it at it had orgovernmentastlatnnce uvec the notion taken tor tin iiiiiiiii innsi prisms itlf pinion utumuauinwak iioionainuraeooaooriiarn in partot nhirh dalca but to he built pointing roar resented to Ed Bosnian adnilnletraior oi in my the ill nndmimurtng mm Jlanor which hatoa Renovation StdEd Emmi yuan ruin it auditioning commutator pro Ileovo James wires or To vos remain as television orontio had ahorei and turn roam oi the manor proedihnilratroditrctaiim ihninnryplans ceededvlthbentb lay torainr renovation ooaatrtaettai oi aneir audit linonousoiorthe odtnwakomtrig or nearly uncouth no tier end manhunt rim Edit limited have been alaru tied the untraot thoconlrnot price nanouaied to but Itid ihl root to the penicillin it liar lost with be provincial government paying an equal Insnunt aad mu other revenues including em on In demotion evannniu aiaovm itena Brunette minister iiy Mlmuleuiita ha eerenionrnwhlda om attended gather oi about 150 The war oihlnttne county rent manor it delicious lunch Ior community Cenlre Gains Support In Angus then ButV COLOR PALoIIND in can no in lsvhitintthla och iiiiir end own poem my It mm buttth dotIIIIIIII color at ihanaanoe to Ed noynton terrain Boston rcere ode to now tutor at the la ma Imhmlor and distribution bi palm rroarra oi siniael blinorI only home at unmanned wu nllo inept mid government war the along with nthcmountyoiiiriala piestrpeuiorattheaod and name put wardens Ailer the ceremony the itali orl me ahowti through the pro in It than ol Tctnmeeth was master nd otreroanonleoanditemMi idn htcltelm oi man also loin oitltnro Ii VI Donner to iba protect estimated to cost icnndtmcor and nation ted Evans are Ior Centre Sirocco Simcoe manly coun ear aiao plrtlrlgllcd The original moo data buck to IVY mininme hire Jarnca Wilton who ha been in Inronto hospital alncl More Chrbtmu baa been uniterm to itoyai Victoria Houdini Allthnh her tpectly recovery Mira tonne Toronto unuuroomtu emporium Flint will he ohrcrved lnm church with hlcialng promoter on Standby April 15 and ood Friday It aorta an darepea martin aiaiiered cover can In Itir arm last week or treatment Jennett itmiaie vis ited the touch brotheri on tiled nesdny April Mr nnd lint II Jenntit spent the woehend whh Toron to iriends nitrous Siniil With encotu noun they dorerved mob cre am progrets made by camp dlt tor their community apirtt in Whit itl own on new aomc en community centre for the tree irorn various events Plans are Earn council has taircn steps to underway tor mammoth rat organlio an arm board alool tie with new cars Ind television tdtliel reotaired to ouniiiy acts the prtaes which ta expect ed to odd more to tho tnnds committee nrd aupportero this was behind the more we boardli Inld Reeve George Cum 14 gin when asked about discussion tor the campaign co ttce sad terlottt organizations andItndtvi duel who hate nipported the commonly centre coanpaigri With thlsbtnd oicoo ration and mutation wla ahw Tholluareeva hath hprntoo mme it aid Reeve Guccgls win my mm ran irom Thunder Bay it titetzuiotiona require the arm board to have two representa tives oi council and it on Tyndnl Whitby were with iii lilti tin Kenneth with Iiulh Elia Multan Barrie and MI Sheridan mlt Iinguood epeot Sundry with El wood and Jean Jennett it be lnt Heathera birthday hir and It Wilmer on Dances and other events aiao myme Wm gm made toward organizing such Min tarrIed on rlllli Ind bins Joe Wilson Thnaaion or on not on an re true he trilh theta inc Herder andtin Juob tide Itkitltd Iieyder Siroud tialtad this tree with bir nnd IIroItaneI hieDerinott 5r ommenated tho tillage bonrd or phime an trustees also have member Park There also will be about other IQ imitun iii 35 Ih lilrold Arnoldand eytiervaln nn Councillor Fred mm 3mth with her parenthlir motor Gets Iittentio iiri nnr iinns the con tinued improvement to Earn centennlnlpsrhh bee mode Since the part was opened ala years ego the recreational tao liileo ltnto been dead totem rd and ii hubecaapopulac place ior picnioaere The poctI la located beside the Noltawm ta litter ihopuk was oiiiclaliy open ed on September tint with George It tacitly oi Couiaon then county warden cutting the ribbon George Davta was than more oi Esra Provision was made ior uncle parting electric irritce connec tioao picnic table and choirs were provided Ind trill made Iirll development concerned it tom not this winter ewrndcd intpaddtlionei acrc nge ohtnined tor the purpose centennial grant older in the ilnanclng oi the path duvet opment tortiagrealert adrenlum Saturdaybttipmlab pm We tan Nit Sun Matti pro Oil 050690 hill BoxottiealtdiStllBI GloupOtdonliNiiObtl noon to take the nccesanry atrpa to organise aurh board as move lownrd uuaiiiying torI overnment grant tor the pro wai explained Box illich Opens II By It Out At MO icon Barrie spent sundry with In end like Hyatt Molnar Iir andhira Keith Michael and Meya Barrie spent Sunday into SHOWER F03 snaps tire cteto Fulton and Sharon IonIgh hi hi hex litter Opens It Find Oil What larhrl Is Up To Nightly it and it AM Will illWt sAruInonv AND suuoav iii ritii 15yt I1 Y9 935 attended oawnu new Mignon Square DISTRICT IQrice Had Tavern NEWS aarmmasooniicram intbcnuahyoicdnttymml silicosiowcosi ntnrtnriciiinc STAIFED or icon oiinisrs to cum ion moi SUITE 7261771 In withqu gig =55 E3 mid thin MR place Then no mhiing provided DUNLOP ST OiliIJJA tSaiIl Ros has been mutated represent ative the Royal Canadian Le OIHER DISTRICT NEWS rm tooksoidirn tutorial Hoa APFHRS 0N PAGE IS plhl board hm ionoitiom Now Flaylnp pair and pm ttIIaMIiiit twittth CAtttrro PttLDlltlltit CHARLES BRONSON no hiltINILWNNIJi Hm been Ipproiedbystincoa Conn with uiiml to the noose tirooooo limitin cr Pboiot tunioriariners To Visit Iinigrovo Ethiiiiioili istaiit First at many actioltica blamed tor the reason by Smith Slime duo tor Partners In dance in In hold it Encore manually THE MECHANIC bail thin conning Saturday even ihiitnd Artist tiein lnr April it Aitlaton Junior Iaranrrn club Is aponsocing the dance and near membm aid membera and DIM interested hare been in tiled other events to centre up In interesting prom the belnt di by this most youth organiutton SIAM MOM0W enlertntnod ntnier oi itknds It nixeiianem ohoarr tron day night tor Marilynooborno now bin Carlton snooianttu ivyvplayod hianstieIi Miter this leek more ior ivy this war the champion game oI hominid no mnwvouuitamtvr medav armw winaroma mm mm mmwumtuonum Coming to the imperial Younglhnston EARRING SIMON WhIiD oilaiooi II ill to roam tar litll nee ot the Green corner Bar ritday night Savant pororaia and tau were Lino present tire lamcs tichrrnolt viril cd Mend in itnneywood thia week Mr and lira um Patton tiallcd llr Ind tire Unyd Pat ton Nova Lowell on Sunday Iir isaoc occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church Itorii ate IIatoha tip ed friend here recently lIrI Ellie loops and her date crlnnlow hunt ilnmiltont its led Saturday with bits trope Illtons AilillI iNIItilAItIMINI Itlitiiti lllilIaIWIi ROBERT AWE 51th noncaon Mr and bin Green TVP alloy been or anaou Phyera al Theatre 11min he the Price at tomato BE WISE