no Delivered lb Your Home by pm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARE AND TRUCKS 25000 MEREssmrsI nu PEIIMIISTIIIIIP COMMERCIAL PRINTING REPRINTS 0E EXAMINER PHOTOGRAPHS AVAILABLE 48 000R SERVICE DROP INTO THE BARRIE EXAMINER AND Power House Holiday with his Iiamcntor am dented Heltyer on the other hind faces stormy New Year In In as umber of the government Allan LIMEan emerged as the minister of the year Nineteen alxlyslx also pro duced an mflfabdlag unmple of the success which can be achieved by terrier on the back benches It Is always diffi udt hr backhand III to make his mark in public under the present system of strict disclpltnc where iitlcal parties paper over their ternat differences in semi caucus But oboe wlda avenue will at unya open to every back beochcr this is to become specialist in fluid chosen with foresight and then to kscp ham rnenng away at that suhlcct In the many parliamentary forums available IIIGIIWAY SAFETY Thla course was pursued In 1966 by on 1th even younger than Allan IIIaeEachen but as admit and experienced In Par liament lie the Bityearrold Conservative from Quebec Iieward Grafftcy who won and deserved the nickname Mr Highway Safety lie Initiated the demand that the govern meat should legislate safety features into new automobiles and ctcvcry npportunlfy he was In the forefront hectorlng with out mcrcy the prime minister and the minister of Industry He was or course given con fidenre by th backing he re ceived from an blamed public The early months of rose saw ltlr Grafftey receive the largest unorganized fan mail ever to snow under an IIIP Largely prompted by sug gestion to Ottawa Report pri vate citizens in all parts of oda wrote to support his cam paign and many sent him long ists of signatures endorsing his drivu lhcse signatures ran Ito Inmdnds of drumnds Its Inside is far from wen Some safety features are eons Ing but not enough in his bell He will fight on until automob passengers are protected as ef fectively as possible against Iho killing and mnlming effects of the second collisionnot when car hIts car or tmmovecble oh gei his edges Inside hla vehicle lie also aims to protect the whole citriwuy by demenr compulsory clean air pa ages to absorb the lethal fumes emitted by automobiles For his Industry and determlna lion in this field Ilcward Grail tey wins acclaim as the back beneher of the yes Phone MP THAT NEVER NEEDS rizXamirtrr 7266537 MBER OF PRINTS Io $150 eral Sales Tax Extra vana politician who has tangled before with the United States over plots to take Cuba officials set ball at $2500 each for most of 27comrodes jailed here with him after roundup of about 00 motleyaini formed persons Including woman and apriEsf action To run nox About 20000000 people watch television regularly in Italy SORRY BOT WE CANNOT ACCEPT rHEIuRRIE EXAMINER TELEPHONE ORDERS l6 BAVFIELD sr

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