an polsn arssrsrscs To North SimcoMP NEWS mums mmamuammms crib ergF 55 Ear rd and rue at the Ask at Ternary lien June sop periodo at Pallad cornea it bases Id the pre doesnt Lake the all hiss wru at been espe sensit Indiana not to go to was meta all the they most others sulfa you pro Bay rlvtl that other on IM sdiaa orlslaal sailed tor was statute In tor Brian tor vlduala not residing garcons arounoanuta liaison trans run selebaian belhslpopaduhgh mmrportsaccne or JIIIMMIIItIhTNW Iler Th it go Ihonuboluabsdlabeadol underwent olderhrotbedldliertostsrld Newlmhbdmmtngiubb mummies ntnnrn this Council Will WCISQQCICouncilBocke suanidaieqn Subsidj waaeoa aaaua request Park road will barrte rsrry TlALLRINIAL DATE report item the bail board was approved settler new rates For Calvin hail the sum at sea was let toe lla rue plus till or Iadl the villt rmti obli Irrs The not rate tar Wasaga Beach blliwar tel at til pills tio tor usI clutched locslree ideals will receive per cent discount The hall boIld has the authority to write these lacs orrdlusltbena where It is tall instilled such as with the Drow lllc Np Pictures lit Mldhurst Show Past Champions MIDWEST Stall vital play oi photo aphs at part Stra coc County champion Ihlp learnt has been attracting considerable attention at visitors to the county archives lnterert ed Ia tbs onetime national gasno We were very gird to set theta pboiograpbl said Nor bert Iloeen county archdvea in commcatln on the standout ac elements oicounty teams byrooe years Picttrea oi the three Orliila lacrosse teams which won the Canadian Ulla Ill IN 35 and 34 were pro vided by Bernard lilads at it lilrner Avenue Orllila Fred Cools at Bradlord do rated photo pha oi Drrdlords Canadian lnernaedlata ileld la crosse champions at i908 and at so Dradiord Junior charn Ions oi soon We wotald be to get Iltlum oi other championship earns too and lie Morass Dell war psealdent pi lbs Bradlord team which had Campbell secretarylseas urea and Davey and Green Dali presidents Cotilng was team caplalh and err included and Jul lulleer Graham Anderson Cotton la Church Will Reeves Norman andbob llcltlnatry Robinson It Campbell and II liartin home at the same players were with Dradlords Junior winners at all years earlier others were Farrell Fred Coornba Roy Itlli IL blending George Scott Jim Webb and It Wilkinson Campbell was member at the executive along with Ed Jackson Ward Turner Curry and Stroas PLAYED AT DAlttiiE The tilt Oriiila Terriers which the Dominion rhasnplonahip mowing down the layered liars chlrnlslatrr Salmon Del lies three straight In the only tlann cup series ever played at Darrinreceived the latest at tention the billiard resuming oi Ambrose lllnds and Peter An thony tine defensive displays at Est Doivacy and Tom Scott and lhlplritt by Bill Wilson Bill Cur ran Illll illuillsa and hill Wilkes were moullonedln The Barrie Examiner reports all the time Stan Partridge now at Ottawa who previously played ior Camp border was delenso atslwart along with Andy Trollope who ry ioemallpn on placed Aletlerwureadironallss hedamlarndtbacroppas lureienedtotbarosdeammlb retardant Anotberietlerreieeredtothc the Void 011 thumbs Asked NEW LOWELL Stall illa user to be ioliowsd In Irsan wnsnta lor Ilqsor vote is be sound Willie email result Erratwocd constantly halt board The clerk John was rated to contact the utter It cenrc board to obtain the no ninth It lowered Aeopereeaivottisseeded in to hotels the necessary approval mob Wow the wu in the three hail brands or organ iaatioas reatia them to obtain licences prowl they meet lba required stsnda liquor taeilttlas are available It Angus and It Walaga beach on Dubuidalss borders later became haiiIiI tor law years Go on Doettger was the centre artist Ernie Curtab than the young rat member at lbo learn Lawn Inca Adamant Ken Pollach Jack Dootbrolt Will liar and John Quinn were otbtr era with Nolan Coats coach and lea llcid interning biiller well known carrier at Ortlltr was Iec retarytrcarurer and in Pratt president lb lull the Terriers were led by Bill Wilson Al blctean and Ed Downey in capturing the cbamplcasblp delerting Itlcb nuand Farmers at Vancouver in the titan Chair three straight Goaltenders wers de ltrll and Druno CIvcila the lat ter irons Dradiord with Red itattosa Hank Munro and Tom Scott the delence stalwarts Ton wards were Dill Ind ten Wilkes Ernie and Bill Oman Gordon lecturer and Hugbilieiiy with Ken Pethick Doug Bunions and Andy Tudbope reserves EXCITLIO WINNERS The leb Nana cup winners were alien described II the snort eacltlns Terriers trolled the saw enclub senior OLA loop until they started Inupsusro In tats June which canted them to the top and eventually to the Donald ton ehesnploashlp again it patents on The answer Irene It Vaiaehi Papers balsam NAHUM mti WY aaYlllNClWMlar WHITMAN Cm trimmers mannatn rst wire oamrIvaIt Mold Mimi lllmltt ON WEst ucter same committee naked Ii some couldnt be dons about the tiers ni Plaaaga street it was Item Dir mans oi the Toronto Ken Richards asked about storm damage in the vi and theelerlrwlsrattsdla haw tborlllca nboat proper procedidc to be taken The Chamber at ian re ported Ia mural response to the crest contest with It designs submitted The winner is to be chosen at chamber meeting IUIUJINO Itme Building perqu la tar this me have covered construction Disabled to that 2500 All amount at sisaoo was covered by rmltstarued dining the put weeks An agreement betwsm the rib his andth Dartthak nlbdl vision was started by Reeve Itch crtrora Add the chart This will be the ilrst subdivision to be do tripped in Ih than during the past seven yslrs Carl blltcbell addressed on beball Iii ibI sued at daatai board which in as and means oi building an addition to the Centre There was considerable discussion about the Centre which all agreed mat community nerd lira Imam Donner was ap Isag leader with Iioeltscr the Duran brothels Joe Greeters ltd Inlcd to the Wasagr Death Ii Irr board lien hiarnab plioied these winners which had Waady lie blahon oi St Catherine as soon Dick Walshaad Ilr attentive leaders ldort salt to player was goaler Dill birArthur while that blunro DonWiiIaon and Piper Data were deicnae stat warta Others lnrluied Brute Bolling GIorts Wu Peth Srsallh ilrdhopa and two to srrve goaltendera Dnaao Carcllo rndhiellliurr The learn dz sated Vancosver North Shana indlaas three glides out oi lose in the bistro nap sen Ias played at blapla Deal Gan as Another lacrosse picture added to the display showed mi Can adian team which travelled to Aultralla ilanager Illa Miller oi Orilila and the players included several irorn Simcoe County The Litter Included ll Graham and Csnapbcil al Bradiorll Jack Cblrm and Rudy Areas oi Ortliia and Bill and Tom llanlcy oi Illldland Incision nastiness uldale council has delayed decision on rreiscrl tor Ipprovlt II bl an open deer buatla Ira sonlntbstouashlpnertl Lale Doyr lshottal momentary new wwniatainn Svn isionkk maturity board will oooaiat oi blotrte ilro kinda hard Iton Paulina ltcrrr ennui itllalhh In collardi llth community thy Writ William Parkinson lien Winter with Dora Kaonrnana and Blair Constable irorn enamel Iiblly board operators ass in be me llmkina Archie Gra asna Dob Settles AMI Hum Jlna islatlry wtib llooplnras and hello trons sound South Innlaiil borsai consists oi Stewart Dmeiiy Ian Johnston Tad Career Cord Yullltl ltldy Atkinson and Ccundilos Coir stable and Abdrrdr Strand cornrnunlu bail bond bu lloy Goodlellow Vern Aysrl Beatrice ithenatc More Cool Jean band with Krop been and Andrada irom council in thuscblil the matrth ire Andros Graham Frank Nell lion Allan William AIcr ltcta Alien with lloopmras and Can Ilsbla lTulTlNlDClL humour cornpl earn urge regarding lllgblrnda desire at Elmvale To Play Bracebrldgailgain ELMVALE tStIillItsy CW Elmvsle biercbantv are sched uled to visit Brrcebrldrr tomcat the Bears In the tblrd urnc at their boot to seven intermediate reraallinal on Tuesday night March Tbs Merchants then return ta bonar Ice again the lollowtng alfht to late or their Draco brdgs adapts la the truth game ot series The Eirrivale tuna liaisch tlrlt it he Georgian Dry bea gua circuit Ind then beat out Sutherland unwell and Pene tIag Garrisons In group plavclla to quality tor the still play downs in league games Gems Scott Ernvaie Ita scoring points with 19 oils and to assists for Id points Centre Cari Edwsrds scored more goals 23 but had Development Plan as vrhss Tbs Ionsalorernca receiv age was saleer to Its public in Its MAWmmmM snow The latter will put new ills Study la it 93 mthrslbtiliobdollarstss ed aver bdlnilllon in salary cheques tor handling tba gooda which combat at cost himbts grain Medals and manuiarx lured ltlell Ilium train the orient arrive here constantly Ame at can Irsrn Jopaa were on one ship alone almaqu our Thee which havaersly bibs somIIreMwiniullhloomand with the growth at parts busy lawn more have been busy decal past wselltrilbtesh bodilne sps war titling ays InadI winter remationg prt This Is only In the solstheln part of the psovnce Piusly at saw our remllns In the north CATTLE TlUTTLEIiA DC rancher lotuld that it at his best calls were miss tag when he gotth rounded up recently Arrests have been made but cattle surlllag Ir prev rtrnt stress the vest Dccl is valuable Ind the DC govern ment have Iepislated II nation to the ibelt bl eatl This not started out with rain 535 E3 EE is is in ET RE it it an are 59 gr to 55 25 ear re in Hsegg are the same mars losing is per year or tats per week through Inflation argued IhI North slnaror member Id Irreaallcriiv It II big de when taxpayer Iosaa cars per week through tIilIiion and Iain ti per week through tar east This uptald be net loss Mi par week Turning hls criticism on Ilr IAwla he salted Was this what the NDI meant during the elec tion campaign when they said there must be substantial srchsr lloml Is this VIM the NDP leeLa the average taxpayer dse rtrvea RED C1103 MEETLVO COLLINOWOOD lSillit Ah natal meeting all the colliamod ltrd Goes Society will be held at the Ith hall on Tuesday eve oclock TONIGHT UNTIL WED Vraeouverarta but less than bindnd adsom in thasktcrr day The wothermaa does not otter any promise that the run will break lbrourh but on tho Prelilc Coast this winter predicted bad waotber condition were too ed by sunshine rad warmer nl peratuset We can only hope that this week will change it pswdorritaastibg sunshine and sprintills weather We have enjoyed the winter here and new are looklar lor ward to returning to Inaialll and Barrie REQUEST PirNDEItED NOONSTONS Staiit re quest loa lide rpm dctt buntinr season In hledonte is be Ibg pondered cmde The re quest was me James lilt chen tor the Out natural ro Iourers ministry an nxaannen warts ADS lower assists IT in t2 points AdAlIIbwt comers CARRIE dll BAVFIELD ST OPEN ll Lin to ATASTY TUESDAY TREAT SPECIAL national lichen Colonel Sanders and his boys make It linger lickin good lira Tues Wed rant it It to la midnight daturdavtlrralairaa PHONE TZHIII 2pc oi delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken and Golden Brown French Fries TUESDAY only BARRIE I45 ESSA ROAD pna on Aurdny BOX OFFICE OPENS Isdl FEATURE AT Tali AND III nlng ilarrh Tl starting at Snares Canw straplqu will bacilli than it damn batiin this year In addition in tbslr seg Mmom iuoimmc we Item the lam remittsz thanth haclude New brara Der Good Friday tartar Itonday llktaria Dry Damian Dug thc Holiday Llhbr DAT Insuring Day miirtsnar Day and Boxing Day homes tor liar aged It was shrcolaasneededD tam Demure rIan sy be in pine at Easter Monday The regular holiday schedule approved tor manly anplsyres Includes two week vacation li lrr one year at sIrvIeI three weeks liter three years oi sar vkc and tour wees alter side years oi renter It was also decided to shorten the probationary period to new no dares to than months Impiorees at the countys cum it Is simple rusonin that are 524 Seal 55 gh 33 stand worldbe when the tinnitus ta redaction ma par mt reduction in raglan lion luas bxane the welln It the Conservative when slam M7 sugguiad Yet prnllts are so low they cannot roar Canadian to Invest in Can adian rompardas The government had in Iorrn pended IwretrnLig it with the Dantingulnatiluta and Points all people invert In tulip to get returns observed Dr hy rurd ll there returns are not good eamagh because the ovum taaes item the eorporriltm Crisa Idlanr will simply invest in other gees whims theirme wig lswc greater og interested this la the wrywilyla in Canada you use the carrot and pot the stick Surely Ilrm Lewis laowa title to be so NOTICETOEXHIBITORS The ma trusts Aaslnl Items Show sponsored by tbs BAIT Ys our menu he held Friday April It and sensory April it at the hurls Armslry HIT COMPLETE dililti not more FOR AS LITTLE AS Does not Induce hunts rr Yarhrr Murray Watson MOFFATI II ESSA RDo BARRIE SALES LIMITED For Ialornaatiola regarding display space eIiI azaleas Deed liaa tor rpsew rrstala will to April It BAltltlE HOME SHOW COAUIITTEE IDI Insueilsn MERCURY isssasas Play the savanna tans EVERY TUESDAY IN tithe Dorrie Examiner YOU CAN WIN VALUABLE CASH PRIZES AND bliAND watt tonal covmuuMllllll MERCURY sun ill EVERYONEISAWINNERINACOMETIYOUCANPURCHASE I913 TODAY AT MOFFATI MER CURY Sac one hi our courteous rsiII Nlpllilill Sales Manager DeLIIia Jonas Jaek Duiiy Larry Parquhar Via Hrarn Amos Lloyd Al Lumsee Brian Mollrtt Disks Shaw Sherry barnsarsnarhlagtaomucbpeot snout draws lot at It nit itsi Therlllnataotairtalstncr the Canada ballooned can