Dhuviiurtiefttumittrt Labor Published Emuiioa ousing by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited It layIlIId Slroeterrle0rderlo Robb PubiieberOerveral Manager Heathers Managing Editor PAD acct Standards Bylaw Group Should Meet Soon Attendance how municipaliqu uentntlaele committee to meet Two months ago council voted eiat to three to Instruct the art busy atandalds i963 bemuse at lack oi abling legislation mceog of the committee is expect cd in the near luture possibly next week That will be at least nine weeks alter Aid latll Wessengcr tod council he was trying to Inject note o1 urge dormnd or better standards oi ouslrrg Counting Aid Wessenger there are five other members on and considering the diversity at their legislation can be oi time It is taking the dtya minimum hotlsing standards the minimum housing taut which was shelved in long it takes eultsltletobeaapectcdthmaboold hymn ddaya Once or comratlleagrtraouagL then reasona prompt actiono midgmrtand bylaw isolatinbd iorthcolasilsg Such bylaw termed part oi the cam paign piattocms at several Ildeamcn so ts assage mould be none theirheerts rtiaer delays in preparation oi this Important piece oi legislation should not be tolerated There Ire nouns all non eIn Dan1e who live In hollslng that Is than Ide qualc and their weliare mould be con sidered rli3 WWI limb ny ee er areas should be oomidered tough bylaw that will prevera blight is Important to the city committee to provincial ul lathe he cornmlltee DOWN innorvuvvr 43 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner htarcir dealers Dry Coulter Frank Grac iruIt atore on Durliop St Wootvrnrthh John Saso and Sons ilv tormed bllc they were no lated wIIIIhIr Caruso with Frank Livingston in Dodge car ag rics rst Amulet Auto Show held at Queen Paris Armouryiwo days Admis sion lll cents liusic by Barrie Cvtlrma Band directed by Boyd Sylvester New models on display irom showroom oi ton and liorley Buchanan and Son Chltttclr llotors William Groae Itacoid Nil William ortshergcr livingv ato Bros Norman llarcirsll George Ilc an is Thomas with Frank Doyle as show manager Dancing at Motor Show provided by George Powells Helo liy Hen Iony Caruso opened new Cresvvtcke Aldermen Ddllyrer and Gen don Reeve Victor Iurard will repre sent Barrie Collegiate In Ontario Toads ers oratorical nals BCI Junior bal kctball team beat Drillla In olddcndeath game will play In Ontario ilnals It Tor onto Players nciude Stewart llrysorl Dob Hodges Archie Thompson Arthur Livingstone Albert Stephenson lack Henson Billy Wolienrlon and Billy Hart Aribur hiolcan was speaker at Collier St United Church Youth titght Undoristlia Shoe Factory team captured Dick Garrett Trophy as winners wan Hocllay league Pictured with cup were Ken Lambtc Somers ivan Itnyl lice Iery Doug KIrIrup Rubs Corbett Chuck thonough He hogardls Bill Valr Charlie Stundcn goalie Gordon Bud Tomllnson Cec Barnes and Coach Cecil Iliuliullltrl Grand Orange lodge oi Ontario concluded Ihreeday convention Ti 1918 Bar Thomas next door to longer assoc Assodated Seok DEW tdl rTbe surutusutsslunrxraranrssma oI listen mm in arm clonal It the Cm Ifitilh rim tht VI HIM has elected head new WWW psRLlrtc deslous AIME DAOCOUP median that hand conference minnowIna mum TIE i5 andrhimlngatohloinrnib Iloenaonbsra lau there Is liepticirm In his no0 With commoneMClrIrcii nr Thiainataie his as E951 82 mgqurtcranopr the chance pi single muttlue tIseaI union group ever grow1 All to the Not when con tracts with random can be negotiated to any great utcnt on level Iramandln Dr repea trIdItieurI iron eru Morrow the nation project Iaeerialrltebavrnoappeal tor ear earned itll Wan Gem Nic The reocqu Mcoud voluhie campaigner who boat prison record at ar pendent bulneasnvcrl tallied la call In Bnlsaels for rice Jewerl deletes group rever Ing all crannies oi the Oorn man Iiarhet in BM Nicood Il ren grinned ota national basins pressure ahich In tour rears ruIIvII up merriean or sooooo Though the Norman re lcrrvbtcrthlt oi Pitrre Pou Iadelaltbe more at the 1310 Nicoud accrues his predecessor oi selling out to THE ovvllwvt woonts the litictrna oi Gillies do Denim our room PIOHT am like the owners rnvslt businesses In Belgium NI couds loliouera loathe the complex and to their minds humid en uh travail histh raw and by no and endowments mum omen The ialrr ihout the bean dolls oi upmarket shaleIron operations alre seem all Belgian rnaIII build rlwn have handed togethereldli all innresslra allow at land Ily but have leaderto riaalnlitcomglptrs aonalmlapellslrv The Frenchman envisages ltls expanded Comnon Mu bet movement as notaepulllir Ingriasl trade unionism the traditional unions maintains other from the very cart at bureaucratic liitllity that has made machinery at ravernnunt cllrrbertonle and apprenlle erlcy tor district are brothers Williamand Morley Thomas Shepherd and JamesW art are youngest In years in at Hunter Kennedys Wellington Hotel Wine in Btmtlog concluded successful barrio llotor Show Bryaon arld htorley livingstonhres nurltty cars are Ree Flying Cloud AndWolverineu Sh erd ande appointed Ontario llu aguh service representatives Barrie pollen stopped all slot machines pool room on orders chic Stewart altu $31113 cannons svovvv NevangIahdState as were miner when ulsterme cirrus rrrr ProvincialGovtg ar in Barrie Resolution approved llvoyear trial on teaching oi French Banquet OTHER EDITORS VIEWS sea canals nor HAPPY tGuprh Dally atorcllry Ioronto Li rampant due to edt pe At Board oi DIltcatI Willi Cadet C0 Dolores hlayor Duncan hIcCuaIg lla Itlui JEZlts ransom it in At weekly luncheon In American lioi Her Father John Burke or St Peters bite on Head 01 Thin In Iicalcow erobr ands and ontlowsK run on BCI Prlrlci al 11 Glrdwood declared that many ridd entrare just putting In time and should be kicked out He also wanted to dispense cps At Capitol Theatre Costello In College Widow committee re Town Iiall oi Reeve Sea cadets govcmment We always Amazing them in this mod but it Ilcarlwllilc Hat to disagree TuttiIlia gnaamguha has WORLD Torry ASan Peasant Armies Winners At The End by JOHN lIAIIIlItIlN Frrrllvs AIIaIra Analyst Tranllrn News emu In an era oi asphllticatcd nu clear armamenta merited by literati armaments marked by billion dollars each the super electronic ying piaIIllrmr which are todays tactical Iet Wm litre Dorrie Examiner to Bryllelci btreci Barrie ontIrIo Telephone nectar Second Class liall murmur Ill no our nature postage guaranteed Dally bluesy and Statutory Ilnlldava exurplest Subscription rates daily by carrier aicueckly pare years Iy Single copier tar lay mail Harrie eases yerrlyt Slmcee County 12100 yearly balance or Canada lasso yearly All nilvcy oountrlea one yearly biolor throw oil tam yearly National Advertlanlg niilcrs at Queen St Writ Toronto all IIII ale Caillcnrt St llontreal ilember ot the Canadian Irels and Audit llurcau oi Circula iions The Canadian Press exclus Iver entitled IOIIII Ilsa inr re pub cation or all news dispatch cairlthla aper credited to II or The Alsncated Press or neuter Illd sun the local news publish en lileratn the Barrie Examiner elrtrna Copyright In ell ulcuu advert tlang and rillprIaIrnateriat crev ated by Its employees arid rt produced In thtr newspaper Copyright chtltratlan Numv bar pmti rcglltcr at ilghtara the pessrlvi armies oI AsITlarbue still rupremc Hootrte II uer the Us and muster out would and In the air did not reduce north Vietnam to rubble The American prllorltra like their President rule they were going home with honor True prelim air but certainly not victorious law day are in Saigon the larmer enemies at the North Viv elllllnlse who may be main araln It the war Ilalea up had their that close up view oi the cotaneir who planned and can dueted the devastating Tet oi trnrivc ol troll like the Japanese senior at cell oi World War Two physi cally small monumclvlaily non commltlat Americas more res cent Aalan rllerrvies the North Koreana and the North Viet namese have similar IrIItr And yet General IlapI the victor oi chlabenphu where the prestigious French Foreign Le gion name nine end oi the line In tilt Is one oi the ml or mili tary leaders and ctraleg sts who has emerged rillco World War Two So Is hta contemporary General Dre the planner and leader ol the Tel oiiellslva who war to Seller recently the South Vietnamese capital he at morI captured Add Ihe even more Intermle peasant Irmics ol the Vlci Calls Iho mailed militia ut the Na tlon aI liberation Irnlltarld Ihm are perhaps sonar Cum munlst Vtonamcre ill the luutlt illlllbti unbeaten ready to Ildll age It Oonttdmllul asussmenis oi Ilre makeup Illd mania or North Vietnamcla and NLF are aiwnyl being made by the Den Isgou ilut good deal It learn about them not only throuah re tool with tradition arent happy because oi what the see as gradual erosion 01 Navy tr Itlone IIlcy cite unication ot the iorccs as major lOr their dtssatlstaciion thought youth was impai eottntry that wants to re Iain some semblance oi tradition Decided ToxHit Back lly BOD BOWMAN One at the mistakes France commuting IchOI made In the dcvcnpzncit oi leada was contort nttaclta on tho Enaillh colonics to the south An old lndlall shirt warnet leveran Dcaonvllia II therea aotuallya group at aw upset warps neat yea mud crush the waspaor will sting sell Icy This adore proved tolls true in lashes lads ior daring nil mocicll in the present dy comets on oi Whips as white AngioSaxon Protestants caztvlttsLLlcemutli irom estimating the DICIIIID needed to train men and women to operate the artialreralt bars lager ny iota operate modern Soviet plateau in the tiny North Vietnamese Navy lay the beginning or this year North Vietnams aIr and round lorees received their arreat quota oi soviet and mines equipment ltca tantra seen only spasmodicer hetero new eldat in enough strength in III nola armory tor the creation st SlVIeIliyll tank regiments Estimach oi North Vietnam eae tnollighter strength give them between lit and lot IIIO lighters mainly the MIMI parslny lass newer liltms own by North Vietnamese pi Iris As long ago Il itll Cous mlllvirl Chinese publications re leased pictures at tighter piloll irom North Korea and North Vietnam tailll training In aIylc lightcrr Including gulckvllrlng wasp on available In North Vietnam ese regllnentl IIIMII air and grotlnd tarrel probably have proportionath the so concentration at automatic tilc power at any Neutlcttv Century war Norill basic Ilylng iIebtlIIt 1110 The muchpubllclled Vietnamese torpedo bortr which were supposed to be the elsqu ol the int lull Toatvin Incl dcnt did not arrive tn strength until the late noes These are maillly Sovieteler Ora mil aitetlring gunhoala with lethal weapon that can sink tics illoycr hurting up all regular latter are the paramilitary cadres 01 workers aludtllte and stats rlonrlr who can be cried to man antlaircrllt weapon or iIIl depleted rexlrncrlll lighting in the south No wonder the in 1115 he NowEnelrrld atatos decided tobtt back They raised Ilree oi JMrren to attack Cid French tort at Ioulo burg Crm llTCIOII It was on audacious plan IMIIIDOI war avppostd to be one oi most menu Iora Ircstea In the world but the New Enalsndcra had rercivrd Intormrllon that conditions BIBIh nouns This la Ialthint aeylng Ivsd wartlay at all accrptntioa that Christ Jesus came into lhc world to rare sinners ol whom am chici Timothy till II we never lose alplt oi ally Jesus came we will rlrvcr loss the virtue and the value at even one soul Jesus sold am came to reels and to save that which was tort As my Father llIIIItulrIIl me even so send you Nth OIIEF Futiliwtiv to nurses venous Weevilstupor vrrscrwnoowuro enumeration were poor In the troops II most ready to entry The New Enzltnli learn was Wasp In the present day sense It use lost by William Poppers militia colonel Irllm hlolrc not its motto was mailed by Methodist preacher Ne despair while Cluht leads liost oi liossoo troops were New Euclllldttrmrra uro waited to Ilolton carrying their cup musicals to iotathe Iorcc Irvsv were rctl amateurs In wcrtllrc The rhps Irlcd ircrrl Nari tuekct on llarcb ll 1713 but roppod at Camp Nova Eculla where there has small tiriurh garrison They were Iolnci by IiriIIrIl naval squadron Irorn the West Indies cornmzvricd by Comparators Warren It wave coed thing they were gvcn this naval smart ether wire there wont Iinle been no chances at mom loucrlul French warships were in loot burg harbor and they could have biosn the New inglana rhias nJI oi the water IOTIIEII IIIAIICII It EVENT rimFrance minted rpcciai riivcr and copper coins tor Call ula ltItIirlt lasthcrarl Church Canada was opened at Itali IX lttiImporldl order pro hhtet Irrlpora trom US tillCanadian Partiallqu huibortlrd liacianalll Cutler Brown and Gals in so to Britain to plan lot Conioicratlcn lIIII ilothilitttlie JUMBd ri Elimtirv MIMIGMslm WMUCWM ports tromvisliorr to Invasion lruca ta ro terriblyveak mar PIQYSIICbs by non IIEAIIN Iluccna iar llurcau OIIIIIEaarlalnrr Throne Speeches In Ontario traditionally have been vague or Throne mach pupposcd Is to gho the public romn cation oi the governments Iti Ltlstllo mum Normally with most govern ment this has been prclcntcd in the term 01 blade rather than details oi will this program high he cccrltiy the chcral govern ment and some ot the provinces hmlI mimwlr NIIhoouI sygva mg their plans as there can he pretty tIIr Itch at what they msy have in mind not Orderio has kept to the LETTERS TO MEMORIES Dear Sir In our o1 your tunes oi nut eye noticed picture oi Stroud United Church hair believe taken in this The Wire Iamlly lllsa orch ard lIr it hrotoy and the Black iamlly also the bloom iamlly and man more were Involvedl have in the lionnr or hearing them ring In that rllpir rt ttlht time Wme ovrrcouonr IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Expang The old moth It still elicits largely be uhrtltbeydont glottal kmwca seyouln trouble approach So thrash are have hadour HVOIDTIODI IDIGDAIOD lb tuaiy are atiil really wont be all known stout its government gredvlaiiy snlveits them as the Marion proceeds ole oI the most Interesting outlets to coarse beiore the ter atoll one ttuthas been more tinned hero hetero Is that at land rollingtor the protection cgrtouturni land in sovllhem Ontario There was assarnnu In the apecch that thr will ahead Illlt there war tltls cation at what term It may take There has been the surrrslion that It my be Idnunistrrcd In THE EDITOR boy and must take my hat oil In highest mood as they were nIlo tho entertainers at cornertl Indtowlaupporland aoclsl events oi that time and were the leaders In our Ihcn little township ot lnnlriII was an mariner tog idplayed the organ tuv tar at dance and mild Yours Inliv GEORGE parlors ttunntlnstnncaallustbyrI governments Agta throw Ichst Ontario Titruna Wu tcrdiomzteahigpieyutoii Throne speech last what the PN rrtlsel There was its usual plethora MI On that stool oat Ill speeches or pmarllse to proceed with pub were bat eyatcrn born Dustin on the perimeter oi Narrator Oclma This now but been on beaks 133 or air yearr lahlrh greenbelt iront hall harbeelltoel mile to ntlle or as wide atolls the length at lids area The corridor bttllti carry corruruntoat Ins lines curb bistro and telephone mains Bur the gum lies been Ill time two ream out nicest up very expensive tend And that on its logical routs it would Shiloh some eaiailrlg oorrullunl er our the gourmet tropes best these rooiotm Also illst It plans to balhl Ii it Iknew them persmny will be at Interes In small btulness strep local government and other Iorowithouteciloptl nous nlnrr Government Hausa WIDTH prorrvtsca It has nude known las Ridqu list was in lull by Thomas licltay Economy And Saving Environment THANK FLAHEIIIY OTTAWA The science Darnell Is one at the trolling agencies recently croztrd by govrmnont to Its It and the ptrbtlc Iii gotltaai on varltay oi probtems So In II has pub tired number at open on vartovu eloistts whl may or government po and decisions ylodlvtrlu er and corporation One at the blur concerns is the swimmer and what arslhlea tan or violin he done to Item it as It Ll Impva It or moral undesirehie changer ooullcll thtnha aprnetairg can be done but wobrbiy not as much al romantic nnuro Iovcra Wculd litre at kart not It gov mots valleys to piaagwrlrur new orpolr or their policy obloctircl white meat have been charg lng the environment ever since they arms is America Ind the to council terms to at them to continue doing rapt It IJla parts ncw ways In which they can continue to llvttlea oil Ige all rat Vegetation water warm and rta naatlc colsdttioru donauutlnlally however the lateral increment has little least sigh to regulate that pro pie do abort the cnvironnunt whether they cut dean trees or pollute wIt make things tough tor their an en la blottnghelearlng lorosta and the ot ties uhlill mono grhwtit licIINIAleekddvmimm imam cc ghavlor oi midlhznmhnlg ttin tlvstr borders The solar cllthhlrlt ma big wincemdvuhlhhll actlvllt eccentric pa aa lad procedural There Natl would then be no the tar hnrsmntmhledh or rather than another null 11 needirr concern Intervention Ibo mm ducts policldl Imam would otderrlt mull provinces would have orcgo lento oi the promotional exocrine Ill which they new this in order to attract ca Probably also they would to maintain Ipproaimatrty unocoaoitiosu asto cnplw meat and tall Iolrtl The nourch thtlts start already what torrid brooms nation utde pattern or uniform rules and asstrtlrlr hadautrlcs are are meetings recently held between minlvlm 01 ah the provinces rcapcavaiba toe solutes and tin environ rltent It lulhlll the toierai mtniltcrl responsible tor developments thr anthem territorth Iorttl olla Monroe llanlio ntent author la colleen thucy call these nothislcrl torrid In eitch say No to any developer whole program did not matte proper provision tor environmental ervel Incl