ldBayileidSIreetIlerrleOniIrIe moo melamine mm lCWaIIa Editor mu ruminant OM Honolulu damping ratio or am ran i5hvrciqrecicqndides iHav MuchTo OaerrCity redder Ind planning experience to ion it Both the dodtred candldaterior tbe ard hyeiectlon have brought 0er end points in their campaign pleiiormd Del Cole iormer ridermaa ior tho rd and detected mgorrlt oendtdIta the Decemberinixd ptl eetlon rays rhlogld Improve its peeing Ind Wm bloat motoristo would moo that Mr Coles tlIlcinont About adrelches oi road within the city not being up to ttaaonni is In undcrolatemant iAprIineem elslimilordoeer tho itirgroundt public works deput moot patches the pothoch regularly but dIyr later the potholes Ire back It Thai road Ind there are others mould be repavrd roan Ilmrrco committee It conaldering both the capital Ind current budgett llie pav ing progresn certainly would be Iloo tied more iunda Falwerd Thompson the other drcltred candidate can bring wealth olepgln Is CENTENNIAL YEAR FOR IAItIlI Berrte Znanluer limit 27 1953 Win ier Frolic It Barrio Arena staged tog lionoOiubtoIid emlioodllelle Alderman Willa lute retired to Gilt locomotive Mykhm his dormer lute Allond nation on regular uengrr irip iroin Midland to Turbine Kenwas ilreman on run Bob livingoton trombone toloirt el Barrie Ooiiogltto Bind awarded litwuiils ilutic Feetlvaleehoirrthip Bertie Plyrrs beet Osirivvalloner OIIAJunier with iorwardo Orv Tender Doug Ib Poole and Ship Teri rtern rry on via berlon Oshewade ieooe Generil Ilanagg lack tilts Moron addressed lions on expec tlou ior Genersl Electric plant ing Pro Iluriei Whyle In planning ior mural ioe chow oiliarria Skating club were Connection Iiarilyn South Nancy Orrlg Merget Seymour Judy Orrig Leer cast my Poierronrbocgr its otve sheila llore Joan Illller lccn McVeigh Barbara Ann Ilrrlclt Wendy Beuani Iluilyii Dymml Once till it will be Torordo Marlboro mirage by litrold Ballardand motel ayoirirore he veraus Bairio llyere mint ad by toward limit and coached by gh ton Emms In Junior hockey playolII hportt miter George Slot called ior very cloaearrier Lola Irihtti Cary veioprneot linens rucii Ilr Ibo to they the utmott bylaw and II concernedlebout liarrlts raioeigrowthu wla Km DlIIiInd it go on the basis thIt it lsenough In tho pro perttn eoidevelopmertttocooiclnra ridmllr mouth ior tome tiioo item iornser chairman oi the planninf board he Ieelr he believes In coordim lng planning with surrounding townships Such action hopciully wouhl prevent do It occurred when Veeprr Iilowod In overeblmdonca oi commerciri development dose to the city Both men have great dcil ol expert aoltlea Both are excellent candidates The volerr oi Wold late dilllculi choice on tiny luwwnmmvum3 Idian merino guest artlrt at Collegiate Band Series Robert Gillies 17 ct Collingwood junior hockey team died irom injury mlaloed in game Aurore drienccmrn Writer Vilneo charged with manslaughter Glories Steam acting CretvnAiom lorhlmeoi tl lyIleretlePaq oi Ottawa Mlnlo Club Canadlen dlm champion will he guert star at Barrie Sitellng nub TitiiW Golden Dtyawlill 350 local people on Ice ii lirtt Mention risptrlm tendeni Iiidhurol Forest Station lWIIti ed Diplom oi llrrit by Oil1110 iiorllcul iurai Arsocn Iittpbrroirlp eImpaIgn ior Barrio Community Concert Astocn opened with dinner at St Andrewlr Church At Ind table were ileaa diopheru lira limre Ierguron bin Harry Amvv hire lehn DobIen Rev James Triggered rteong Vere Ronald Court Dr li Mae PM hhihlflhdlohl ergueoa illm Bell ohIirrnIn Ilrs lienil shields oi New York City was recent to Itdrt In or II Fra Dohson elected prod Barrie breach Victor iIn Order Nurees Iuoceedliig Glad Ilono Currie QC Greatest that to Canada end our way oi lilois commute ism titled hourly lock oi Toronto in dress to Barrie Iiiwenlens lie is division at lieuionsniyovornor OTHER EDITORS VIEWS girlmoiimmwtics K3 the road monitor Iregon he ioliic Iousual It must he the death with or Iomothln but wlrttor doesnt deter the daredevl lrorn dciylitg the Iowa oi nature or irom denditloiw and they ribbing their been It iraiilc lawn Give em highway ycardlosr oi weather proceed gleelully create havoc tor the more scnIIbIe vert An outride lane packed with rnow and No problem lot there iollowa Til pl take to the lane and tibia thor wry own the upgwa rt lull rpred and sometimes more etciilng these charact Ire rotr Iiong with huge anow roorter ohacuring other drivcra rionI can totteringInd acaryoxporlence Lotsot Tailgatin No problem tlioro either aioraon the highwtya their dayr to ed toilra iun and danger You cant shIito thorn because thoyll hang onto your baclt end with iorecioqa determination You my be Ituolt In an outside lune yourtoli writing ior In portunity to more Into rater lan trio bu the tIilgaIer docint care Hell hIng on as clooo Is possible probeblp unearan that his more mom matting ou nervous end hit por Iiitenco increasing the posthIIIIy oi you mohbtgur hasty potentially tragic manoeuvre some oi Ontarios highways illo danger oua and tnnluaing enough without having to endure the dangeroua moves or the lilgiiway maniacs believer COUitdI respectiortts Inning toilet in eerviug the city In lJiiDtli cip barctiaica weevil Ielotol tho onxtateriilcenl lliWMllll III will WILD wiiu clarion IIYI AIMEE WIJSIEBYJLXIITEMWWW QUEENS Plait It Sets At port ouairn Queens IIII Intern OiTIa Examiner Alli cnoeithaob viola irriryortaiithaitrdr oi the moment Ich Ie twvtior strike le thrt it id goin titttI it the hblloliiwglitmi data lies trItlenIntiia llc tter they add thora him be lost public teirrtnco lor atriles Ye otrl in on let there wouleo lywhild 32mm tor the government to impose com pulsory Imitation NWT Ill dENdlmE And they aternot new thll the precedent hrd been art the govunnwat would he Ieritlliva on ring upcomiiriiiuar cepttnca or the lap to there dentists and would to they will note eeencriiio at sport to them ouciuv There rthlIwiil to tow llmmhm parliipr vtoe nulblltty ltui ltore are those IItr er lial rgtlrut it at It set moment which cos 103 Windy the volatile oolioctlra Onalstlutavorytlrnaltvra Wed there weud lire have to art oi the logtarltnro it to IItnwah tiretier rocicarnedttle III at Irdhaoogtveri he power nlmpoio It la hat bean Iaitied abnlltr Itepi In the no In wotiid IgIlo hove to he tore tilt bolas and ra eelye the extensive debates and publicity iiili tbia hill did And one cant roncoivo ol Precefdenh Bul lHazmds Minimal iIsOnWobblyLegs in mm Im riarmMulifrh inrmthrmarmeae Womb the worth eltas areas wberrwrhrvrtba mart prob the rltyr chlrl eiucItloiier lave rarnaar IN PIIIBON toa lemal Ind at end will be It Jilin Io Finely there Is the trctor tint mguwggeet and labor Ira comm blurtlan Iiptueipo In unity that in itltill it till o8 could even lea Iltlh am more conciiatory Ibeislnrhlnlng ho to In It Idiltld It will VIOWOMI ll wiriii iii in It hiyaholld be ironic for there here tended to he govormnerit holng lrlvoloau more and more prolong about lacing ital atritar which utopia leiIa are onihlili IIy oi knowing whalbar he to throw manna It EIIIIII Inl dlerI When they inlmto dIIltara miner Ior Iaey geng oi youths they be writing1 tor aen misuniiiiioIr Lv doernt tho the iilllltil Nev thtbm had been term The elevator Itstire hill diet that have becn rcehlnit mien the Iiiirl agreement Intba loot rliaespoetirr my wilylddohopdddpdhir childrel ytcioooo in rdoeplydrided Northern hinthrocghotriodtahen Esg his 83 It tuitnbatiie removed IIritirh troops Written on parts at ml schools at barracba and ohtomtion poets Scidltrr retort both Proicslrnt and Ronald Cattle Ilr childrentrom achooi to prevent Irtirrlan attain are avr Iicl1roys iIiIay par IIIIIM their ehlidrrndl horn burn at the rimmed Ind ultra hoctusa theatre aimptypltlrigrd that ltlsh trooparlheuld he in the aru gt align elIily In their clill1 drenrte rolj mil Will more Tormosl oi the lit year oi sectarian Irouhitr lotto all the uprurga In truancy Ind heellganltm lira been coollood to Catholic neitbherhoodu But when the Preterltnta lorrnrii their own no Iron low monlha mouth Earunllllary on erma set up Irrlctdea Ind related to ial th all ill trouble Ilartrd lnl Protestant ac lictlroy Iaid Tana children are hout Ion IIroopiwo Ive begun Irrooting their leth Irr bollastbta 000 children eI reboot age and the article where mart at run battlar and rials taIaplIco arr tome allli lt IIicITIon In the Catholic Irena many lethr ato in prison or tho poled and moith may be lell to rope with lire or III or more thi dren end very little money When her Ion says be it gong to rebootth hII not penile my be plIIng ruaritorgelugcathr Ia rlruert eitlterr not wot come In the troubled areas tham saverai have him Wa triod retrial the ruin mateaby potiaeli Ito they out the lotion are acittered or given herb to the patient unopened Taaoharr tree Ilmliar tied oi Inilntidallon trern the elder hoyI and Iemetuooi girII It reheat cert only in your to the rural Britain but than uglier Ira miiletilrg Ito Egyr ainhlaa Ira intimidated bulotoaorreaelrternolhar Indwocaot track their down tliaralera they arent on the rolia end rtht hr eeuotodertruantn cautions atoll Pile 0aniiliii Was Not Suitable rig ihsdlsltoicro nympho III II lirtill an IIIlip attrao non aovvriaw Ilriill tilt Betdaiord waa iho The second protection It thet lore at the mil Amt the mummy my 1mm In magma guy the old rotislralne oI allitea laihlt oi In cart will rppryt More importantly agrhuttheieroutdoohelplul TIIE IIGIIT uoucri YouGo To Office Ill Sicily Home Vii ly liAL BOYLE NEW YORK iAPi II ienoo iI ruler they try and tail is cheep diieaco may often be more valuable than gold but it oils never at ptyuiha prior Iter thootng hia mount oil lIare ior armpit III la gumslenmrwmulundueruezmrvaieznzmmwmumwaaw low oitiiaridromatta which ilHOTO riiisanicrt in em nth4 IINICOII rcnosranr It rillicti ilcrd ilii Iummer During World ar0ne Eiiiiooe County raitc twolnlIntry bil trnlidosiggtucltly lrom volunteers the Huh oi the ooldlera were IItIImon irorn tha illimtoo Fcrotlcrr Iloylmcnl tinting tirin Ing at Camphorden roulu marches and aint hit its were olten used to tough ma lliII plotura war taken in the in Canadian cmas unllr tiert cool inlay truce the Ipoater to with Iter that he had meioalned iilI golden Ii lent lawn mm as Anglican Church yard at hand Hold it hows one company oi the lilili vltlcli Ictt Borden marched room through direction and Coolutown and awaited an IllicitI by Inothor companyoi For eiloro who hall marched Iouth through Alllaton amt llcelonlnr the bottle on the hill near liciiil llrttl Cirurcliwoniiri oi the community provided till ltatl tor the aoldicra hiring limit in Icilon lg ilhritrririlltmllor llllrarftlatditreet lla Uliilm Telephone norm toeoodctaasilail llrdrtrrtton ilutbar tilt llvura poatrga guIrIntaod Dally hulltys rad Stolutory Ila Idaya earrior weakly tilde year hlnrit coplaI lie melt Irrto titre yaIrIyi moea County eternity Illilllth at Canada taint yetr yr All nther countrira Aim yearlrt Ilotor throw oli HIM yerry National Alive tiring oiilcrri Queen It or lllllt Oil Cl Ilontroal Iiamhor oi lha Canadie and Audit Ituvceu oI Oriole time Canedlra Press II eIrIuI Iver entitled to tho III ter ro puhllcttlon III nows dispatch er in thia piper credited to II or thI Attoc ed their at Iteuter Ind alec lba iocei nawa puhllaiv rd ihtvrln The nartle Examiner claims to yrlght In all origlntl adver tlIIrig and tritium matariti rte etell by Ila emnluyrut end ror nrrrrlnrril Irr thh newapaprr npvrittll i1gtlltili Nam ior intttt riiilirt tl Iwuzmpmnmuootm to healing hir prediction Betty will wipa out the Naw II yoi illicit yeti hevr each tough time vnydeat you come to the oiiico Ioriia city and do us wortpand lII IIIy homo trio cIra oi it Iidrl ch oticandelcan doAbliiteiI You ally hero in the ear and lli walls to the parrot gIa elation and get etc It obael IItit iIr Ind yllrlrh rlr rviii do Ina good Iho do you eiwa Iarva rout hath tor or the same day Ilroady had it It the other ior hlhoiIl ON Hill TOO MANY vWIl Omi IO Ii ill and you 9th to your car bot Itartodl prebrhiy oalgvttloe It euro uboep itch can we givorulyooa till ibet made like troll ilDlWlped Out iii sunriprhmlifh am In Next Election Bonnoll Predlcia NEW WTMINITEII 80 CPI Tormrr premier llolinIIt wound up the britlrb Columbia docial Credit party convention hero Saturdafhbl re the roolallst provisicitl rmocratlc Irly border In the next election People will put us baeit with tho eatoit majority weve ever be told the tin dole gator There ieavlul little the claim have It malorltv Iii only one place in Itoin the lozla ialurn Ila urgcd the party Min to alert up their elioria to gain new mlmircrlilpr The delegates concluded the their bualnelr ot the twoday cluivenilnn tintiirditv morning Irttnt atoun lili ruler or next Niirnihve Irulitrhp IIo III llennti ii baI time record lie outcry Idol here Just put my Ini tIIlI on liIItd ll put my do pratmeat to work on It which marry yea yeti wore next to tire Iut man ohhrrrtit Id rather marry Well oi count we IJliti playc relay ae Ilito meet vanity oilleo think lhat oomoday wou behold ottho milId ill be working let What lead up tilde trim to imported girl like your ltotooyoitryalowoi man my tire atllt love yos hId lust wanted Mar pretty ux or your mo werent have oted vote Ni ii ma Iain Iver Ill tlilti glidinme Iiiyrinb pr atorayu to one ea attuotlll got the cemetery titrated he wont run tor the post Pllo Btttltl it tel ant Prince Wild wile oi ales it had certain amoml 0i We can ileaisroia ol vlahorl rclponeihtlltl ior the top am rinwiim they turn the eairrviiol cm the with rentaciai oi Prince Edward to late horch to Wider and tmmurnueotcaoado Imam Arctic asatethettth magic wuloivodJoIrl it hierwnheoiiO ii 0a blrrch IT It wee MM lable wIa trend Quebec it to arva the ca tat told it wnathlellIot thrrrttwrt route or the Marian with The naivel rile WI illcirribiiiira cerium In troorbultalebioh Enamel Widellchrdhoenthlllodtoot trawltooth llemr oi oil irorii cord The WWII chcelly ior Mimmmm gotta Ind cerltvitniv wtts not Oi NM Pill Mel valued II In bltictio obleol 50 not routedneuter all Wreatlobaiiiiotd am the Governor Gemrll IoI kgauldowttlm stod Input IIII WI other are avratll or blew rawrum Ind irritant in mint hosiery IN traits detriment Maine Item the move lrom bailinlovd yummy my Mm up to ilolha When Iiaitleiotti tured Fort Iluil NY came tho oi Ital oi the North tlttliaierloton Nil wII well iorrllor In itll hit Incorporated ar locieIiIIl cII lhhih Tim i5 Illshirer Ioillrrr lot The eminent bidder to war II to my to QuAMlb gm bathe tibia ward the rattan itstIedorri comment or Ouiiodrrrtleau Illllltlmti traotceiod Nle ara lllvor at Otarlottctown to loot mm my fig the eel ltaltlotord were tlss Ctaada pretentad up mtgirhiroemxwuedls gnuodNetimogovtglraeln eora or new closurehutthoiaitwaalounei Yertr clarion Ior bean lTliliPillIlllllIll again eponlngiha leh tor tho that time in so years Tita amendment to the partys corialltutlolt eItahilahed looao art at outlltleatloas tor the po trptlal leadership candidrtea demanding only that they be Conadlan oitltout members tn tpood atriidtna oi thr the In at Credit party rind eligible to attic THOUGHT lriltld tio haur remrllt ryaa Ia Iew come that go till he Irettrred every man to Na own and ahaII ItIvo any Ilrnot Ind yet am ital Ilvna becIuIa thaJaihrr Ir with rate John We are charged with the tri ponilhitily ol giving our III to the lord but we are oso rem Iortrd will the mat truth the iNilAlilliOIWAIiii ii tituluouliwoiaw it WINMMPJA JIM1W III wIilta htiida III In every atrp ul lla all with ou ol rpzatrl tool or MW tallandanco ll about to