WkvrvwwtwaI 01 ne AT THE BIG TENT Daytielrl Street Just North Of Steeles CIina SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY we ARE HAVINo HuoE CLEARANCE or nEDaooR CHESTERFIELD surrE FLOOR AND TAaLE LAMPS ROCKERS RECLINERS TVL RANoEs AND REFRIOEINAETSOEIIASIS cmm mms Box 5mm Immmmm ms Engirgrtgwnn FINE FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT REDUCEOFRICESTO INSURE QUICK IOUICK CLEARANCE IN VERY voULLEIHDaRoourrsoEEEREDATRuoEsavmosrRoM RLARKNECHTELIDEDPLEII MONDAY BLUES PEERLESS AND MANY OTHER WELL KNOWN DRANDs mama Is no THE TIME BEVERLEYmmmmmmsom Wm mllgslr to AM T0 to PM DAILY CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY we Mm mm BLE THROUGH THE COOPERATION OF NUMBER OF MAN UFACTURERS IN SUPPL Mo hm than not when car NOIoutIln SAMPLES AT BARGAIN PRICES ALSO OTHER MAKERS COMING UP WITH TRUCK LOADS 0F ATTRACTIVE Durant mmtvgrsgsggrkmms am no man out car no woman on one out CONTINENTAL aEDsoDosurrEs AND PIECES ERoIII OUR REGULAR srocx WITH THE PRICES stoma MAKES ms SALE REAL my SAVING on who He mm tonlrol and Home In It CHANCE FOR PEOPLE INTERESTED IN FURNITURE oRE Ito root In Vanawm to ultimo SAVINGS Should Review Air Deleno Part no Honm OTTAWA tart The Corn ma ddm and Extend alt commtu up Canada II All delem who thoLlaltad or the aunt but dmlnp Eootnuaq can It not to opt out More report tollor Common and conunltltro raid new an with to Unltadslatrajor nmtnrnand mint than the amt tiva nan LIeantInan the xovzrnrnart wldlzttniorkon Innate Oanada wtll nut to have nauna nl protectlnl In on aormlantyIIRther na Dnl It rarulna In NORAD The athogovern DIIIA have In oDII LIIdD InonIeDL usaarnarnt on whether Ml nzieooo realms wold ho dependent upon Canadan trnt IInIaler John 1tIrnar rebooted ervaIlve calls or price ntrols Monday night min toIhavo done ltttlo In An Dolled Staer Mr Turner told the CnmrIaqu nanog conunltlao Ital at trend nonltnue tor the In two Inoolm us Inflation llbeutdzltonlhatlnun or the Derlod tine Frost at leon Institutcd price con but year no lollollnn was per rent Rollo Conanlan ice rose to per cent But lay lor their oporatlon and nootner Canada has the ability to putnnn any at these Inno llona ILuII na mmmttfoe which hnnad uIIaaai wtlnuar In tho last ten weeks waa rdrrtrnx to auch aophlxtlcatod an at an Ahhorn Narrator Control Syatema IARIACSI ourthe hoataon nacboalter radar OntIII litme manned It tarnqu Idvnnml tonlr rnlaallu mm Al than expend ayatrma an bclnr hold at by tho Untted Stair II Vtlstnl Den lance IILInIEtor Jarnu mtIlDlNr has InId the pavement must deterrnlne It It thuId par tlclpatn the EpcrnIIun or cost oI theta rytlnnaa noonmwncs and the WIN would conatdarahly ex tend the rutrrlllam capohlttty DI tho praannt North American radar Item which Include the DE line In tho North the Mn Iron lino lnatherlnulh and ayaloma In the Its monitor Example US controlt us prices nrra lIsInl at an annual rate DI 96 Dar cent more than twice the Canadian rate Prtco and wage control also would not Do IatIsIactorl unlI lrdLalion measure hocauao so much DI Canadian Inflation In due to rtrlulood com Itlr narnar aaId Irlrl and wage control In no anlulton to the food prohlann baaInIIIy DUPPLV Illuatlon The Inlnlater also sold that It would he InDIratIIrnI to exampt LIE renelptr lrom prim eon CHESTERFIELD SUITE award In more Dru nrln 19973 $33133 art It IllI ION AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER 31 ham may wade In It Email mam ND lIltnIEl RAI tdtlo 23973 ONLY PC CHESTERFIELD SET tmnmt Inland IIoITII pritA 22913 lt INo SUITE PEPPLER DIN WW WELL In dietlactttn awo 3W not look on room arm hula am Itll 94900 EeANT car new draw Grm your lav iilht lovely mm mm Mu LI or mum or her rprtnx dolly corv JUST LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS MM HEADaoARDs 541 To arm to to an aim opp CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS tam To CHESTERFIELD eEDs FROM sIIm LOVE SEATS FROM $9913 ac DAVENPORT sETs $1391 ROLLAINAY aEDs $1973 BASKET cHAIRs soon ClDARETTETADLESLSODSRT Walnut FInIahiAr In no NIGHT TABLEIIECLINERs FROM 5am GLASSTOP TABLEs wIIh aquaro tuIIIar M9 PEPPLER PINE TABLES saiggnilnfgi COCKTAIL TABLES $1995 850 MR $6 END TABLES$9995 $5 another OI COCKTAIL 0R END TABLES FuthOIIIIudO DI mined Lolora Lever pecan IInIIII by Pappllt Mhnh me NISHINIS SPECIALS AVAILABLE oIItr AT THE BIG TEIIT II DnyIIIId SI North or slow ct on an wan