it It see is MR Inn mos term DOLLAR Jew in MIT Untied Tooth wII the rental tor the merrlaye oi Sharon llelltnrer Ind Brien Dollar on June Groden trrne oi white MON plot delelee Ind mlnielure eerv nItionI printed the Innth uiiinplor the union conducted by Rev Donald JIy theeoioilt tin Petrirle welt oi Kerrie ran the adder Freya Ind Because unny the ceremony Ireommlod by tin Wetter oi Bertie The bride to the only druyhtnr at hit out lire Rodrrr llolluo eer oi WIwa Are Bertie The hrtdruoom II the Inn oi hlr Ind lira lietrllle Dollaroi Gen my uuutumhts lit Iiotiinru deudller down the while In modehleendnrehorlnw ye em The hride wore ViciorIIn etyle iloor length you oi Illk iIllIe lire weddlnl hind eoliar wIe named with VenetIIn tone which Idoruerl itont oi the hod lee oi the gown Tiny covered bullooa trienrned the bar oi the ammthltdilhlitt the Ildrt had iionneo lrtne med with tore bend and ee thedrel trein lrli ironolthe weld line huddreee oi white retin Ind TherelshNo Control OverCallUpYonder Linen were Iner udeyed to It the eervko uyiny very in one leather But the un Almm Mame III III that treredy that tth mo duoitye ruoeaeiuLv delightinl iollow wucllidownlnthe ieiio III out down In the On the My home remem bored Inother iunerIlonel Il tended iew montlte no Toe Iriman wII no lie had1 urge been prominent in room tytuehrhilodueiive and loved by Ill lie re It Ibout ti lite eyeelrht bed end he developed to ptinl Irthrttle liy the time he iuuhl mndaedtoe nwbeelehllr limot hllnd hie memory wee lone most oi his eroolelhoddledendheweea lonelyendliet old menI pe thelle iinrre who wee into on hle only dIolhtere energy and tlnInctIl reeonreer The text is you at hit We were downhill Ill the wry lteulllny the old man made me leel leu red Ihoul my to yeerold triend There toru Noere lhopell 91 rn ue eoou to die with my boot onKee tort Muelle Deer TIMI WwIdrlt It be woodertul ti your old iriend oonld the rim hit it yeere to ii Mtll iriendt but till donut work that wey end we nnut live out the yeah the good lorri elven ua Thenle in pro voeItlve letter lier Aloe tenderer em to eere old been merrled end here two women children lily hueheod run my eeniorI quiet men ma rovlder who doeI hot like poop Our rodei lite oonIIIte oi hie brother and htr Jilin Ind win he on ralaed with Ooeeeionnlly be will in renolovlte neighbor couple in but not very oiien lthed problem lelhst Ilene line up or It Vrhloh meete Quieth eweellroml tlilltoopm liy taubend retuaed to ioln to rovllh my eletorunlew ive Ilwlyl blown thet lm not re all Im 1w llnote Perl men wou melulce liy huebend Initril that eve men intm uenle may lorer in the rtudy amp leeder who to our outer to come home tram etody Iron meettnu he no me the rd term It ouyh he lrnowt went with Jill AM oImI In with her lie me check the lpeodometer on the on to more on didnt do reel where elre tie it beennlln tnv motility euroioloue honoree done reed eomrpleoe thet thin to tip oi mental llluese le lit ii to Ihould stop rotor lo the etudy 1er to please hlgiileelo Idvhe me DeIr The oymptomI out dumbe round Is it ymr ilrre him to yo inr In evalua lion in the meemirne it you live up the eiudy coup It will not help him In tonllnun Ind entoy inurIrII Deer Ann Lendere have our children under rem yeIn oi Ire term to have enough laundry every dIy ior It treat oneJoIdeomtllmee two For tour reason bothere husband lie Ieye his mother used to wash once week end the had live hide leep tetltnl him Id rether do one or two Ionde day then hill myseli on lionduye What do you say MintMirroan liule illlI uIrne ior roe Dear it it you Went to with every day IItlll it to NT presume you arent tellinl him how in run hle workday end he ehould not he lellioy you how to Ill yDU tool and legit WAIKWEII DOE ETORE ii DIIlop It lull linger bend ml ur hi be mentally ill Imhmugomlw IE ght 3353 in Er it of it SE reel an FE to gr Ir it 95E thin IEE sgeh or on Grecian Urns AdomVMtr For DotlarHol Bites pdeiehellthehrldelnil oidthllhmtuliowhlthiell totheweietilne lhebrldmrrledlbouonetei whilocunelloneodptnkrv hurtm Toenoaidoihonorwee CIndyWooderdniiuntllo bridumlidewuoitmlulllliol lhemoiWArloiloiewoi thohridelndidAnnIliupio oiinmto errmnem some humane Tgw edition with metinyxpeielg pet terned mm The out the mo were Icceolod with donhle Ile oi ruiitea Ind rultlott noth Toe empire wIIItllne were he iIhodwlthruiiledtiolmreaItthe hemlinea the Itteorlem wore picture hell Irecetod with vet vet Itreamere to match the em wIlrtiins Thofrerried bea etrui white and pink drum urnItlona The bridegroom we Iltend ed by Devld Brynn oi Kitchen er Alerta were ushered by Brien iiolltnter oi Toronto bro liter tithe bride Ind inhom IIr oi current owner oi the bridegroom llleeiubeeterwutoddiiol linler oi illrrie brother oi the bride Following the eerenwny re eeptlon wee held It the heme Country Club The bridee mo ther reeelved weertn fey Indi owered oor moth ehltion dreee with grey memories Ind ended corrode oi elelence urnetlons on her thrr wore mint green ilodr length ortmpellrlI dress with whit eerouorleo and comxe oi yelo low neetheert roles For the honeymoon iotheeIet ern pertr oi canode and the United Stetee the bride wore iloorllenrlh flowered diet with while mereorire end eomyo oi white and yellow deleleL The newlywed will ride to North my IN THUNDER DAY tlr Ind lire Omer Fonteine nnd Ilmily oi Ooh Street tell the oily yesterday enrmdeio thunder nay tor weete n4 tulion While at the tateheld they will Iltend the olden wed dine Innlverenry oi ldr Fon telner parente lir end hire Arthur FonlIloe oi NITDIOEM thunder Bay the houeI iesthttlee will he he It the Airline hintor Hotel on Thunder June 29 FOOT TROUBLES ATiENTIONiIlittltiltlll nerve system on the bottom oi cause meliuntilon tor the iollo no Feel tiredt Backeohet Sore Feet Painiul Neck Cellouurt Arthrttlc Pet Rheumatic Pain Poo Cir Balance ondilcoordlnIUo mum ieet It can nt Numbness or Crempe ALZNER NATIONAL ARCH surroan CDUItI be your Iruwer Ie they have been tor thousands Ind ihoueande oi othere in Ceneda and tho United States They are IdenitiiooIIy designed to match the contour at your test moire wait ing pleasure egein Recommended by doctorr TREE DEMONSTRATION GOIOS EITOIT ORE llA ultimo lt TIM Pluto do not mire lhle eppertunlly FOR YOUR HEALTHS SAKEI erun IIIIIe WEI mnlIntr rune to one Proguurovptocrs momentum hotter limited Norris end it ywve held tor the hrtdennotnl mother lire otirreh etrlwherric Ime Diet Trroleh Ind irtenh oi hilt dimehohareellyooceuelt ler Moresle Helm ute omen Ionn lir and tin Geor Denier Wilbert Sooner on tone it im mum iieid enleeteined oi the FrenchNoni weddinx rerty at their home on Kemprnie Drive lollowiny reheereel it no tent iliIr Ioitlnl tor the Norrie Fem lly Iinne lir NorltII entl were iormer rutdmte oi lien ertieid homo hilse Norrie married it no Frenoh oi llIrrte WERE PART Nil Royce enlertIlued It eoiieepert It her North Peek Road denee in honor oi lirL Alien Rel preddent oi the inter Flith Groulfr tor SeeiIl Action tin Rea wl be lee her Gunn Street home he week to an up residence in Downavieq imwell tItton wee made to It htrt Wheian president oi the group Vera timer and one Ernest Harris The menu will include hem Inorted eelIde home rolie pies cote and other deleertr ll well Is heaping bowie oi tresh real berries Ierved with rich ueem RENTER or er to Alberto la vllltlnr It the home at Mr Ind lire Muml Inch oi MIIIhIII Skeet lie III thoun to represent the berta Girl Guides It the World on khfsthehd uh JEN xii II it nmnem omit moonwa mIde rolli pin elhee Inrt other rerldeel tn Bertie hhe errlted In the city yederdey DUPLICATE BREED Winner It the Wedncodey eight bridle note at turn Duo ltreie Bridle club were lir Ind lire lrInk howu first hlr end lire lley Sdeaerr needed lire ZIII Bylne Ind ilrl Shirle bottle third hire lee Dove Ind llrlhhtrlny hieCrone nowelt ANNIVERSARY lir Ind hire turnu Denel oi lillledele will relehrete their both weddlnr Inniverrery with their iemlly on Sundey They will be It home to vialiore iron to oclock during the eiter noon The celebrenta were mar ried on June it me DENTAL LUNCDEON Will hiIItne Anne Brte low davlhtrr ot hlr Ind lira Prior to her marriage Frldey eventnl IiyOoliler Street United li horde mom oi UtoyII dueted irern Soldiere hiernortal Chuth the iorrner FreddI Non rte wIa gueet oi honor It lunch HoepltIl School oi NtltlIllE on June 17 She will be nunlnx eon party held It the home at in Kitchener in September hire Ernie Bell Sunnldele RnId Gueltr Included the bridoi Ticintercom IIalreveew res Dunlap 128515 00 00 FAMILYDINING OUT NIGHTSf Monday To Thundoy COTTAGE ROll Boiled Dinner OR Lokevtew Fried cuuuru our I85 Children under 12 $IZO Complete meet tnetudee ileum and Beverage one mthenewneiormhtd ii is to LE5 are EE Glue tine ELM ill It you rIn get out our on em rlilrtty you my literally or iirurItIrely ieIIyIr toe eornebody In wane elluIliree You Ire iorther IheId then you ieel eiaa on moron ml on on Your triende Ira wilttn to rhow yon tirenu weyr wetting money Viru Any Mort an Erllotlonll limo now tI to be channeled into motive ea ion the enter In dotthttui Ihould be minimized Ethel tilt ELM Ilil lind eretlon In Iporte end uaeetlon la quutod Temptation to or errpenti Ilen no to be rattled gaunt thetmean helanee TOTAL HOME coMrorr vuntouuo No Job TOO RIG or TOO SMALL OM CIMIIIIIIII Dnull OlIetIllItlnI IId Meir nnmihuedel Ml need Iir molly let weter mime iiohliI Home lieetlay antenna weIlIohmoonnierhed eilleienoy lute eaiihrItI leeryteTOotf letter WWiulm youll have th do it now Then the Mt oi the dorm qtltrtb EIdttIrinI Nor DD Elli Rind quiet to welcome ei thoudt Inelnly on the Miami Be my on youneli when it onto to exertion etrentouo romeo rim titer Mel it Do to the neture oi the day and the closure oi roost ilnarl riIl eelehilehnlenie prlnln ma noeuvres produce erreptionel propel in you COSY HEATING Alli eonolrronnto orru MONDAY JUNE 26th THE Jnlouoooglizuouro EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN ESSA RD OPP ALLANDALE APPLIANCES 7167412 WE BRING YOU WIDE SELECTION OF EUROPEAN COLD MEATS IMPORTED CHEESES OPENING ecta FORALIMITED rm ONLY oonm Ooude Chem lie to Denleh EII them Tie lie leerwurtt 59 lb Cooked Hem We lb TRY OUR SAMPLES SOFT OR SCOOP ICE CREAM IlUY ONE OONE GET ONE FREE TAKEOUT SERVICEt SNACK IIAR OPEN DAYS WEEK 900 TO IOrOO DAILY FOR REAL TREAT TRY US SOON