ii to gt era 13 Eggs gen iii Egg iii it Ere eli it UNESCO and MINI 0140100011 Elector Ind IIrtrrd le gxephylretrirhretglree Jillianva errl metroMW lollme origin ir no In EEi 232 lively unto rrvr two lIlrlI winninl pitcher John the tint Inninr uriloilumitbl Iiciroden were thereinm Ind Brier iteCIIn mound Itrlit out betterr Ind Helen YIrocbe Itrrtior hhithid or red one rune Nelle pitcher CI III on tour hill no rlkr Ind rnill Ind Iirn Burhetlh la OLYMPIC SAILING REPRESENTATIVE ALLAN LIIIIL Best Sailing Competition Found On LukeySImcoe WWW DItrII YrrhtChthrndlour yurl In oi Bruno There rre lhreeDrrronr en the hit now tberruud Id be it EE e2 ii nmurrw rum ItIlIIIrtter III or ohm litter lonr Itrrrlr Yrdtt the beat combtnItIoo SE ii ser egg ii gig Ea WW err tor lunar In New Pee wee Britten lildret Ind luv cutie elucidation thinner It the eorcbee Ind mrnr re comlttre itm beoti it it Imitation until luAty IiIeInberrchedIttl lied Street late one item llertlons be eonltrrned belieIr 21 5i too Tim Tilt rulerw in nu Trill All 100 250 lirln Check tlowery 110 Item eterd strn iN both me Tinwruten Ollletll tlti pill 00 Hilbtltlnlliepree lturhe IIIt tilclern r1 em tNlekiei Tittle 100 I1t0 010 SD 020 Moreen tim It the CulletortI Gill AM 100 tinder ohd MMIII or MontiW little we Cub Doodnlon tleIni no lie Expo lucked ltd lonesome VIiiey mm film 100 Olluill llvli JIM lllJl limb0W Illil we Doretbee Wick tTrorl too lir ldwrrd PIcIt Robineeni Wldwl iee tsheldon NIer rnlie we PopulIr Bred tiitl Mikel Dorrllnlon tlIonni Jimmy Blnr tLIiIurh Time mt it Tull0400 trite peeI liltitl Seuon DIrei Spencer twine IleyerI Creed tlreyt 10 III we till Atterdrrce tun Mittuel ttIIIlI mm Trick Ceuluen Tut I50 At 1100 1000 zOlih Tables Reported Pact Between Knights And Marilee TORONTO CPI The One ItIrIo liockey Aerociltion tehled oported Irreemrnt leIdIy nl In which tendon Knirhtr otcrod In tilde tirrk Ilowe to their DNA Junior lie riu vrlI Ibronte tirrlboror The Mrlor JuniorAcnuncllel Icluhownm meetinr behind closed doorr In eliect told Ion donowlln iIolurd Drrwtn rrld NrrihoroI torch Frrnk Danette to rettletilelrmen IImI The derl oil or the to Mid Ion oi Gordie tlowe mInIrer Torn Sm he Ind other Termite Illicihti Drrwln movui It the meetin Nondry thrI til en be voided WI mrd deli lrld hello wrr lined by both teInlI Ind It in II Im coo rrrned birth ltowe II my men Ire tor someone mloueiy tolerated In IIIlboIt ruin Icotldlbl in Allen Leibei yotml Tornlto lrwyer who will repnun Cur ode to the Olympia thII Ium NW lelbel II It will be Iitpper ol probrbly the me Ill cm in Eula mine Oiymt enemy Ind determtnrtion ol the younr ew will old truth in line In ite tint ever moor tor rattler The Drrxoo clru our oi the meet competltlvr eireeer oi we Inc II one oi live Olympic elre rec crnedr will enter Omens In to loot sloop rlr red bortr with crew oi three utbeir crew Ire Nell Ounn Ind lrInk Iirll eiIo oi Toronto Were your rod unettrcir ed Ind brve been Itie to three oureeivu into thlr over the put two yerretbe wry older Irtlorr with emitter couldnt tirre uludrwmreem the biueet Ihl we month let under ocern ten The trio won the rlrht to re preterit mm It the recent In 01mm tour In Hrillex bert In out In other errwr iron truer Cenedr YOUNOEIT CREW We me the younrerl crew In ilrlltrx rod IIIll dellnlteiy be thr youngert tn OermIny hi bet eIid UIuIlly likipperr In older inan rerIonod IIIlIrr with two younger crew membere to do the heavy work the Olymylge rIceI will be held rt ltieion llrillc Ser Ind Ielbel rrld the rrer il notode loinhervlyl villain III Iwryherh tor rourh werther Io rivewlhntr younrer term bit oi In Id vrntrre We need there iIIi summer so we know thI were up rrinri Were yolmr crew Ind crn robrbly hrndlr the rourh wert er little better thrn lth hi II nun eIIrted rrlllnt on the trinity but here In Item ponieit Bry coilrre VIII luri 100 010 100 lid 160 170 100 The cut at lie Ind brr been rIiI lnl II lonr II he an remember JOIN IANNE CLUB yerrr rro he Joined the Queens Edges 100 30 Queen Hotel edtod Itenned Conrtrurtton IIIt iii hl lit tert hrli term plry II Mute 0t Btrve Mick lion Cilthld Weyne Derry rech loosed two runr tor the winnrre Krn Green Cyr Ind Dru Birch coin the rcorinr with run for ltenned Conrtruetlon Tom Ncleodrnyhlt borne rurl lib do SUNSET SPEEDWAYS tlvrihereriwrrehrrbeenkeen competition we end tht we cod Indoctrtnrtion into the on sri wrr eurnrner Ind week pIrtlJtne while he It teodod the llnlvnlty oi Toron to Nile decree in commerce eddtbealoidrentolrwuhooi Ne luIt pedurted II rely rr Ini wrr lortunrie to Add burr who dare hII lnlerert hr rrtIIddIIwlliinlto rlve the lime to train lor the 01 nice White we Ittidmi the lovmenl wrr very pond to lie And ot room the Olympic term will be prying the tort Involved in the Oymplc umer llebel wont be rrctnl hIr own Drlprn It itieL Inrtud he will me Toronto bolt built In Den nlrk tour yerre rso CORIIPEITTIVE DODAJI b0 rrverycom tve rt Llebriuid The summer It $11 It Ito Germeny Ind Itll be OT II III lIngrid three trim lohrr Tile lrrlnirir will trill ptrrI Ill Icroer Europe Ind involve no In mind the Oynlpic rItlorr ol ny oi the Europern counlrlee The term will trrlter their belt to three lntenlrliorlrl rrcel Ind hope to be In top term tor the Dympicr which Ilrrt tor them on Attruei ll ulutr this Ibtltty te dodhlcetr lull II enerrytotrr thIt lelbei hoper will mrkrpihi tor the rollttve leek oi expel Icnce oi hit Crnrdlrn crew elech Olympirr the to no erre con tinted thirty or thilr plrl lll rrert Inert Ind llu ilt rerllly like to Ice unr peo ettln volved lnhorrid The lecII yrcht club Ireorduo Hilll Irllinr lnrtructlon pro rrrrn but In lrr leibel Iryr ther Irent too may crrwr In thll Irer torrrlourly ranrlder olym cnmpetliinn And hed like nlrvelemrmhenrr eve rrlllnr Iii Ive Europe rild North Amrrlcr both rummr Ind winter Ind ltI ert Iiui believe It or not it choice the place reriiy preler Irillnr II on ere Simcoe Ihere Irent may place tlc let on can IIII Iidltl with prrc tulle country Ill IIWOO Kennedy 98 In Recreational League Play he lirIt tnnlrl Ind Ice nlntheiourtli The other Kennedy nine were cored by Ores Shrurhnerry rrry Slouirburl Vic LIPIr rler Gerry hr yne Mclnnv llrn Ind 5y In other Ictlon cently Tor morr Mrnrlleid mm mm Tonlrht Pomtnrr meets tlrn Idon Trophler It lerIrEt It 50IAP llltll HButireaiiyneedetrucir Datsun announces the new Spectruck All you verity nred tr new DItrun Bportntcld Sports car OiiibbhitidiitlipllliyilbeitIllllilOliltllIlOllIIO enter Nrtionrl lIockIy Leerue III Detroit lied Winn to Iboioe VIII drrwn up tier II the dry belore tendon ulected ilm in the thirteen Iced drrtt It In the rpeement were to menu Dour Putt who wrr dirrnleeed by DIrwin iAil week lirrlborn unerrt Iiw Oll RIC leWYORlItAPi deck ttckteuewtnon Itll in th Openrtiehbebuch cult tillr weekend in opened lord It nerriytenioo over the trwrrelt rtvrl loproiurlenri cutie more Minnlnrrree NicklIuI earned tltml berriytii mmthrnbehed womt point tut yrrr itI etlll North AmerIcII numhrrone Imported pickuprom to moon Uplrotttt IIInewnIhwlthortrpOT Itylinn curhy meted tell their re eomlonnblerrrinWIthtwetncItermorIIIIotch Iprceterleooylyper Anne Iexylnetniment pInol thrtiooiullkeiiwrrelolenirernourztoztttwrrl cupped rurpeneion some Inner rIllpwlnnlnn engine quick peerbox rImI bin cIrpe box Thinkol IhopoeelbltltlreYou oIn hrul ience porle to the heck tony Hrui ynur camper to the trio Hrul your lady to the drnce All In the remit Iweet ilp CHAMPIONSHIP ITI Tilt lllti ONT liltlerWedneiduy ui Iii pm Iuo ttw ninth to uthhllIiiipP Ya itI the till his to Irp ciumplenrhtp with too lrie model driven the hry Miran rod his rim XIIYIUI lrolr Cook Done Yirrner Norm Millet Ird in other etIrr tlee brrrirr Bill titular end hit 71 Firehlrd Miller rretn crrd in both lilvlrlonr pill to JIO rhrnoinnr Drtrunhpottntoklttr it TIkeeenllorttootnIeltphltyleneeiwheIibrre you hm IndnewermountlnpioiredIntiteImeettlnere Piuernimprovedbloncrpretiyhrrterrnd ilowlhrouphventllrilon Dltltllt it Iii YOII IllHY need more thrn 1000 Drum derieu reiore Cr endthe INTI ll ll Mil IOUTR OT lARRIl vi moww IrylrIru IpLJuiv mm