Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1972, p. 2

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Pldvisezsouvght ZSiJiYIheReitlSCiI In deportailixs the blouse et Conscious nrsday Itr itsehauy said sema reectlooary ottieisls tail to tdiow policy well wood themost than ll cease dent oi ibI tisreeae with shell sod Issue Is tor the candles eornnlslee ot the board It direction The report soatyred expendi lures on fixed assetsphysical renovstiene or additions to the Guoeu mopedstor three year period itr llubbeli utd he not certain insecurqu In Encode Itstaswssts 11 indicated that Wovens hed been made In respect to In rme tor Clove restaction Co laid said Mr itabbeil lbue plrtltuiav msots had bear cspttaltud In the Iisod It sets mot at the curiosity end vvbseouenlty they were seniored trom lined meta arid abowotothesceotnstvnsam ninble trnoney owing to the Dsrdmei that was later paid III said the smut involved cam my en was 11510311 es Rene ed The Diet continues thE Part1 medals VI Speaking at luncheon organ Shit Launched itrlhhNSbS 0mm WM Set is industrialists taresoue lull hsI heenisundsed against um km peel relations with Ottawss Iiootlort ll Ital rte mm the Common Market the end oi Commonwealth prelersncrr gm Hamil M941 Its trade with Britain will cans WNW CanIda serious problems Ind writ waried in Ontario this would Illeel Quebec prov ILII Will To Face Problems DIIU$EIS tliruteri Cary ads will late serious emblems So his court Thursday by AL lnrr Cyr altering negligean In death oi Ilse liomrlsry Ilocoivos Sentence against the hoeva onswnvcrs tormer Island In doctors Dr lrsn ehiel n1 testing tor the depart Drouxn snd Dr Jean Lat merit ot manpower and tnarrt gratlon was sentenced to Iotlr years in penitentiary lrtdIy tor hour Itsz plesded guilty to th charge and was ordered by Judge Robert llutten to pry the rrooey bscl Stir Jones who his rnasi Iers degree Ind dnctorsts in psychology loundsd the testing department which she headed RClItP testimony revealed that ltrr Jones preosied it late ch es She had eeie re eponsiblti ior contrscting work to outside Irencies decid Ing amounts to be paid and when to issue chequel Bonds Ottered OTTAWA Itllt The govern ment will otter Investors SIN million worth oi new short rend mediumsterrn bonds htondsy to redeem oart oi tlli million worth at bondseoining due ring seedln spurred by bet er weethrr string the last two weelsr oi they was is cent completed by bisy ii Itiitics Csnadasrported Friday The titer compsree with It per cent lad year sad the inte ll Iversge oi per cent Splatter Iapan TDltOltTOl CF Yvonne Anieile Canadian author ot Row to Catch and lipid Man says she has sold the lspsneu rich to her boots tor Honor The boot publlabrd six years ago has said some eerie in GIde grid more is the United States Stirs Agiieile ssid Thursdsy she is Canadas best selling Iii lli herpen name has not lollowed the script ot her book Since the boots was published she has been through two marriages ennouncod today The price Ind interest rIte nt tered on the new bondl will be snoounced itendsy They will be in two seriesa onoycsr sevenmonth lite and ttveyesr Issueend will be altered tor cash er in ex change tor lltvpercvnt bonds coming due Sept The new se ries will be uttered to minimum amounts bl two Urge Investigation VITAIVA tCPt Comm sttve MP said today that charges nbout on alleged con tiict oi lnlcrcsi in the Senate re fleets on all hli they should be Investigated by the government Acting prime minister illiteh ell Sirsip replying to Donald ilscinnh lPane Breton Eart lilrhrswsndt ssid he will tools ot the record at the Senate committee meeting where the chsrges were made and see Ibet or there Is any hssla lnr Ion Iloprimand Issued OTTAWA CIt The bish power and lmmlrrstlon Union publicly reprimanded lmrntgre tion lltnlster Bryce hlsclrssey Friday tnr his remarks to the item at Commons and the newt medin on the Wlercloeli deportation ease in news relesss theunion pert oi the Public Service AIIi ance at Canada criticised the Tenants Supported TORONTO tCFt it Ihould be tilepol tor isndiords to cut oil host electrtci and wnier willi ng writ the Ross Burris when Briisin Iolne the thrropesn Sept the tinanee department lull lnerepovttohiedistbeov tariolegisielorettse shoalsoreoernsosnded cure Needed TORONTO ltuillen Io miss my no er terms ot billrlas In the legislature Friday AttorneyGeneral Dalton Balsa said that previously women cw be excused irons mine on luv meets or senior Now any wernso Iiah lo in be eacused must have re eseuu The bill also ensures that grand hiry csn imprct places in which persons in windy are kept torture trial even it the premises are In dltlereiit cotme irom the one in which the grand lury is sitting Court OI Appeal TORONTO ICP legiaia tioo setting up court ot so It tor docton was intro duced in the Ontario lrgtslsturs Friday Any doctor in the province whore request tor hospital privi leges has been turned down by the hospital will here thy re rosrre ot spouting to the new iioevital AltiiII Board Robert Welch Ioctel develop meot secretarywho introduced the Iegtsictiou slid the board wouht be com at live memberstwo octors one member trorn the tent pretee slon or iodlclsry and two menu bers representin the public In terest one or om is mem ber at register hospiisl bosrd Charge Dismissed NATIth CPI thugs oi noneapital murder against Domhrdotsseni ii iii Dover Township eight miles north bl Pride Pro birrloluant as charged in the April rie slaying oi her husbsnd Gerardpsuo ti st their home where three at their six children saw the shooting in dischsrglng hlrs Poisssnt st ths end at tbreohour pro ttnstnary hearing lodge Per tins said the Itidlllca estsb Iished that the woman hed acted in seltdetencc end under reasonebie apprehension tor her on tile end sstety lengthy Toms TORONTO CPI Four men who Ibducted raped and whipped isynarold gIrt were sustenced Friday to lengthy penitentisry terms sntenrtng lodge ssid se cries out lor the The men Iesdcdguilly ear lier this moo during their trtsl because they tell snbiecting the girl to questioning In the wits nets hos would add to her rut lering TliIt ssid hlr Justice Edson ttaliics was the tint decent thing you have done in long time The tour wers Peter Norrie It and iterio Ouiiisnl 73 each sentenced to eight yesrs and eece Roberto 21 and Joseph bIrl cs llalries said he did not order Isshes because such unishmcnt Ir Irslnst my na rs and eve violence beng viol co and Don oi Tunellp Cent wish to announce the opening oi the second location Boyltold Sorvlconire or Boyltold Sophie Sis Phone 7264831 Try our new location Ier olI your motoring needs WYNNS can care People neverrsed PRODUCTS small odsl or do they tiring In this III and receive your Free Matchbox Toy lloy eIr replica bytnnun Emulsions rooms moons htlltllill$ TheProvlrsctslilowiin Tour nament trophy will be it her rie this sea errbers ot the ladies Auxi ry bowling train oi the Csnsdisn Legion Smith In capuired the lib duio the ltnn hire in ry Samme Iirst with score ol Mil Above Edna Elliot centre provinclsl sports oiltocr ot Gertie Dieter Studios iiem tell are Sandra ltsctey And rey Drsle Dorothy Watt and Labels CIVIA Charges As Blow Below Bell oAltViLiE CPI Lloyd ThoCttAturtherchsrgedthsts recognised college at chiro ltaoDoiini president oi the Canadian chiropractic Associa tion lrldsy labelled as blow below the belt charges rnede Thursday against his proterslon by the general council otthe Canadian Medical Annotation At Its Innusl meeting In hionireni the ClitA blended chl rop therapy medical qusctery calling on provincial government to evaluate them sing oi chi pradors and to lay hid them In my children sivd er cs plan at age there is no evidence at the art eotltic vslidlty ot chiroprectle therapy and practice and that it Is It bort worthless and at worst morally diogcrous ilr hlscDougoil ssid in written statement that in some ways chiropractors are better eduestcd than medical doctors Prior to licensure In Iny ol Canadas eight licensed prov inces chiropractor must have completed an intensive exten sive touryear cosine ol rtudy It iudge Chairmanship IIs Carine 0l Shooting Fracas PRINCE GEORGE BC ICP British Columbia Su preme Court iudge Friday cited the outstanding tragedy oi the lndlsn peopletheir Inability to hurdle liquorss the cause It March is shooting traces in voicing an Indian youth Ind eight ICIth otllcers Mr Justice Gould made the comment in sentencing itrn neth Donsid Petricl it to two years tell day deltntte and we years less dry tndelinitr on chargest discharging firearm Patrick pleaded guilty and ad mitted tiring 15 to it shots It ItCiiP ollloers crouched behind their cars in Fort St lsrnes so miles northwest oi here Mr luattee Gould noted that Patriots had hsd 17 iuvenlle cen victlons since he was ts and said he wss victim at his en vironment The environment ls Is ap Mi Imlteesl mindirienety lulvlll urvldlnrdh let Oilminimums LS squersysrdstereusprlisstls yd Oelllll ll tsrileslve is envy so Ircwr std werewvhm petting as his record the Judge said He has been cursed with it ever since birth The home devotes ttselt exclusively to drinking This is no surprise The lodge said he has taken note oi as extremely hips crime rate among lodlann during his seven yells on the bench Ind ind liquor was Involved in vir tuIily allrt the otlences com milled by active people who so peered beiors him dont know when the Indi sns will resllie that virtually all their trouble comes trom itd ssid lllr Justice Gould Thts is not the Inuit ot the white rnsoil is incl at set rontrol ol the lndinn No one was inlured in the Fort St lImes shootout and lice did not return tire hlr lus lice Gould heard evidence that DOUTIE YOUR NONI IAttI GUARANTEE tie Ireedleevn vstandvlisnally goat IIII to intend double the diIIevIMI In aessvvlhsrainrorsain lei less darts Mr lieedleelrlersmotl Otis MP ll ISISIIVIII ll IllitMtllWllliWOllll MN III more till no tilltttt SMAIOIIWI III BATS SONIC resh tiys the sense TOW All NW GI wssrvevsr TO SERVE ltitl eriv nuts iii is so vie Stltlllill ill ll prnctic be said in reins arena uI our prolcs visual training our education is superior to that ot Csnadlan medical doctor Manymodicet doctor are today treating spinal manipulellon even thou they have had no tormal trains Ins in this precise specic pro cedure Cutting the CTIA statements unjustied unqualied lull nl hslltruths llr hleo Deugsll said the chergrs etlord no credence to the policies ot 750ihmvrmdll1w crnmentsOntsrid llsnitoba Sashatehowsn Alberta Ind tirtttsh ColumblIIli ol whom have included the services ot chiropractors in their respective medical care progremr it Is an established tact that thousands o1 people Ceri ads have iouod reliet through chiropractic treatment but they have not been Ible to 11nd through other terms oi health therapy he told it single health system had all the answers and this Ippites equally well to medicine as it dou to chiropractic no other health system would eat EVENT LEADS Uni VihiIiLIZDON England IAP Cluis led the United States ltlirhtm cup womens tennis teem to ll lead over ilritnin Frtdsy Misa Evert beat Virginis Wsde in singles lhcn proved the stiunger part ner Is she Ind Patti ltogsn at La lolla Csil1 posted 75 doubles ti ry over Shaw Ind Neil Truman chum ANT IRIIIION DOIIAR IIOIEE FOR YOU III who imminent mil liee IvleuelysstsemlspHesterktrgveervvl Sh egnaewrseellr urnMohnma trstion to settle the dis ever the street work and MONDAY JUN it The Comoros meets lift hill yen on The Senate stands Idloinqud Verna Greenhstgh ltrs mmwudullmn Gnenbstgh had high three at TII Esch bowler received silver tray and portebie barbecue GLASSES SAME DAY ea Illlle vistas osly ltiDl choice or rnaniss measonam spices uurcn munraous sanch BARRIE OPTICAL apperton It Collier Milli NO DAMTNO CliltISllANA South Airlcs lAit ilev It you lit Dutch itelorvvted Church min later says he will not ottictste It marriage unless the couple promises that guests at the wed ding receptioo will be iorbtddeo to dance nelson Es groin novw tEiillttltltttliIERl Lawyer Len Liontgoniery her In epvisble record versth tn the Promstivs Cmservsuvs Assortstlon tie II well apprenticed to be our voice iii Ottawa Nominate itilltll Ta lead and serve Slmcoe NortII NOiiilNATiON CONVENTION NEXT WEDNDH TUNE lll lit CENIIAL COLLEGIATE IAIIII itii MAXIMilli RANGE $I$III$OTO mllllto win It lnmsue we we in me tare reed missseeman tees revevuwcuumwm elleIt teth carrying rhvlvster ivyI Mth CALL COLLECT 7267471 WITHIN see MtLlS not rare esriwnrss 22o onvvuw DRIVI

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