annedfm Weekettd In aPark armor mannerisms Inlay aad lanemummy ThahatrteaathavaaeatativetLIlevlewD Wimbluhmaodidardionam brewery Rnhiriaonlnng will inert and Ian tia Watthoedatrodarnni Last nights game barwu Nanstieid and hirunt rainedorn The atlndih as Thursday Ill Clan Dees Streak On Line Otangeviiie Headline Trot at the one mile distance In the eighth race Pacingntanden will have their innings the ninth race Siated in this use are Kens Ovation iiighctsu Cbltitei mile still am rated consti attt room all transmutation not Reopect For Players iiicCarver crudrrrtiri rm Tim arm can baseballs man says but he never hand irom Wit VIM It Wt oi want its ehanea lot at manager Paul Owens withmlnthaupiayua by rot Mcoancr aaya Jill tded is looming lrn acc to am tia Camnovamernneroilloot haw altar alooan ht touts and twoyeqr no Norm Joint doetatonhpboid basehaiia reserve nae taste player to the idiot his contract and in roan negotiating with inmonewooairron rNowiaaruingto iayieittield atasuaeamaupamlnarand malttum eatcbar are Carver am Mr adiurtbd to same ol the hardrhlpa involved Inlradcsirrtnottothewayln whldr theyre sometlmcs coo darted itlaiatasl trade came without warning with McCarver here tor Philiientleda aerial last srcek lie got word at the trade Ben Sun Cnitur ttv Goidtig are and Romeo labell Alttha contestants in this one tent at one or better Dill Sitadry will be than Appreci on Day at the Duitarin county track with everyone invtted to attend on the horse loom the Pbittia McCarver that boidat we ahoii cati ma hut alter the second day it upset me played pretty well tor theml may not do that well on the ball iield the haabecn in two Ilhtlr and haa ltiatima average or Jill hat want to be tied with ya Ilnrlnishyahyn Signs Contract TORONTO CP undo An druah who earlier in the day aatanad to learn training camp Wednesday night aigned In contract with Toronto Art gonauta at tha Canadian root ball league Salary terms were not disciowi Altdntahylhytt rookie viLh Argos Inst reason concentratcd rat printing and tricketia ilailback iiarry Abola an other player who rcrcntrd ai teriding ramp without con mm talir ar Lmliiutu oil nu kickhy men anon tiara aadtidc lava Iatdinea Ee EEF Leg Forces Retirement TORONTO 6P Barachola the cult that nished second on broken leg Saturday to the Queens Plate at Woodbine Ia tor aaie Plane levesqoa aon oi owner tools lav oi tiootrni said Tuesday although the horse will like never race again ha ritual be worth at least timed as tire Baracbotae was aired by Ubouletio Item ton Takes Piratln NSL NANILTON CPI IIIinlIion Croatia took over tint place in the National Soccer league standings Wednesday night on lit tie with Ilamiitan ltaioCann ans luluCanadians now third In tea standinu scored at Karat Betas it atood tor ntin utea until Duncan Iienry scored tor Croatia Croatia beaten to it larncs Is one point ahead oiTo ronto Croatia Canadian Olympic Judo team to heavy rain shaw anflddvidtana oi the Throttle ooaida ot the Fasten Foot ba Calderonca watch LDNDON OhL CPI The to Munich in Au with duoLano oi lta nationa chaian Pat Better and Colt iiatnura want to know why halter Ironi Dutton Ohio and strain at Toronto have been excluded irom the Olympic team utd their etiorta to out why they wont be mak ing the tri to Itanich have borne little Nit Ai Sakai trom Vancouver whom hot or beat in the ieativ erwei vision at the recent Can tan chainptonahips In ital Itair II going So ishElitlicGregor ot To aucccs LIN tiemura If tbbDntario and Canadian championshiru letters have been rent on their hehali to iederat lieaiih Miniater Iahn Mania and Jim Worrall Canadian inteniatlonal interim IIIIIS moratorium Ont near inrootolta att irnia but Argon In mint RACE III Pa Plan One Title Clinh MM all Illa Green Gad Imi Wt hlawaoh bligth teary Ray mi It at lullaryrAhnlbdd riooots Poa Winnipeg Blue Bombers in an Doctor Itisk itboti Robin WI Etilitidni insemination ii rus rennin nxavunsn riiurieoiiv runs is im Two National Judo Champions Metros Lose Exhibition mnoirro CPI Clililum oi iha Iiaian Soccer icaaaa second dirtiion scored goal In each halt to deioat Toronto te trot oi the North American Soc oer league In an exhibition aoccergsioe hetero use tans in Tbronio Wednesday night iivegame tour tor thavtviiova They won the first game In it was the second game alto Rirkey 1000 NIB swans rroooi White or Command root ll Stead Silo om Iterhert tutti IOUMTI RACE Pare Iarle Moo One title Oiiioetial tCtndy Van Patrick Laltash Jeannie Caper Wiiiaort Petunia Pen Din tiacArthvr itarrtrnana Ace Bravo Davey Ital Lama Abbegaie iterbert it Given Carry On Dot Paul rrrrn RACE III Part Parse One hills Plan Lattuah Not included On Olympic Team Olympic Commiliea representa dIGNS CONTRACT HELSINKI Router Cinn dlanixn lnindu who lost rea son coached and piavri tor the IInnirh national hickcy cham pions lives at Tamperr has been aimed aa nitronnl team coach here tor nest action lsindca contract is tor one year with the possibility oi vcnawai tract also signed tiorlncsda Specializing Unisex will he nonplaying coach Hairstyling Specialist Hair Styling Mens Hoirpteees Coloring MANICURING NOW AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMEN ONLY snor some evoiiobta during vogularivotm Nrw BUSINESS HOURS MON T0 FRI v5ATURDAYh MON RM 30 TO RM CLOSED ALL oar WEDNESDAY TOR optn Straightening III or SHOP Ill de while Youre miteapaieed at it sd live seeking support ior Iloigcr and iirmttra But an tar no rap port hu been torthcoming Ucmura has hired lawyer and LI in the proctor oi thing the cut to court Frank ilrtasblia president oi the Canadian Kodohan Black Belt Association and member oi the Olympic selection coma mitten wont comment on the titration Every time open my mouth it comes out dittcrent in the news he avid bionday in teLEp one interview irom To ronto My executive committee has told me not to make any more comments lilies ORciliy lawyer tor the CilpBAes Iatntd cant all you why he Rol gcrt wasnt selected itaa line athleteand excellent in iudo Its my Ptrronat teeth that in tcroatlonaiiy be won bars helluva to better chance III strutting STD Ft Countless more miles and the smoothest saiest miles over At last wide wida Radial daai Four bait pliaa andutha Inrd aaaura iha ultimate in arahrnry great value ierouruaratlon drivin bolted mileage at lddridbeistratostraatr her in IIIIIIIIIIIIllllllli to $1 88 Dunlop West Boston Sunday night ahead with less than minute oi the second ball when Adriano pned rpaciticaiiy tor North American can rtadiai aateiy radial mhtitl bonnie BELTED Brooms Cruiser Ooib iicEarhem Andy lcrolls Pepcrmlrii Willie White Springbrook Tris Lawton Batman Dan ht Llieureur Giyanno Dillon Rodpsth hiamiaa Dream Wm Troy alxrn RACE It Pace Porn One Nita Cling tiioo ailwi Jimmy Turreil 15m ilarv Kt Itarlo Gore put theelation to play In the that ball when ha scored rent penalty kick the second goal came at it minutn tionriti acored irom scramble to treat or the bistro goal TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIONR more ComPor Paving GENERAL CONTRACTOR ASPHALT contours aooonro lOII FREE ESTIMATE ON ontvnvvnve PARKING Wr PAVING AND WALSH CAItANtttMtJIBbath mileage and handling inn is tile 78 vvaiue portal The low pro aAldo tat Dadhugpinu tread renninMM liCHARGES iOI mountin Now at hare firehonv 51qu or participating Daaivrr 7266585 $553 Stir Gdrligure iI McLean Romeo label It Galbraith TENTII RACE Ii Pare Pom inn Gilbert tootsie Crowe Mooreisnia rnooo Will iam Troy Select height ml Iioii man Great Pretender coon taw IOII lkldghl till 2000 Ii hidMli Hillghty btayhard mi II II Dustera NcNob rooooi Dis an Avalrne moot Richardson Poet itioru drawn by unity Dotteetlo VESPRA CHALET PARK FRIDAY NIGHT DANCING Phi TO AM sponsored by the larrIa Civilal Club FOR TAILS RESERVATION CALL Day It rattles north at itarria 7257388