Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1972, p. 11

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of Clothing lur Street was present ed waththl Seleiy Patroiier oftheltye Awardandtliilcrnt mmm tilIlAlY JUN 151972 stood took the trophy for the top patrol of the year at the annual safety patroiter banouet lost tddtt FROM LEFT 0on tonti aha Thornpenn Barrie police ratety officer wr tfurray Sherre Baron captain of the lhiirrcst patronDave Sdiety Patroiiers Work Recognized At Banquet The halls of the Barrie Arrrr ory echoed with the abour oI approximately too school safety patrollera last night as the tier ria city police and the Kinsmen Club sponsolld the annual rate ty patrollers dinner and awards night The top safety patrotter award of the year was presented In Celia hturray of Cudringlon street school by Dave wtsmer raler coordinator for the hint men Club Celia Is It neat week and has been patrollcr for four years This year she is the captain of Codriogtona so patroltcrs and la responsible for coordinating the patrolten actlvltlcs at the memoir eight posts Along with tho Kinsmen Club Trophy Celia received rash award from the Barrie IIulicc Salcty Patrol larron lalgar Ind the liturirtpat Savings and loan Company of Barrie She also was presented with The Sittlcos County ltaard of Education last night approved policy which outlines priorities for placing teachers who have been dcciarcd surplus by their principals Accordlru to the ncw policy it is up to the principal In carh school after coruidcring all rt lrtil Including seniority to dc ride which teachers will be do rlarcd surplus The principal must give the teachers letters by llarvh indicating they will be surplus IIsI of surplus trot rhcrs from each school will be sent to the board administration AM TO IIENT floated in tint rattrr received about to calls hlodern three bedroom duplex large tdtchen with dincllc priv ate entrances stove and refriga rrator iauhdry Close to do town Available July Tcir phone raccoon ttlft FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS matte voucher Irom Ted Gorski of lchoaada Restaurant lhc top patrol award the Col onel Garry Me Trophy eras prr rented by Stewart Fisher ehhir man of the Slmeoe County Board oftlducatlon to Sheree Baron captain ulllliicrcst school talc iy patrol special award of honorary aalcly polroller was presented to Angela llclt cling director of education the Simeon Count ttoatd of Education for his war path the safety patrottcrl dur ing his 11 years In Slmeoe County Awards from Governor Gener at Roland hfichener were scaled to the to patrol cap Karen llichards mos Pears Celia lturray Jill ltlddett Foutls Sheree Baron Denise tilon Shirley ttnubos John Sis sonl Peggy Stcbblngy kla Kcough Theresa Skelly arin Bethune Each graduating Grade also rtcnt uho has been active in the and tits caecu council of the Simcoe County division of the tcocbcr federations concerned the hey states no new tea tittt will be hirudgtrtxn outside Simcoe County until evcry rual nbto teacher declared surplus has bccn offered position in the county Ststliveeoncles will be advertises thin the county for IilICt weeks and then prn1n riall It able position upcns up in the school teacher has left its array request an automatic transfer beclr to the school dur lragtlre initial year of the trans er Tcauh returning from cdu urrn mprovcmcnt tours will he gavvn first priority In filling vacauctcs cht in linc will be tcacbcrs returning from loaves of absence trochcrs vhnhsrc been declared surplus Icnchcrs truncating transfers and new teachers The policy also says all IttltiI ing personnel will be used to rob cutatlng tho pupitvteacher ratio Angus hlcltny rag director of education said the policy is the ram as the policylottuwrd this In dealing with surplus Iccachcrr safety patmllera received the ward of merit and lapel pin from Governor General llirhen CI The awards were presented by William tosauvsge director of goremment and publie relations for the Ontario hfolor tongue Following the presentation of the awards the patrnlicrl and friends danced to music supplied by the Kinsmen club SPEAKER llev Stanley ti llaitunivk hailed as Amcricas mostgiifr ed spiritual speak tonight at Codriogton Street school lie will speak on Spiritual Gifts for the New Age lion under the auspices of the Barrie Society for Psychic Research and will dcmonstrale his gall of entrustusury pcr ccpliun The society is not charging admission but is ask lng donation to help dcfray travel expenses for ftev tnt runitlv ITIICE CENTRE tonisld Township Council last night approved the request of Edward llcmhry owner of toll ttavch Estates construct an automobile scr centre at the intersection oi the innisiiilllcst twiliimbury Town Line and Siticrond 20 Construction Iv ex pected to begin soon Settle Salary Part Of Pact high Ichoot assistant certi ot arson after arr years at ex perience compared In 01 last ear Category twa provides start ing salary oI moo with max tom of 950 after eight years of iearhtl Compared to rates Winner of the Kinsmen Club ahich helps swam the patrol Sign Ralph Berry of the city police Iaer Photo in from and level three tea then will be paid starting aalary of toot with maxi mum ot tum after to years of teaching This conrpares to rnaalmsun of 093 aher it years last year htegtn tiltr teachers with either an elementary school lea chera certificate standard four or Bachelor of Arts degree and tearlaera certicate or or Barrio Erection NEWS THURSDAY JUNE am II Prinoipals Seek Fall Conference lrtncrpats otthe schools under the Jurisdiction of the Sirncoe County Board of Education have asked the board to consider fall conference between trustees and the principals to discuss the leadership role of the principal and the school community The conferusce has been Ient aliver scheshrtcd for the week end of Oct 11 and It at lcrn Resort thank Archer principal oi ttur onia Centennial school In Elm vale told the board the proposed Friday meeting would include prentattons ermine vielwpoints on orolon rinc it tans proud would also discuss Ihoada neatly ttae Simcoe County Board of Eduationpredncsday night awarded tender for the in systcmrln Goldwater pols school to North Simeon trtcat Contracting Ltd at bid price of 9600 The board dccidcd against tat rng the lowest bid of 0560 since it has run tnlo prublcms wrth the firm that entered the bid Work at high school in the county has still not been cumpictcd satisfactorily by the farm although it has been some time since It should have becn finished Eriurilita tn apeoding In edurls on During the Saturday meetings treats type ts will earn starting salary of 711 with nu rd It alter tt years of trash tag compared to Item 1TH CATEGOIY utegnry ftra teachers with this teaching eertrftc and tire onivmlty and depart ment courses or Me with tea ching certicates and AIITC or ATCII or with supervisor ciahst certificates or high school assistant type it endorsed rertitlcale will receive starting salary of $150 with maximum of snow after It years bat years maximum was till to classification air the min imum aalryywtlt be 8300 with maximum of tlhtm after it years of teaching The maximum for this category last year was the grwp would consider the Iconunurdty use of the school and the relation of the school to the community Panel would in clude representatlvnnt the htinistry of Education repro ltllthtiVl of the county parks and recreation department prinpr ats with good cumuniiyge ratru already underway tslration and trustee similar eonfcrence was held last year with the principals ard tnrstecs The board decid ed this yeor to let the printi psls decide whether there is need for second conference and indications are there will be the second getrtozrther The board did not take action on the proposal ILItr messing last night It is expected to come char diatuaalon arena heat The consultants Ice of tattoo will raise the total cost to Milli The projch will be financed out of tho contingency fund Sis tenders ncrc rrccrvui tor the protect ranging from the low of users to high of man The school Is currently heated by three hotair furnaccs and supplementary electric heat ing system One of the turnach has tailed and has to he re placed The acceplcd tcndcr has in second toucst LOCAL AND GENERAL MINOR ACCIDENT minor accident on ttighway too north of the Slroudtina Sidemad at 130 pm Wednes day caused an estimated its damage to two vehiclm ltte dri vers involved were Vern Burnett of New Uskrarrl rod Thomas II ntrtis at Itarnltton EUIIIJUE SCHOOL vehiclo driven by Paul Douglas Galbraith ol Shanty Bay was Involved In mishap behind Guthrie public schootat 235 am today which caused mo damage to the car and 115 damage to the playing field ttlT AND RUN Ronald tunes of Shanty Bay Road reported to police ttednes day that his car was struck by oer ol lfllburn Street and Bur torch white ported to the lot at Vangard armory pm tie said the truck IeIt scene Damage is estimated at list TRAFFIC LIGIITS City council voted Monday night in lavor ofinstallihg unu actuated traffic lights at the cor ton Avenue FIJIE NEAR CITY fire at the corner of Pat lerson and Ardagb Roads to tnnislif Township Wednesday Drove Carelessiy ONTIIIIIO NilEStDENT VISITS COUNTY ENGINEERS ltlut nuotsy rut dent of the Assoclaltoti IPio sartorial En eera of Ontario and oily ea user for lift or is rimmed to the om tfa annual meet ll bottom out rdaalrman of the county chap ter incoming chairman If Coltenden looks on The new membcraofths ecu peters ted Inst rat Trotter viceshairnta it It Cotes ecrrtary Rogers treasurer Tlvn directors were also cttsttd tender oarrcto It It llo it Allan and Victor ttlcor ttlxsmitter ttsoto WomaniinodSlliI Edna Muenftt ISltovin cent Square was me provincial court Wednesday af ter her lawyer entered guilty plea on her behalf for careless driving htrs Switrcr was ed fol lowing an accident Involving motorcycle on floss Street at pm April to Defense coronal Bob lfcltln Mil told liaise James hennlcka that she lnentled to give up striving and asked that the min Inturn penalty be Imposed rdghl badly damagcd the up stairs of house owned by Donald Cox Air an llrs Cos were away when the fire bro out at 91in pm The cause of the fire has not yet been dclcrrrdnsd iIT tIIOAI BEllthi floss Sass of lift Barrie told police Wednesday that youth on motorcycle hit the rear of his car as he was driving dorm lloss Street near Parksido Drive at 1050 pm Ito said the collision knocked the youth off the motor cycle but he chmbcd back on and drovc oil at high rate of speed MAKES FAILED Valdatute Jurcvicrus at Toronto escaped injury lcdncsday when the brakes on Iris car Ialicd go ing around turn on Concession it near ttigtnvay too in lnnislll tuuship The car rolled over the cutter and down sevenfoot ditch causing 11000 damage The accident occurred at oso INN $150 DAMAGE ohicle driven by titartes drown of Toronto Street received $250 damage when it was invotv ed to an accident with second vehicle driven by Ernest Chnm bers of John Street on lisdnct day The accident occurred at the Intersodidar of Mid and Bradford streets at Mt pm MINOR INJUBIH Allan Newton of ltawkess tone and ttllchaet Basic 31 of tstington received minor tutor tn lea On Wednesday when their vehicles mhtded at the corner of Dunlap and Anne streets The accident occurred at loss In Damage is estrmaled at 01030 BREAK AND ISNT lt Police are invrsltgatln an at lunptsd break and enter at Eat ona Store on Dunlop Street The manager told police ledA nerdy that aorneooe made hole through brick wall near the roof re the rearof the store mseilrna In the part II hours LINNLN tAIllIl cicfk of session It Collier treet United IsaacII MWr mud Proctor with shred on at Coitirj Sire Inelasarftcatim seven the aiar leadaera wt Barrie cabal ting salary will be laser with top salary of tteooo after Lt rears of teaching romle to ama ofilimlut ear Botheiassifacatimaataa uv en depend on mrndatlom Iruato Noddy night mu JANUAIY of the Ontario Secondary School Trxbera federation the On bario habiir School lien Teach en Federation and the Feder atitaa oi llornen TeachersI As Itr lactation of Ontario tltuneutary school nr of rtpats suit earn rcspons rhty allowann oi 02000 above their salaries as teachers moored edit the farther figure of 010 Principan receive raise of to Iran from 118500 for reboots with less than ll teachers and to moot from 9500 In school wit ts or more teachers The salary agreements were rattfrrd at meeting of no atmg commit meat witntha turban tea may and are within lee it said the are air and er boards around the prova lte said bother needing wil be held with teachers neat week to discuss employee bandits All salary increases are fectave Sept an at United Has Party For Proctors ltev Dmd Proctor minister of Cnilicr Strcet Urutcd Church for the pas eight year was huttorcd last night at the church trail by tttcmstrl of thc congre gslion and by many at the friends he rusdo during his stay in Barrio hlrt Proctor announced to tprai that he decided to accept the pOSIIlDII of personnel ofliecr for the ttnmiltun Contcrcncr which includes tuu congrcgol NM ltts dulics wdl tu mmence there in the fall and lu official Iv rctircs fruna Cotticr Street Church in Aug Uwrn St John master of crrcmonics last night thanked ltr Proctor for his contribution to the church and Lawrence Parry Chair of Scssion prcscnt cd hir and Airs Proctor with cheque rut bchntl of the course gallon Approximately 00 atten tied the rcccptton llr Proctors wifc Crystal was proscnttd with bouquet of roses by hirs Donald Tupiing church secretary on behalf of the United Church ltomcn llr Proctor thanked the con crcgaiion for their many to ncsscs over the ycars and sold it It with great regret that ha leaving tits Proctor thanked the tin IIrd Church Woman for letting her be herseti during the many projects undertaken Arch bishop Read form er minister of Trinity Anglican Crunch extended his best wish es to hir and tire Proctor Dr James Finlay assoc Isle mirdster was honored on the occasion of his 76th birthday and was presented with birthday cake from the UCW Dr Finlay Is retiring in the fall after serving sesen years at Collier Street United Church Foundation Seeks Grant From Board Of Education the ticorgian toundatrun for the Ycrtnrrrutlc Arts Wednesday night asich th Sirocco Lotmly tlotusl of Education for 510000 to help undcrwrito the Wadi of towcclr lhcnlrc program for county schools ncsl spring The board look no immediate action on the rroucst The fortn riation must tool the boards position hoover by tho rod of August The Mark program which will include dramatic readings workdtops and pcrfonuanccs wiltcost about $1900 The Gear atan fourufatioo will pay lion Thu groups cltir with thrto ac tors and too support workers will tour the schools prcscnting programs similar to those pres ranted this spring ill so per cent of the elementary schools and to per cent of the secondary schools anccd through stator taunt intiiotltcs frogtont grant ALTERNATE AlElIltID till Gilier one of the spokes turn for thc ttcorrian Founda tion told the board an altcr hale aucthprl of financing could be arranged other than blan kct grant from the board tlo said each school can he charg rd Stu per half day I50 per day or trot for too days which can be taken from the principals budch for that particular school hfr Gdicr said the foundation does not incl it can continue in the schools on giveaway basis lie said should the Lil program continue again next year the foundation will apply but said he felt this is not the Ideal way to gun the program fie said the program not ordy serves the chrldrcn but also aids the foundation as it provides too It to have yaanrnuad pro gram One of the conditions 37000 Canada Council grant the foundation has received is that the foundation have year rouatd program with prolee tion to education During the detrgationa pres rnlalton to the school board trustees it showed videotape of the type of program It is clo Ing with elementary pupils In its report to the board the Georgian Foundation pointed out it isiltd is of the as public schools in the county with an nvrragc of three borers in eacp school The actors gate on pear formanccs with total estimab rd and co of 06 They suited to of the it sec ondary schools in the county with about thrce and half hours in each school They perfumed 07 times Wltil total estimated This years program was Itn employment for Its actors and al audience of auto Area Building Committee Makes Several Suggestions the lien one building cont milieu at the Storm County board at Education has rugges ttd Grade students from Craw ford public school on Patterson ttoad be allowed to attcnd Atlan dale ttcights public school in place of being transferred to tittcrcst public school in report to tho board tled tresdtsy night the coaruntltee so recommended the southern boundary tor Allendan public school he uteoded south oi Little Avenue nddoay between Little Avenue and Concession it of lonlsfll worship The eunurdttee or told the board that tile on ringa hotme Dr reserved for ulure school is not In good location it recommended the choice of site be considered In the fall when the future ot subdivision with too homeenorth of the big hay Point Road and east at the CNN tracts Is more definite The cunvultlce in Its report said it has discussed keeping Prince of Wales reboot to good condition although It will be per ardtted to decline in the number of students to the point that tile basement more can be Vacated tt ruggesttd fence at larnira Wire school be erected as soon as the property lines are strath tened out and that portable no place the nnorcorn annex larntcl St Pauls might be too sidered for use as an annex if the enrotanent at Warnlca rt quiros It the report said Committees have been aet up to mnslticr names for the new schools on Letitia Street and in Alcuna Beach report from second or tag said the connnitiee to advise the Edgar Consultant llall committee one or building at Edger will not be rreueded fsf school use to thy

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