HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr JImcI Itnlry model heb mIrt hie Itth birthdIy minister at Collier Street Unit Dr IlnIIy he been It Collier an ad lurch Ind hi thI Met Street Church Ior Ielen yem To Cover ltlZINchooi Tear mm Wmnen Wednesdey nlxht to Ill Pitt ptIn one hell The prem mlm Wednudny nirht Ior were mode iron the lowest ten mmumma women to common IIwnlt derolltenuol culthlI NIL Illowanee HONORARY mom utmmhrtth VIEW idiot Immoral 5dioItIIIrceIrtrlhotiontothI pruenledlitb Idounrooee Ibieldlllkioetlin rtudrnt 31qu upper Indiow $321005 em durum rum no mu In Inn wile redeeming H1rdInIIIhtIhIrrIteItIy III tml rbhtII wasntrm 13L Equipment Companylor tbolmlm no Spends $3100 Tummmuguotgoeu year Ieect to er Imlhetrewillbe no roll to the FOTIIaanOWBT mime my WWII The boom received euotetlonr The slime Marty loud at MWL Irnm three tnrurerr but tell the IIdueItlon Irrepted tender It In ceeh InetInre Iclrctloor power It barre per dIy month at While the tender III the BRAND my Indtlorboemotestolthreerubmitteth xrlvding rummer rIcI rnlnirtrItion IIIII the IdVlISl mm mm 15 Whmdnmkthroulh er Scientic Irwin equipment It the new chent tor Itan noting the nreotthe Item bu mu Welch tom Science Borer MFGIJ IW 56 Will The hard wu Ilro told me Mum Im mam ma uyckmu III Itll rtltln Ind Germ Wil MW mmmw ol the IIIIJ come to reboot wi um min my mm mg on tonne Sterh SelentIIIc on Soverllitnutou were we lold the herd the Wine mm problerrIIvtrom home no lb mm lrorn tr to mo or It not not included cutting to rumour Instr Phil no the County Board Vol meat on homevnurriny tiny In Item no on nonunion Idncetloo WedncIdIy Iim IP erdI Vuey lmtee uid he lelt the me trhiny the roam could other Ford modelI IrIlthlI Il emed Ihntt Icolor televttlnn Ind Itereo thII will be Melted lo the llrln room mtlen ol the rooorIuI lorhontentaoeyo ImeItnteIIhthedIlrthe ureoIIoodturnIturIIndertoI their routine would include IIre ol both the IIIelelon Ind the rIdtbeII ditnreolMtbe Iwould ta IIII NW It Itohued To Say woo note Both Men Wind lip In Court Two men who reluead to tell police which one In drivlnI car both tIrcd Impaired cbIIIeI In provinciIl cotut WedneIdIy Lynn WIrd ll ol Toronto wu ehIrIed llth Impaired drlvlnI Ind eAIIlnI to like brIIthI yre lent Ind Genld Mel II III ehertrdiwith Ivlnl the cm or control on motor vnNcII lwhlIe tmpelrod IItIrrhoIln tottndboth men In In which hIdIonI Into InowbInk hn Itemponlelt Drive on March tt Donrtableldemrr Ens oi the nude Police Department testi ded lhethe Ind Cohrtnble SiIn leerllpl aenronthocouth Iide oi Kempeoiclt Drive lust earl ol Duchwolh street with It lrnntwlleels In mothnk Ibotn Tut pm on March II III IIId thIt when he IpproIIh ed the cur Foster wIs Iittlny In the drivere IeIt Ittemptlnr to curl the cur Ind WIrd wII Bleep In the back lent When he ukrd Fitter who but driven the car Into the Inor bent Foster pointed It llIIrd liut It the police IllOIL Cone Itehle En Inld both IduIitIrd drtvlnl the cor then both den IId drillinl tho ctr Footer II IImple bl his hreetb but WIrd erd In erouitled oi IIIIpIII ed drirtoy lithourh he Idrniit In rourt lhIt be driven the on into the InewbInh but In convicted oi returinl the breaIbIIyIIr test Ind lined tun IIIwII wilted olthittrlt chIrIe hecIIIIIdIIenII control Pete Holden told the court IhIl rmer no gnome IIIlb VIII EII urwII lIIt driven thet night woulyerldcncrthe police hId wu tort erd we in In In IoIIcIted condition Indluili In the hot out It the rel Fnstel wII convicted oi III III the cm or control It tool or vehi In In Imoplrcd condi tion Ilthourb deleoee counsel Noel Batu IIld thIt FoItor wu only IryInI to Itert the herb he in the cm Ind not try tnr to move it Footer testified IIIHII nor could not be moved Ind thIt he did not brow bow to drive roe with ItIndard tr Iloo Inwey Aretrtent Crown Attorney John Aiennder uld the Inn rtIteI IIII it perron is In the driv ere rent he III be deemed to the the we not control ot the vehicle Forte wu lined lint Continued Cool Temperatures Forecast Through The Weekend The unquIIly cool weIlIer will eontlnuetn the BIrriI Iron over the weekend The low tonight will be new III depreer Ind tho hlrh Setter dIy will be near lo pols blehpmturo em up Iouihwud lrorrl Iludron IIIy II drlvlnl unsouolllhly coo Ilr tnto Northern Onton IInd ol cloud throth the mid Iectlon oi the province IlanII llpht wind throughout erm tny trend will oecu In northern rerlone SaturdIy while the earth will remain in the The Toronto Sunny with levy cloudy period end cooler todIy Ind SlillldlyWIdl northerly to why IIiIh today Ind SItur dey TO to 75 love tonight to do IIllh law Ilin 10le Tull SI an Ict II plIeI when atom twee mm III helttolleven InoIruIllI use Ith FJertronIu tit Dim IlmiIIr IIIIna tomn ulmdm Ind dlmu mornbennent no mm do minimum tor ent retmburIemenL their problems Out at the equipment tor the home InInItement Ind homo nuninl motion will be IAN In the Interior Iod Iewlny Ierllon the oI Irwin mechinu Ill incurred to to Iran 11 due toth IIII oi the clIIeoo Four IIIInpoo bIrlnI hnllb Ilrendy been inslIIlcd The Imount Ipent In thin Ihop will be NAM lietIlI IIler equipment will cost tires Iood prepIrIlIon routp ntent nose Ind the technicrl dlr IctorIolltre equipment will cost $1295 MldhuietNursory Open Saturdays ldldllurst Ioreet tree nunery Intended III oorrnnl week to Setutdlys Iut month More then ltd extra IIIll were hired to tItI cm at be worIv loId This on cloud In In more In order Irorn cityboned rwn who plented IIrre por tion at the IIMM Iredllny crop on their rurIl properties IIIny buyer prcler the Salure dIy opcninx II it enehlu them to rel their tree trerhly picked Ind It the me time entry brlrl tour oi nurrrry operettooe While the premium in un lmprovrd by the Iddition oi Ilmp rum pwyment oi onto lor wr Pointed ItiIIo Getsiliiorltlls Coomawn VIII Ieotellced to rnonth to tell Melon dInIerouI HI and hunter wII coorirted June end pruentrnce report an ordered III hld been cbIr Iron April It lotiova In too out In An urtnwhlchbepolntedmue bro rtno It three pcrroor Ind Constable FrIser crown Attorney lnomp not told Jud JInIee Renniclu thIt the Inc ent rhouId there pulled in bloodshed or derlh Ind IIid tIIt this Iort ol conduct be stopped once Incl tor II the dry ever comes when pereon is tightly punished tor pointing them It police man we will be In deep troub le he laid uvrsrdclt PRICES TORONTO CPI Tredinl wu Ictlve It Iteady prices tor Ill cIIIIu Ind nodes oi IIIWI ter cIttlc It the DHIIIIO public ItookyIIdJ todIy Vent cIiI Ind lInlh price were IteIdy Ind boy prices wero titm Bloomer eIItle 11M Choice IteerI rod with note to 3970 nod $3750 medium MA common romeo choice better 35M cod resound medium no common NI not con TIA with rain to ullr connerI Ind cutterI Intlrood Iery boloxoe built with nice to one common Ind medium II IMO Nepiuemenl enttiI roe Good lirlrt rtoeters Ind Ieederr rut Iood clock Ileer aircrew with nice to to nod bcIvy lhOhM Ieedere seed and stock hrile rIlves com mon Ind medium Ilocterl Ind IrcderI JHI CIIm II Good veelrrs 63o medium tour common mo boner mo lieu Bose price 1635 J1ddcurreolly in Toronto woe ItIIe Ind boIrI lets heavy ml to Sleep Ind lImhe III Good IIrnbr I2rheep oil NOTICE TOWN OF STAYNIII the other two er IJrniitdlIJTl CInIdIIn hborI tour lncha lhI mchine Itsn hll Iood cheated the corner In been money an Inn nodes Had NoIiconco Mon Tined$IOO Benson Iiorrir II oi IAI rvy wu convicted In provinclnl court lburIdIy nl drirlngdvrhllnla John Wicker BurIIer II II umlm mm on wII ed on 55 pm en po co It mum the mum rou ml obiemd him drtr In downvluwe at Mr Idorrir Idmitteol ped thIt er IicmcI hId been pnnoluty Iurpended OBIIllliiiY CECIL nevrs Cecil hutrr IIIyec dled tiny in NONI VictoriI llorpitIl No In 63 Mr IIIyeI In born in Oro Township the Ion ol the mo till lIIm Int llIltie NIyre IIC tired to 0m Township until lllOVIIIl to BIrrlI In toll III we member ol St Aud rewI Preiyterlan Church Ihrre ho hum sundry School Mr IIIyrI LI moved by mm brotherr Vincent oi Ore Town Ith Norris ol IIIrrie Ind Iter IrlIn oi hiidhurst Ito us prede cured by risier letI II Victor Dicker Itev lien tiered conducted the uncut Iervice Ilry 23 It leth lchr FunerIl Ilorllc Bartel us in Fetter cemetery EMERGENCY NUMBERS TONIGHT tories MM Ililltpone Um Nod IIM Ind WIN Selenl till $13 Ii IIIIhI whenbrwu its the new Fairw riding on wer If youre the 1nd of person who enjoys summer and likes outdoor spans or perhaps just wants to sit back and enjoy lilo you can have more leisure time with an Ariens Fairway riding mower With an Ariensyou can get the lawn cut in haiithe time with twice the comfort Features Include HP or It engine Flex Float mowing action Adjustable cutting height Electric or recoil start Speeds forward at IJ tree In mom plus reverse Reinforced steel frame 26 Cutting width DISTRIBUTED BY DUKE LAWN EQUIPMENT LIMITED no open BURLINGTON ONTARIO lion to Thurs AVAILABLE Ind cooler nlr Into the northern Wm 75 dIy However acrorI the lower mm mum Entries Iro lrIvtted Irom Municipal Councils one on who no will re Trenton II II Bands Ind Individuals Mm mm BRADFORD Crown Hill TrIllIrI mlcroureuraolthhelrTII Windror id ls hie Huron northern Georelao Mount Iorert to to IIIII WW II mnmmothCenlenniaI Parade will be held in wit to toilet runny ulu Ind mulch dyer mm WInIhIr Ioreeort brought to you daily by Funk Allen Sonr Mllllllllx BTEEL BELTED RADIAL SPECIAL Kelly lprtlxtleld II SertrI Boner Chiller wideI MITIL Ill contin oto edreroulh 7o 73 minmien We Elihu CENTENNIAL PARADE hey no IlItithldn noon to Kitchener to to Steyner It I200 on Saturda July Isl 1912 Jgfim Milhm it or Service mumlndusmer Organizations Schools Floral It Ploneer Femin PM littler It mu ItIt No1 Commercial court he deeorotedl mm bIIInte non rheoulru Ilbrtrrxer to um 31 GLEN HURON NEATHCOTE NEWARK ure ItIIIee wute LetterI Mo Hm WNW mundan CerlIIIeIteI Perkefa Oenml Store Jim llCerIILlwn It mm Tn=mrw GuIIOIIIIISIIIMCII NWT Olrden Equipment mmwmum lntrlee Ire rIltuIerI queried Iroln Elhnlc Dd um cum no ornitonlnltir not Giawidr ad Fl out It the mm Home humor OltlLLIA DRILLIA rewmnc DIII II Null with your order Trotter PIrIde Chelrmen Hm MIrtInI Equipment Crew Hardwere PIrnhIm Small Motore to timber CInIdI DepoIIt COM lMqurIer motto tuum Couron nullnu We moo antereed mm may