ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH may ittmemwmhmm rmmnmwaaaanoj rm ll ii men Idol 3353 g8 nightmares II rs aremi or may rtl Barrie FLORISTS are ilAitiiIS FLOWERS itiilaheht moors hlUlthLd MWElts rs Boptleid so most COMING EVENTS SPORTSMANS SHOW NEON Saturday llarcla 2t Value Tom veur love remain or You In an hire or Veer levee llVDlllll perm Wee Jami do some or is roar mym to me WW II In teen PM It mom 4w rammed eve Iediy one by Jerry they and leertry IIIAIBtn Iov Di ill marfirmer lhblda Mid WmMMMWaanIM RUMMAGE SALE IIONDAY AMI it ioyainhwhi till noon AWIM went surname mm adore IIWI IVOIV Whit Win the III in Iarrle Eumtmr rta Mil loot mlil QUUIA turn or in II that mi limor clue rm mme by aroINAerI M21 atoms evailabie or ll tint merit nadlan mar north in ihapu Ind in dimre one are heplha tom tnrentortee eaternnrri Iraiaet tudden price slum Ind ehitta in emrrnncr BALE JUMP Carpet martuteeturerr re pared nice lisereaaea tn ttnz ureralaeelytia Ire eonitdrart the Itpr trend will continue thia year liahsonl Fairwa on bottom retotnttheCI Ihile tmporte Ire motor more elderly than termite products Wood Greedy reya loosened reooal income increased or activity hlrher ror placement demand end or mini contract market trill stimulate growth In the rar tttt Wm Coneotldeird Textile little sad tr one company leerm meridrd hy eoreral in vestment liner hand on the 0mm hi rirorsp maven tntmiherom yriehrio operation is snarin ort entod toward cnrurtl and let rne larment morteta which are less ndnerahla to lowest Importa The other closed Wednesday at ares Grandriewiord SALES LTD UNIRIE Outlinbopebhahlii Feimeea xldeetsersleat andicdiirhn Repairs lbmeibiutupelunp mBlilltldlt second girl ate more once ritfrls irl it lirt ili lt lrltllitlllititiili mil llu with it rmmrr trirnttx tlin irirr res iperemotir Gordon Building iv Wittthomtpopdrolrm in Mahatma in inat tilt else tor moot home Mmhnidemrwldihoiti ttttdwihoiithratntldeholeht oiitio ltleoirxea with anti hmrc or one arms and riuitlrimeedmothrumae Rm Ptltlittlztli frioiili l7pereent increase in 1mm than Na wile tie mom tilt The On terlo pavement tort too mit tson In heiith rerrnne hreaure it did not bother to roiled pro mltlme on health plan durinl idxtuiy and hlarrh oi tut pm prortnrtai report reid Vliednrsdey in addition the iteport oi lrovlnolet Auditor Georfo Menu raid that underbiiltor it me when two overoment Jthitlp Insurance ne were ernairernatad to tom the on larlo lioeiiir lawraoce Plea tiltii post another it million Ai last Nororriorre minim aton oi the lepitlature lleatth itlnlrter Iliitsard Potter had to art tor In additional too million boosters of health department eo thiher item ul government phener problems in the rib ape Spence report include 191 text hilt tinm it Syrmnr storm royal enm mlnlon tnla Frenchianrnafe modary education in Outer tn operotlna deitrit oi more than H000 in the tire rerteu rentt at Ontario Place Unprid thee in elem oi 010 million levied by the provin rlol eourtl but never collected The hitIIM oi the then de atimeot It leads and iarrrta tor charter ithia taken on or ernmerlt planer try eabirret mine trim and their iamliler with out being on trait and iorerte hualnrer 4mm by oi the it From tune or Ontario eartnga pillcci The report more that the province borrowed almost it million tronr tho trdrrai govern ment to help municipal pro eetr lint only mattered to let orator at that money to one munlrl alily aererai moatha Iitcri money Ireehorroord In the health field olilelois oi the Ontario llospitat Service in runnpe piers tolBlP decided that no dlroot hliilar would to mode alter January me do aplte the tart that the new amrlrnmatod pier rorrrr did not hepiii until April As result some Ontario residenie oere rottlnt irre medical insistence tor there two months lterl OltSlP premiums and the health rervcer been rot ledod tor the hereilt months it it estimated that pre return receipt tor the year would have been increased by upprorlmnteiv tho million hir Spence said in his report And when Ollll was nally Initiated in April underisllllnr lnr April and tiny rest the plan an additional to million SINGS ron priorities to who has been lisvi alan What to ratio in Morton animate Torr1 bronco 17 at Toroto pay tor an operation which declare could restore her Wit its it oi the Chris hlary traa had two en auroralrite Whit olhrh oith Iaidont snore lllhlltzhlurtd olttielll twhboo or Everth rigpounded tomake it rrrsrrisrw crtru star limia the this not say tor everyday ntilnz emlre tree toiling or trimming lta pair iliiii it its lrieh engine liars dioruariy and tells trees up in to harmonise en maiomailo molt rturtrr choke and iltiiiliitti thairi oil or ling tit hlorlrih this on yourowh susrrr to rreihsur it nilavoid tan tor contends iarrnorr and milnarrewtinapa and newly doslpnnl ttintnar tine lira iron DELIVER irre nrlivmtiiro Iliaare Burh liars and heir Sirond end Attlttan lion thtlrhurrt lied Irrrt Frit Thornton theirrlorrn idritiihrpcexl the wettest child perv lor imnorrenirsiomttm Irinar urm nrr runrruzarti Title 717 to re the mast crumntrr itlt arr lor home norm it products bonullirl lrnality larms Lrntrl up to tone Sq Ft pro tolls hnr A3001 boy tor the hulret roaxiopt rcniennr SOGitiiEN no FPHEADE Mad title rprorrior eardrum at NV all not mom with Hugh prmipiitstte to btr tiro WM erprecliion dnlrhr grors road trontt to led Aaron use mint oiianunx Ciltn