Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1972, p. 3

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poorer Pool method to the other placement otIIeero entree Photo litiT BY IIOittlt STUDENTS III lltlitttllY ilhll no nodenedotleapeeleeCenlrn eteyortbotnuidtbnroopoono rtrndentpleeemere other nation Irom truinoee re heennulte err lie all it now nonunion otlleo nod hut emphulxed thntdob dulrernente rtllt exceed the num polnted out tbnt nreny etude her nt lobe Irritable on The centre outlet to reerhod trnnn tire Om Street enIrnnee will help tote prouurn all the ret CttO ottlm II no Boy Iie 5t lto mentorted etrnienle or centre tto rommended hob Alerender end Pout Croutend tor their el relorlbe torto en rludent pteremont oIIte publto tn respond tie ere counttnl on wort tor the summer to thet they eon Moore onynne to look Iurlher or top to reboot to the oil Emitter not nilernd throtrph tie reid rtudornlr mlbe eonrid er Iormlny smell employment froupo Io nee It they eon rind Robbery Charges Follow Raid Near Orillia TORONTO GI Proylnolll pollen ontd ltlnndn thot tour nun hove been cted up in reidr there llIn In connection with rerlnr oi orrnod rohbrrlen they reld Oerrord Hubert end itenn lhpoinle both ot Quebec WWW deuteron lento re on norm up on Wodnudly Even then otter will be eloudy with period at eunehloe Lone tonight welt obove treean the tueen no end no tllpb tomor eon mid to upperrnn chnnen oi thunderntrorn In thin eroo Weduerdey ellernoon or ev Byron hteInty runny otter end roreonnble it dearer tem pereluroe viii over much nt No Ollrio truth brood Index in the been or cloud nntndnted nritho werrn Iront eltemptloe to crnsr the toner Greet Leten will ruin hold tempereluren belov no It moot locollonr However the noun eIr nbouirl puub Into the northwest eornerol the rovtoeo Iodoy end into touch pi reminder ol the errth Wodneedoy Thin wrrmo elr more In chrtherlred ten returer upper en end rome IroIoIed thunder etonn octlulty dinturbenre producing ehnwere end thunderstorm will more Into Northern Onlorlo Wednerdny radio the runny mother there Toronto Mortiy rloudy lodey Cltence hi on enrly morntng ehonerr Wrduoedny eloudy wtun runny period end ehnner or into ntternoon or evening thorn dorntonn liltb lodey to to 10 law lnnlelrt neer bi Wedneo deye hlrhtn the mid to upper 70 indoor tote St their Lobe Erin Cloud with iew rhoyr err or thu ernlornu thin morn tog tiery end wnnn thin otter noon lbrnuoh Wednendey with the chem oI on inoleled thun derntnrm lilytlotodoy II to to terror lonlnhl hi to no Hints on Wednerdey In It tirnrliton hondon ielerbor outtr Letn Huron Nlernrn Lete Outed roulhern Genre lion tiny ltonlly cloudy todny yrllb chem at on eany morn in emu Cloudy with eurury Interyeie end thence ol en eit ernonn or evening thunderetorm on tiny Hltutodry or In no em Ionltt on to re lttrhr on Wednnedry In the mid to uppnc too Itcllvr IIarmerlIIeather On Wednesday highly tintiburt Iddntty runny todey except tor enrly mentor to printer Wednordey cloudy Irrteryele rod eootIranne norm iliohe both deyn beer or out tonight oround no Sudbury North Bey Aleonre northern Georden any duty morning eloordlneer end Ion linen mortly runny todey Frequent cloudy lutervolt with Ion ehowero or Ihunderrtomrn on Wednendey lllehr tndey end Wednendey III In re but rotder none the Greet Inter todry lave tonlnht In the tower not Temeneml Cochrone hlortly runny lodey lneroerlnr eloudh neon Wedneedey with lew rhowere or lhundernlorme hy evenlnl titohr lodey end Wednerdey To to to lawn to nlrht nenr to White River Sunny today eon pt In eomo eerty mogulnn to either Mostly donrdy tonight end Wedneedny with oreulnnot nhnworn or thunderrtormr tltghr loniny neor re tone to nian In the mid to upper we Wednesdey him to lo 75 Western iemer hey lionin runny end root Iodoy Cloudy end milder Wodnoedny with rhnworr In romn locnillien lllnhe todny our to lawn to night on to no Wedneednyo Irinh near to tileh lo ilixio Indey neuron Wed winer no to St Than 75 no London 70 no titlehorror 70 It tlnunt Forest to re hlnrhom ro rt Owen Sound to re tturlroite re ilemlltoo to St Cotheriner re Toronto to Trenton re ltlueeton re Peterboroueh Kliloioo North hey Sorde Hutton tintntlnr Klnlositeelhl on tiertn en Clropieeu to White River hh erridton so by assssssszzzaszzaass Monroe Weather for not brought to you dolly MICHILINX OTIILBhtTED RADIAL rrncror rruy Iprtentteld on per Chum IId oined white ulterr eIl UR II I53 ntm It on II Ml IAClI OI Itrlee more choreor OT It 0B IACII were mooted here trldoy etch on tour ebereer oi nrmnd rob bery There oran nine nerrontn neeirul lluhert tor umlnl en olleeetve nee end comet ment on or entire wenrou The two were hendrd over to Quebec provtnelol pollen Setur dry end returned to midni vloru QM Arrnnted bnereld etneote teen to mile north oivDriIII Ndey were no end hIn eon Donet It oi ed oddreu The moledtopereentolobeeoro mnmwmut Itnnual Meeting wednesday peered In Toronto provtnetol court tiredny on cherrer oi counterey to eomrnit or robbery in tttnuton The non wee releeood on moo cub bolt end the tether on Mil orb bell polite neld Both ore to return June it Severel provinetnl police rome dreeeod er younx tron olentr toot port in the raid on the rotten Ihleh hed been under ruruoiltenee Ior nbout Inn neeiu pollen here told to whet ilee reld we re toled Ineient Itth oltirere erresled mymnud Trudel lor meriy oI Quebec Juno or home In hurneby EC tie woo cheered nrth poem rlon ol en oiienelve weepou end police told they lound rttler emmuntllon wise end tore mut II the house ANNUAL ilAtttItt About two million ecrer oi lorestr ern hrrverted ennurily In Conede nlo tnesrer bin eeidtbe eentre med member at Come oled or employan to the pro john Ernie street at Connde lien er eeld he too in retltred the response Irom rren borr neede more John tor etudentr horn Comorol reomen tin Groutn Cnileze told the centre rerver detlnlle end our Inni purponr portiruiorty In the eurnmer eeoronrnbrn there on numerator temporary lobe nhlrh mloht he eretleble She eeId etthouph moot Georden Onlieeo rtudentr heve eireody locrled elnre they were out nt rchont errller the centre will rertLIhly be noted by hilh reboot rtudenle the min to mine to tour oil etudentn looting tor in either Iemporory pnrt time or tuitttmo rnmrner poo ttonr John evellnbte rnnre Irom hnbynlttlu end lewnmorrlnn to elerteel work the herrie ehember nl Com merne Ir elro wortinl with Corr nde Atenpower trylnt tn encour eln businerner to provide lobe lor etudentn in eoniunetlon with the Ontnrlb rhetober the teen ehember In trylnn to note onl nioyern owere oi the enrtotuherr It the probterrundto enme thorn tothlnh ebootl normmm asurvnyr tnten ottertbe rm otion piecernent pronoun pornte utemherrot the Conedtrn prrticip rent Approximntety moo eompenier nod their oorrto etudent errnp oyeer nursrocu rotors TORONTO CPI trenltnl one relive It lirm prleer tor nupply or rlnuyhler eeltlo lott ln oueiit nndtinlsh It the On tnrlo ub ertoetyordt today We tell Arrive were rtendy end hop to were no enrty roles on nheep end tomb due to the epoch weekly note held et pm Slerrhtrr nettle rou Grotto eteerr rm noon medium noon romrnon 194150 eholen heilero No with enter to you good rerouted medium mmon zen nnod cove fill dium 155mm connern end Leave rt to us to get it to them Your beneciaries will they really get everything you plan tor them Yen can make sure your wishes are carried out when you have yourwitl drawn up by lawyer and when you name Victoria and Grey Trust Company your executor Competent reliable friendly end the Berrieunlt are lower Ibero nod turo Brrrio yontbr will lrnrnt flunk In 33 to eron lot INA Chm eolleeioln etudenlr over the lotrr it our announced Indy by pert yerrvlll be or neuter ot ttnyor EL Ooote go hearrleltlugllle Ungryntor re noon ere aumnyyilms rinan heiteten ten horde will live emu the topmost to err the lrpnnene wry oi illn trry oi Stole onnbuheed the pro one el hi polnltnu to Rennie Leden tor tension Art teeth err Don Itnrrieon end door ulnmotoitte end or on eornmllten ot mine ntudenrte ehrne the tinge to be hung end nor rorrtron eetd he in CITY NEWS 1me mme rue rennin nmunn runsnny rune no no Army they end Air Force Vet ernnr in Conrde in horrln her been rhemd with the runner ibiiily ot reinettnn the Benin ro prournlottyee Six repreeentetlvon until he ehouen trnrn Outerio end tinyo nrnrrwn um Ooote enid todny tbet the tort on resident oi lnniofrl Tonn thet Bertie tree rhonen to rend oblp Arthur Bennett Little died ten reprnenlntiven rpeetr not It Simeon tuner Benton on tor lento end unit WK lunie in hit an yeir Illtitl by out our Rm tkhnlorrlrrerlIlmoel uglier The lltlt VI IIIOTICH ll mg lmmwlilgng resident ol lnntorrt boring nel mm Imam tied on the 12th concession in an Wm romlnn Irom thrunty Derry III um hir little to nine eurrlred by the neuron ot the youtlu will hit eon thltern ll rho turn be mode nubile noon et liltieo itnii itlettwoy 21 nonrtn not Burto doumtern Dorothy Itlrr Normen sleet nI anontol Green tMrn John hierron ol YAhD none LII tumult Olen Aurore nt mm Aline oi Interment tlorenee Pouto Polnrnliet on Seturdoy lhetrondnn en tom tr notoi to lot tern otlteere do the rent or roledlny lone obit dmre lbo Yrrd enreed lo the ehnnxe otter meeliunn with men end women on the lure the Simon County Chepter or the Annoelotlon oi Frolerrlonol Enntmre oI Deterionnll hold rnrnorncr runners Fire Dept ero City Potter 1395 heplerenreet eettle too Good menuno Imieo Wind light ntoctere end teederr mo OPP new heevy shortkeep teedern neon eood eloet rIeer entree eulterr Mt end berry boln one buile mo with odd IOU In on eonmoo end medium on out good rtock better eeiyer noon common end medium nineteen end leederr IMO Celene too mien Iolerr host rood our rnedrunr tote romrmn do bonerr N2 lien Lou linen priee lore none eurrentiy rt Toronto eons rtrrr end born tone Sheep nnn llrrrhl Bl J01 It on THURS DAY the opening or our new We think you experienced since 1389 Viotorin and Grey matter sure your wishes are carried out Warrior truer Connery Irwredrnriniy to renew rhepropin nOnrerio ourruunl tin tietier Kennedy oi Sud buryt odd Bdrlh litre Wetter leoklin oI Elliot betel else 11 grendnhildren end two eot yrnndchiidren nrr Little resided Ior hIr en tire II et Liltiee Hill tin won the 1an thin child at the tele ltlliem Little end ltrry hennett llir tether wire oi stmnrd Iliourenlrrrhtre En lnnd wen htennber ol Perilo ment lor Sonth Simeon nt lime oi Conndoe Grnlederetio Arthur Little nu In mil urn Conremdve end errernber ot to nt our men he eon Allen ole lie but tend tor the IAth plot It ht on not County ProfessionoIEngineers It nnnuel dinner meeting Wed needy It the Beyehore tlotor liolrL Theproyrem will Include the mount butlueso meeting nod eL eellon hi the ternn dtrpter ox reutlro erureemnr ol the APEOI eoth rnntverinry lilm Ennineerlnn It tor People end on oddresr by hrodley Eon oi Kilebener Atm pre nident Chapter oholrnnrn in Thompson Ere oi Berrle JUNE rsrn building from to end pro to Midnight pinned the retention Ir repre untolire on tel on here at 11 quelity lEnmlner PhD KingGeorgoPupile WillParlioipale InGomosDay Pupils Irom Kin Gentle nrhool In Barrie end Wllin ire Iend reboot in Alliston nrill he no monn lob children Irom Sirnron County rrhoolr lor lrninrbte rhite teen who on menteily hendiar ped nbrro rrlll tote pm In romeo dny ot trillion in Wrtdnt Ilemotlel behold Forest more Wednondey Mnlyoilht ettnientl Ill be etlondion Irom home on worn will ponleipetn In yerlour lleld dry event Includ lnr brood hump olrh lunar end to end to yard drrhrr Speclel events will he held tor children unohle to tote port to eon The dry in heiun erronxnd by tire Shirley Clerite Without it Wright hternoriel rotnoot princi pol end her etell Spaniel xuento will include Orville month at the mtnielry nt tiduoelton in Tornntk Other reboot pertkipntton Io elrerln Dnrtdeon Mentorint Ne linnood Huronle lrom tild lend end the host echooL KANE NM KAN Jinn at horny srrret not Jim hone noon the med priro oi moo ot the Hon Club ttrdnmley night ll DUNLOP 7267200 heir us Celtbuts It to pm 11 like our new took LOOK FOR OUR MANY OPENING orncm orrmno rnunsonv rune I5rt2 nu COME our COME onernrsnrnems ALL IANCINtitoe onscreen IPIIIZES OreInortro in the evening enuncrr rnrrn sorrrrrs ro Ild BURTON AVI IARRII Pirin Indy ell merit Belted Cell In Not ylth your order IPAIIIIIAND TIRE Muleorler Si roemo WCIURMAGREY TRUBT COMPANY SINCE

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