tahlha ottnar trnmuphtllsnddown It you on tltese Iperitierhots double honey to best or the nd us Open BSSIGNMEIIT SPORT Ind on motor beats the lisntittnn emItnder tt rCatswlthsomeoithe tournament polar SIur setia psttounthettnal Ilidlet wrestlers will Ilso pot All myplo In tarieam match Ssiurdly emu tor the tint Iru wrutr Inn torched the Gait Hornets to two Allan Orpn will so Ieveo Is resigned porn the Ontario ltorkey Altortslim Senior 15 rtuh Wylie handled the hornets tor III or prrt oldthe Dinning seasons In ten Is rn IN WWII to coach in the taller hall at the tmm Wit71 season alter the mim 10 tlon oi Norm Deteliire because ol health reasons to tan Ind ran Under Wylie to Iiornels Ion nmrwotitolt ii 231 Emlimuc tat Innlnl III In or not Ill ms Doria the Ianes then vdii My my 17 takevterv agrmer prises unbeatener in Barrie and er silver wilxtim will tIkeo Sheas Bowl lunior bowlers were awarded their trophies Utis week All FRO LEFT Inn Beaurcxsrd eon helped the seasons tor his resigns tion plI Intntt Thursday nlpht neonr one lot the rotten Any teams Interested in enler gm disilldiintlih titth the time It mrpa on tor three more to tie Church 59 Gmir ands thp event It suburban mu Sydneyr Auatrllta roll club In the second lame oi the My Both shot hateslnoneonthe plr mteenr Park doubleheader Sub three ttIIIyIrd Itth hole Lor mundny night Slessorand Per II triumphed in the match hovr itd Insurance handed Brsdtord ever Ind Queens Itotel Its second start loss winntnl Il behind is tlchlaz oi Bill lrech tered In the tournament that no ssnre Pe or the nonpinyin types and Iterbert Bttdlllemsrkshirdi mil be aorurhoo pitchinr tltpeninr batsman scopedulii rtnrr man partnenldp II Sotsodr like goodday hours bertlnr the pudendum or nershlp record set in rare MITMMM fakeview Slessor keep their on ten to the den Im nottmtnediately Innsn District Senior Sottbatt Anode IllNIOIt BOWLING CHAMPIONS iiiiniidiiid iiiifdihfl single artd ptayott champ htih siruie pinttt ltsrteDerohlrtherare Ind Garth Beauresasd plIyott aha Ernie Poole eooaota tlon Isnhisrten consolation Examiner Photo RemainsUnbeaten DoWns Bradford 42 early lead in their game with Iioyd blanked interview on lust ed pitcher Den skelcber whohtl takovtew The ltobllctnen rhar tit ree hitsior the tint to in tttree singles In three trips to the ed starter Bill Fowler oii the plate last night rubber to the tint union with tied up the same eollectlnslour lrechetle me up total at tourstrskhthltslnetndtnr tiriIn hits and helped by Church eight hits In thI name striklrtx hteCInns lrutdetbcpork horne crrorcothpltdarmslnptedrnre outsln Sketeber who look the run litOInn scored Iton ltny in Bob listlnnsnd In error on loss Ittiod iour crsltlntronlothomerlllert the throw In senior league Icllort to ntill droreln llrn Ednsrile with can the nlxht lakertew 11qu visits nsacrttlee tly plate Chuck htchmi allowed Angus Geornr hunituro or Church collected tour this bit Adams to the plate with so Itzts same Betcmotinthetourtlasndscored other sinin and Go litan am not Burke sinner In plt drove them both in writnon WWW cher Butch Boyd who had led hie oil the Inning with In lniictd hit Mldhurat Britain It and DriveIn hitihurrt Ounvertible Pools dothitd the Italy on Ind DrtvI In In Barrie lt houal Al Plating Vin the winning pltrher Itiek Sharron the loser DIvI llngnrsn Ind loeoNcltt eIcis collected three hits to tour Ilhsts tor the winners Iianey hiIron went threetortour tor and learns dotdiichender ls athl ed tor Meat Park tonIlttt him corn poLrtnn lions lioph lit pass Bronrnentnl laser Colorist It VetInsa It Man 3rd Meleory Ieature lot It Vettnge Steed 3rd ltColarrn ltognsn LIhIitI llamplIktp Awards IrL It Vetingraltpts and Btroornelo pts rdDthtncsnhl LATE MODEL DIVISION tst heatlat httqu Doan th tIophlnson Wsrner bidB Burma trdL Gromabatta Trophy Dash ist Stather to Consy MN teitlot sino ltnetler dent nIi let Dolphin 2nd Grer ltd Briton Feature let Dolphin to Warner rdti Briton tthG Bustier leiliot LIhattI thstrtplrnsbtp Awards IslD Warner to pts endG Bartlett pts tnttJoyd lion erd the pin 4th tlutleottol pie stints Grotesst ptr Alter that run Bel Em was do and lug The score remained tied alter bum yo uIa nmml the regulation serenlnninan to Wm 01 he um Into ertra Innings neither tennis test this to score hurch hrt ters collected Ii hits nit Fowler and ticlcourt Belcourta slnicl out six Boyd rnru up eight hits and strurk out three SIM and tcrinrd collected on Trophies meets ltidhurst In the opener It oclock rsme between Kennedy Contrnctorr Ind Robsonhnr shows at At Steele St school Queens tiotet visits hisnsitetd etIrllnr It ioclock Bradlorti Slessor Winninl tober hechrtlo toxins punishi Sketchc Replacement Parts Pitching Wedge angina Tomlatslslyeeeompttsh scepter Ills Important that it tun grin coiniderehte yen unity trtlh yotn Iatrwsy tptt rigan wedxe Thtsclpb an be tromend our matrarer It you Shotalert The Eirovsle MerchantI tod tinued ltteir neadny night downing Yanch Nesting behind the three unto played In mvrle The tierdtants struck tor rev en hits ntt YInch pitcher title IiIley Doubles by Dalll Barnes Brown Irtd Den lttrner plus In error on Chuck lordsn ground ball prodnred two more Elrntsle runs to the north It run Has wlnrtlnlwarslled hsitloOoo herdsr at tit pitthtoa oi Werner Kent in NEWitt Butte Btslor FIItbaiI kettle Yltltch Blrnvats Winning pitcher Kant has tourtn when Kent sturgeonr in try pitch It only Itll hits In thI note but thaggstl cunt lsr tho third innlns lti led with two BrIdiord errorsit OASA hmior tum It use in more seared our runs Jim mer Queen my son atnrltd In loo Turona sho singled In htaclbcrson and Iteh It II Sutherland singled to Frechette 000W and Gerry Boycrntt 00120 tiradlolda runs came In the urn sidethepark homerun also reor mnarr rollonrrdtrooooro ron rare Inan on nrrvrwsrr rsnrrnro Wt osvmo AND meters CAItINYTlME7288386 CARRY MW IIILE till htONTII GUS annexes neutrons Dealer xEnv tonnsron mrons LTD Your ltIrrte lothrwsgrn Essa ltd It GszI St Ttretra rai 8PlXNYLON time today our IIIBI with it fodothtrrneretyprnctlsewith itaittinnwrsholatromwlde etykpt positions out of div Btttto Burnett scored the tier ettrnts first run at the runs In the third ecorlnr from third on my Turners vanities hunt Barnes scored the Ilterchnnls ilnIl mil to the sixth rotating In on mound halt nitcr he irtpied stchl only run cure to the tourth Gary itrrrod tripled Ind then stored on tinny ltcClos keys slnrto Kaut collected eiahi strikeouts In tsklnr the win ltrley the losing pitcher whtited three in malor term action tonight Clnrksonltotelrneetrtnlrksltlds htElieslyltsrdppn tilt at deg that to er woe sodium hott tint It tilt low Ind so on This practice will not only Ilso will automatically dc celep your ability to Times rie with all clubs Nicklaus ProTourney ht 1972 United States Favorite Fathers Dayr open is June thtitt EEBBLEIBEMSIIl Calit tAtl have my name Just shoot where Trevino lssn pumped Iwant lt on IIsho tests not soon And standin there in the to host Waters wings tstlsry Piaye ol Soth 500 31 mm Myth Attics ruled by many of the 3mm you mm my competitors as possibly the mm It Super titers were horse Ina riddle roller defending his III Opentlllr he misht in tile mmsgll tter EIIFIBIIV test In no orprtst We slice bout with viral pnetrnontr re tunaborderronsrropance nck Nteklsuv the over or wbslmlnp tournament tsvoritr and relaxed his sitl the Tttl much more contldcni oi gs to same Ind swing thsn was ELM Tums at listless gilt train tow new site For the tsrhlonrrnlrded DlllIllp 75 lerrnIt Isd tostonss lielets LY DAILY WEEKL litlrIlptl Print ll 20 thr with TIIIGlIuTrltors bAtthEONTARIO ltAtlllts GARAGE Herrlstsns littill rl TRANSPORT gt LOWPROFILE treetooe To mmwunnmtt Foullulipi oiNyionItrInpth all Tlipivlnnthunstnxtion SupliTulussd rubber And oom merpsrisctsd tread dstihn Illt til Unis It minaret sonnyMaul PONTIAC DODGE tor mounting and DLCIOO HEIREADS IIIMMII TRUCK TIRE STRENGTH tor Vans Campers Piokups Insrtsratsssmv Intsnows no or rono cHEv PLYMOUTH ltlIiUNI hueomit OLDS MERC CUTLASS CHRYSLER WEth no HIDDEN EXTRAS shipping PONTIAC oonoEOLDS MEN TOWEL Isorsar Merlvest De tribele