Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1973, p. 11

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Developmnl Eeoion Elton lllorrioltrtollnnrr Mb In Illh mlnhutn not AT mum lull Ildhee loll um ultd Ihbl It Deb etonermeounuetoommr rnn Soc camell tlonn Pertan ridden on We Mae Wendy Pe Ymrnlxr uauWenun lln rum epnrotleschoornoma unenlenuusunnonndm Ilun Gdins Brief Approval tnnlslll lhunthlp mull ep provtd turthum lot on they lle bald he he no northeldnollheroed m5 Ion nLun whom not then worded nu well PM Ind Grnnl Arrdrnde um problems may Irtse tn the lot hllh the Iubttlvtllnn It the pre THURSDAY rum ll Iuhdlrlrlnn by to totI alert the exteneloo ure ll the property changes nun OMB Approves Colmclltor CanolIble Inltl he ere vented to 01 MW ll the prexenl more at the lslon man In 50 WWW pub Ire lrnpmnble he Inld mu tote en the tooth will lnerure normIlty tn rllue mm mm mm ml Deputy lleelo Don Koo rnnnI ed nhd Ield he lhlnhn the elnollly lI lorlunele to here deblhpatehl the this Item Geor norton Ilsa rho reed Ind dthe munlclpellly rerelun In Innuel euros mrnl ol moon been the Iuhdlrl Ilon Ihlrh tn lrerrllle return orWoridurenollIrrn He told the rubllvlrlon bu Illt Idy plmr the Imllclrully eeoooo Ind nlll be llrlnp In olher moo eepllel eonlrlhullon ne rulnxn ellnohool lle polnled out llut lnr lhln return the rnunlelmllly he to mm the tubdlr on nllh only llro end Follre proleollon Colutcllor llohtrl Little Ilso gt rolcd tn tenor el the exlehslon Gas Bar Store Okayedzln Slroutl An Ipollcntlnn by VIyne rout ley to convert an unorrd rulee elntlon ln stroud lnle or bar end tourerllenee turn was up proved by hotel lourohlp coll ell ledneedey nlrbl 803fTonrnheuses Onlhrlo blunltlpnl llenrd emu mIn DIM Jtmlelon Wednesdly uuelerhnl Ipprurnl to In In plltntloll by hltrcuun lln lu WNW llan nl lwnhotmx on Adeletde Street The dwhlon urnt uelml potllton by nelrhborhood ruld enln uho dimmed rub the hlle In the optimum phee tor loun boueo uoltI Flue ot the ruldenln rune lo dly development courmlllee month In JInunry on were lold tho menl wu the heal the elly lope to pet ulth thetolnpnny Imuse It It ttnto lhe ally could not eon Elghl llrea Junior To Attend Pro incleLllleet 0nth lllhe lunrsl on Elth Irel Junlor Fnrmtll Aubrlnllon ot onlhrlo nlll Illend the Itrocln ltonI protlnolnl wnlerenee In Toronto on Frldny Saturday Ind Snndny They Ire Joree Delmey Ind lV nndlcr ullrlol men the lormer Sandro Ruth Iro mull all Cloud lor the both nnllven ol llIrrle where he ueorplnnJlny renlon Itnte Feb ru 1m he been trentlerred lotned Bell CInIdn ln 1w slnte htI tnlllel lob ln llIrrler let em nnyIhe unrterttn hehnnuorhedln surtlord Sud hlontrenl pr rhdchnnn huayillllnrbor Toronto blonlrenl IlInle nollro nlll become the Georplnn boy nlrlrltt manttrr hlr Woolen enter as en ernl Iuoervlnor ln hendqunr err operttlolu ulll bepln April lle la or member ol the norm ltolnry Club rlceorerldent ol lhe Greeter llnnle Chnmbor nl Commerce out dllttldl or Jun loe Mtlorrnwnl lle renltlu llth hlt llle and lotuchlldronot lll llnrehnll Street ltr McCullough and lrlr wlle ell errllllon hlr tltorllounh he alto been erllvo ln eornmunlly IllelrI At the llntu ol hlI Inpolnlrnent be but lull llnlshrd term Ilnent ol the llolnlllon and to trlcl Chernbcr ol Commerce He II tonner dlmlnr Ind trenl uror ol the llnrnlltun VlrllorI end Contenllon hurrnu and numb erol the Football llnll at lnme romnllllee The lllrtullouthr hero It year nld Ion nntl to your old douyller llr hntetey lollt eonnrll the mm Melton at nmlo operIllon would he buy that nontlenllt Ind Doug Lrnpmnn ll W6 Ian No ol Orlllllt lIyoe Slnuoon llrlnn enlenee new It lllt my Palm Symon no Campbell He told the two outlet would 5m my amp mm or becooeretoxt by rlllllelren pgylo 51mm nnrrrre ewne re lu In Sorme mrnrbere ulll ntlrnd gllllklnmc lhe eonlemwhlch ln derlzhe Illnhnlnlhot hhorhhndwmommrn tome rrore Iwue ol other ded lhlI propesnl he turned down WW Ml Illullll boom It does not mlorm lPlWlblllv wllb lhe otllclll plan The molar Fnrmen Armle Barrie Police Seek Vehicle lnyhlvedln lly llccident turtle elly pollre ere lnolrlnn lot uehlclo Involved to an re cllontl hdomdrmlrm In our on by Paul Munrd Crnwlonl ot lllrllnud lodoy It had Inn It the turner ot Dunn to end ltlth Ilreelrn Pollne descrlhe the uehlele be by melt lllo model then roel El Cemlno Illlor lroy ln rolor rollh blnell cover on rerr born The loll Ille demoted run the trout to the Mr Ind hnt rel pulnl monthly The tell plpe Ir broken endure lell tell tlrhl It not norltlnzt The oollrn phone nurtbe nelson llllllllEN WINDOW llrt Alloe Calhoun ol ll any perlon meet told pollre yeller day some ynulht hrote nuan her ol wlnnowe In her lloule our In honor hour lblPIllllED lllllVthl Jnmeo bole ll nl llerrlo lIt ood otter he plondcd tllll Dll rsAAo WELDON lunorIl eortleo ltlll be hell tomorrow nt not trrrn lhe Nlohollr tlorno ltldlend lor Dr Inc 111an llltel Weldon lor ly ln herrle prorlnclnl court Tueuley re lmpnlrod drlrlnl llo Wu cherpcol Fehle Iller the pebble be our drlllnp war Involn red In In Icrldeorot the Inter melon pl bullold Ind more rtmln OWEN OOHIll DInul wnr do ln tullhnll Wedne torn It the corner or Owen IndOolller Ilrtelr when are ooertled by lbnnoet Goutlln ol llll hereto and Vllllern neverIloetr ol Ile Dornld sum oolllded REMANDED Wlltlnm JImel Jennett Tl bl Sutton rhIrped wlth menrleuxb ler tn eennodlon ullh the tenth at Peter Jocoh ol Lnunl Street wen remanded out ol custody Vedneltlny untll Aorll to prellmlnnry henrlnn tn berrle provtnclnl court Mr Joe ob dled ln lloynl Vlrlorln ll fllol in home ether be ountl lylnn ln now hear hlI re Ildenco Feb prominent ln Illrletlcl pertlruh nrl loolhnll Ind new on It the Wehdon lorva home on Codrlnt loll St Dr lrldon ls Iurllltd by hlt mrrly ol ufrrlo nhn bled It the one the lormer llery lllrloeh llorrlty Turll eol mm lwu Ion run ol london end leterlew Cemetery tlemorln tluunllone lo the Unlnrlo llcnrl lownlntlon won bn nnurclnl Grortln lll All ell llr Weldon nu tn hll 63ft oar Ind not had been prertlsn or medlelne ln llldtend htlll0 bu rte nu lormer urocllle ol Dr lllllltm lalllle ln lltlr oeollol lnedon on rlrlrolltlnlnnd dnuplrlertosy llrt Grog lmuhlrulyl ol Olllo hot at llldlnnd nlnn Ilrlcr llnrllll Dem Colorado broth rrl John at Ollnwn rnrl Vlnlon ol Thunder lltIy llol wan Iledh phren one gut brother Jlm llled In World rle ht hrrrle Cobbrlnrn he no In No llorrle to reach lhlt yearn llonl tlIl Ind rlenIlly through llr Illn plan by lew la the hlllcr end last loll Ind lortlnx the elly to tune bulld lnx orrmlt the money nelllrd lor no Imlln ol lee Ab hlIclloonld one ol the re Ildentn told Mr JImloton the lounhomen would halt connlder It to the trelllc In the IN pointed out Ihlll tn lho tlr may on trIllIe hunrd tn urlllen Ipnrovrt ot the re ln molrollrom the St Mereeulex eIn Ilrll the Ilte Earn hylnvmlrd tote wt lrol permll nrmers Inlnnllnn the people In lhelr Ile lulu nrld eIer loenllen trons rout OnlIrlo Vlllh rtrlolnl mambmhln ol morI lhnn 1000 It Ilse the lnrml relllod with orzlnlmtltotnlrrdod lll rm to rhrxnllonnl Idlllllee Ire planned nndronduclrd by llnntrmherl hulollOlWEEK Joorblt Dlnne Centre It ol St hlonchI drool till he mnlorol Jocelyn llm out her purenlx Peter nod Johnnnn Centre It to bloke Street Jocelyn rnlore Ihllnt volleybnll Ind buebnll llAlDll bolllllN Porter the annual lunvlralslrrl turn on tho llret llnlrlelleto buy mlpn Tho Kthrlll uh ol Euler Ieole tn prtpnrnlton lor llnrrte sponsor the drlre Ind Itlllni the mayor the Amt Iluel ol souls ln club presl onl inlet Greenhnlnh the tlllle Ends 19 2wnhDencrr The Sum county ltomn cools ol sum anther Id mlmllnneeu fund from ll Cnlhnllc SepIrnte School Board mtnlslrnlloe mulled lor one provtneo tunde trem thel RlIther lbIn pumllu the we ended 1m Illh ddkll ol 01 It ltlhlth will hate to he mu cred nomineede rchool Iup porter out In llmclrl rroort presented to the bond Wednesder1 nlnhl the expenditure were own It omen nhlle revenue lrorn Ill mum Imounlrd lo only tilll The nheet roll during the year nu lor lnslmttlon ullb l1 ehmt polo lmrrl thlr Im Debt charges were next Ilth ane IdlKIllml netle roll um PlInl opeeetlen lo orernenenl Ind other mu Too hot experdture ot lIllrd tonne Ind trwrlollon lee rm deemed the ml were two lrom the muted me Nllm leer pold lo olhor totelltne more one loeIt beerdt the Simon Doubly Ito Illoh ol mm deem dent lolIlled moon Ihlle tnpl the mom tor uorllnp emendlluree mould or to ronlrbutel woo In meet other eperIllnn expend rose tenured burlap the your llum lolIlled 31ml Iblle non opernllnr erqlendtluree more the mount plnulo rm tore were turn It on tll lhn Diurnllon Centre be The board In Ihle to motor room Pent me The News lrom other rebool honrdr open to the publlc Roadworthiness Tests Resolution IsiAccepted lhe thth eonunlltee ol llonn corrrntttleen reeorrunendn vheuehoot mlem they pr llw0ulrrlosootrelochool Ten ltue Modular be women lied Il lensl three reentrnlnns Iubmlllcd by lhe stnleoe Counly llornnn Cauldlc SepIrIle School Bomb rolelnltheObSv TA oonwnlon uhtth horlnr Aprllb tn Torth The rrsdltllomtmn the SIM roe hoard rItl lor proper llm bra or reboot hlll drllErI Ind It keel yurl mullottoman leolnloleo blues thl matutlorl culling lor the mlnb try Wilton to lotnerd grunt rogulnllenr to hoard holoro Jun t5 enoh year be nho been rotted lor wove The resehtlone cornmlllu rte onmtndod unnnl Iwrotel or renolutlon onlllnp lor eourly bourrltrlen and reboot boundar len to eolneltle lteeohrllnne lor hnrdlnx the 03 Id In the Wlthll be vlheutek tlnreh no to tool STA Irvl ummu ol no llrnltnllon on the rbl enter school vlll he mm WA execu tlrI mrrnrutlge under the mollr 0h renoblon eetthrx lee repu Ile Ichonl tmdeee to be new no reborn rupporrm ulll also be relorrtd to the exeouthI eenr do thelmedrvynnnelen neutron 31m may run or the mum rout Toe mutton murdllee had recommended meow ol nohrtlon hour the Bulletin nt 011 mmueuhooloud ere tlon IIld wtth teacher rule In dolnx token error morennd one by unllurebles then to banner Itudtrd leuller may not yet In onrrumlty to do htr prutlce teeo ln trouble smock The rem lat ulrethel the student here thoku ol Board Lists Pile concerns be ltd tn mm mum lrorn tb Lemhl 0on7 molnechool board Ikomonmeudedlul IpprorIl ll nth that the Ar mllleo Ourenl leslelnllon hro resrrlent Mt be cheered MIL lou memherI ol the latter run or the cubollo amt Creel Orwell to operate reboot Under enrolment Ml now why Roman Cethollel our expert Iepzrnle Ieheotn The method at presenting rr whnhuu to the muonllon nu neltlolrod by eerernl board re The method leaving the molullons tothe bet morn lul menulhoy Ire often her rlzd lhrwnh Ind not lren Iobernltonnlderoelun the load llboul Proposed Curriculum mam 1llrnsreoe County at men Ire St board bken the hze choke Ind dewlorlment ol responnlhlllly une tler the new We ubool wrrlm turn nlllrh wlll he uttered In all Imndory Iohooln ln Onlerlo thlt lnlL ll eoneorned eludenln mny not here nulllelrnt tnolv ledxe to rhooeo the W7ch cour nu In letter to Warren Well ehnlrmnn at the Intelllle lent tome onllS the new rurrl rulnm the board Inltl lt he porlllrn renellnn to the breadth ol opportunlly lor Itudenln Ind lhe ponelhlllty or development ot new Ind experlmenlnl tour to at well the merlrulurne eponrent lulllllmcnl ol Ilvdtnt deelren 0n the other hand houelrr the board IIId ll toneerntd local blneement ol course under tour nreor ol rludy rould lend to lmhnlentelhe boned Inlrl It Ilno concerned compellllon tor IlIrlI today llztnmlner lho ltl The Annual Easter Soedl Campaign =rrrY tlolp Todd merbrlhe oponlnp Club but tonllllttrd the timid the or cry Euler Irnl eunpultn Ionl enmpnlrn tor the Incler lorr In tho Klonnls Club olbrr the test to your ln thlr corn rle ll hoplnl lo rtlen ttoooo ler rnunlly The llll lnoludcr Conn the Onlnrlo Eoclely lor Crlmd llnn Force Ilene llorde Chlltlren Atom Tho nonl tor the annual lund rotolol thWemelopeI cont rnlrlnu rnmpalnu llrronphoot the ltlnlnlt Enter Irob Iro belnp prorlneo 13000 tlltlilhuleal lb thwmmunlly lhlr It uhllrlt chulrv WW mwnlwdr my Ihoullhnlorecolv thotluler rorlmntelt 000 lest year end 11 ll counllnu on the usual new The nddrw to lend mnlrlhlb 0rrr the year puhllc bolter Tho rlogun tor the rumnnlzn Itbothlletl to run lrom lleroh It to Aprlt 22 Mnlte Every Step Counll THOUSAND Elm ol lhtn nununl Ibpeul on be nll Onlhrlul rrlrv td lllldren hue ennhlrd lhoulentll ol younllllorn lo Into the llrel llrll down the loop road to rellnhllllItlon he rolllned The elub htI enabled the toe Tho Ioelely Ir proultllnn Irr puree ln yrlllclplo to lln They Ire llrluren nl broke to to ulo the phone folllTlllllll le seekingntonoo In Barrie Area blotter ltnl lrunln help prorlrle hmes uheelchnlrr rwnrouhly to runvner rump voeellnnnl lrnlolnu et Toronton Vnrlely Vll lnto lo roslrlenltnl uoonlonul etllooll pelnrent tnr mtlree provltled by loeel trellmonl no lrtt lhe whorl regular Intl trIlolIlntl conrullenln rllnlre thtllthl research ml at consolu lnr hultlt Itlllt owned by mm mm to storm numn tn ll olllcor erooe reroute lront the people at llenntnlr ErnlerSenllund lllv lelylodevelonrebebllllolloneeu ylcu lor over 1th benlllco He tell the lore lrnontr ell borrle none on thI oonllnonl throughout the provlnee dd UKlrllTVr County Fireghters Approve eludentn by nrlnun department rould degenerate lnto Merrill stewards ot nobleman The board Ilse holed present dnrtcettrvlll Ire bonnet relllan Ind may not be Ihlo lo prorlde Iulllolenl Isslrtnnoe lo Iludenu Ind parents In helplrlz lo choose return The board Inlrl tt ls nltomonturned the lhoroulh underelenrllnx at the lrn pllerllonn or the new rurrleul run he pmvlrled loe commerce Ind lruhlelryq fth concern the board ultb nu thnl lruleler hrluol eohoolnrhoull not hove WE Ilttlnp ellccl on Iludenr The letter concluded the boenl leele there In need tor eleme tery ethooln to make Ill rllb ennt tonlrlhullon to the none the or our young elllzon tn thi term ol the lone nu end hello underplnntnx ol underrlInoE tn nl the hltlorleel end tlvlo Ih peels ol Conndlnnltrn Neu Radio Gear For Members The Slnuoe wry Mutual Ald llre lrlrlllllr to bo neuron Fllullphten Mloelntloll rretl duran lln tlnrch mrelln Wednesday nlthl ln llerlloto to puruhnne than at committee llonr lonrenl lot morntr munlrlpe llro Chlel Dnn Kenn ot the hnrrIo Flre Dopnrlment told the cost but be rplll by at munlelnnllllu lor console or the llnrte llro llon In enlenru to he ellIrhrd to the county lower on hlltle Avenue Intl rndlon lor the menu bar llro llhllull present nlthv out reoetulnn roulprnrnl He held lltlllln Nltl Bafe nlll pny lhclr there nhlle the noun ly ntll pay the tool to the other munlclonllller No date lor lntlnllnllon ol the enrollment hns been let lulnl grunt em The county else xtenled lhe In Ioclntlort tZJ per mllnlclplllly tn lurlhor llre provenllon protrurru televlelrn drum on outlon who In Iseoelotlon blstoryte preplred end tent to ell Ird penope rot ouch hort nounlell nllly ull hero colere or 11 holoclttlon meollnl tn he Iron paper nltrr tor the evorrlpt on thd lopecl rnnlnlennnce nhd rare ol llro llphllnp relllrle we hllllnlnlr urea ernlee nettle nrlrr the nnlorlo llro tlerrb eln Olth In Toronto lle ll lrom tntllle rnrnrnselno lretlerlck leer Green olr loronlo wre lln wt nltorhh Intended pullly ln llnrrle pllllllncy at court Nutty lo lreepneslnp Green not churned Fob lb otter he was tound Inleep on touchy ln TbllIIt on Coneelolon ta tn lnnlelll Townshlnille lnld lhe court that he hall born drltlnl hlr Imnmoblle Irroer bIlo 5er The td menlben Ind manly roe ultenllbrnlte domllnl Ind lonnshlp reoroeenlnllven Illrr nelklnnlor hell mlle he nnnln huh ol llerrle PO box ylceI Ind tulllllre lttblhd lo ed younnrtert Ind lhele perehl mntlrethlelundelofnnntobue ugh wnl rrhrurtrtlerd loll pollute tour pro tome more the collate end he

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