Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1972, p. 11

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itilclsthZA Astrosstiitonkatvtets manPyrm rPtr rbtroted Ali Appear Fatior 52 is not our Ii Jerry In ttreun kfltiVllbOMol the error cud order Nike merry chritenrrr light hervr ram Ihr Dob Toech tor hll 11$ north Exhrremlyht Ito All Minx lorwrrd to return crutch Initial the only mil to bert hire hermetrht Liar Joe mdrr rryr Qurry II Glitter punchrr cIn bit end it tmlmwrdreiilwwhen he Ildlerwd red Ibere he wunl out betore rrld thrt midlt not hIpoen train so Im riIlInr elrrythtn In tirhtinr him WEIGHT ABOUT er 543 DltlvllNllACB other red aemenie drove in three runr entree tor the Pie the etrhth tinte brcelohee unobtqu brrebeeo Irhed Ihe iooe minty oi Dterkrr kurthlrdtnntrlertnueby up In lieu lit th ninth SINGLE PAY lloueim Wild ilk In the seventh on nmerortn rinsier by lee III Ind Tommy ilelmr then other run In the nntb no mother IIBI their by ry DlerIIr byerroid richt under who he been with Noun ion rim IN IIRI hll lrrl belt wuot prrlleulrrly overpower lu but control In the key Ive bId better news be Irid but nevcr better control US Court Refuses idleGuerturn Rule And at rrrtnet excbrmplon trreoo In New You think heI rrrxy to rent to hpht YetAlitrribtddondlolIlb MMMIBIJIVIII pound tor in ninth lemon In II were humor ertort IIrt melatn Irrlnrt Mines Groin thereto oi Oundr rt 30 litre rm one New 519mm L1 miner All to Ihllldre IIid 0mm rcpt tench think in wit to II he rum zerorote tine tween 211 end no Ind thrl My in need BIS Irene II rood um eonirlri llolIdI It riontml nineteen IIuiInlI the runnlnr It the Ittnnlm Blue rbIIienn iork lrtrr Id Bomberetrrtninx Imp ICE in bed PIII hedL dtart the uh thin or two ebout Photo IIuII rmbwred Sports Hall Of Fame Elects New Members titrd Drve thrney ten nt rpperrte Idnowl III III to vibt with delene yrrrr Court bu reiueed overturn breehlile wdedt tune the only rootlelenlpt trom Intiiruet 1m The btphert court In the thur throw the mrttrr beck II dtrlnirreeted coo re mu which hre Idopted none ol the more then to bill Ipr dined tn the lrrt two decrier to churn buebrlir eerrrve ryr lent which Note plryer to one term indenitely All ii ddh or mer ottiielorr out Flood the eourtr reiueel to reoettne the receive ctruee tried the poelb hillty oi Iltothrr Ind more me then ItIrt oi the 1m buehrll rereott tor more thrn work hnchIly It to rubiect ier collective hrrrrlnlnrl Irld itichud More countel tor the tutor turtle DIubIII Pleyere Allocilllon nut prudcrlly II II the new tor were long Itrllo You either lorret It or Iirile over It run both Ire unlortullIII rennet tire mriled bnic ryreernent bdrmn playerl end were er pim Doe done with pen Iten end her inurrrnce Irree menII reIched Ilter the recent etrllreln AprlIthuch mrnt reverr mllltmwn rr ry rxprrnel Ind mrnv ober nuee lLAgvlllliD THENd ry ri wer plemr to dim the re yetem Ind every IItempt ive enerel Itrike nextr The one which dIlIy the summon hide or the other ride IlIve thrnrod wIu be deli ted in rlt down Ind bucolic It wen hrvo In no It lint lloltlllr one buebell cum tlvo Mild to remrtn unidenti lted roll hope were Intelli rent rnetholeyerr Ind mrn Iruncrlt Itiileto negotirte thlr belore were iorccd to do It Tlut power min with Cutie run But Juttice llrrry IIrIeaun dill thlu preme Onortr wth ontolon noted ibrt Con but Id ion thne to do Iomrihlnl Ibeut Htrrldslldthetartthotltdld nothtru Indicator more then mere CMtlllilhllli Iitence with rionowrti re Ih Dy ITII CANADIAN llilbl CIIrcltre Cemlbell president It the NIIlotlrt Iockey terrue uld hIolidIy the decision by the United bitter Supreme Court to rcloct bid by hut Flood to hrve brrrbrlll relerve clnulo declared tile Ii hnI no eitccl whatever on ockry lire dedrlon htu no eliorl uhrtetrr ton hocrkyi except It stabilizes the whole epoiu mil Itu Crmphetl told it the le Irrvr eleure hurl been drclrred In vtoirtlon oI tIittIinlli you would We had contactlump Inn Ill over the piece iicrnwhite onlebrll IIorler itewle Kuhn tried to BASEBAI By Tltlt CANADIAN PRESS AnteitrII lune HIII it lrttlllI III All ill It 350 N10 451 All Norton 11 la tii All IlloveIInd 0A 451 till lillwntrlton it 55 IN lrei Orkinnd 31 11 085 Ihlcrxn hi It All hlirtnrrotI III II 040 III Kranr City in it tbl ll trIllnrnII in II tld ilN TexIr It All It itrrttitr iloodry Cloveirnd It httnnerote ppd Roelon II Texnr mind Detroit tv triiiornln iirltlmore OIttlre Wednerdry MolteitirktendN comm Detroit IlIItlmnrr New York Itl Ind prrrtrtty NHLPresIdenlSaysIluIing HaslIoIIItect 0n Hockey Imus Plryrrr Aubetrtten decision cenrtructtve Ind cIIIed tor renewed collective brrrrln Inn on the mom ryrtem Itlcr the 1m IoIlon The decision which upheld the reserve riruro thrt binds plryor to the club thrt thdr hlr rontrrchm received with iti tle surprise by reverrl plryerr Ilul they IIIo piomired to try to heme the ryrtem throur collective hrrrnlnlitl Wewltl continue In our ri inch to romrdy the Incouttlce in bnrebnlle cunt receive Iyr tom throu collective beryrtn Inr rIld Mervin Miller execu llve director oi the hlrlor noon 20 Mi II 051 hi it 11 000 III II lle It ll AZI IT TO ll I51 in Iiltrburrh New York Cbtcrca ilontreut 5t touts Ihilrdeiphlr inelnnhii lloulton eel dit Il ll 501 II In Angela 201051 1v Aiilnil 11 ii 081 IIn Dlero It 31 zttt It Sen Irllnrlrro it hit till Itrrultr liondry pitched tile run out Iter one ot the bell Irid stonemrn threw mIlnly the hIll Ind the cbInII Alter Suspension AIANTA tAPi AIIItttI Ill WINTI the heel Ive rtnilnl lert Bravos Reinsleie OrlandoCepedI deI hrrver who rqucndrd Orlrndo Cepodr Irrt weekend rltrr he and to be IrIdcd returned or Inn Iwry retd Nondry the buomrn hrd been rein rtItcd Ce we not Immrdirtcly Ivrt Iblr Ior comment lollowtn TORONTO ICIt The CInr dtrn Sport IlIlI at nine today mounted the election at relen new memberr lnclutlinl lions IIIOT Athpl NurrIy who lound Notre DIme Oollere It Wilcox Srrirr hirrr NurrIy end lrrk lirm Illon ot hector writloown Wertern hockey Ind tootbnlt exi rcullvn were etcetrd In the builders rolrrory Elected in the active lportr rnterory erro riilenlrrt Dr Detmund Iturile rpeedrkrter lItiI Brooke rprlnter litldr strike yrchtmlrn Writer Win Ind bore Dirk ltowlrd Montrrril IIIII strum stud out Gnehtnrtl iledr on lolrr rln Tu thII Tim Foil Ind lion Woodr drove In the hoof run with eIertIlce Illa llrruid IleI chrlrmrn rd mittee el itontrrrl lpertl writ Andy Oerrn vlllrre to mine lrom lterInI ilurrry rtrrtrd Nolrr Drme borrowed buildlnrr The reboot hII rtiunl McLainliIay BeheadyToIleturn To OaklandiromBirmingham Istlevtuie NC Ail the mom htii beerd oi rollr non Iiro mounted the Ip pointment to the eelectIon com hlrn liurrry to relrrtrd II Ippotntrnrnt to hit nrtive To rnnto in um Ind irlItrId be rImI pIrIIh priest It Wilcox Whrn drought hit the Iretrtrl In In Ind money In where rdurntton becrme mire ttlrr clone with the poomt oi teeth the decisions with hirnlinp Biil Maresosiri vi PILGHL IIILtIin will here In hrm me test In tll nltb wb brwrnlnlnel sir Indwbrltdnebonvtilrte mrclln with Ilrrver oitt rlIh InddinlleblnlenfAtieltI director at piryer pcreonnei rrtci he Itdmrnr er lumrn iIIrrII hed mrt wth Cepedn rod everything hrr been re IOIIIO Oepedr uho ll recovcrtnr Irom knee operltion lIrt lril complrlned till ho was not both rilowed tn plry enough he tell the club betore Satur dry nlrhtr rrme IrrInII Itont rrrt Expos ohen htl nnme wunt In the darling lineup mid IlerrII promptly rusprnded lult wrnt to piry bolt the tyerroid rlurer id rhow up red It They Iry In my knee It limp they te the were my klth It brd Ilut rte Donn Idd he Illeltnermtmd or minatutl in the tint rrme el Southtrn it no double herltrr rrrlntt AI rville good Ihuitln nimi the Baltimore tJrioIeI nrm club could trull the torture it rrnte winner or DttruiI 11 pure hack into the nlrlor Icurttrs lie yrlhnbly needs nnothrr noel outing to he tllitii to tirkiund Intd hirnltnchnm rnonrrcr Phil LItrrrltI lion dny nlchl ntlrr lhn lcnmr first some not ltterrme IO rice WI wind out ilut runl say he will he rniicri up rnutlonnl tnlnr rltr The only thin do In nlnkn utti poll on rnrh lltllitl Ind tell that Onktnltrti tht rec Dut Denny IIIde me sued the lutbrll III In elorlty Ind movrmrnl Ire concerned In his test two timer out hichlne third victory In that the tut it better in Ile chewed endurrnre Ilronrth learned Ill be hr iIIe In the chute neck no to work me to Did rm Detroit ls hnrk IrkI me in not too per cut but an Iin mainly to pitr end do rhu no rrromplieh thin Plank Retirement PITISDUIIGIIIIAPI Vet rrrn record buemrn littl NI lererit ol illtrburxh Ilrrter rryr he ll rrllrlnr II plr er II the end oi the ration ut wouki llke In IIry ln bucbrll IIhh hero It the OH old detenrtvr lilI Irld in In In tervtew Itrroroekl In eirhirttmr Goldenttlove winner rnd Illl tlmr Alister rrtd elrlltr titet he hId considered retlrlnl IIIt Short Term liliViIiK IIIowrncr err The Arreclrlod Prose termed mum NEW thrt lllll Vlrdon PiillDtlilil Pir Itn mrnrrer hId rotlllderrd iirrrroeki tor rorchirll lob IIUIITT IIURTINO HOUSTON lAIl Iltiliy strub New York iletr meet productllr hitter this Ierron will ruin leverrl Irmer he cnure at Iovrreiy rprIIrtrd right bend the Nrtloan term boIebItl rlub rIId hinndrt other Ferd modeln Ivrltrhie It rimilrr rItlm tlh ll ESSA RD tivlrrro Sen lrrncllce ltttrburnh It to Angel ihtiodot It AilIntr ppd linntrer Onclnnrtt Houston New York Srn niece It Louie ppd Orrner Iicdoeldry The Adult It itttrbureh Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc Ihureriry rm up only rill nltr Ind re diln Amrterlr itnIrey Amie row II we rrrtotnty hit but came by tar iii Coverall It no certainty his belt line by Irr lrld Cevrrettr ruin rll the way Ind hlr Im rrndy to pltrh tor Ork lnnd he told hrve my ehxiiy rcrln Ind my control in tmnrnvrti rnme to hire minphrm to It mych Into Iny thin rho here know Im 72064 oi tire but it rieeyr her more rp Iicrtlonl thrn it run handle It nitr tteell In 300 Itudentr mrlI Ind ternrle hirer liurIy hIl oiwryl Ilreoted the dolrioprnrnt oi the Individual Ind put oi this pbiiorophy enrourrred eportr rt Notre DInle Sport help rnonnouiy he lnld In In interview rhout leur yrrrr Ice The textilidurl corner out In Clint And the litl dent who wrtrhre hunt the ride liner crnt help but become part ol li vIrIriouIIy it errttcr hi lranInItlun Among the rportl liruru to dmce trom Noire Ilrme Col lere were NItlonIi ilockry LeIrtIe ployrre IlIrth Iloerrh Don Ind Nick iirlr Ind tun hie itnnlliton nnlile oi IIirdo till Ont moved to Soiirlche wIn In 1009 Ind iXttIllle IctIVI ln hockey Ind lootbnil there Itockey Aeroctrtlon the Im tlnn the tnnndinn Atnrteur belt lonlrrenre ck iirlnln wen rent to Ilir nltnrhout hy tinkirnd three Intn nitrite Mill itirritiicht nrlrt No II cnnlidcnt the lip on ititi Ilnll thut rrrrtrd him rd in NM with NI earlier tPLY AND RADIALS erutt GUARANTEE ALL sizes ONLY to PER TIRE when you buy ltr pIrinIr It mrnutrc Iu rI Iuppertect Ilri pr lelied Time Otter FRONT END AllrnanIt Ind ltrtrnre $1295 to hitch He Returns nth $m3mlouera To Ntii Hyers turtle riuh illIlADilPiILA lAPi litrht winner Bill netl wbo lumped to the World tterkey no Ioctrtlon iIIt month returned to the Nrtlonrl itorrey ltrrue Itoletry Ilrnlnr thrreyrrr contrret with Phltedeiphir I1 ere eith Allen renerri mrnrrer oI the FIyerI Irid be exported no lemdltttcuttlre concernlnr the yerr contrrct IIett lined with New York iter oi the WilA We noted to ill to Hell no mrtter llan they the Reid erri did WI believe ihlt he Brent Ilughu Inr rrty ol our other piryrlr uho hlil Iliu ily timed eith the RNA Ire ettt our property We Ire pumo All Our Replacement Perle CARRY we nine or lie GUARANTEE KIRV JOHNSTON morons no Your lirnte Veihrwrrrl DeIlee II It terrier ruidrnt It the mkrtcbewrn Amrtrur Athletic Union Ind the ileum Interprovlnnlrt iturhy iorAbIll Union now the Write Foot in III or them In very rum Iive rrlInnrr GOIFERS 12 PRICE SPECIAL Metre you pet TO 500 400 300 200 AII Dry lb Notee 0300 pun 0000 purl on Dry ll ileier 500 Queenm coo 600 CLlP THIS COUPON WEEKOAYS Geller Ind Oeller VI Price Only 250 Only 200 Only I50 Only 100 WEEKENDS Geller 1nd Getter VI Pelee ontyreo Only ere Only 200 nuurtciewrrlt rum AT GOLF HAVEN COUNTRY CLUB Let or prove that Goll Heron lr the linen and but mnlntnlnrd Golf Course North oi Special GetAcquainted OIIcr When you ears money tor OOLF be crrtrln DOLLAR SAVED riter you pry Iedryr trrer lr TWO DOLLARS EARNED LIl my to you um Ii GOLF HAVEN Country club you get TOP VALUE PLUS ler your dotlIr Til oppllcntienr tor the poetiione ei MANAGERSlitilHiSIRAINERS tor hockey teams In Novice Peettce hantem illitch rnrt Juvenile Ige clredilcrtionr will be received by the undersigned until July lot 1012 CONPIRMATION POSITION TO BE COMPLETED BY August Isl 1912 All ml SCOTT Cbrlrrner Coroner Ird Itrrrrre Committee It Altrrd ht TELEPHONE lllwt Sun Prlnrllcu rt chicrro San Diego It ht Inuit PhiladclthiI It Atlantr hlontreI It Cincinnrit New York It liourtott no pull one PRESENT TNIS COUPONAT PRO SHOP VALID UNTIL JULY 3rd tGOLFpHAVENi COUNTRYvilli Hwy ii Olllerd Ont uid10163 Home crowniuuerht rm NIrmIII Only IlMIleI South elBIrrle ilrltlmoro It Cniliorntr Cleveland Ii Illnnerolr Only i50 hlcrro It llilwrukee RIanI City It New York It Toxrr It Norton MO INT II TOW tit Itll liAllS TIHH TOWN lll BURTON AVE 7282224 GENERAL conrnncrone AIPIIALT OONCAITI IOODINO run rune Irllltrtr on IIIIIVIIYAYI PAIIRINO WT PAVING AND DEALER All ANYTIME 333

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