Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1973, p. 4

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ry Elna iExommcrv rmwmwmmm Linusd vvtovvnrcemum aHrrPnueuMsmgsscsnor rummaaxuanarm PAGld Government UnderStdnding rltoss Cecil Sutton Andrew Cumming whoii org patrol Needed At Penetanguishene The From led in Onlariota anlsn poriant part of our heritage Not too long ago the provincial gov eran valued conoun for Ontarios Wesrondertlenmbytholdinis of Health is moving to dose the lazaLrsi at Peneisngulisene General Hoopb The French Canadlancomrnunity of lowlanan is proud of the hospital The women of the community want to have their babies thdr on hospital not at St Andrews in nearby Midland The feelin the Penetan lsheno com munity has or its hospi is so strong that some women who work at that er St Andrews iiospltalhave their ha ea in Penetanguishene The way we no the ministry is ing to save afew do rsaboul ill by comth the obstetrical units of both hospllalr at LAnsiews No one can fault government for trying to me few of our tax dollars but in this care for the harm it would cause the saving is minimal The residents of Pcnetan heno have been urgeder the put and the Chamber of Commerce proto the governments move Tbeysboutd From star the government is moving to destroy something this countys French Canadians hold important What Park and sbou would on in following years if dos lngthe eiriawardbocomea aiactis anybodya guess it would not be surprising Petr ple of Penetanguiahene reglrd the move as the thin edge of the wedge Father Louis Dlgnard pastor of St Anns Chords if the clown be comes fact it or feeling between the people oi Penetsni ulshcne and Midland as well as between the people and the government lie is right Closing the ward would smack of overoments aural lack of feeling an understanding oward On tarios French community Maintaining Hench ideolit in the richest and largest Englishcpe pro vince in Canada is no easy task The resi dents of Pcnatangulshrne can look upon the governments intent as an undermin in of their cultural heritage bowl of protest that is building in that commuuii will be heard in Queens bo heeded overnrnent cannot recognize the Pro fact in Ontario then turn around and destroy something the Fronds cons sorority in this case Penetanguishenc holds important No one would don the good In the llinisiry of Health ng to save money but closing the obstetrics ward at Pane languishene General Hospital is not the way to do it lhe liilnisiry of Health wants to close the ward on April lAprii Fools Day DoquEuonv LANE 20 YIARS AOOINVTOWN Barrio assumes Dec 31 1952 Ver Inon Sesdon oi Barrie winner of silver medal and prize awarded by Canadian institute of Chartered Accountants as caodfdate obtaining second highest total gnarba in uniforns iinai examination ms Canadr President Harry Armatrnng of Barrie Cslrlimolnb ap thiull Esimmfnhi new tyssr annual fee will he just mumps two ion mares 0h vat Trotter of arrlc era leads scorin racoof OHAJuntosA Cour irilllumi Canadian Lady oresterr Dar rie District elected hire Lennox pro aldcnt succeeding Mrs Courtenay Barrio producers considered form ion of batik foundation to promote nutrb ilonal value Among those attendin meeting at Community House were it jJamieson lio Kidding Dou Ferris Morris 4ch ur Dwight on Victor mmhulnian Charles Griffin mnlnted to Canadian Dumber Council notable DooIIlt Ougtr elected esidmtdiarrte Club with its on Jack Nixon milieu Fred Norris Cliff Brown FIGHT POVERTY Ottawa Citizen ilr Trudeau was too complacent when helold his press conference that wilh such measures as tho application of the costoHtving index to the chin pen Alon his major concern now will with Ifcconomlc growth Bothconcerns should be shared equally Tho war on poverty is far from won The increase resulting from the costof flilving honor will be minuscule And yihcrc are more than pensioners who nccd visclp Economic growth must of course be little major weapon in the war on poverty Economic growth is also as acceptable goal as pollution control or motherhood But the war on poverty should retain top priority CANADIANS COME MARCHING IN The news that Toronto advertising sngency took over an American advortlslt lng agency must have shaken Washington to its foundations Imagine Comcoro Communications Ltd Toronto acquired control of Grant Advcrtlrlng incorporated of Chicago thereby creating $100 million mu i1 national corporation Grant with about 360 million in bill lngs has all offices in 28 countries In chuding tlsroo in Canada Comcoro owns four otlsrr companies and has about 140 million in billings Comcnro is Canadian holding com pany owned 70 per cent by its own Can odlnn cm loyeesharoholderr gnd lift per cent by ow York company As the president of Comcore at It ECanadanow has fCsnsdlsnscon roiled advertising marketln communications organization with hot U3 and world wldo subsidiaries Acluaiiy Comcoro is not the first Can adianowned multinational corporation Thoro are quite few Canadian compon les thcIrvhavo expanded into other coun ilay Livingston Hollis Robinson starts sixth year as secretarytreasurer Lot ton Clark was elected mens captain tls Norm llankin assistant Charlie Kearsoy golf pro renewed contract Mr and rs F31oomfteld of Barrles Corner Cupboard Battery entertained staff and families at Fairway ind Barrio Flyera opened second ha junior hockey season with 32 win over Call 24 vioi over Marlboros managed by Harold Ba lord and Stafford he Now oalle iiilflrringtonhasn tnnctsftgrslx straight wins by Barrie Flycrswho are beginning to look like champion again Stars in cut games have been oug llfobns To Pacts Don IicKonne Ken Robertson tip Teal Fred Plewc Charles jlfac Fcndiey with owner of Fendleys Flowers one of tour topdlight Ontario florists chosen to dem onstrate at floral seminar in Royal York Hotel moducing dozen distinctive de signs Presl ent liarjorioLonghursl the Dundee Club resented citequ for I100 to Mrs Neil aurie chairman of community clothing depot barrio Dir irfot Welfare Councl lira Gable awarded honor life membership in itoyal Victoria lio lat Auxiliary for outstanding service r1 15 OTHER EDITORS vrsws tries notably underdovclopcdcountrlcs andbecome beneficial to both Canada and the host countries Comcoroa acquisition made big splash only because in somo circles it to now fashionable to attack multinoi tonal corporations if they are US ownzd 1i past caperlcnco is any guide Slo on Lewis now should stand up and ell us about what menace this capitalistic move presents to the Us workers says the Peierborough Examiner Professor James Lesser of the Vafilo should be preparing his next speech warning Americans that decisions con cornlng their futures will now ho made in Toronto hoard rooms And tho us government members from now on should be careful not to be seen with Canadian businessmen because someone might suggest that tho Canad iana are there to all them how to run their country What is most Important Prime lliln lster Trudeau should reassure President Nixon that Canada has no intention to gobble up the United States N0 WORRY IN COLLEGE KitchenerWaterloo Rccordi Some Canadians get worried about the high proportion of Americans on the for citing staffs of Canadian universltlcs Others think it is nothing to worry about Whether or not it is danger to Can adlanlsm it is slaio of affairs not pecul lar to Canada lens survey of faculties of Ilrlilrh universitch show that this year Combrtdgo University to mention only one has 4th Americans either teaching or doing research No years ago there were 143 The United States embassy in London reports that it has listings of 700 senior American scholars currently at work in British unlvorsfilrs total that included graduate stud ents doing research and teaching urslsl ants would be much greater than the 700 rated as senior create lot of hard mgrmva Thin ll Ielcrilolt of editorl sla an gamut topics trans Iated from the Function lllu blue of Canada ilvulreai to heroin if is scarce two months since lfenry er stressed lisp lu IN 33 man sat repre ssniattves of NorlIs Vietnam at the updating table llo added hat as far as he was concerned pence Is at NW new oniylllr the ma dof negotsiom It tertorated Ibe tllcn but we have seen in recent days the American air lorw rectum with bnrillily its deslnactlvu bobbing raids on North Viri nssneso territory One would like to be nhlo to forget lids war and enjoy the Christmas season But snan blhnan lives ulssllon lilo involved for or to be able to forget it in favor of fcssldoy unusual simifh cance would be bclraycd by such urlfreliug brhnvior spokesman for tho Burtdtn Isl delegation to the Parts none talks recentl wrote in ow York Times never has death lssd rrvtscry closed by war been so extensive as in Viriullm but also one has ncvcr experienced suds seduc ilvs peace rhetoric as the poll flpisnr have been heard to use lately Politicians wolre succcssfui for while In making us he love sea was near ow ever the tool tcnu they have created among those who tlrtcn to them profound hicrcy flight mums 81s THENQUEBEC PRESS SAYS fcciln of abuse which is durbt at lite root of the lnueasiog scepticism of the people towards politicians Politidsna are neither gods nor the sordid manipulators utsids we too willingly lmss ino thorn in be they are also visitors of these optical like along which lead people to be ileva peace is near when it is often farther away than over lluda It Dec at Ottawa to limits The best Christmas present which the Arnrricsnt could give to Vietnam mil beta is ausy Everything seems to lead ing towards this happy cod ing kind of white peace without cobweror or con quercd ubichmsuld loavs earls party with the glory of arrrsa and the dosdllful bene fits of the battlel llus than hisde of It tnsce scorn once morolo III missed mark Gener ally uodor lsbis circum stances those who believe they know talk lot but them who know do not While violent bottles con tlnus the two principal ncgoflstnrs are profltng trim this to confer with their msr iers one in Washington and one in Poking ps the saddest Ella Ilpe on max rd of lhls irogcd Illst mm of Ihlla divieftnlameae la in the an or uwerl ills or dcliilofnmIilliona of in dlvidusla are at the mercy oi the International rivalries bc lwccn the West end the East THE LIGHT roncn Dentists Suffer Different Pain lly llAl DOYLE NEW YORK iAPt Itc mtrlts dentist gcts tired of heart cant keep my appalnl mart today Doc Anyway ihc pain is all runs now fiuuudrt That hurts know id get used to them quicker if wore them mums tilts Barri illumina is llsylleltl tilscet Dlrric onlnrlo Telephone 7mm second class Mall lfoglairntlun Iiuibrr Milt flciurn postage guaranteed unify Surnloyl and Slozulory Ifolldnvs executed Subscription rates daily by carrier on weekly ill year ly Single copies in its mail barrio tum yearly Elmcoo Counly arson yearly llslsncl of Canada assoc yearly All nthrr counirrrs woos yearly llolor lilraw oil 700 yearly National Advertising officer so Queen St West Toronto iliii 1710 old Ccilscart SL hinntrcul Alcrnllvr ui lllo Cunadiun Frost and Audit uurcau of Circuls ilons The Canadian Prrrr Ia oxclus liter entitled to the use for re publication of annch dispatch er in this paper credited in it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local nowr publish cd therein The llsrrts Examiner clslmr Copyright all original udver ila ngend iorlsl material cre ated by Its employees and so produced in this newspaper Cop right iteglstrellon Nunv bor tiIitts register at unwizrumuamcmu fill the ihnc nut my mouth feels so much better when also them out llvs makes more money sIcniIail hcart specialists or bank proridcnlst Dont you got tired spend ing all day lust looking Into pctpics moulhsl cant km my apmlnl mcnf today One Vcrc hav ing tho Iphrimtni pointed and wouldnt darn leave those 1pointers alone AIlIi oil the be dry girl he got stored in tire closets Tull me the Inuit Doc Do have bad brcslbl flaw bad would you say it is Worse than most of your othcr pn Units 1111s is my son Sidney Doctor while youre slrolgbl hilltlg his tools is those uny ihtng you can do abort us can fhey stick out too far for boy only so ycars old USES FLU A8 EXCUSE cant keep my appoint rnsni today Doc We got iIln flu and lnl ulrsld ld alve it to you ii came In isnt that thoughtful cf snot Yrs know nccd hridgs and know theyre ex ncnrlvc nut youre not soiling me this llroarlyn bridge uro llll Wllot do you link about wllllo youre putting In illi lngst Doesnt your mind over wander for afleldt is it into that dcnllsil cn crailv iccl unlnmi and at all their pnllcntr hate them Doctort dont feel that my about you Youve little III and il bet you could lot of fun outside the office And your hair looks nice too and your hands are so soft What do you do for fun anyway Doctori nice All this while wsillbg for 323 tiimu 3le Ir cumw 33 billiy of rovenilru the eons bstauts torn rowmsonclog hostilities We evidently cannot reflloe to collaborate in the peace ei iort In the Far East but hav ing feared by experience we cannot involve ourselves bit in an adventure sub copl to tnrnin into ti asco To obtain ih obicctlve it is access for the peace terms to be oar and candle arid that the three other merni bore of the control contra slon work sills good faith in this peace effort itlla truce now being prc pared could lead to peace but It could also load in nwt war The leaders in Hanoi have always insisted shuttle north and southsbouid form one nation with the be of their Guineas broihera of Nild ibc negotiation by Mr ills singer could modify or at least adjourn these plans The Americans have offered to pay the war damages and panic to In the rocoosinrc llon North Vietnam Witty out being cynical faced with such realities few Ideologies can resist Fulgeuce Charpcniler Dec 71 CANADAS STORY BIBLE photons And sm looting up theses1a sandalnlday and Sunday land cbonlool not unless we seo him fartsth Day can Id really certain tbs man esistal aalih Ill men It is harpss lble lolllet wills Gods far 0osllllilllnarcpuflk QUEENS PARK Mark rem Stand on this promise face sisal hardest priming lla Ls to to do the exceed and the abundant above all womatlstoulrortbfak Encouraging In The Government By DON ODRAIN Queens Park bureau of Eaanslosr startwt on rm thus are eertlhl encouraging signs to Nr provincial ItllIrl its ape coss may er better control if not ectualiyl sustained Tbs Mmmt has acted firmly on education costs land in this area it acorns the tins chly will be hold The aita on health amendi tures la mm moot and the problem is more complcx But In this intefowlng at all fields the attack at least is undowary and thumb there will probablyvbe an inrrelso it should be nothing like the alarming lbcrcues of the past few years And along with this It Apocer that memes may be good FAooornie forecasting is most inexact practice these days but most predictions took for rcasonntay lmllhy l2 minim ableasst by optrnsm owovcr as to be almieg hedged For there are problch on the Epsilon end good many of ens Ono sl the prime ones WWW grille entry P0 the United Kingdom into European Common Market how it will affect us but other predict It brutal torch pwblenu ufsrty ks agriculture lbeli of course the situation in the up is sillillsncerisio NEGOHATIDN DUE And along with fish there extremely important labor gotiatiossa duo in ion So that at the very least year appsrcnly will be rratloh maturity Aside frws these economic aspects there will be turdm certainties mothcr users gavelrum and within mom unisonacre could be in the news task force litter is supposed to report ing five year This is the year that the lolliod reorientation of ment is wooed in pay far it hasnt shown too much And has It would seem on the Davis record there be scandal or solbe titration being where they bscak First Hockey Game On Artificial Ice by BOB BOWMAN Tho first hacito game on srtl ficlsl ice was and at Victo ria bC on Jan soil Tim was only one disappointment The visiting Now Wcstminstcr team defeated Victoria by litany of the 2000 fans in tho at you hockey for the first Oldtlmc fans ill romcmbcr some of tho players The New Westminster llncup had Lchmon in goal liclscan at point John son nl covcr point Motley on ruvcr liyland ccntrc Gnrdncr snd lilrnanalt wings There Di sports Vitturln had Lindsey in goal Losicr PntrIttg point Srnolll oi cover nnini Dundcnlals us raver Smlih centre ltowoond Punlin vim the wings Frank and Lester Patrick were largely rcsponslhlo for tho development of prolcsslonul bpckcy on tho csf Cont and built srllflcinl links at Victoria and Vancouver The first game in Vancouver was played on Jan and this limo lbu home from was successful Vancouver dclcntcn Now icslmtnsicr The Vancouver loans bad Parr in goal Frank Patrick at point Grillla of cover prrIliI lasinniio was rover Nb rulo uns cruise and Philips and Harris vcrc Irma it still its nofcvl illii hockey lrzniv in times days icro tunt posed of seven players The rotor position was olinllnnlcd about 1920 llmvnser lu nwdcrn hockcy tho point positions are past oi Commentatora phrasch 0H Vllcn tlur lel as IUflllOI in 1017 It bccnrno poslIhId to have its inn from play the ulnncr vi IIID Islllilc Coast Leaguu for tho Stanley 0m lionsyer the west coast team were IIwnys do looted by the Nut champions except in ltd when Victoria Cougars won tho5unloy om Tho players more llolrnos Laughlin Fraser Frodcrickson Waikcr flsrt llaldrrson loys ion liceatog and Anderson hugs Patrick as manager coo The first swim team to win the Stanley mp was erurlpcg Victorisa in load and again in tool The tailor was comporci of Wood liarsiloll lisgras Cadilsm Jobnriono it ill and Flcit Iiain and Unit OTHER JAN EVENTS rivcn gold medal by of1oronio ranstrike of Grand Railway engino drivcrs economic turmoil listPrivy lnlncli reversed Su rcrna Ooult dcclalon on tie rcparotc schools dispute mtlicrchsois flnuk camc Royal Bank of Canada lmConrolidncd Mining Smcillng Co was formed Trail mslumnarwum nasmevslrmwmu IT HAPPENED Ill cursor TERIWRRO it ueoosorss to ursssllolso oassrcmvolm Luozosmoisifnoov ucuuoscsnrvun mammalian womuurssu lmmmotsswof its summer sun ssmrmm nomssiounrmsr uswssmoomnsu ltusnsroucussro Luvsyuommwnsms ssrosusismultas Nrrtriswssswon oussmsslmuursu Illdlitllilbilbimu lists wrunvvrni nsssssscvmnvua MWMMUCN uvooscnma nuatmA vsuvsarlsmursni mm hill 11W WWW WMMMWWAmWy MOWIr WWWWWEIW WV lllm EMII Wowrim

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