Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1972, p. 3

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armorial Manager catamaran unmetam unintended dab E3 witrn WAN rigid NDPuoddlieinrtboiader Ited lie Partridge attha aducatlm attklutha New new Party links with Paul hanger tieitl nomin ntehard Partridg teeny Ilrldtng at North Sirncne inOrlillalastnlgM PWt lartridge Is Choice OijSimCoe North NDP ltlrhard Partridge ll et wetter Pittman NDP selection tulumpalglt note wlldleed ltarvia wII Democratic Party candidate tor the ipderei ridtae at North Siam at In Orillla last billi The onlyher undldItI Ions lasted llaII lielienrte oi Port hicllcolt declined due to ill oral in his iImlly hir Partridge who wII pepsin bled by Paul Wesrenger is title science mid at the diversity at WIlertoo which llr Wesseeger tenued that hot tni oi IodIllsrn which had dialled so many NDP little italics one at the old rat resided at Dro Township andstrlanioithalalal Dntty anemia tha nomination Mr waIIdr lIrtridgaI Imp hit PIrtrtdge said he tI In lastte Ihud tho made at Ilil Election We are no longer PW he said WI have to Itonr thinking that home day we win this riding ll wIeIn got the resourcar tie mmpowen Ind the will we will win this time it LIth DiliNllthTlNO lie uld the Trudeaumanll which swept the country ivw days haters the Ian ledsret Il ccllrm In till delusional In more Ind thI liberals are dlslntengthig Tire Seminar Attendance Tour at therewith trutedtltapeopla Yoova gm erecting little and wilhllrlart halhmhhlthoi hadbecarcplae hylrttdeatlpbnhil iiaatberamrbualrlm lllnlalerthalhaldvcnlms oi hlmuli inwnd national tmityl IIhed Wbetyoutaha Just Society how many pieces oirnalor leglIlItlnI have been planed III the lost Mir years letter Prams parted his bocslled weak government And what Prime lilaIIter bu let the mantel palltiee Ind the pruvinrlIi gor Irnmeate with ten crescent lb Pllman IIld ha rupports the partys chain oi candidates wlanar here pari be uld And that Is not political pullery te in allot ItrItrhtlorward articulate Someone you be proud to have represent ml llI said he thoright the upcom lng election wont be thought The hlmcoe Gotme ldtlttlal lira Aid System training strainer held In Barrio Saturday was poorly attended Deputy Tire Chlei this Haley said only it Ilremen trons apron SlmcoeCotm lumedoutinrtha thoseeondei this At the first car ulnar held id Tettenham to lay ol the Bard Ind Pllll Titrgerald and it licough at th Menham tire do pariment instructed the man in miles strains rescue and lot der drill Ind Idvaacod Imohe muidrltt latlrstctassiheylearnerl how the correct water rqure tor various sired lira ln the second th were given Instruction on how out up lad ders and rescue Inlured or to conscious persons And in the ad vanced smote rath drill barrels oihsywerocomedwithoilsnd set on the The resulting smote Illttttkllled kconditions Into mas The next semiasr will be held In September It location to be determined later date lo determine NIGHT liliSiiBllil STllllTS ler ELMVIIII Ari lune PC htaseoe ten trot left out the ribbon iaal alpr to oiitdIlly inIugucItI night buoball It Elmvale Fair grounds Assth to the pro cecdings ls halo Brown pro sideat oi the slnscoa Centre Promsslve Conservative As IoelItion Also present It Elm chosen the New critic and guest IpeIler It the ershiporteatodrsmpalgn owner We liodsa oi bis ance it is gone II anxiartitu II 0n the light side Roger Putty the SlmMCdtro NDP undtdrte in the last viadal election hit one pl party members to lirlartriclgsthe Ihlrt oil hark not then out tioneduiibcthlhoshlrt Indldr PIrtriigoI tto toiIt sales em united to In We may be socialists but we like the bitch lir Prrtty said LIONS GOVERNOR Norman coghlle Dtrtrtrt Gor ernar oi the lines Club will Id dress the members oi the Barrie lions Chth at their nal breat lng oi the club year tomorrow alsta It nurture more In hila rtI Point The meeting will in clude review at the run work and has tor revcral sum mer sects Ictlvlttea lbI meet ing will begin It use Mt velea lightMark night were litmvale lteeve carll bleach Tim Townehl Reeve Eullittlott Gordld rem rldeal oi Barrie and District dialer Fastball leIguI tbm Simnts iirat vicepresident oi Ontario Amateur Solthall As sedation Ind llIrry Row 35 elends Trees SayaTooManyBeingCutDown ltI high time remem Ito purl MI New to trod saturth to Stanley limit Ansel st whowrde about the sable In the city and had his ideas discussed by them public weds committee but hit lisetunb talked about some not what butchered what was probably the but trra in Barrie it tree roots get laid sewer lines In the hall at the uwerl not the Iron Ind Ihould be treai ed accordingly he charged III ah so suggested trimming tree In ther than wholesale chopping lie aiIo eharged that From where vaI been to tinrte it would be In Improvement to than down the horses Ind leave the trio Ind uhcd libero ll brIutlial Barrie we hear so much Iboutl The committee wu told it has no authority the condo linnlcipal to regulate what peopledowlthortntrceson prletI property Engineer llay Allen said the city Iiready has policy oi not teaching any trees on public property without the crnseni oi the abutting property owners The curatmtltle reared in ad vise lir Useurnb oi this sad Iorerded the letter to the Pm and Recreation Cornrnis Ilea tar tta lniormatlnn Location diurnal aurora Dllll Firemen were attest to horn on Tue ltoad hionday when woman reported her clothes dryr It In rotation Them In no tilt and tha mute had sub sided by the time the linemen mired ITTT AND RUN There hm been two hit and run accidents In horde in the last two days the tint one was in unsound In hmlualmanynithaprob irnnt oi ltd Duchworth St It all Im today DIrnIgI was Is tlmatod at life to vehicle own ed by Round Toasey ol thick worih Street Damage has not yet been estimated to vehicle With little help hoot mIny irienda the metered Workshop moved to its new address lasihlghtthnhacartagarom tributedtruelsaninunpow er and cotangent oi employ cta tram liabnar at Canada lid Ilsn hebxd tn Ilgidaa tho lead tamper Photo Lakeshore Road Whistles Discussed By Public Works lateshoto Road lIcilities lor marina customers and ghls liing trains were Ili tIrd tngcther hy Iha city public works centrali iro It Its meeting lIst night The committee Itartcd ottate greasing Walter iinugcndyhefl leiv tee Iuggating toilets be provid ed It the marina llI complain ed boaters now make use oi bus depot iIdIitles and he raid the city should pay iot Ierrlcrs at its own uty engineer lily Allen told the committee plans Ire being repaid the new city marina building to borne earetIter Ind his operslloos Ital said it would be relatively easy matter to enlIrgI the thlnhm gInd put pub llc washrooms II well Is the any mm there cornrnittee wcnt tnIdsmtssi oahlthetarlciman inn slated inr demolition They read report from the city pur dusing Igcta rho had two utili ow tor the demolition luh hoth certaide too him city stall lion quota are Insight The committee has authority to demolish the building but council approval oi expenditures ovrr sleep It necesary The despoti tlon prongm will probably need council approvIl since the two bids received were ior Add and um Works superintendent Neil lua said both bids cIma Irons out oiiown ilrmn sad the purchasing agent is contacting local centur ion to tea lower price can owned by Fred PthI oi Welling Mm mm hum ton Street which was struck in input oi iii Wellington St at In am Monday TATla DISCUSSIONS Members oi Mental lleIlth liar tie and representatives oi the social rervlcu in the Barrie IreI willmectthlslalllodlscsmatho needs oi people In the em The group also hopes to be able to worn to coo Itloa with the III dust terns Icing socially Iod emotion Illy disturbed persons In the PSTGiIAllllC PATIENT tin and membcrr oi the stall oi the pdychlalric unit It Royal Vic toria Hospital may meet to the tell to discus how they can in teract Ind MperItv with eIch other to the care oi psychiatric patients DISTRICT LIEUTENANT lioh DeIgle oi barrio wu Ip pointed District liesttenaul It the GtornInTreot District An ouIl Canterrncs oi the Canadian Power souedron held In liluslrola our the weekend hlr Dlld will art Is Issistsni to the ds trict training oliiccr GROW lN TUNDIIA The main plInts growing to Canadas tundra Ire lichens ley IIIpresident oi ElmVIle Merchants malor lutbail truss hiedge threw the rst pltehuoder the new lighting system to start the game be tween Elmttlle iicrchauu and Darrin Coon Elmvale lost It tEsIminer Photoi hedges masses and Involving shrubs name to Itnrrr Well Iatlslicd with the mall Townhouse to sublet tor months or more bedrooms Telephone 72W FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS mlilt lag The problem Is that the build lag tmt threr to be ready this year Ind the rasrwnttiee that de dried to invutigate the idea oi portable lobes II Itepgsp mum Aid lioss Archer set me the city should provide menitles tor boaters It talism ltal midgetth ed to dorm to rather funds rows the pub lthan thog pttrse Aid At gen 13 heth ru rt try pert sun liprnodallsm coststtbe rlty too much they could be removed The portable units would have to be instilled outside the fence It the marina and the Ildennen tested vsndIis might wreck them during the bidet iingus lions Club Elects Ollicers new this oi ollirers tor the Angus and District Lions club was elected It the recent yeIr end ladies Ind guests dloaersnd dInee It the lions ttIll In Arie IThe incoming oitlters Ire leo ry Barrowclough president Jun burns George tasrater Ind not touch vice pruldents CICIl lilason Iectcinry John ltlac Dougell recording secretory Bill hialor treIsurer litll lied dnn tail twister Ind Tnm lln hey lion tamer New directors on Charlie Bell DIlo Johnson Don Simms Joe Williams Brian Wolrtteld Ind Ed Srhultr Edwin WItlrr pest district governor with his can Gordon rooo chairman Isststcd In the retaliation proceedings Ind ad dressed the club on the duties and the ohlects oi iioru Clubs Says Municipalities No Longer Have Control Oi Regional GooernmentPlans In Their Areas Provtaclsl trcIstuer Darcy Ilclteough tardsy told rnua lclpalltiaa lay an landIr control overregional government plans tor their arm we new ltleI chancI to ash or emai mueu ecu it it delegItee to thaWAIsnchtion Municipalities oi Ontario conven lton thIt all that he chant The pronouncement could not be called surprise in the price vlrtclll budget In March litelteougb uld than are the till too many municipalities and mimlctpnl repreteattttveo locally were told the nine thing at In Association It Counties In Regions workshop mouth Igo lir ltciieough outlined what he called new provincial lt1I lout moment which drntchlly Ilte his lot politic tInI who tailed to heed the wining to rush timed to data Wdd muntclpsl beet yards TWO MASON it to government policy was made tor two reasons It local government It to ay vital nether than redundant and It times coatrndlciory role in both the euunristlon and ex ecution at its share oi positive policy in the province thIt ngduallsnr must be serious qttuilmed Graduation is term he used to describe the provincial well and res pet that ha lust heen IcrIpp ii The Iccend reason Is simpler in may recent reglouIl govern nseat studies county boundaries have been lethal to little local to ltlatlve Ind plInalng tor the re gion At this point hlr llclteeugh has complete Itith trons har rlo poll clam The city and surrounding township have to study mutual problems Ind Ire considering chInges hlliotltal beundarlos that some ital are blocking orderly dev elopment oi the Itch Aid Al liacrnillan chairman oi the city development commi ir Mutt the cheats too said via the thanch ut lng place in society theres no reason there hirtorlcel Malindariess not change II we lie pointed to studies now go ing on with regud to Industrial road leads along the BIrrlelnnlaltl Township botmdary The city has Ierylces iur Industrial land but no land The township bu land but no services Aid lilo mltlaa said Burtodarlet thIt were good and valid Iyears ago Its not good and to today The Barrie area Is not likely to be laced with government ul tlrnItunI in the our More Top priority has been given to the Golden llorseshoe area around the west end oi late Ontario and the Nighwa ill corridor between Montreal and Windsor However Slmcoe County does ths task iorre set up under the Toronto Centred ttoglaa in Icheme and this task iorce could be asked to comment on mater government restmciurlng In the area clir ltrlteough IIld the see municipalities to mimic Cah hot be expected to deIl elteco Ively with problems that are returned in the residents at wid er local areas there are in the many in purpose boards Ind one They obscure the Iccouatabltlly at councils and impede comprehensive prior lty rotting Decilieas MI by Icparetod cities nrtowns Ird counties st iett the same gee apble are and the same peope IllITtD PHASE hir llclieoughe program out ilnod yesterday Is the third phase at the Design tor Development program ItIrted In Ilia lie Isld Increasing urban pree IurI hasIdded urgent to the need iar economic mold resoum IllacItlon 1th must be planned in boards Ittch way that Inertia ptn Wisteriapartotanorer Iii ItrItegy to enhance the lives at all var hoopla rdtl do Mr ilur amslll vs In noun thIt the melanoma ro giunI delineated in the mldiue would be eonsolldstod into ttvs atolls Intern Ontario Can trIl Ontario Southern and West ern Ontario Northeastern Ittd Northwestern Ontario The regions were set up to facilitate statistical study les and are being consolidated because the to IrcIs had be come thward irorn IDllllnll viewpoint The to advisory councils It tched to the to region system will be replaced by itverecm bcr council with non oi the new region The minister IIld the new cottath may be gained under and hit lticheough said This policy mid be minted in deed contradicted by system at locIl government thIt ieeis compelled to maximize its dev elopzneot and its tax yields The emphasis on to yields mlrt Irmarm horn there the coronatth dis cussed train whistlts trt parties In the whistle tor the htulcaster street crossing lending to the iormer Carley marina The city had hoped to rad the whistling by temporarily closing the ordering until the lakeshnrc termite Wallf nuwtoonnhd that It clones the crossing Ind then reopens it the rallwa will not he rcuttlred to pay any part at the cost at automatic Irgnals wmm or three years alter the cooting rruocns The city was told this regains tieo exists to discosnagl the open tag oi new erasing The committee Inggutcd the best alternative might ha in get the Carley building demolished and use till Irons the WI 5t culvert to build up enough lab shore tar norm type at roIdey Is In as htuchster Street oars lraiiic is moving across the ma lag the city would be In posi tion to have the Chili instIll Into matlc Lights and trains would no longer hare tn whistle HST GUIDE Carmlttee then turned down request irntn Allan to putupIignsohtheCarleyprop city advertising Ilsh guide sea ice The committee recommends city policy recommends city pol icy rental1g permisslm ier corn rnerctal Idverttsta Itgm ea pub ticproperty Ind dlitr AiiIaI realest said not be compiled with anway because the boobi lng is being removed in the very near inture ennmmmi doctors or this or no be we edited IuchI htulctio board In included in plans tor upgrgding custodians quIrtcrs a=rzcrsrxn Showers Stormy Overnight Heavy liainlalls lire likely Todays hot humid weather to the lirrrie Ircu will come to an end with showers arid thunder starters overnight These should clear by Wednes day Ilternoon and temperatures will be cooler The low tonight will be so be so dcgrecs above lens and the high tomorrow will he TI to TS aynmls hot humid sticky dIy is in store tor southern One tario disturbance is expected to move slowly but steadily eastwards reaching the lower Great lattes by Wednesday ait erosion Ahead oi it showers and thtmderstorms will be general with heavy thI at times gt some localities in Ioutbern central Ontario at much as an inch and hall West or the dis turbance cool dr arctic air It spilling out or north This will give runny skies and brlslr northcriics to central and North em Ontario Wednesday it should units In the south by Wednesday evening Toruntnt llIIy Ind humid todIy showers Ind In oscI Iioaal thunderstorm this alter upon and orenslght Wednaday showers but clearing and center by evening lilsh Iy mitt tor law tonuht 60 lo hi High Wednesday in the mid ms Windsor tendon Late St Clair late Erie LIlte tlurorr southern Georgian Bay tiny and husuid today Showers and thunderstorms this literan and overnight Showers Wednes day but clearing Ind center by alteration lllglls today to to as lows tonight so to 65 except 65 in To Late St Clair region High Wrdnostiay 70 to TS itatulltnrt Petcrburough Nl IgarI lake Ontario Hnlrhur ea ttlghn Wednesday 15 to so Sudhury North tiny southern Waite litter northern GeergsIo Bay Trmagarnl Algomn Coch rIIte Cloudy with showers and thnderstorms today Wednes day clearing Ind not Is humid with northerly winds to it ill hs today 70 to nuts to nigt it in t5 north so to 55 south iiighs Wednesday near 70 Northern White River west era James have Cloudy wt showers todnylwtnds northerly to to 15 cirormg this evcrtlng ttodnesdIy runny lllghs today near to laws tonight is to lliglis Wednesday as to T0 Ottawa Montreal Sunny with iew cloudy periods Ind chance at late utterance or evening shower lllgh today at to es Windy this atlrrnoon To night clearing with low at so to 65 Wednesday matniy cloudy with showers or thunderstorms lilglt Wednesday on lllgh TM lllgll Today Tonlxbl Wed TD Ti d5 63 Windsor SamII Th Th 75 70 TI TI St Themes Kitchener Iouni Forest Wingth Owen Sound ltusholra llImlllun St Catheriara Toronto lhcuton Kingston Petcrburuugb Killaloe North Bay Sudbury Earlton limrnlns Noptrskosmg gaaaagsazaaaa may lessen with provincial in ten liIry tend humid today Ind Maria rrtorma also Inrreumd tridly WednesdIy with Ihowers and cprieau by premier William Davis These reforms would include provision tor including lucr empt oi partlallyexempt lands In the tax been at the munici pality Ind new ways or tax Iag special property lite tann tbo Icgls ot thI OntIrio Eran land orrslc Council which her heavy representation oi business com merclai Ind Icndemlc interests In addition regional advisory compared at senior civil servants will be IttIchod to the new regions to provide prone clIl peeeence nally thI government will reconstitute lu own committee at deputy ministers to act II Id vlaors on urban and regional planning There will be bery none on local governments to on along hir liclteough said yesterday the idea is to orerent Iblit in taxes to restdratiIl properties and laid reassessment and tax relorm would be hatroduced It the IIme time llarhet vahta Imminent cornea into elicct cross the province in lots ldr lidteough raid the in Islam would care the transi tion trons the aid to the new tar system and revamped system oi trIrtsier payments to bolster inadequate mrmlclpal re sources thunderstorms lttrrrlng cooler late Wednesday lllghs tme to Whi River Geraldton the mid Ids hows toolght 60 to lloorooee Weather forecast brought to you daily by STEEL BELTED RADIAL SPECIAL Kelly hbrilglleld Sartre Super Charm wider Raised White letters GloIIOIIIStbhilm mltOBuNHW re ecrtrs other name GTh It 031 didu Panrd Body IId llhulllal belied Call In NOW with your Ides PAlllllAND TIRE Winner 5t MICHELIIIX 7161120

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