Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1972, p. 11

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Govt Explains WhatIt Is Dong At Wasaga Beacigis Manna mes mm Mosh eymmnwlnrnorvlsu it iii FEE tag dvvtwtthllh0 Eeaii eeig $8 33 be made garters wail anterior plaster run so ouc as heating system mainteolance At EDNA in Eimvale misreliancolrs can pentry and toorbelp painting and construction oi mobile storage cupbossdareintheplansiorOur lady oi trousvles valet ti 55 er iii in School emissions These all the deilnlte decline in student enrolment in schools terms Ontario until isdt when there will be twice as many we turn oi marrying age as there were in ten Probe aiacdonald roperint separate baa sold this was one tact point outrtsoitbetlerton at Fdlirslloaat Omit tie lira doasld and Corbiere bua lieu administrator met with the task area about the caste oi educator One at the members at the task tom is tisnnay director at education with the Sims County Board oi Fatucro tim air llacdonaid sold the group also spoke about the costs oi hulldlaga grants and costs to boards with sports population situations its said the levee pointed out item that to ma tam have doubled but education gnnta have increased too per cent trying to ease the burden at is NWM an rtfnxtlmhl tion as the dime County where the board is encouraged to provide Frendrlancurge tn rtructlon ior studmta brat grants are not available tor boards whose budgets some in below oi education ceilings btr chooald said he tell it was one oi the best conierencrs he has ever attended lie he ielt the up bad mada some headway at th the task three LOCAL AND GENERAL ROW 21 tuncar collision on Highway 11 near the Csnadt Patiile Rallwa trucks Wednesday ailerc noon calland In estimated 50 da atooneoithevchlclaeop out to William Badour oi Barrie was slight damage to the record rebitle driven by Gary Nauru oi Toronto The mishap occurred at 220 pm iiiNOR NJURE liabel it Moore to oi sling ion was treated and released irorn Royaitlctorla tinspilai Wednesday night tor irritates ra celled in twoear colllsllur at the intersection ni Bartlett and So rtreetv Damage to the ole she was driving wax es timated at i500 The second vehi The Registered mule Teach ere Association elected its new Xttullve at the annual meet lnc last ntpht neon lirom MUSIC rile driven by John iterbclt Gar ner ht oi Barrie had damage estimated at dim The mishap occurred It proximately pm PAULS Daruage vehicle would by Robin Robertaunn ot Stroud was cetinssted at toot Wednesday Iiiemoon siler it slid oli illgib way 11 ust north oi St Pauls The red ocrumd at approx imateiyd pm ANGUS Damage to two vehicles illvolv ed in collision in Angles this mornirlly was estimated at IZOD The vera oi the vehiei re Grslton Hamilton oi Barrie and John Cameron oi Anglss The mishap occlrrred at 101 am tell rude Flemming treasurer llsrgaret Psdtletd liceprcsident Elisabeth me stand by the pump is ieblrrbedrledior Our MAYOR LES COOKE 0F MARIE DR RYNARD MWYER LEN MMGOIAERY 0F DRILLIA Dr Rynardvron an the would ballot 1tynard Stands On Record Delicate Tova Other Candidates meetings were cancelled be and estate as one would ma vrssnavmrmno ballot Dr Rynards iorrhey delivery ieit veteran observers in awe era The tall rambled on ior lose to halt an hour end to the hatred borne rt Geolr Collea rpelhound lo the very end lhe Doc didnt poll any Embed tasting nit rating why erasgoing opposed um opponen wars so comp In nets lie roamed eantloo was purring younger men ran and reminded the audience that Simeon North wasnt alwsys the sale Consenstiva sent it appears to be today Its said he tl ran in its alter two nomination by that student in schools resell Canada will he terrains about lull isstead at turn perm and titles instead It quarts bill holler avelaiaat as intendrni with the SI raid busty Renter catholicsrvrr ate behoui hoard told the board Vednorday sight atlooia Isa 0mm will bran treling thel riled oi the switch over to the metric system iI tie talked oi the days at welt lng ilehis tailing to who voted lnry psovtnoirigfw but who wouldnt support the tedarel My its said hed never belove had any opposition rt nominating meeting and said he consider bimseis part oi great team oi didnt do this alone he said Weve been great team youve kept me tniormcd iiI said he has established the beat cormnunicstions system oi any riding in Canada and point ed to the to per tentme to recent maestionhairs Ia Wi aret sou John idacdonald goodwill not only united Cana da united it iroln Atlantic to Futile with steel THE arm From here be resurrected more recent heroes mentioning Hi John Dieienbeler number at times in his speech and mention telt liow the metric system will old tI IIIt grades to art yet ham he said its noted the metric system would data the amber si dliicrent sixes used In portal tag ante it Is tatodnced Ile said the most notable tans tar is the reduction oi the number It toothpan into state than ta to six which will tale ei ieet this summer iiew Committee is Appointed ioCuideiiienlaiiieaithenlre Mental Health barrio has ap pointed White Cross Centre committee to guide srld support the centre to more creative way The committee includes mem bers oi the llerltat iiealth bar rie board and several other in terrstcd persons Rev Ken harden president oi Mental tieslth Barrie said the program It the Whito Cress cenlt ire has been enlarged Black sec biurlel Lee or xublloity Selted are WRMiltilir Meetings are currently being held Wedneme and Friday nights tor young pie who need some social Id nstrnent and contact with the cervnxnlolty and unday will be ualt days tor the young people hit Pension paid there somelpossihllrty Friday night pronam may be discontinued when the new Shea tered Workshop gets into lull op oration slnco that Vlhlts throes ausprogrammaynotbe cod ing that The Oriel had railed him earlier in the day to wish him tori Dr tlynard has been health critic tor the opposition Conscr vrtlres and the nltttlnatim meeting last night was told in had turned down the port oi mlult trier oi health and wettara in the Dleienbakcr cabinet because he iett he could do more good on the bath benches no Dwshppedthswriatoi the rvding executive tor rall Ilrrrflthe nominating meetlns rd tlng they had legal right to call the meeting but morally should hare listened to the gen eral meeting resolution calling tor nomination meeting only ailer an election is its laid having nominating meeting betors an election put bins in stnnga pmltionl elnca he is one oitbe Stan ield Team as health rrltict and the sitting member PAT TRIBUTE Aiier the two ballots and alter the rnectinghaddeciarcdbimtba unanimoln choice Dr initial to nature and said his its training would give him the quahttcalioos to ensure proper government policy The theme thmllit it all was tilat local bnservstlm want the Staneld learn to term is next government Riding Presld eui lion Stanton started the meeting by saying governments destroy themselves and said Bob Staneld all make one at the greateri prime ministers oi this century Sinclair Stevens conservative candidate tor orthlnvooe sp piauricd tilI local delegates tor gain supporting Dr Rynard and said he Iccls this will mate his task in Yorkhimcae easier paidtrtbute tohlstwo eppooents saying he was pleased to win but at times like ihlai al my Montgomery seemed to bars aha best urng support Mr blunlgomuy received 375 at the Lost votes In the tint ballot and wu hunched out with votes to it in the Aral vote tlr more smered no votes in the tint be at Mr Montgomery told the meet ing to was molar broom he ireia dorlvorncy realltrea strong opposition and said it Is pp to the people to decide who writ repre sent them it is only at nominating meet lugs and on elertlou day that you the people get my real op portunity to mate ours that your views are reneriad tie strongly condemned the Trudeau government and its tail ura to provide strong economy and lobe tor so writing to work its ehiceted to present govem meat banduia which he claim result in Itoe taaplyera alip porting bunch oi leay deadbeat who do absolutely nothing The hudeau govemmcnt which promised us the Just Society in less has created the Almless Society be charged Both he and Mayor Cookl talked about reliei tor the tax paylng middle class about ex eroding Ioh opportunities during the tax burden on the average person MUNICPAL Ema Mayor Cools pointed to re ports showlng that tbd impact at iedcrai policy is tell at the boat level and said person wrth munide experience is neces tedernl in Ottawa to ensure that policies take municipal problems into account his biootgomery said my the poll tica involved are not only mum Wantsio Retain TwoThirds Limit The Slrncoe County Roman Cabolu Wednesday voted to support resolution from the Wentvrorth County school board ashlng tor the retentlon oi the twotblrds limit in health and group tile insuraan contributions paid by the board tor its employees ventures assocunouvrlircurlvs rident and Jesstaitt iiryroa hetlyrrutdent Examiner oo Pending provincial legulallon will venture the limo Barrie tnatee John Brennan said it it is possible tor the board to pay lltt percent oi the con tribrstons employees amid un doubtedly use the tart rn negoti ating htrther contracts with the boards DIGTCLES STOLEN Three bicycles earls worth no were reported stolen irons leiiday in Tuesday morn The girls green noyslllns lady threerpeed mustang and boys orange titthde half had been chained to and the chain had be lt Separate School Board st rslli council about car parking areas on the beach bars am am Indaireadyarebeiagactedppu TEMPOM AREAS Tbere era problem he said reierring to bet oi autikiuat it Idletti to the hush to provide suitietut ear parting ac commodstloa Sane properties hays been acquired and will be 1m temperrs parent rth beach areas barricad We look toward to rind otcoooerstloniatbe lannlrigoi medulla areas rdusdloe partial ha said stating the rotsnldia plantations would be considered Reese Clair Robertson asked various questions about partial and tanning in about the concern oi council local rev Ideals Ring Jarrett Wasaga bob inessmaa raised questions about building restrictions whirh would be In the best interacts oi era ouraging tutura development The idea oi the master plan can be supported munmnrlurns mammogram let ceasedoitthebea lneandto xatrioriargiieetopisymnld bald Wasaga limb Firs Sunsldala and Nousasap nrn ntripal representatives attended lira Janina Smut landscap architect also presented beta nldcbwsssnnolnoedayuragu mu RCAIA LADIES AUXILIARY EXECOT the ladies Auditory oi ilur nnia Vela No til at the Royal Canadian Air Torso Av soclstinn elected new oiltcers tor tillTl recently FROM m1 lltrs Pearl Gunsh treasurer hits Lorraine bio Master pmldeui lira robot to rs Joyce stubM viprresldenL Examiner Photo Board Will Write Parents Ta Again Outline Position Spokesman tor parents oi stu dents st our body or Grade srp Irate school in Angus were urn surcosslul in their bid to meet orlre again with the Simcoc Coun ty Roman Catholic Separate School Board to discuss the dc rnontlen at term principal Philip Plion in letter to the board the delegation bad asked to meet with it last night and ii that was not possible to meet with it at special meeting Since the letter was not received until late ihlrsday aiternoon by the board chairman no action was tukcn tor meeting last night irntrad tho board decided to write to the parent to once Io grin outline its position Coa tents oi the boards letter have not yet been made public The delegation met wt George ltaldrurn assistant de puty minister oi cducstien lion day in Toronto lie told the group to approach the board go div Pilon was dcmolcd as prin cipal liter he and two other male leathers strapped nine students who tailed in rompiete homework assignment Accord lng to board oillrials each man ttOUEil TD RENT Well satised with the resulted Townhouse to sublet tor months or more hbedrooms Telephone mom Nit FAST ACTION CALL EXAMle WANT ADS Milli strapped each child up to two times on each hand The board has said the strapng was axe rcssive and rmharraslng and not In keeping with the ministry oi educations policy oi exercising dlsoi line as would tim kind and dolls parrot Crey And Simcoe Foresters London Militia The Grey and Slmcoe Force ters militia regiment has been named by London militia district headquarters as its representa live he the General hitching lro pily competition to be held dur ing annual summer camp train ing ner week at Petswawr the unit detested ille other distrlm units last month ip rwash to like overell honors us contest which included tact ical stiila and adrninlstration An ad but lnlanivy colrlpnnyl District iteps made up oi men runs the red meet two regular companies in harrie and Oriilia will take pirf in the contest during its tirat day at Camp Petawswa Tha sompeting company be rommnndcd by Capt Anthony Keene oi onllia During the week the parttime soldiers will train under the dir cctlon oi regular threes mm the cadres in realistic situations in rugng terrain They will be toting with them only what they can carry on their boots Gels Two Years On Probatin William lebo id oi Scnrv borough was placed on probation tor two years Wednesday morn ing liter pleading guilty Tues day tea charge oi possession ota stolen car charge oi tailing to appear ior tvlai liar 19 was withdrawn alter the Judge srnee Reunion was told lebo had been serving titers in the Don Jail on warrants oi ronuulttai attimt time ilhbo was arrested Dec riler he was loud behind the whcol at stolen car lie was not driving the car and did not have the keys however The rsr had been stolen in Toronto nor to Assistant Clown Attorney nae Alexander told Judge Rennieha llbbo hadbeon conv dad in 0d ober lllloi possession roe trlcted weapon and In Novas her tittoi poetsosionnistelaa goods worth more than Ibo deienca noun at set told really rte tall tor suing tickets said leit rhortd be under its asked an extended period utu

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