noorm ctmnoolurrurs wour MODERN orcommo crnrnr LIGHTING UNLlerro Visit our new modern showrooni displaying the finest to quality and design of lighting fixtures lamp shades table and floor lamps Were open Friday until 900 Sotuidoy until 530 eE 31 For the best In carpet from the linott mrnuleoturere See them In our Showroom Brand Names ruchrr Boioreau Irom Crorsloy Krnartan 9Ign oi the Timer by iilrding Chrteau list by Colanese tiedirrl ruthoritiu Idtlne Irrinet reit lrbletr unteu pro rule at third rn ertrr rprI two from the rrlt rhrhrr meet time in probeny ruiilelmt In restore en nrerrre prrrlmr summertime ion oi rrll Some other loci and interim Iimrd Jnilnrm toned oi the rentum rhrln thnl hem lilo urine throuxilout the notion died Tlludny in New Yark III In 75 AP Photol 55 rountry In the world ider rnry hm rpplt ii new new CANADIAN Millellntwlumldllr sumng cpl din Subrtdlud by Al ml mem nrlororeope electric oven mm mm mm mm It owl orllninlidd Ilmtd rt helping new Crnedlrar into Erie Into the Crnrdlrn wry oi Founded In Arm tell the omnlrrlion rervrr iorno no new Conndirn Irmittrr In thn shrrbrooh err by orrrnit inrV nrtivition and dlrtrlhutlnx DUNLOP 5T BARRIE ONT our AmtM Inlormeli throng Iu ovrn Mvtprper Were at l28 Brock Street West of Annel 72606 suoodrnonr srnvrcr CALL 728l99l Ill in will eorotte oiinItrndlerenrynthrtlnlho lionel lentothen Inune otjEnoughEOOd PARIS it Dernour provide rev mrteriell wrdo ere predth thrttnthe the dawn Ainurnteomtort theor populrtloo mu Intllrrnireryolthereet oi the world the hook me the problem in in in thrt there In too many WP Erik uldthere it not HTva to er Th 8m The would new man be control oi the ill1101 ll WM Ind Inererre In the worldr In In on double Ivm lion uqoteltlyrrpoeribie end In to redoetlon In the birth ntr lie Miau mud to to we orliporeillle nun nude todly between rerronrhir may may nu control oi popnlrtion or retr Mote The book Ir preirred by Droid timer launder oi iriende oi the Perth by Proi Aleuedre Grothendleelr oi the Selim of Film Ind Froi Pierre Brmuel at the Univerlily oi Prrielorth tirn pouurer the potentlrl to himutl with hi on writer timer The Bomb than out no bruteiity llllll ltl roote in population note on The eoonomy oi rich nations deoerde on poor colutrlu thlt GLASSES SAME DAY rlnxte rirlrl only WIDE CHOICE OF FRAMES REASONAILE PRICES OUICR COURTEOUI SERVICE bARRlE OPTICAL Cirmrton rt Collier No Job TOO BIG er TOO SMALL elllr melontn enutlu Olutriietlonr III Rrprlu mm torred rlr molly nr OCenrnlerrirt rrd trot Inter ryrtemr Mohttr ltome Ilrntlnr ryrtrrnr te llrn have computerized eiiirienr irotr lo rrlibrrie your prount ryrlem oi turn in ior oertorrnrnce autlml ply nylon WW $2277 51 IA OR IS one hr rm thrl no you Nil but rhnort Uninvrl loledn eerlulr trade II but inonn In onplnn IlII ruliuprllonnencronnelnrvrmrnl Ilidrtly helm in lFLV nylon IAREDO inn morn not lull ollrr ol Iovpn nylon Into won one notion lull nltr 1on rryon not run Tlon nylon body noln hm unproven round Ihouidrl drripn tor nutrlrnolnn rornellno rnl Ind Alanlyhrnoli elrnleileo ronrlturllon In Iounhnrlr ma ml rold holding urollln nrltrl llhllldt Indlnnlllmlleill UNIRIJ 110BRADFORD 5r 7285965 FINA DAYS Bolted WW $26 Oil it OR IS nply nylon letno eellen trlrnn stdII our rum mm mm If item 1an mm on Mil Illll Ill OTCIi tour tillll Ill Oilll Ill Intll til Iii Illll Islit It Illl mu llll Ill Arrlvnlnelmmemrl vmluv llvrb Bell Type BARBECUE Rep 199 s1988 etrntlrr ration er other hrrheenu General Electric l8 ROTARY LAWN MOWER CHAIRS 155488 $399 iminnt starlin high torque quiet it etc do motor til relorttal oi rrttrtr with their lrterI hltr Ind rid irlerttel Rep 588 AUTOMATIC RADIO Trrrit Auto Stereo with Ahi Radio Rt 15 ttprrili ROYALINE I0 SPEED RACER Rep 8995 7488 ssrreo mg ms RIM AratetirevaiueIorovorydrivlngnood CALL us nearer cosy SALE ENDS SAT nrArlNo AIR CONDITIONING na