furyCounty 305191 AW donorth umnmirtuomaojmmmd 55 Sass so if atom 53 IE 82 or or it $525 or or Min LEWIS trodo on erIttthnultocctlozoluo mute lir rats MI in Minot tor th hod hDP Siqu Cantu mom ludum Forum ND Dariorrliic My Int broth Ihi rommiltro Rdtulay didlio in do last mth do wbxtl lotuio ND larder Sir lo MOM LII John dim and motor at tho PM look was we coord ilclmiio ricevruldcoi or tho momiliro lilntuiocr Photo Union Support Sought is 23 $3533 gg Says NDP Organizer oloels tho mIMMIII very hot not lo tom do Tho New Drmocrlttr PW iio raid ho mind ML By rotim tho union petrol Ilrommldml mmumWigourrmmumuouumnoumtwomnmnrmmmuuemnmu mam Km to llliom momncoll hclo Gian our Fallon mull and or loutk Mg out it triom 25355 mmwmm moon And wisdomm moimodwlththomdm molthotwslon to uhiI inst omtumosrormrmmummwmhmmmmn rumutauooomind litism at tho labor woo mm mummmm i=7mummlunzmmootiloruidlryrrooUo so mmwmfgw hm III and WWI 37me 10 mxogtmthr atom liamrndod huh WMWW Thm Wolboi un IM hawmg In IrmItIovIomhtomIl Wham my at tho our not in hopes urn wid Harness Racong Track tootW ions lnrhrdo ooeduy nor mnotngoinstlntrmaiimdnn II II inmuuuutuo ilonurrhirlzwlruldho THas HurdleSTo Clear Naturalistiii gBrereton Field Naturalists idolioihdhdtit new pooluon zmrooo the 513 in mirth if KR iml who on outhor orio naturalist Iioco mo Ind it MW iIi WWI ions Iiiahliy lrmr ads nrdr in the hIndo not hit Rowol lmuunlist nod mtnrrltst will mt pmidtnt oi tho Federation Will it We nun mm palm ho rst rproitrr Widow nirhl torn 1M to 19W Ind dmrltwq programs to fginmruniq animal com the Ni iii In mun oi tho um manned mm nun lhuso mic mime Billie i0llp mud to do 65131 Bruntoo Field NIturllisto Ciuh nurses Ind roundthon Id me mm gm ml Iiho muting will boot horn tour ior nnturoiists Pl MIME hrlth Porno won riotitd orb Julio Carleton manhmhrp rt llr iiodrworlho word For than liwhsntn oi Ion 5inrcorCrnt who Paul thumpnun or 1W Inmmwmuomm Namagixlllt nrzdcnlmirr INWIWIMI aIIetIlznoteildri olirorntlnouihrioilti on uh mm punyor inti osmium tnrttiocn to tho ounoWol WW Ni mm III Mm mm hlr Lewis laid this was its hith Dim linonu is immediate Till ll manbmrdirrr Ira Twill dwfg on no in nu Iithouzh on root plosidoni um ounnon llnh rooms 1530 KI LIVI lg Joh was run malcd run John llrtrhlio him Anhury hcn itriroo Kill lluliicr gumgm gnf mm two Ind to hull with on thin and in Lord trolrnrrr um Gory Uurn not ilitrhrll rut olditl HPKBiiulinm cditor hiolcloonr riirazuo ilro sthoois have on at 1133 Wanting lming 3qu mum liidtiid ddlIIlgloIitslirsemotr ucrm bro now roxicrvm with rordrno turtevcrnl rurs third studios by tho Simon PM WWTgmmsm or may mm mm ML 904mg Wm emf WWW Th rot Limo oil the crowd nor tory liirhacl hour lrcosurrr ia Dnirrsno 335mm Mum do more of in inorhulld toohmoom and to 1m turd has worked to notice had our attend to tho mm mm to Barrie ho liar Milled install light ml to ircolanec writer rim munlrlroiltiet Is community ren iho Barrio track tho groom Wilt heolod rrotoiotml onrl tho on liohoswrittcn lourooiei nod lit for ll and Wilintiii motto In Iiii hiliory rntlmsnltirltgunhonz nno nonction ntdurl his lithium Wimmli mmotianifu mmI good position to halt it with mmrndmomss roving bank lur works inrhido Thiiyc The school inrludr Boyowd too nights nook Tho provin iio said the operation tan or Mr tho oomorn Lust oi Tthurlowslho Slnut while orboolln Noitownxoza co has novel 31 ran tilt mtItoIImoint lcdsnt 57 tlonIdeId idlyIIItmInI to not It oIrImIITho oi Itsh tovIInhh IfItmII Thu hutltls oi 21 itrso on tom on ay uncover oreoon parrowr rroo rrnruu icsruu In will ho mesh In nldilional bout iotho the dcodioo oi Oct to it Full Sorrnlh line public sdlooi in MI mm um rltyl oilde onlshlnr ionint Iii limo marry approvals oro lir Bodotorth hashrrh adir Vrmuioumhinluti llumooub Intgowtnor oi Ontario said hotness rrohttd Klur ii the Erderolioo oi Ont lie rrhodl in am Tonnshir mm in moms in gnome Ml mm mm The Simeon County Board oi no In the mccinniroi oonlrnr tho urtrttll root of the oroloct torso ol the dotro towa one it ho nil oi sworn hurdles no hair to ho church toihomntirmdhoiiorim Comorrilon outing tor In Although tho city has siren our hooritz which will decide Weill tor rating we still on tho morits or tho diyo oro have to hour tom the Ontario wood dominant iiltrnic Board Ind tho min Tho city hon mind one Mormon in mid Until titlon and dorlo will Minesing Swamp Preservation To Be Topic iii Friday Meehng tirrtirhtttuitrt lithino to hiring trail over tho is concerned with coilstin tho rupport at tho ruhlie in solviorv Nlno illlo lortnge and other loco environmcntsl prohlcms ulll he hold Friday morning in tho Noltuwolorn olloy Conser vation Authorit hulldiru on iiirhwrtv 90 st oi the dollar raru ltirrr vTho mootinr will start at mo om Annual Humane then doles mom virtually loom In tilted Short rotidenl motor trolls tho proposed ratio oo Tho motto is odor toohsoh ed by him cod iiesourors which environmeotll problems such or land use rrcrtalioo polio lion Ind in lmprrvrd oommuh ltotlons bottom rldteos and IuVlilimEiill Rtrlher tnlorrnnllon mo bo obtained by tritohouiholioy iiiorklom ht moon Society Meeting Slated For Barrie On May 25 ZApproxlmatoiy 2m members oil It hrnnchcs of tho Ontario liumuno Society nlll moot May it at tho liollditv inn in itnrrio tor tho wrictys rnnusl ronirrrnro Thrmcs tor the autumn will ntludc xrort huntlrx ond con trol animal population with inncl discussion on birth control or animals incur lcr tho wort hunting rv iiilLllslum will he Tiny ilrnncli if onscrrotlnn ronsultunt withI ormcon Spring literary and ohn Livingston orrrldcnt at tho irIIodion Pcdcrollon oi Notor Other rurst motors during roolrrrncr will it John oil president oi tho liumooo witty in tho Unilrd sum it Dr Lewis oi the llohlth oi tumult ilronrh oi tho ltdcr irouimrht oi arricuiturr reroi hI lIrhts oi tho ron ocudo throw tor tho everd number oi K14 rosiden hm ruoomi ed or awards bu names not rot ovniiat ll medal on to rzyearou on tho saved his do irorn ilro rustsin lor porronni irdury In ndditon mohlio Ihlmsl rllnlr will to present Tlcicts tor tho lottery on still rroilnhiu trout hoard momhm and ot tho Inlmnt shelter on Pot trrtoo Rood docieiy Charred Orangevilio Man Brion GunnrrIoh 2T oi or sorevllie hu boon charged by tho onllrio lilomoo Society with rousing lihtittcssnry polo angering and tiny to In Inl mo ilo nos chsrrcd by inspector iilrhurd lorry undtr or section vi the Crimimi Colo oi Cunndu Gumrrson will room in pro hlial court in Oroogoviiic April it tho rhsrro Iroso mm on oldeui It provincial winter works orolrot site In mommy to which loudly oi rumors not killed 1i ruin ours tour exhibition tl tho ilurrlo Mil Library Tho exhibition oi chil drrrtl nri WEVEit 51 uIidIILouroIIiIiIloo 20 Oil llrr Wynn Jones is ltlniit out up for display in no or Ind in Barrie school runs until ril ll Exunlotr Pilo lo by oil Norlhcoll Educntinu llrdnrsduy night ruttd to nmrpi rrrlscd irnd rr oi Willi lur an addition ond oiicrnliuns to tho Tecum rrih South public rrhoul Thu low bidder wns Schum brrit Construction Ltd liro limos had misndtird iCib dots tor the moire eoriier in illnrch hut Ill urro too high Tho ionost submitted by the Sdtonxsrrg Construction no nos morn ortr tho limit it proved by tho ministry oi educa tion Ind ts wero hmnry Dolriionsirorn thrI original plons Included most In the round contrnrlnrr nork ill lliii Study Type Of Car Whether compact ear would to as trio and serviceable an totemUnto sizc csr romo into dchato lcdoesdoyoirht as lho Sims County Bond oi Ed ucation ocoldod to room tho Wuhan oi to auto tor tho on Ines use oi Gory Alex mist not superintendent Iin original motion ostinz lho hoard to narrow the ourohosn oi our ot roarLouis toot oi mm plus lms was iurtitd down Mn lltwuourh ilidlond trustee raid tho two oi car be ing ruursted in the motion was not tho Amniotic lor tho condition and rouds otrr which lit Alex must drive iio sold on lnttnnodlotoslzo our would ho moro soluble Too board was told Mr Alex drives so lltlnd oi MM miles gear insocrin othool slito Iii on rimilor bus cssiio our lclltLV looses one out is ro quired to portion oi lho cost him or personal uro Since ho hit his own tchirirr to does not and tho husinrss rur lot oersonrl not Mr Alex said ho had ltotd his our our whcll lho Mord iirsi onion ooorrliuns and was void nu em on ohm he traded tho rnr in the high mlirozo solo tiihiiy rcdotod tho trudqu no An ad hoc committee of tho hoard wii ho not up in dztrr mlne what boo oi ror the curl ord other ltrnhzcmruls lor lilo tl usr tors work and thin in tho elrtlrlwi mnllhtlurh work or total ratio ol turn lionrror since the orglnnl cs litnats nos mudn to your min lhc rust nl malotiaix row tnrnt and labor hovu yrrntiy lnrrtnrtd lhc hoard was told in addition non rnhir yards oi lill arr rmnlrul at the school or art it new sorotic lilo bod nnd rcnllo look dirtrihntion bows and rhoyo puntpl nod addition ol drlvcnny nod rlio work nddi In 311000 to ho oririnnl Elli male The hoard was told the minia Iry education will corridor tho ohtrn tdslt durinr tho rc tlcw ol tho final cost oi the proiort The cost or renovations and olirrotlons including tho tr ntarshnlc rcquirrmcots inciutltd in Iho toruract prirc ort Him TOTAL C0 The total opprorn rosi inrlu dlnr furniture coulrmonl nd nrrhitcets ices is room with it ornrorrd nothing thorn Thr board was told drlctlorn msdo wtll not rerlousiy mluro tho quality at the building Ii lhnugh the items wcro desir ohic honors In tho typo ul ooring wall point drirtinn oi luidlnr partitions and motor at tho rurrrnt ttmc ond delrlion ol study ticsiu htlp rtduco costs in the general litid Chongrs in the rite oi hollcrs driciiun oi drinking lounthins ond chunghu ths muho oi tool irg unit oro serml ways muooy has horn snrrd under tho mo thonlrol conlrorinrs rlr willin changing underground rer rlro to utrrhtml scrrlco dtltl in strut lighting nod fiducng riorir oulicts try so per tent on method by which costs under tho riwtrirol cuntrm hovo born rcdurrd Simon Construction Ltds lnitl tender had horn mono ihu tcndoronrried itridow as mechanical sub trudo nndtiorth Eicciric us rl control subtrodc Board is Told Trailic lights Better Than Crossing Guards litillii rrcuiu uunrd not busy inierstclions no not rioblo ol icmiilo lo lrnllic light uror schools the Simone Lourty lioard oi Education wosI told Wednesday oixht Ahduollciiny urtan dirrcior oi education who commenttno on the city oi ismler rriurot to distill iidhls otlho htodlos Ilood tillii Hardin Avonuc Intor rrclion and tho limo Snort and Davidson Sirnrt intrrsrttion Tenders Accepted Tho slrntoo Conny hoard oi muted vhcrhresdoy night rem tod tenders toialilo it worn scltztod bl lilo amine istrnttuo tor classroom In ul lito hnnliuro and tilt cnhlorto Undo board policy ohc ud minlslrniion con troopt trndrrs no tho itclns does not ex urni moo rich Tho trndcrr ulliho llnnnred lcr iKZtriduol llcnb orotldtd tho th in letter to tho bonrd rity council Nlaifd tho honrd Inlqu lvo considrrollou to run oiyntmdult crossing rusrdr nt tho inlrrsoctlolts during buoy lotcrrnls llr hiriiny suit adult ruurds had horn diorontinurd in tho 196d hecouro they had not prov rd rlnrrlaliy rilrrlive ilo suldI iht sludrnt rrosrinz guards hovo icon hut or rlliclcot it not more co ltd rnld many oi tho rounds wcro rriiml individuals nhoso reflexes may not ho ouirlr onu ounh in on rmcrrcnry It volition irom parents in tho Grove Stroct and Dnrldlon Sirret om Allin lnr ilahin hod con rupoortcd hv tho hoard us had mum in light on Studio itond Tho rcoucttr in both talc pnlnlul out tho rhildren must nos rilrrrnnly busy roads in It Grow Street nron too bro birth is eonrnonmlod with North roileolnio nod Oakley Pork school in the urn viciolt partially irom debentures Ind litany student Ind hos trolt partially horn tho current horr ntinz Chudrrt room on odditlonol hoard lot rout students pg hnrrgt mcvut xx an nbt