05 will Ind the side to to the hiltt will will will will tor tor hnvn dou end Im IstAll reormvlrorem vPItase II Georgian EstatesIBarrie or thine wiryht 34 BEDROOM DETACHED HOMES WITHISINGLE CAR GARAGE lrom $23995 iov$26995 As little as $2350 down to one NHA Morlgage different models to choose from all lots with underground wiring Sales Office open It am to pm daily MOW tonne in mu renunciation At ESTATE PROHITY FOR All THE CREATIVITY PARRA HOMES HASVPRODUCED THE BEST HOMES AT THE LOWEST PRICES BUY NOW FROM 24995 Only I25000 Down 824 Somme nouns in Attnehed on immenitlee gt RAITIBLD Si TO TERMS LANE lO Itiiiil WARM TAltiiiA LOOK YOULL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE tto DUNLOP SlTIlit 3A IAllHAtioi Mini IR ron THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Mullmklmti REAL ISTATI rnorem ton SALE room XL JUNK til DUN 03293 VI Me John iloo Roar minor with Norton shiteell enema Slle Devin iltry it the wow me till CLERIESBACH Photo hill Rutter hum IR TihSl7 ll ILLS Realtor 7231071 Anpninin Liniqu Invited JOHN IL WHITE totem LilIf t5 new coumuv north to but modelt norey tench or bedroom your on home You hello well out home It the Iowrit with colt Lot ownere in he Ihie to the hull It In little II mo don Color rttelngue with tioor pieon nrtd detnilt tunt tho Phone tieor ii erm tttnudoen tcerborouh ttttl or ilnit your leg eel Ieeveo umber more iithl to ihmioo it meat WI INIII out we or not one mortgngre Rebel moo Ilenonii Norm moddan mu mun mum epiit level end ntutugteml adheSttiToicetiitihitdlitiiilolt DropitLine In The Want Ads rolls ovatwuers tendons root F0ttVAlUis IN THE Hour ornce ANll on tIiE mun DIAL 7mm WHITE lnTetohto h6ne34lt5597 In Berriephone 7280655 LOUhoEiItEdoRhiiil9md Buyoutssr Homes Georgian EstatesBarrie Ruiidtre et tine homes In motile omit PreeIoh Gremlin not Shelbtliho lit no new to Cellini Iorrie TIEOI Vi Anne or Barrie music titreeitorenlott 646625 GENRRAI tNSURANCI linernrm noun murmur roomirr locum living room lee Brick storey pleg nit huh blthroom donate glrngv rented very good tnveeimenl It bottle bont Ind motor Innd moor 111 not down Art ecu it lot to mum how on thin one Cnii Shine in onion thoo Pteunrltl Jlrhson mite Betty motor TWO BEDROOM IUNGAIJiv romoeonooun immutmmto in Nodetillprldihedtoomhhmi lohed bnneenent iovehr comer with tote ot titohrn mull let Gnrego end utility room Ilrte tot eittnhto veteuhle tnunay room Don Allen in AND to Ind tone wore reelrlelient ttli Ivnllvt tNItUStIlIAl COMMERCIAL iNVESIItENT RBIDENTIAII so OWEN 5T 7266713 il 11 iiietllliitt lllnt It titltotlitt DlillOiitINlt Tilt itiehwty no to tho heytttld Street interehnole go nwlh one biorl to the tint Itotltldzl It Grove street turn Ieil end follow Grove Bent no prontrnntety in iotire to the iieycrenl Cltit0rd out EWART to limoJ wertmltit oodlit Mt it ncreo um hot but ohltie ittthly hunt Enrollertt Allure poleottnl ligand Monro Tout Ind Dorm nttntmnlnn Chumhilt tho itANlIYhIANI SPBOlAkII bed tivin room to ed diplwueceblthetinchrd ger beworot el unity hert rd good Iltullh tome tin IshIM to be dore ow dorm Iv nteol noon mi Dorothy hem doom omen GIAOII militia outmodedoven trot ii to tieblrlt rm No it ommvntioun tooetywt bedroom home with Iripin end III the modern convenience on uric nou its more or hotel wt mporntor to haunt Trout ileum yen honinliuetbe it to be tiled Price $3000 Anne to Bill or noon toilet rueulon mom lwl lobe hnlhy ol um It one line teem horny Ftlttlmminl out It itll tittAinb ititiEAGt the me purity wooded note to noon on plndroltl bol nilnweilettdem hut Pelee 000 Anne Spencer no till out Wl 0N WY Iiillm more to mm Lem lot with More not It rent on molten moordni in lee north oi linivnit neon tttitcoun nttioEivelttihm tool or tel no est nxouiltllti RANcIt RUNOAWN Alum too Flion room with lireolnre iidu och mi IIII bedroom nroedioom nod dreooe remote Them owin doel Delete unto ore ex tun Rood ttInI New it out rive melon or no 310 No M5 to ACRE tilt NNNI Nil I5th noon no 0N Ito Kit lAltRFRONl ltOhliI lh lei trrt trottinrn It til hey Pointihorltotmn onion tir eot home bontholue tum ed Prire new with Room rim Rlll Itttvil WWII Nt It litii otneshootti titllnn lohem Ivl willie otlte Immune Tlm Fililtmtlllil 59 BA rItLD ST BARRIE ihoto Multiple listing Slivice Aotrniiinli iturtnngcn IttIl Iteriurte tiovrto Audrey tiIIIntit property ittoeglmtut tioh Ravioli new Elrtuttte inn Ilomtn by tell Godotttletlon honour petting nt relr Iii DUNle Home mud APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UN LlSRll HIALTDH monotone Tlle PM ANJUS ARMOhm um lor thin two bedroom home outlet on no none Arline once new Ont hrlntt or litre wetriirlt with No 051 lot WItiLi YOURE iOIINILWe hive nine to note petret ot Innd rear itrreuhoe IMIINII retml or tur In No Til tlnitey Pnrtly wooded htnto III orrmohlting thli tin Attinooo no NEAR 51 JOIIN vttrtunlttsiooo Eliot eptlt Inert entrence bedroom borne with nimble ttrlge Ferrite room tun deck ltd WI ntio In very nice ereedteimt Oeii Rite hoindtett mutt new umuohnonon UAVIFA lttzsAmOmre hive been trentlerted end otter thin Imuuiote itor home but Mnuhtll Street it tentum bedroom lntnlh room in room And dothle oer gnme more deletie ind Appointment roll itiI iii hill RAN CARL D0 DEL JRRMEY 125ml 111165 TIHttlS Misti ltlAiW LES IIATIIIER lit1M JACK MIrIAItEN limit IieliAtriiii MAUREEN IIAIER turn solution neon tithidl WM IIARO IARRUSII HOW Ind ollrlee tor ton mirth thiltwlm outrunr umnlmltlt one tool JANE YOUNG Mitt CECIL hmtilii neon IRENE FORUM Nit EVERETT tnURilBIID limit iIAC NIcLiiOD mitt IIARGOI litNthli Milli IIAIW MORRISON Mill Hill ANITA SWIFT morn tirnorh Ottice BRIAN AND MARGARET WAKEFIEID Ito LEE 51 ANGUS term turn IlAIi motto mount niltett noun limited tun 7281566 APPRAIIAL JAY townie molt ltlttt 7280674 til hellch iii BARRIE ootlttlihotltt AND trtDUttutilI Iticoitti AND nwnnhttil Intent In innt Growing liltrio GOODHEAD 7225092 or to llreitot oh COLLIER 51 $77500 10 mm FUILY RROADIAIOIID New bedroom hovlwlit Itiii hedroonii storey homes on iiuo toy or In Aitnndnle IIeIghLl lhrle kitchen with rIbIttetI IhIt ire mite pliers ot tine htmlitn mirrored rIoeet doore volition boer nit teddy tor drones cnrutrro kitchen oor hillt mind In linttll Itbnthtd little plun other extru Quil cottttnirtlon throughout Drectloun Baldwin Line to htnioiielt St then tirst otrrct on tell in hiurrey RUNGAIDW Wiltl WALItOUi BASEMENT bedroom brick home vrtth en thrdrni ceiling in living room mtom built wtlhiole oI room tor expnttnioo to the torment Priotd to tell it mm with not tom out tort not tor dentin NEW WASAOA Alli hntoy nil you round use lti title two bedroom toetdeied coo tone on Iar rornrr lot close to the bench Ithtd inmedt Ito pomeiott Cell Clitt Good llelid ttx drtoitn HOUSE WANTED linlo clutomri with uth tor moderntot priord home in or lost out town Celt tittt Good oeod Mt NARO KLEIN motel CLIFF GOODIEAD SHIRLEY STEINIIOFF TilIll GRAYDON KOHL ant ibletn lirottr Minimum In Ccmmrtclni Property Phone 7284608 lN BARILIE tieiltty Salon in eiudtng writ tocntedbsroperty in businennertloo Go IttIngno emotion Iiilrhrd melt int turnover Stntlmrnt eynth note Reltonnbtt tthnt Irvine Cit ltiil innpcctlonhl tilting Kind coil hm tool nit moo courtinv ESTATE hliDItURAT heiuiliul bedroom home titu lied on ow acres oi trod see nrnto dinlol room tinny room iemlty room with timber lilt tony overloottto if II with ming pool lore hm tor tem ity iivtng Cell Leon Grinch tRO smut1t IIRICR three unity house In downtown tutti urcornlrd to tenor room not Dein Inm rooms nil moderate ttoord living room dirtinn room with rmt ctoeod in out porc turret In the Iirlnt tuvwnmrr invent in Venprn with tom oi wooded property lACIitd be nlde the Bernie Goii nod Corol try Clth Finn on the proteityt Celt trio todny to the our vey loen GurIcIr motto OWN PIECE OF stidm Benuilhel View Item thin we hept permonent home on 75 it ill lot with hoethollso proge eterythinl etieotren Ind only tew mites town titrem come true Geii Mia tor Elli or moor daytime sieve lily mm PRESTIGE mousmui PLAZA 11W Complete General Insurance Service FIRE AUTO CASUALTY ltABlLITY Cell Joe Dirrncolo 7260567 or 728AAOI mun union new mom Mute eum IIIOIGN JOIN ltwl they tlti not me nee on Allen mine too llllttlortlinit do Ire tie reenter it out ii the owl you IN to Blttl ninnrolo lyln NDlu MOORE M15 Relitol 7232642 tee Dilith ST OPPOSITE ARENA lilhil hloore norm no oliNtooe BARRIE RIALIR QTHMnIO TORONTO tilt him my to loot littf lery to out tan hail open to well ropor it in not to on on paltry nod torn oom no master bedroom Ind other looti lite bedroom Good Iln tpim bethroont mt hlnh basement Home In titling on Inrge writ trltd oritnte ocmrr tot Aniline limit Cell today to Will be lonely tor motley nhoui the end oi AW neyt wit be divided into uriILl In low tilt oq It Ind up Exrctlent nRIlJ onto the loo North mil South For hllthtt details out not too Dltrltolo iteltti or Irtwmr II mm lover Ree 7285I87 it Ottth ST liti NORTGNIE IEONEY AVAILABLE iholo ilu Realtor tendon It ulul Tonnielt nee Inlli on inl loihfliilil thmlnhdi end Ineonli allenoy nrlvlie to AI It 03 limit him MIllii Dill IIDRODM me on town Int newnnuv turned Iotnl let meg guild or Wind novel iiiv environ nto dawn immune Hum ivll Itillti DOWN evownu venom notion Wot II It Mom min or me motility Full In ttlrol no no on our ma lino trloehm no no one IMIL Prinrlonln only in it Will your norm in lull ell Itll li trill In retort their all one nlnon Ivnilom tnleohm Illl llmmt mom Jvt SEEN BAY reIIIva vemeoelwo deny bottom or Innocent livingem enemy hoot now too one not no levee punch Imiev um on VIA wellhllliy rim Ilil HOUSE WANTED wlwlniTlfrolm mm IVHIKI kill Nllt til WM Yr ml end wall tnei Reine It nmloo orle nominee eluted lulu mm ylymlnt non me till mn tOTS FOR BALI nnnnte Alli me to intro lorrle tilde on nTnhmlotiio they or my clot one It minute In em at hlirelirn Jim outrun Ill too not no at Intel II VI Ill till too that tool Tlqu hulldln lot looxlor nonm our to Ietlltil toilet mintyin trim iro nee to minor one on which In evIIuI totem It trim Leone met Mr rloh me no it Amol em move hornet Arline tier Inimnlen tell the the mm nin PROPERTY WANTED ro IUY to or rE is me like thinner utyu monument hed Will In AI Mlle thata