Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1972, p. 14

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Deeper Relation To Christ Says KINGSTON Out tCPI Fresbyterian minister Ibo don not Mower homey tern at ch not to Add new ministries or new structures or new merrcre or eren to get rid oi the Institution Our pla need in be awakcnnrlo onto and to deepen their relation to titm Ian Res Mar Putnam Hes the new moderator ol the Presbyteriln lurch in Canada and brings lotha lob not only the cvanrelteal are preach ot moot servant oi oi worldly vraya In the dia God but thorough httowledia turning 70 and admlntrtre experience re mi thing about or said In an Interview Im continrcd that II it ll truly there then It will mani Iert Ikell In our live and wiU be nrprmrd In terms at the pressing social needs at the lime lie was the unanimous selection as the spiritual and ndminittrnilve head the Presbyterian Church oi the non general assenme to To ronio done IIE FACE DEATII This In tiseii war an Indica lion oi changing mood In the church Those who rptrd tnr hlm Itte saying aomelhlnx in us about what the grass roots ol the church really mean today The Presbyterian lunch chooses Its moderator by role at ministers and elders In the prrihyicrlet error the country The names oI rcren condi dates were presented to the preshytrrles yzar Dr Noam derer seven aerepmeotiny ihenttt ad on me Since am well known tor my ovansetleal alaneorvlih the Needed Moderot empbutt on better like can Idas beiler sottbatt pitchers Presbyterian Church In Ialslowel Perhaps Iyaiaktnoethrncrnonhll ey yerna Hag lie was to hit iinalyear to hint relied Ind played tor Perth Out Bile WI IorAilatnthatlotluiolheIdem toot finale on year PUTNAM version in Otrlrt arid the cen Iralrty oI the Bibleobvioust our proph am concerned Ior these things My own New at the church and this Includes them all Is that we claim in be olive but are actually lull oldehlh tile to may seems to mean church programs and all tied oi arthitlce You can merit thlrandbedeadasa No tllbiethutnplnr reaction ary evanreitstic ltaa Putnam believer In beiox deeply tn Ijolvld In the Ute oi the com munity especially with ath Ieliie prozrnmt Ior young pee po WAR ARhIY DRIVER Ito Is director ot Kingstons count Athletic Iaasua which sponsota hockey bowling buebaii and anIleythl lot more than 3000 younrstera each ear in hya tune by the moder Ilor hImsciI war one oi Cun ocainkretilerdun Que Itapte teats Richard II on the Ver onr team that won the no Dr httnam wubornintertb in inimmdnsraiudlunAl lb Ueln Ilia lather died when he was to months old and his mother he In tell to bring up live children wIIe eroditsnhIaNSecyod Wyltd Ir army or th inuencing him to enter the ministry Young Put nam Ioioed the army to tote trom hIsII school and became clerk drIrer Inr Chaplain Stewart pad no In the Royal Canadian Eire trteol and Mechanical Engln em popularly known he REME They Iuthd as teIm ior tit years It YEAR TN KINGSTON set NnImr work inehtdcd participation to teaehlns ope aiion koomt the padto hour In INS his thoughts turnlnr to the ministry as postwar call my lug he married Norah Iieard oI Warwlrirshire and brought her home when the war ended IIe beylll university training at Un irenliy oi Waterloo arid was eer Illiid or candidate tor the min istry Then it he was taken or st St Andrews Church in Ititebooer Ont Its ureduatrd In this item the mummy uI WestonOntario ln Inodnn rnd went to Knox Orl tepc In Tomato Ior bia divinity trntolnr ordination calm In lost and his lint call was in lines Ad In Playboy Brings Inquiries For Priesthood NEW YOR KiReuteci use in olicr It come work lullpose all In Playboy mogn with your broth sine recitlntt youns mentor the priesthood has brourht In 600 inquiriesoi time other re cruitment to declining Sandwiched onion spread at mail community that placed the ad the Order at the Most IIon Trinity The Trini tIrlans work mainly among the halted young women upon Door the Imprisoned and the can end stereo sets In recent Will ill edition the ad said You who have love to give nod the cour Rev Joseph Lupo the riders vocational direc aid about Young Man Takes Over Mission ST CATHAIilNlZS out younu man from Nova Scotin who knows at Iirsl hood the hazards oi the sea hat Iusl taken over the Welland Canal htission to Sea men Ito is earold Arthur Taylor grntiunto ol Moody tltble Institute in Chicago who is contpleitn lrnehelor nI theology degree at the On tario itthe College in Toronto Mr Taylor succrcds lieu Cameron in ot St our urinM ntnr has minlslrrrtl to Great IrOIIH suitors The liellnnd nul nilmlnlslvml by it nlnu Christian Itthlttestmm trod others is hooded by school trztehcr liarty Gillbam oi Vlnrtnnd The appointment oi Mr Taylor was made necessar hy the rotirrmcnl title to Ill hers oi Mr Orr During his or ministry ilr Orr hns aptentl the sus pnl taught the liibln ttnd vheertvl lllousnntls oI sailors who have come lhrnuyh tlte tctlund Can From the rmt oi onto pollen in the opting until Intc all this tlrcltri pnstnr has carried out his ministry the It It ItI IlI in rivthltantl or ahiprnr his all this to living the word oI God to all who intt hound un Iowtrhottrll would listen to him And ne ecome aIIcetloualcly itnntvn la the Sinhuster It in toiled to gain convetts In all cases he succeeded in shor In his happy disposition and optimistic outlook on tile During the winter month he carried the message oi his truth to other organizations lititlltel anti soliclitd Iuttds ohieh supported his work nmon seamen during inc shipping senson ItiISL InII nitcr learninrr ot his illness he set out in tind successor or his work hure At Moody Bible Institute Ar thur Tailor listened unit was luipintt lo stunsidcr inking otrr Mr rrs Ills thou were rriNl both it his boyhood hen is Iisherman Int not lost it sun oil the pi Noun Seer tin The ctr tumtly Irvc brothers and one sister hr and yuunart hrothor hauled tuhster trops in the mornings during school help matte ends meet to summer they carried in trshtttei an in ntnier rhot ducks reuse rtnl tlttt It hoep Intel on tit iuhli Joly hornets ed In the Anglican Clint ltr lnr said he didnt really pt Christ us his personal harrour until he ll rt Ihnt iintu he be no third Itan ilxt Illittll More anttyvd IIII It tyi in in hit Litihrittlll In stud Moody lilltie IINIIIIII uhvrt he met his wile nurse Irutn iiult Uni If About 600 readers replied to In at the young men who wrote had so tar been accepted tor the eorthy prom oi testlnr tor the priesthood II approved they will enter seminary The average intan oi nInl erIIn IIudenLr is about live year Father Inpo told adver Usemcnie in othe magazines had received is poor response and rtemltmeni was on steep decline Father Loco arid the mat tine was the best way to reach young men who might be WIMP tial priests We were iusi not petting through to the people in the second and third year It college and It was made clear tome we would get the most mileage irom Playboy The 910000 Id In the east coast edition only consisted simply at black and white ythotto oI two youths with the ex It said the success oi the ad depended on its shock value Nearly every young man reads Playboy and theyd never seen anything like It before He added there were no plans to repeat the experiment Thls kind at thing you can only do once THE LATE LIZ by Elitabelh Burns also record available CROSSROADS CIIIIISTIAN CENTIIE Open Mon Closrd Tuesday and Sunday miles north Mtdhuvsl Hwy 7255057 90 air water and cm Iandla ma mm resourcea ledtnoi osy Itudente like at it But possibly beam ot the mo Iontog lilr Nutshell pitta tooth is minor part oi the course The major portion at the three year program emphasises math emIlics and an ted ulenees preparing the students tor em ployment related to the man asetnent and development oi earth and water reaqu Moei oi our rtudrott are Iarvuboyl Mr hIIrshaU raid Possibly becattsc they seem to be more interested to land Ind water and our environment pen craliy PRACTICAL WORK An Interest In land and water deilnlieiy an Itret in this course because studean tpend real deal oi time dolor praclt ileII work at IJltiaa Lake Illtr eslng Swamp and the pond be eollese We are Very Inriunaie to be this location Mr Marshall tell to an hours time we can be on the borderline ol the Cen Idlan shield and an hour drive in the other direction takes us to the Niagara Escarpment ICeorllnn College Itseli is line and on Shore writers area IncJ Is rtglhi beetdeihe em Ira lIIM am Jill LakeWaterehed areas In those In which all the creeks and stream drain Into one central area During the course at the ear students ustnp rented at and tuneylns Instntmenis do stream caution on Willow Creek and hydroxraphlc surveys ol tilde Luke measuring the depth at the water at oil points They tale day trips to Nine rainy Swamp to observe the rar Ious ora and fauna and to the Canadian Shield and the Nlng Ira Escarpment to study the on olotty and geotosy They also visit water and scwoto pinata In Barrie and Tor onto end various local Industries llol study pollution control Iatil lee Our course Is netu on shoot oi the civil engineering FREE METHODIST CIIUIIITII Brnlrea Being Held In littlemt School Auditorium BULL BA DD Isior me am SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 ante MORNING SERVICE 700 pan EVENING SERVICE Nursery Facilities Available Pirnly oi Parking Space FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 5t Ytnernt St Parlor Rev Hsbuia It Codrtnxinn St Phone 1236005 IOHSIIIP SERVICES 500 ntu Morning Srrtlce Dutch II mm lilornlol Stnlre pm Evening Scrollo Everyone Itrironrn hunday Iinrttlnl Radio Dark in God llour CHI IAI IDI NIIIZ IJUO Mb IIIC 790 Hill MD CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY I30 Collier Street Church service Sunday School hrirtlnu Kelcene Radio Still it Ml ittoiJ tron am Saturday Terilmony Mrelinl trtt pm humtay llradlng Itonm Open Iurr Bud lied each month Then were seven graduate the RuotncuT Mnelnlmndhlxlhlhmnhh ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CORNER INNISIIL MLDHTN LANE Conleulontt Sat 7I5 to 015 pm Holy Male Send Attemplidn Church Leiroy Mart 930 Ind 30 Pile moon Unhinunnton Presbyterian Cltutth no Steel non Puget Minister Ptn Mills 1000 AM Mornina Itoan Guest hltulaier beruAIer MrOemblr Audslnltbmeir Board pt Evmrttam and social Acltna Prcehylertan Church In Canada Charch School and Nursery EVERYONE IS WEISOME FIRST iiAPTISI CHURCH CLAPPERION It WORSLEY II to It BIBLE SCHOOL Featuring IIIDDEN TREASURE bloody Beleoee Film showing marvels oi microscopic world 00 IJII Wunhlp and Communion Service Theme CHRISTIANITY IN ACTION Nursery tacIIttirs In Sinclair Ilnuse EVERYONE WELCOME NORIHSIDE BIBIE HAP Gotta Peel Sis SUNDAY SERVICES mo am Remembrance Serrlce 00 atu Family Bible linur Sundry School 100 pm Evenior Service Wednesday t00 pm Prayer and Diblc Study to tile nrrkhrd Isnt it rathrr your bands which are too email your vision which Is muddled You are the one who must pron up BURTON AVE United Church I0 am HOWE iliilt IIEALTII tunrvy tarillties provided 30 non omen Admitted am no impact cm iDiII tee HI Lin rally lible lobed lie all are All church copy eherv 995 must be at The Ex aminer office by Thurs day at pm IT MARY CIIIIRCI Roman Catholic PUNDONALD AMELIA are mats suunnv masses UIL 760 pm Foil Music Ian It our Mara bin not ttlaaa sun 00 less WEUNESDAY EVENING in Maia preceded by Parish Devotions FIR91 FRIDAYS Ilium PASCOE It hit With Semen 00 can The ChrirliaanIehermena Imperativet THE rim SISTERS oi Stephampipry Contention Delegate Report by Mn Ilene Rlebirdeoir 700 pm ONE WAY ro PEACE Driplnel play preuntect by 20 young people Irom Slaym TJART SISTERS PRESBYTERIAII CHURCH IN CANADA ss Anottws ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner oi Owen and Hensley his local Specter Rev Ken Ileron Orgaaht Case Von lietnrrl 00 Mn AWARD SUNDAY FAMILY SUNDAY 06 and Sealer Church School 100 not Junior Chm kneel Com worship With Dr Accordion All Wereme SUNDAY 930 am PRFEIIIIERIAN CHURCH Opposite Burton Arcane htillairr Rev Pattison He Organist Mrs IIL Al Merton ARLI 00 am SERVICE LEARNING AND LEADING Church Schools nu Intermediate Sealer Depurirnruia it yours and not 00 Primary and Junior top to it rental Nursery Paeltltlre pmidrd Melton Welcome No Charge SUNDAY SCHOOL ADULT CLASSES 00 am FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE GUESTS HUNT LEY PASCOE SERMON TEMPTATION HOW TO WIN The Faster Sharing The Joy of the Lord on 17 WA with HUNTLEY ir PASCOE Gr Service at lh Gospel of Joy Child ravetoS reI RevOPTunkrPntor PENTECOSTAL ANNE ST 400 HWY CHURCH The Anglican Church oi Canada ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CIIURCII OF CANADA Iturtou Arrnuc Rector Iiev Darid Itaye 500 am IIon Communion 1000 om Morning Prayer Ereryone sincerely Welcome TRINITY IV St John the Baptist GILES CHURCH it took Street use us IIon Communion 1000 Ian Family Service and IIon Baptism Church School and Nursery lvluvoul It weteonl CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 54 Run Street hIInlsirr Rev Donald Jay RA RID tssoetrle Minister Rev Choir Director Orsanbt Everlit Albion II Illr Dlvid tIttirlt IMO am OUTDOORSERVICE Ioliowed by Congregational Picnic at SPRINGWATER PARK MIDHURST ST SPEAKER MII ROUEIII GRAHAM In rare oi lnrletltvnt nraiher the ronryryatlou will meet at the church TRINITY CHURCH It Collier Street Next To Post Oillee vttl IIV Filth IA Lret 000 Mn Ntlv lComlllllti nl sermon 100 Nu luanlllp luthlrlll or II Mn tune Malanblui iwtuav IIIVICIT JULY that rn hloly commvnton Ali WIICIIIII COIIIER ST UNITED Corner Collier and Peynir Minister IROCIOR DA Associate Minister REV it FINLAI DD Deaconess titlss Sharon Darts ilr Lloyd Tuilnrd Ornaist and Choirtnaaiet COME LEARN GO TELL Iiroarlcart Sundry Nursery tnellitirs arailaiie Item Welcome to All

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