ee thetr NI in Wood ior Tull borne nth em Amhmm not tinned tor one In Inn penned with the tinder mmmwh overnii Woods hurtinbnli NOIIIAVIIH luevenhetterthnnnnunlnid The YinRM Itretched tth tinInd name ot thrnl en vrtnninr ntrenl to nix germ pioded norrtethitg tiemhni In their longest In two yearn hit they ruched the tete Prime word the victory Noten Ryen tired tlohitter Illhim no out no It owned het Bentie Alien drove in Non tern toehtdlng revert to the tint Yortnttnttvononnvithnlhreetntdnugktegngthemv thirdtoning burner lll out the The victory leit lhI lace Bob Otivrfn ninth lnninn New York lie when De homer broke tie to givI trait in the Amertrert kill10531 utentb victory in 11 one 23 33g lengue hint Yovt Ynnim tripod Clevrllnd Indium oi ItnnInn Lily Rcylin nhut out itinnenetn hint Tenn Rnuxm edroi thienge White Son Ind witnroln Annetn bent OIhlInd Athletic it Do llttti Time It tilllimcre Ortohs Iu rntned old tire that niloned lost three ml Arlin Follows Own Act Allows Giants One Hit Iirntu bent dilute min or Monttenl limo trimmed Phila delpiiin Phillie end Inuit Cnrdinnie It New Yor ltett wnn rIIned out Cinciunoti reglined tint In the Went on Ron Grtnuley toiled itvehiiter Ind wnn tied by Johnny Benrhn torn homer oi the you In the iourih The Aeiros scored their lone run when Grtrruley eul loose wild Plitillmll the ninth with mean not tlohinoonn Ioth homer Elm NOW mu won th who tor the Angelee beioreltn uncut home crowd ot lunl ml the um all mm illitehurgh Ptrnlunerurid hole not thot toilowtng Willie DIVII We Cumyr la tint on to on him In tie with twin mm lrnlnt double Eddie itIthewn Ind Entle Berth tor rIreer homrrn with it Robert Clemente drove In two run with windblown triple In the Plum vnliied tor three nlru In the tourth The victory over allelic wnn Steve itiue ltllillt otrninht Ind veiled hit record in II Rt rhlndli iiitte Turret limited not the PIilln Itrn Nnnh ritrhrd tcoreleln hnII tot seven union belore Ononr Gnmble drove in Phtindelohte nut The Expat landed the been in the eighth Ind lion Fnlrly eluted in one not Ind Rm oudx drove in the winner fill ASSOCIATED PRES the lth when rookie Dnve Rob erte doubled moved up on Sieve Arline twohitier ma my mm tn Ignmnl Illlnborgh Inel Strode mu may Hm In lv with two on Ind none out lio mrird to to it It who Donell mode mletIiI to Get ter Iinnst San irenrloeo Gllu III inked me out Inid to I3 McDowell itoe htttinl in ne lundrr In brilll III tuelly ooo nod Im looking tor enlist the lm Pillar villi him to hunt with too on none but to It prided mum out no the ocan tied thet no homer in Colbert in the In the note it one known the tint WINDVNIHW wen going to nine my lm all wouldnt hnve thrown hitn thnt Allin Ind thrit tenhinder may WW WW Allin 74 untied tlttee Ind townie seriftceutldhi stuck on elm on RED DOWN ARTROS got Sen Ftnocincno only hit when he tripled in the wound to other gnrnee Cmcirutnu no trend on nnrrittce by Red thumped itoiulon Alivoe 7I Inn Angela Dodgern edeod Alert Gnilnchrr Ihe Fndru tied the Icon In AtiIntI lirem it Idtoburdt BIISEBIILLS TOP TEN NItIoIIl lune All it II Codeoo litri III II it MAIou SlL In to 65 ttt Sanguitien MI in it 332 Carly All in to it In A0tvei Pnh troll 7oll7 Sento Chi IN to it 811 Clemente Pill 20637 AI Jll Broth all In II JIJ cur All it Enntor er to Cenh Cuhn relny to it not ill time tAP Pinto By me onva intro AnleeleII lzlgne HnIeIII ltC Rodi Oei Behetrihlum RC DAiieo Chi Bruin Attn CJtIy Chi Relper iiln Piiteily hi CALGARY It tthreIi chnir Ilhlelel Imm Ilrttlrh Coi Neoiottniland tooit elehth pit irldIy Gnnoe plny nllempt Pridey It Chiro Ilondny no ioreed by short etoo Gene AI ey who threw to BC Athletes Big Winners Sottntrhewon hot to points umhln emcmdtho big winner with It pottiu Ind Quebec It the end at the onc trnllod with to Quebec hnd one week NItIoitel llheelchnir uthlele nnmod to the netlonel Ytnm Rene Mute oi iiontreet The BC tenm led with lot The netlortei turn wnn re re uhe dildooil 15 immunetry em I0 ll tin to We tying Mutttdube Til er titration Vino Dnvtdten oi Rttdrvoodoo theme Cnmnlechlennd John ROSEMERE We CPI John Elliott ol Fort huderdnle Fin pnrttime tour oron oumrner bottle mottroito tend moving Into todnyn mood round ot the MM hole miehec Open goIt touoement It the Roeemere loll riuh Elliottcerdoti threeuoder pnr in over the Attoynrd IIyoot In htdnye opening mood one at only it gotten loom lteld oi Ibo pron Iridnmeteun to better the onrlt mIrI It on In any so to me Elliott until hnd no holeyl nlI dny end my Iongeel putt tor hirdle wnn tolooter on the tint hole Elliott IIno birdied tho Lhnrt ourthree third with tlvotoot putt Ind wnn under one on the illrylitl Itth when he pitched up end hit the ting limit In ynrdn oil the green The bounce loit him just six Inchee trom the cup 00 Rupert Itepte City Golt CIuh niennitnihineountrydurtonthep it lt5 it it are thermrod to lend Chih In Oetvttte nitcote Pitchtord to pro tor tin teen won the tlontic Open In Cheviottetnwn tint weekend in Inpott Ile went out in might per it let the trout nine not netd he hnd only been in trouble onceon the itth when he tent hie neeood that into enrol lrnri Ind then mined the green John line In otVeloriI lound hlrnnei Iii nlooe It to biorenn pinyin in the tinnl threesome hell good opportu nity to metch or better Elliottl It ho counted JJ two under Ker on the trout nine However Itrrlcit Ind Inttttd till one river pnr on thnl portion oi the eolune Canada Ties Second Place hnd dIItIeuIty in the both Phil McClure tinn Ray Conic Brentotooi end Vince Tnyior Tomato Goii Partiiheilfo ytLeadsIIn Quebec trite moneytior Open teonIe thempiollshtpl be ruined loin yeir to lid more to the meoe vlttor mom to the wumene winner the purudtetritnttlon tor linoooo event It the Wool Teouli Club itnrtlng Ave win Innouttrod lodIy oywu item Tulbert tourniment chilimen nod director the menn ton prtne II mixed IMIt ozoooo not womenn Irorn moo th norup In the menn Ilnnlen get limit lump oi AM end the womenn runnerup receive $5000 For the tint time there be pinyoti between lostnx netriittnnilntn The llllil bottom lor Nanrtdtthoo No Inteng the men into No end tom tor No moon the women The double nine wilt bluor purnce The menr bles winnern will tptit with the runnernup mo in Iotnenr doubles nod mi douhtoe wit me brentdo oi ooo Ind t1ooo note not outlier LA tune into Kele Identied Undue nnti ll itinymnn III Ifhnn etuio il lue netted II Benoit Clo gooll it Stetteli PIttthurgh lltehtn ll deetntnuli Fine or plIyed lrom the ninth tnthI ithboie Inuixiigl momentum oinyinn In the nth Ind Inoearn to come up with nnme at his hlrttor gemen under thene condi our 0N iiAD TIME Fruer told he had only one hell hole when he went one over per on the timid one three Ittlh he pulled three wood nhot Into tome trees But he recovered niler Ind minted billion on the next two en potato min is told it niivrr tented on but oi myth Frnner Indie heoouvmedntnynoi um evnnlnlo t0 oi their eontluenttnIntedeta guilt twiddle the turn lith will reprctcrlt member eouedw made up unndn It the World Pnrnlym oi ti wenternern nod to micro pit Unmet next Augunt in lirl nrn dillnrl Gm There ore in women on the AlhertI which hnd tour loom teem PItiehur oi ooo Rny membern nemed to the nnliottnlt Einlne Ell oi Edmonton wnn lelntiTl ttt IquId hinted second In the nnmed the mute outnleotiinl etnndtngn winning in gold it temnte nthiote hut In Imptn River unit It hronre modnir tor tee did not ouniity tor the ne Ipotntnrtoteiotilt tlonnt team which mutt be hinnitohn wnn third with lit made up oi nthleton with WINDSOR Ont CPI Athl ny mu CANADIAN PR trots the npeedy touryenrotd interim lugue tote nnd hnd live teem mem tplttni Injury eluted in the trio in Eultnl Relmerot Ahboleierii too at hieItiuw Shipper nped river the tnrtnn nurtnre It wind anl lriGBl Gcrmnny Nuve ScotlI woo BC we nnmedthe outItInd no Itncewny Frtdny night In 33 2t STI noum cu Atom Cll met Cuh Detroit Nnehaionhtnnd re Ilene Intel ier DAiien ah ggo ti Mutton OIIttnnd ruentun dedniennit to gen Onitlnttd 5t ttt lint Mlnnuote too REGRIO CALARRIA It one trotted noorod Vernon the mug on if wny to the triumph Frldty night over Itnty Ind the chnmuionthlp oi live oountry womenn tolthnit tour nenieot ThoAmerirnn tenm wen on deieIted In the tourrtnmettt it imtimhlitnlii too In end ted tor mood piece with ungnn um Iilolinod outrun not plly Fri or It In to run Thundey end Frtttly Set Ml Inn te Innl tDurInl July Ind Algul It it Olntee Mildly Cniilornln It Oeiinnd Minnetotn nt Itnoeu City Chitnzo It Texe New York It Cleveinoit Detroit It Rniiimm Detroit tourth with IT hnving itve trim in min athlete lie wnn nnmod record time to rupture the it 25 not Ellllrmtt Boston It ltilwnuitut membern nnmod tn ntIlio tho to till notlunnl thnt trt to use Interlttitlona meeti itilrirrd Itnuw oi Richmond 1pm ew rutthr Dnlnro BC Ind Chill Stodan oi Pe leilmnamgmslmm mutty Inch hndst lulu hut Nit hnd tcrburuugh Ont were nwnrdod it 21 03 all mm mm am It gold rne III competed with new whocicitolrn no ilociien it no ttt City Stnlen Kentucky on the it It ttrnt turn Ind Wen never heeded III 36 ilort Ontnrion nine the Your Iii cloektnn list tor the little Jill New York Boston Cleveland hlIIquItce Nelionni hngue Ennt lriGIIL 37 it All 11 21 617 It it it 12 at 37 Itrri 07 11 2h It fit II It fit 12 tIA ii hit 11 littehurgh New York Thirnnri Si lotttt Iiinlrrut All ttt It llhlludolnhia tzt Ii ltttttttnlnt lllllllVlll Ind liltlllff lttllllet 5an littgn hnn Itnnittto record CIttItilItt record The eluulinz hetiured the merit oi i7t rtlohlinhed by Romulus Itnnnvrr It hirintreeit IIIIIn Ronneltln tutti Al the wire Alhillrnii war three lrttrtht nheutt tit ltyu llye itnx who twtnttryi hollilenyth murrttn river Konturty Nnmrlltllitit um by Item lilo at hill is our and tttllillltnli tlinismr the IMI IltlIr lllitAtl Joe on ltllilllv Th mun mlmm tnlti Illllnltiii litltlit the lMlltllIlllilP tlilllA title the trnlr Mn Itnniroh illtlmttlt tour more III ml lti ttillltH nil pnr irlitny tor rt li WWI lJIllltllllt tool In lltr llovlttit Hilton lituti gull tuttmnnmtt Playing Betote Hometollrs Could Be The Key To Victory NtittlllllROOK ATI lloyitty heirtre the homriulkn could lie the key to vitlory tor Jimmy lamlmn Tito ZhyeIrnld pro irnm lilo Iino III tint tome clone in win nlnrr twice In the Inst tnur wonky tnw hrii In the uninmiliir th lily nitrootlnn nrut admit tally toyirt lip Oakland hnranorneing Lillego hiltlnemln tlnhlvrmu Rollins tly Trim 5137 till it ttt ll tti ttt IN MI Sumtt Rldte Country Cluh litu Itlth lttldlll to nlllllll lllll Toxilt till 21 nhul tuttiM Ior til to WI iulll with int Nll ll tun iiliuilzul Wt All tltll ll lltllulll put with tutit tt mm llrtni mutt hunt It It lit wtru tlllilll tinrc ill ll IlllAllNG CENTRE RI Ill Ill till lilt ll llill tni lllllllt mi III In trim illl hut unmw the the puyulnl lllitiy Iilt null own not lltmr vlhlllilg llilli imiuyn ittittilll lot litr rirttiiiu illliW imt IlllIiW lltr liiillli tutti in Toronto to niiluitie litrrn lire out by 1033 pm llliI will III lit ttilti THE BOATHOUSE RAVFIELO 5T NORTH BARRIE RESIDE CASH CARRY LUMBER undertint over the windchilled Two nhotn hohlnd JIquon wnt Itylleh Dotty Sniiden who Snood ume In with lttiol end III while It It Sitter who started the round tied with lnrrtlenon remnined three dcrpor II Iii Iiter enriching Tornrtlot George Ititudion the only Correction to the Reid hlrw himteit nut oi the next two month with In it lridny tor Ilv litll mu in lle I7 lutnl right Ilrnttrt over the RR N0 STROUD til xtures appliance WHOIESAIE RETAIL ttltltitlrtllnl illliiitn IItlvlytnnolld ltllt ttltmrr FIXTURE MART lDItNlrIlt OI Itlll ll ANII ITII ONCIISSIUN lNNlillll 4363519