pp ademmhauhvdmmnmmrm Hvaao CUP ravro cm WAiKOUiS TORONTO CF Octavia weet Ind tilt tor seetiy ll employees also norrnsily llydro and the Canadisa Unit salaried washers periorvn wort tor in withdraw 35 Ilerlnilimabni adiedloserva more lay tth the strike by or ran ii 55 is are bypothattea ligand alteration Itteadaa her an mum to as urge to or encourage dorsal ledaratioa at Atritaa Pl teaches at are Associatim si scam dip aviation ators oi unlawful later th opalctvll WNDON tAPt mu itII diplomata tro ctaesdltamtheraportaioloeountriea is that to viet ahltl loaded with war so plies tor North steam but Iiiii allowingysht Soviet bloc their cmnpporl Iicdo rah out on air vent III am my Vietnamese in elder when the drat Democratic my Ingmar mg gm pg trout who lavarolevnore ilesible tatarna Communist eooa as to land ltooalpolicy aup II larllanol authorities to hitch wtthboth Peking and Morrow reported today areaaria tor the Vietnam portlwhu tidesNomi II com demoed by both Falls and WM W1 Pill sure as tasstion weliaro and ldillll Itll Id litMID hloecow as illegal int arenca LIN Millie IWIHIH deiance spending are outoliuas ants putting out the illness withnavigatton on the high line is that the Soviets are an seas lalormaats to touch wig anilrtsw ligha hllldelegaies ISaid luldctlbrilntl Wort diiai the es WM mm mm mm are ge enough we treasure gallon to challenge the rrrtrstng and that iaiiura to do so inopttaa to risk their new rsiI tho arineae say Pr ch President ELde North Vietnams Notcowa verslm an told by tacit acceptance arsemes stand that wee taken out to tunnel to watch II wartara invest ate day near Scissors lilacs trteged railway car ch where at died in lrlrlay nights crash AP Photo Commons Debate Focuses On Jobless Young People orrrwa tarr an IM Yorhtaobielvliial aoa ol the mm tratieaaad disillusionment oi tooyourr uiiremberarlra the my Canadaa unsnipio your hosts the Iqu with to was the the point motion condemning the Liberal ooa debate lloadIy government ioc bsving tailed to produce eornpreheaslva pro gram to provide loba tor the is gradastss streaming out bl Car on tor wa are mo and radius schools and universittes PhD graduates driving taxicab no motion whim under tor liviag New rules aervcd only as va lame Nystrom hi NDP hide the debate and did that New lots Voters Expected Wifet roragrtats voters are expected tint ballot to piniha seat on political socoaviacodlstheSouthDI miracle todaythe rise at Seaa Iota senator that he is on the tar George hicilovern to the right track thathaaald birthday point where the Democratir be has no intention at shitting within hta grasp his political pby forthwithodour all held main rival tor the realisation our mouths to But he cm Seaator Hubert lium ay oi trio Indeyl New Yo trim Minnesota Irma It bio thetdadandlastbetore thaiilr Govema positions on such to tie is expected to win at least with the countrys bande air It from un oo piatiorm the people an op conscnltlondI delepglhoiaa to go into posed to France is Prepared To Start Sixth Series Oi Nuclear Tests rim star or at on ilmhl uIdollmbiddsIlall outside oi as Mr wt oat taiury id Dilated all PARIS Neuter lranca but lrriormcd sources continued set today to start in alsth series at nucleIr tests in the Pa cttic Ocean derptte rrtouatlrrg tests trorn countries bordor the biIIiarea No oiilciai announcement has been made to Paris on the issue Experts Comb iIightDat MNDON AP investiga toratbatli tdsiaaad wrochagani it tish iotliner tom seeking to determine mechanical trouble or human error caused Britains wbrat air disaster Aaroapa Mlltiltli lllchael in lbw persons died Sun day crashed but alter taking all rorn llaaihrow Airport because tilt mechanism on the vringa mites too soon and thepiaoe Bodies Found Illier Slides rroNo rtorio AP Eighlt lyaaven bodies have been iound but ran persons are still listed as missing today altar tour dIya oi record down are raudslidaa and colia log uitdlngs In this British co any Authorities said another lit persons were injured ad more then rooo homei 1h ranged irom to ug whosahutsoa elioviooa distill liahi roar houIIuruIdants on iashionahla trio Victoria Prat whore tour halid inga were demolished in chainreaction slido one on top at the other that French authorities have ashed the tradlilanIl warning to ship and planes to stay out oi the area Meanwhile the whereabouts oi Greenpeace ill Canadian vusol pvoteailng the blast was unknown lteath lilac uIrrla tPOllillaborough lot the Houaa oi Gurnrrvoas in Ottawa the ship rrray bava been raised by the much navy Earlier External AilIira Minister Mitchell Sharp said the cratt with our Canadian aboard is In the area at the sdteduled nu clear test The Greenpeace ill railed into the test area to pro test the scheduled explosion tltcro was no indication how ever whea the iirst blast would pile and military sources aid past operating proce dure will again be respected with art rnooancamcnt iotlowiag each explosion come to vote drew rapport trorn both the Conservative and Social Credit parties Government spokesmen used much the same response aa the bars ainnst previous op tion attach an the assent ptoynseat tsrua Alle viii aapower er ryea Iiadrasay the only mlnlsiar to enter dcbala recited iiat oldrolram atatistica which he nsonairaled government camera about unemployment among the young and replied to that vernrncat is baby boom resulting now in large numbers at young people entering the labor ioree is latter in the picture the government is not using this as an excuse the growth in the labor iorce be cause at young people has been ater in Canada than in any other industrialised society And John Roberts paritarnen tary secretary to liagioaai De valopnrsat Minister Joan ttlar chard praised government moasuru such as tho portun itics tor Youth and loca taitlr tivea programs iheatendoua ruccerszi lhhavs scored it many pro spawn by the programs he said Bomb Blasts Damage Pubs in Ireland hillPAhl CPI Poweriui bomb hints danragrd ISubs in two country towns in orthcra lreiaod sharing the night alter one British soldier was killed and tour were wounded in an ambush by guerrillas In Ballast Fourteen persons were in one at them cloudy in the explosion at haiiymerta northwest oi tieiiast Nobody was hurt at Dunnamanagh Carats We The homo It daiiymena more then too pounds oi grlig alto ianied to stolen car also wreced the mpioymeni bu reau and god it ncsrby homes The ltrithh soldier died when ran oi buiiele hit troops or troll ng liaiiaats Brampton Park area ndiltary votes man laid the tour wound men were not hurt seriously at Public airplanes mums ing troop washers eats iinued berg aing today in In cliort to reach Indicators and curb atrika act tor midnight lordshi vpolunraa tor Local 1W earn an the lotion is pre parad to set in motion series at rotatlrr atrites and could call out as array as coho ens piayeesatatlaaeloranindeh nits ad spotumarr Robert Smart said employees hava been told they may be locked out it they return to work when reovdaad The union said the vrrsln ia auu blocking acttterncnt an we ioh Iecvrritv Int the uctlon oi ahtit work tor malatertaoea Inca Tha onion is arching an it soercent wage increase ior all be in anorear contract Ilrdro has altered as averagv wage increase at ll per cent our top years with three oercant rascalliving allowance to the Iecond year uirtW droqrrboc Ioalm have said strike cosrid he called this area it there is no prunes made wit htha com or his radon as prorated the basal notice belora Itrita LOCK OUT women tmlon ailicial hhasIId 0h tarlo ittdra rill loch out last cn in at least two arms Monday it the calm goes on strike Neaiey Cumming Itrtka director tor local Cana diIra Union oi Public Employ ees told am conierraca Iioadsy the chili ossim steward at lrncion Pails was told by local Iiydro management that washers It Ferreloa Falls and so In hiiridea would not be oulrcd it they were inviting to work overtime it necessary or be on call to case at amen ganciee tdy understanding Lv that Hydro also will loch out other areas hlr armrntogs said Now widespread this policy is The current Iverarr weekly unknown but it cover the was range irons sroso tor whats province my arm on to mesa tar opera imbothbasodaaathhour TVWritors Urge Canadian Content 0l75PerCont KINGSTON lCPt The elation oi Cansdiaa Television and Radio Artists suggested Monday that Canadian leiavi atoa should contain Miami Canadian content We the vrrlius ol ActRA are in terrible trouble at present and we believe there is nothing being done to help the situation iach Gray their men at the writers council or ACIRA laid the Canadian RI dieTelevision Commission cd amendments to Ca television regulations that no more than to per cent iorelgn programming be telecast The tenth request tor an extra it per cent CsaIdlarr cat was pmth on the ilrat day or the CRTC hearings in Kingston The brlrt statrd no shortage at Canadian news sports or game shows is expected under the ropoced regulations pas area oi real concern is tha socaiird entertain ent end ol the business which Includes music variety drImI scrlcs Icrlsis and so Chemotherde Producing Dramatic Cancer Cures U35 ANGELS IAPl Vrhen tiyeIMId Sharon entered the hospital in limb with internal abdeniiaai bleeding es lavatory Iur try and bra scan leui brought irightcaing di ago She had choriocarcinorna cancer at the gcnitol tract Originating in the right the malignant cells had to the tail hrng and the bra law years ago Sharon would havaaoon died but she recent was seirucd trons the bospiia aadher doctors now give her so per cent chaatw oi rurvtvet the treatment It blown as ouncsr chemotherapythe use at potaat dnrgs in massive doses to bill cancer cells ahntbarapy represents broad growtagtroat in the war against cancer in which doctors are winning battles with to ggmg ireouarriscy same crapy are even telling that about their patienta whove lived ilva years without detecta hta cancer returning ITAMID IN iii Csncer chemotherap hsd dramriie birth in when doctors discovered that rival celled aminoptsrlo could bring dramatic although temporary mission at aerate lea oasis in the rasurtns to your thou sands upoa thousands at drugs have been lcrtoci against dorrrrs or types ot cancer laiitalty many were found that could hringremlsslon ta leukemia but to disease re turned and tho palirnt died that experiments began with careiuibrtimad combinations oi dnrgs incrasstsg the overall eiiect At NJD Anderson lloapitai lad Tumor institute in itourtoo ivs tor example Iouodrug combo used on adult iauherrrta Heats is giving to cent at paiisoia to value that or blood cancer be children lasts up to it wrote spokesman tor Ontario tiydra would neither cooiirrn our deny the possibility oi loch aorta in Persian Falls and lb era their services the must be re placed by ct WI lo trad to auto best use at the supervisors avsiisbts to use wbxh my rate them easy Irons their normal work does tar an estcodrd period iw asthisor mitt ass in Intel try may not hoping to pcovidg supervision tor etrihlnl motors resettbepastlcuisriimeibry mishi cbooaato nation to work vsann so nus th salon Ibirhrepmhu all tlydro Iorherstraaglng Irons haunts swallowtail olich worlers in helicopter pilots and divers has been worhlag to rats this month to back demands tar as IiprIcusi wage increase across the board it all catch Its in nuclear contract Although talks are continuing summons or can or NIP wmlua thatdioca ir contract tells began to Iry only about so It more loo issues have been aettled said Hydra latest were all amounted to between tour sis east increarea in rats categories The also wants better dell imonvad washing and lob security Money Consultation Ol it To three levels oi gov aerr policies adopted Monday by the neatyiormed Association at Municipalities as Ontario The association meeting in octsaa tor its intruding coarse iioo sloped constitutes Incl Itaripd work on general policy nd resolutions during the tint Iy tIria Mllatld Association hirth at the new association In not without him tentative cl ears or towns de iarlod policy proposal that they laid would only benefit larger centres lbe length at time spent on the constitution ared Iona monsters Canadian Economy Ileaches StillBillion For That Time OTTAWA lCPl Despite ris ing prices and high unemploy nrcnt Canada thia summer has tiooblliion ecoao tor the this time icdcraiIta tch iridi cI it hu probably already passed that mart since it re onlred arr lacsem at only by Statistics Canada tor the first three months at it It will be another line months belora the rtatistlca agency can compile tigqu tor the second quarter oi the year Aori1 liar and lunebut dIta now available on lot per coat in tossmum do of the moms who to gross national product reported continual growth CAPSULE NEWS Police implicated in DrugSlayings CHICAGO lAPlNo Orion newspapers reported that tour or possibly live city policemen are been irraattcntcd in the drug conrrcctrd slayings at at least six black men whose bodes were recovered in uricago waterways sharing period at several mantis Staggered Oiiico Hours Suggested TORONN tellA suggestion to danger the oiiice hours at wortrrs in downtown Toronto tale rushhour pirssura oii subways is being strolled by bictropoittsa Toronto transportation commit to May Have To Wait For Batting laws UllAtVA tCilOntario and Quebec may have to wall at least until early next year ior iodorai legislation that will allow thrm to operate oiltract bettingrshops Earlier this year tha iurtlae department hinted It plans to amend the Criminal Code to allow provinces to licence betting shape it they wtshrd Kissinger iirrivos in Peking ior Talks PEKtNd theatertUnitrd states envoy ttcnry titsrtnrer drove into Pekings Forbidden City today tor his tirst substantive round at talks on world attain including Vietnam with Ctdncse leaders Report Threats Iigainst Preach Consul SYDNEY Australia thsuleleihIeats against the tie oi the French consul tn itelbwrpe tire bonsb attach an an airline critics and bomb threat to the hreachembasey in Wellington were reported today in wave at protests in Australia asrd New Zcrluidtalranccs prolettcd borohtests in Iclilc Vietnamese Destroy Five Tanks shtiltiit tAPtSruth Vietnamese marlaraiiring light salt tanh weapons vcportcd destroying ttva North Vlsiaarncsa iaaha arddunagtrrgastsrhiuetbeioredewatodylrrathirddsyot lighting on the northernmost trout iiiiegod PacePhony iteporiodlnilouso mAwAtwAita prlcoetslng la the tattliser lhthrstr Iadtheoroepectothi rtoodprlcesvterataavedalliohori Andras consume and corporate aiiairs Illlllfgll tha cons awrahtoaday