Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1972, p. 12

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gg eg 21 EE 3E 5E Ir EE 522 252 EEEE ET TE in 353 EEE SE hoe FEE TE in 53 at he 25 roorrc Scuoor ours sorroru Schoolerd IT BeeIShInTy George We coach Nicky on The Thai me In There Carol Dunkn KrIIlI dre rel Kelby PIlrnITrer mm EFTIITnninu zero Illoyer Til Pelrneleer FITDNIT Tau 3E 32 SEE =2 EE E3 E2 curries Tie TInTrI Gerk Ben EE The Show Tiny Ichool mu min Trophy The eld llrrriled To me pier Ire Cosine dITo Tor enTrleI TI June 21 For deTnllI view all men AN iNJURV may hm ooIT are 83 gee Tm 380 Connie SalINN vur um mm Sm Beer FROM rm All Rhlle Swen ITIIeI Ilyrnn mariner PhoToT GUY leads Wald TermToIMIinoverWerd in In ToTerverd PIITTIITI an Tildlend nun ehenee To gIme Iionrle nighTGuthInh In pulled hImITrTny muuln run hornenlll To help hie own or no ea eorge urm no Pm may mm hmpmp Km ITlIh Tran ed TedClineI TnTleid nine hITI Ideludln Tour In The rd um beivreen Sieuor would MI MN llrhmmlolmm CIIurThMIIFIEIII ilorneen IIIIILr iourThandng rellyloi urmu end yrerTIre lnIurenee Inn on To Trade IIIy Th IanIhII deldere cornmITTed Tour prorlrnelely ore okh Intd fumv lnImMWTWW FIeTbellWMurrreplTMll ed ThouUI on more mum mile we or in Thai creedo Irrd Amerieenin Theme Tleeren MM Lehelieer remelnI Tho only MM up unlorTnnnlI Tnlvry Tor Cdvptll mm 35 XXng cl WM Only one Ienlor leIrue eonTeIT undeleeled Tenor In The leIguI mm mmm Swim AID Quinn IT llld ABM AtTllLLDJ TeIrne lrorrr ToDoniern Win nmpleee Tor CenIdI In The rm ed Th club on mllum undiopulloulollhe gt ORANGEliILLE RESULTS urn om In To oiToronToAlIlMthFc mm mm oiel nT nlne Brediord Queeoe IloTei II no owe hi all All To renre BuT line In ma Mom TI elnled Tor Toni ron Trevine beeTen Sheree In My Md limbAW Taller DWI iii my mondhell rtrerrglh Selur Ind PTleher Don ITIFIddon old ToTII III II TIlooreT III when normed Orenge doubled To righl To leedoll The For TlTeTedden TI um die Time 11ml 112 III In New hi Ier inning and Toni To Third on eppoinling nlehT egeTnIT hie old My Double TNT peld TILIT murky soeeer Tmue record Karim Guergle InchTleI bunt Termvmeler III Touched Tor nunTue mlleTroT Merchants Down 7Yanch Heating In Try Nlnuing CenTr TIoronTI IToh Guy led The Need Ben oumrTu Felix Crowl Iulltb thler end eho bleried Ivo sTkaiomeTre Denedlen NITIoneT ITo roeeedediuioed The TierTmthouTIT mm mm rm in Ianrie Ind DerrleT Senior heeeeullnThe Lnnlng end 1le HTu Tidy lD TITTITI TIN Abbegele ITerberT celled on Tor Ieevinl uue hue III Tim In pith mm hurt ITnITeIcorinerTooTTercreuend Loo Ioou hurier andhg 71 Minoan Id The ATM Ill nmowmnmmu er Tollmd eiTh enoTher elnl Tng vllh only one run eeored WM UNBICOREr TITIIronT Noriheo Aim gleam mum cm rcorlng Burke end Then in mm mm mm Id Mm IT IT TTrner TIT TlIIeI LIMIT IT wrrol welcome IreneTeen mile on lRoblnrnnT one 21T Wdh3b hiohlle llornee eIIIheI wilh oi The new Tlvrly Illil Ind Turgnhlggglg $312 Lekerlre Delry To The TlrIT Tklordnl plleher Boyd Toe DM WM TIM ll Am GW TIeorTeI ruranurer only run uEh IeLIng up The True To The Vellum room Seru rlloyITColp homer 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LIT elmTue mile TIoT Ionel ForeT Tchoehrenel 010 LTD TM M0 TTeTThee Tlenover MD lIiTlTrrT Drown Iqu Ilnrrieonl Time irllu SeyrnTbAJW luIITr DI Eeriwood IIIIII lIIleT ETD LTD ronTonl IT Queenr Pork you were lho wlnnlng ollcher whllo TTuyereTT doubled TuTeo end reorrd pnir nT rune TEr omlner Phnlo Mimim mlth II III on Tim heliend overAge orl Tlg ego tuned mm Drinredilik TTIITd MI ongiA To be leer Ieli meybe noTNoTrIITTeT lhIT Three oniek goeII lneudin PITA VIIITen end one by Mlmdnmogelre room Tode IT end oT The yInTue Ind Thele IhIT Innhee were Neel Trelurdey The Biuu end Comhell DuT Ylneh MTTIWTHTPIMTEJTI Wm ne oil Die rel Ylnrle elnred nem inThe eleh eclelen In BerrIe Meior ehuk Ind Tiecloekey eroeeed FIITh II It erue gnmegeyed IT TeloonTwoeuTenea yDIve MEDIA LTlenmv Inlhemi Ieren Seoll lead oil The boilom ISL Open oumeY Tr Tn urcnlnnlnuvnrur The leveth Tor Yendv uTTh rnoIT IdvenTIgI oi Them The Downrdl menegerl To plume ITernenIuinITiheelemenTI new The iTreT Inning WIIITDTIT no Illd Two ground oaru heck Tn lemma In my mum PM Md 95 Yeneh pllchee Tohn lrurdr him irorn The null Three huh gt We 0m In tilWWI end AIDE rocky blulir oTer ered Gerry Turner Ind Den PATH Turner him couple el in picking upulhe vein bovinel pllchv Tohn urelr mnneg one TETFu Cernpbeile ground hell Illewed mm The more To more No garner Ildlleletdukll Tongue anon Tony reenr Ire emeTl end In ml be Wm Twill IAIN IIIITIT Tildr ll ouecrr Iurk Tor BUTT1T MID Tell ltd MI my my my iTuyereTT were Two oi The elerI Elmveie Idded one in The thrd when some nnrnou Icon The Flyrl Ilorung II The pm ylclorv our Glory Iurnl rue narrow PALMER neuron yum ller error on Too TTeIeourTe WWW Puller Should Swrng Theeedeyl ooern we The Blue Fireball Ilenover TholeIITIMI enurl own Winter DllI Hook The Inch Thing In The NTTL drIlT vTelT Grevenhurei in leegue mm mm It TieITIn Ilondey nIIiTT Ind Took Illh oelr oi runs PIuT QueenI Perk eld Ind Koelreg beelTwerElrreveIelhITTool The ITrTgIeTTuTElmvelehurlerCerl rzonrs DEACIiCeIII APT yd Thh mm be Iierehenlegelegnlroinrvleel In IIA by geilng ITrIkeouT III INTAI Ilium vim vrelked The nm Two heTIIrI he TerI EderdI ITruelT all never in TIM biovrI Id ule nnlurel welrr Round The rend mm on eTereouT In WTv Yeneh goi nno Truck in The Sandy Cove IIanTTo lelTI Kirke TInrrldly ior The genTeI TelrgeeT hieToo Teirle mm Conn 5m my 5m wllh In Church Iioolle Home IT ed irorn ilrIT hure ITTer en oul Past Golfers Nose IIngle lwo more rune In The huh nudloyive Elmveleoreeur Ing rprre Chuck Jordane Tree or loedod eingle Ieored Belcoure Iheeureelweyloioulw our pulling II To movo your Aeed during your Ilroko Tired ruevur menT while nnTTIng Tnverlrhly rquu The pullerTeen To open or The he re me keep my heed rTTli ii roneenlreln on wlnzlng Thu nullerheIrT PAST Formosa PoundsRohsonLang In Recreational Loop Game lormove Droweriee hed ITTTie Trouble hnnding RobsonTang lTI elxlh deieel nT The yrnr IlondIy mm In TTIrrle Iirne Tier includlng rlngle double end homerurr Lobringer rnIerlcd Triple homeron end Ilnrle In rlr lho heel prnTnciIvu equipmoul you an ever own in nlroedy yllh prnieciivn glneeoe The jul cello Tor Thorn and regular anreo 4er AND RADIALS chockope if your oyoelghle below par Tuko euro If your oyoe end Theyll one you euTIIy Through The working day my rune on my lhraugnriroire mge you Think about do lng durrrg pulling nreciiee Iuelonr During nITuol relay oure Mler oil lT you concen rnTo nrr viruellrlng Tire polh oT The one To The Twin lTTlTr Tillie WW IM ororliee pulling out your new The iorrnoee rouie wee lad will occur rulnmnTIruT on The by De LI FrInier who wenT rourre ThreeiorThreo IT The nleTo FIRST TIME OFFERED Trip In The pTule Tor The yin here The Inning plirhrr weell Weller TTrlnrr Corey nnTl lvnn Cameron rivered mnurni duller Tor Tlohronrung Tn romelionoi lelgue echon lonlghT end rnrele Kennedy Conlrnrinrr In orlork gamo IT mole ST erhool IN BARRIE Plen your vmilon Todr by renTlng iully equipped orol window van Equipped wTTh Iulomrilc Trenemeelon double bedr running waler nndlteholeeeomrnodnTord ndulie eIIlly IlrrT Time ell ered In Bertie by Ilerir The No TlenTeT Company yourIono pnlr oi nynn duel knowing thTe going on nrounrl you helpe you avoid job uccldoni 80 IT mnlren good Ierne To look after your oyoe reeTTonIT Panhnll Dengue Ierne pieyed IT Sleelosl erhool hrTuule iT won romp Tor Pnrmoee II The brewery Teem Iinrbbnd RohInnlenng hid in The FULL OUARANTIE ALL SITES ONLY Te PER when you buy or me IT menuiee TurerI euggeeled prior lelled Tlrvre OIIIT FRONT END Allynnrenl end Heleeee $1295 All Our nliepleeemenl PIrTe clunvn IIIT Mun on mourn TIUITITANIID Krnv ToHNeTDN more urn Ye lerrle Velkerreyee Doeler MAIDEN IIITW Tvru TIRE TOWN TTI BURTON 7282224 Make Your Reservailon Now 7266474 48 IAIA AD nI Componeeilon Ronrd end Snieiy AeIocieTTonI Onlerlo

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