Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1973, p. 6

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SUNDAY dim repllun was held Il Hie Mill at Hr Ind IlrI litch rt Lelltll Bind ld llll oelmdrutordlhellur ml Symphony Orrlmlrl Ar thur lillrrtn Among tho yonlr altrndlny the totem moi luyur DorlIn Met who perfumed Lu hm From Kr Eng no 53 lell Ire Hrl Cunt Plul my or Parker Hr Burglo all hot Sorority IExleIldsiInyltglionSi Er E5 Egg or gr 53 E2 tell iemlolothmJiIuddcld odIlllInIlllhIIllmonHII llrI oddly manned Illll in Key our vim IN BARBIE 51 gal lr llnnlhhnnoadl II wredlum my mmAIIdlilf$dluAm This llllkrul run imagmluA Mlle Halll wrauwmd rut II lull55L rlrlrir Nislrslrcill SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES nllrnded the murmurs drill my mum ditllilmolrlgrylllny llr Scllln llm tar lhIIIdnuIl celeb mel went home marlin If at Fallow Dll III gill Ilnnlnlthellrrl prluln lilI WMY PM hi illlllcllmldm llrnmlnlmr mum nw Ceelllcrlh nor Blmlu lth PM WI toldrulmlltllrexounntn ll Green I30 lulu Isa lud mylfnl lial Jutlulh upedlniy mun Illmuslolovcrl II mm In AlrriI m0 duller wil ion lhd month min ldlt Mmtd by lllyl DO rm lrorn hlrrlI Hitle cunt laminar 115 rialnmnrrmnrirln gym we Jundmuruhdurmamddmd gligtgjgu III um lunld hum were lnI tumult llrr ll II llllmrlrgnllnle Melchior lIrtoh Ella rm and le ml Mr Md rill ll mild ndnl aner Ame 6mm mm nun Hlmy Hr Ml Bullli Wm tar only will Ioth mllIClu uranium mm Sinnllirid llr ml rm Noe lhl unod ladler lulu llmllltllarter lo llltcllle Whmunmmm To Silyel iVerSClIYPClIlY 95T9lm5li errrlrllryrr orrols lorlrrlllr lrrlrlolr 9le ml mm $Wm 5th DIIIIIrlIondlmrooI WWWJM Cll lllldtllzAlia hm enlmd II lull lllnl dl pIchhbreIhlut It the Battle tlnrodil 31 6mm Llelclrlor presldcnt ol lh mm mm MI lid was holler oi Iii aliemuon in It isxlln hill Silent residence ycslcrddy in honor cl tho new conductor Ammurgln IInd lo ldunrh com lort concc Pamlllomsrlllleny concert uglll be held tn the new lllllll lorlum Ii Glorgtan Collego on Aprll 18 Syldll cm hull to being placed on presenllng proyrIm lo Iimmry during omth mk wd Iru Iumulul donILlod vlll ho undo km in tho you to tho Georth Then pro yrlm edlllldd rile VulouI lion ml the Very Gmi III pro miad iry ll Guy Sinner Ina Mn Mu lbmllmn The mod blenddlhy metlnl held IA on Norwich harm ol ll rm HIllen ProIldInl Hrs anlr Bcdmk remind lrrLLrorrllnlrrNIolIl tan Ltd iron 7102054 hr wulreldllyllrlullmllIIerllll Erorer llrIndl Kroele Art Schlmrnel oi Barrie Ill 07 up llIrch ii 11 mm on lir wdliu Gareld Billion 0mm wlll Miller ma ram um luredqu Hr IM lln li Leena on ol ihl hnyylellyerm Iho III WI Imam by hm III II Tow Hm III llr Int lin Dourllr Pieherlll llmdr lo dad ll null Iii chlv oi Toronto villled ill Ind ltrr rm mknn llold Iodlleonvew ll nuillll Amnnllliutlnllmdinlum Sirpheum Lloyd Tullmd lln harnhnduemrndoul mwnuld isrurielirioorinrIddremllo nlenIPnl Enroll lfdlrflgfnfh Mr Indlinliulnnnlru Hilly Vlrney Hr Ind lrrr lltlr dml And would will lidllelomrSlllllllHllml whom ohm Mdlnrlnl gt Darla cm Hr In It nod tho mllrynlu land in rhodium riled load rrr rind mm rmnn Ml Jotm chlekrn Colo Slow Poiolo Salad Too lllrrull ylmtlrmembuund thlr mm III marlin norl my cumm Ir you Wyg ho uicd id tnrihrr the work ol err whom lniereried ld Illeod proud on Islamic Ivnrhll R09 $135 lho illrrr urI Md clely ll motoring workshop in GAMMA Ql the relented Ind rI TODAYS Crunch mulch 11de mthUlall the celery nrnv ruinr ihu we yiay ilan trI year lliererll min In rlurlo the 270 mil on Illlh ol the Itul lhal ll rm do Ihoul 11000 mm in llorldn Vllrcn lllll llllllmll non ha Ill been imam it Imil to some Ionerr Ind lidll million min Tlurol whole Ilnnz ol rel ml Ire edqumo Io nillrll eolr ery liedlll ll lrrli only because celery contain valunbin uh elum ml potassium ltI be ewe Iil Ill Illlrwnd pkdluro to en II nlrr rrlsyltmer Ind lyreet uh kly lhen or rourre there it lho rleiiciml Iinllrd eelrry llirl LI lmlny llr rtre in the liner llllMlll 50 here lr ptNlll Lib Movement Changer Approach NEW YOHK lAll Hrlly Frlldal rm involved in can trllorry wllh her morn rndlul Itrlerl In ihe unmenl liner htlan movzment Iron llll IL Ham brluren the mill Ind II the mall ellcrllyo way in Irhlero IquIllly tar wumrn Al the tint molar tunarill lnr eronl ldr tho New York rho er ol llll Noilnnnl Orion lulon nl Women lN0Wl the outlpolran leminirt Sunday llled rlalyhaliny Ind lerhInnlIm us ism thal mid only hinder thl llllHEIllllllll prom Sh rollernied her ow that tho lerbilu tune it helnl used by mm In play in divide women lho menu li the more men II that women Ire people lald lll Frledlli Id dmlllr about iii prrrons Whut do no em about lame hnor chtllll yrllrrrnml Vhli rnldvlnra doe li really hovel You dont have to hate men or live on rhlldren to ho llblr ntrd Ihe Inld Elm min at tho women you hredklny through the horrlerl ol llx dir Irlmlnallon Ndw man Ind rlmen mull work together llo neert meInlnrlul dlnloyuu lo Ichtm our lull Hmlll Noil Scull lidil the llm mlilrdl air In North Amer ca Ii rlhdlor Lo 1th Carl Burlon ol Peteerch BE and um lllelll II ills llolI Club eteolnx hrld It the Ho IIII garaIllllfh nIvelllnonrI lIIlI loliullzd le hlnul r2 yweregue Environ youll Junta Ind llrl Clendcnv olnl tin OAndennlny ll tho lor PIAHHI BUTTER AND mer arm llllllll BACON mmn CHEM 1N HAMILTON lrllm blew lIIIIlIKehnIIol caller SirrIeIlIuirII mm In to Iml0ll0ll mm ltnel thwvd where ha vllllrd his mrrdil Mr llbesrmn mrlmlln Ind tin Joleplr irriwe 0n sly llnlllerva ulNP urdI he Ipent the will WM MI 10 lrlml ln Moduli lry hlwd unlll rrliy drIln dry on paper lorrlr orrurrble If in medium ml conind permit butler lcllllli mayon mlul and alloy Sllr tn re untd baron ulde Slerillze Soil Betore Planting Boll Ilerlllmon in eommon lllo mull htny door lo Slurlhy hlIy It the Cnnlmrral lint nlili mull in Bel lturlirrl orcherlrl lleketl will be 011 lIlI loon BETA Pl Ido IOnl ll0lll tor iblgIIi neeilnr tied Iol HGGIFIII lgmllIzvygIIzIzl wd$l OImnlI er yIr nym llrlll ill er Tomllnlol llll rmy 31M yroyrun hexlnr ll iVIyms reporled lhlt lym li Shela Slrui Iehool Hemllen ol XI Bell Pl chm ler met It the ham ol plclld ell llrl Alrx Slm to welcome new mentor Mmlno mm 1nd llrIl Dillerlnxlon Hrr Sim olllolIied Il ihl curl dlellw Pledto Mull Cation lln WIyno liIldnry Irlllled lItIIIIIrln ihl mlIl hour IlllChIM Later In tho mm ltrt Salt Cameron motor dlrerlor wu hortw Ii her Dutlzworlh Siren homo llmbm Mood pm pmdudtngstnli IurdllIy Amman middle Oll celery ln Iahuh lrnrth malice nrmnK commercial iwrthg Dominion Glm Comp hlo color llerlpa yleldI nlmi ll cup llllllly Nun dellclmu NUTTED CHZAM CHEESE AND PINEAPPLE AIUFIED CELEHV thcano it ounrllerl mom chem Inflated lnhlcrrmol rlolry mu Irnnm lr mp drIlnrd rnnnrd mnhrd pineaple thawed walmlr til trlzwrm roll rlln llortda ottery in medium howl mm in gullyr mm were and Inn drum Sllr ln milled ylnely ed yin wulmlu roll Cut celery rlhl lnto twohull ltlljllll lll rallry with them nrlxlure Gnrnull with lltlll ll dellred linker one mp AVOEAM ilTUllED CHAIM llnrge norm um mhlced onlnn ll my llnnly drer to mull unlit clove xrrllo mlneed ll leuyoon tall ll lulpoon lrwrltl Ollm lr ll tnalrlonn lemon nice iruyom llqui mom rib celery leel Md hallo Imelda Ind reurte wed in lam boy mull nyotldo Ellr to union lo mlio llrlle IIll wrllnder lemon lulu and prove uco Cut cdlery tnid lwnlnrh knrlill spoon Irocldd mixture lnio er ery ll mixture l0 not to ho turd righ my place Irlcado not in boll in ninth mm color metre ylridl ill MI ltlllu mntml Imto out may harm lul bnncrh and mm oryIrI llmd Homo untrue tend to All over trill locum becnulo ll mum llolmrr ll you nru llartiny ur rmlr lram ml rim no my Mmm ta ruin ulnilled In All will rmlIln dnrrmni weed man that will run under lhr rm mlilllm lly mxtlrlny the nail the rnnrlblr cl wred nods lhal mrnlnnlo Iiil hr molly ltdllml Willinil compo tiilmI lrmn nerds flint Ieedl grammar mm ml Ind lecdr llnu wrli be Muller 1hr rlnrllyllny ull perm helm tramolrntlny can lilo he redun ilio rdrlort Ind most canyon lnrll mum in with roll It lhtI limo at year ll ln tire mon Pulledi your own to ill dllmy Flam you at molll loll in the oven or lo minim ilml let It cool in row temper Iiuro Trdndltr tho I0 to poll wi horn 1nd row the reed meth tin bI um Milli In youran holllnr wnirr llrouxll lilo ml or Drill mul eJl mommy lliesI moilwlln wnIrI well in hell done EIrluIlrI Areellollel llr tho item 03er lung trulan Ind vlrll Ohm rhlln Me our 10 Itlldo will mile Cnnllrl Ind rdndln mllnz Iuyyllel THEGALLERY lll Dunlw It ll 11M lruumcntenl ma IIIqu III from peanut taller mlliuro mmlnmlrllwlmlthelpr Iny In Toronto old the hurt Madmantrigler wery ttu leno Money dulled the alle prvrlm NIimlEnloymni ALPHA llll Mn lichen lllIcllock wII hon lru lnr llll tlnl lohruIry meet lnrllnymmllrtmpre rented by lirr Sun Ghdrh Ind llrI ltIrrIret Clrml Hem NEW Ill 10er anddanilmow which waytolum callilla llllllll mm um Youllha glad you did Anyone witnesrlngilierucrldeni Mm 400 lillwlen Hwy 89 lllllllllll llnlllll Slde lloud on Sunday March l8lll ill 530 pm lnvolvl trig nlurlller truck Illsnnrl uulomolllles plelsl conlucl ll Armslrong or ll Gllloyal llllllSlIArenCodolllr We would Illa oypmlolo anyono who Iuppllid old or oulrionu or ill contoetlng lhI alloy noordlng onletu neovmd at

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