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Apple Pie or mil Jello iiot lion Bovorope cut to Roadrvallan neuron lumenIntramu alilll mammnorum lltu lnrroriitlio HEADED TRANSPLANT in teammm Show liliilt ihilll uonnrrvlua suspense lilli gNnioelDellyliirror Plue Herlied Battlefield mature ewe varunmet on ltllitltlllilie mmmmlm urine um the Hot Dory lunde triple Wm it costs monoyio usc two herbicides vee mono when ou use one herbicide 55 lgrasseh and broadleaiwaads iorholh annua Thats Ekkol one product in one package Gives you outstanding control at annual grassesllkoioxiari Doeeotenlilolobononnualhroadleaiwoedsl Convenient Time eovlnp Eliectivo It you grow corn tor at cost two years in row and grasses are your problem Is made ioryou than Eklto EAkoiromCibaGetgyQuatliyyouoantrusl CIBAGEIGYT Agrochemicals Division Immmmrm