Angus Students Return To School Malia returned to claw It insult Ind coebtln Our Lady otllrsee school in monthly Costello and II 92 eei lIW Ti Two oppose New City Hall thenndilastnidtdeeided mournunto mmnm entire city yrlev ltd ei Toronto to built an rinsi tier Ilnicairr Street corner the city would not two ends lull oors with total at noon seuareirrt Mill mid he tom per car tor the tires the yIIrs room per year tor the nest on In and it per yeIr tor the tuyrsnoltheleueio lat rent would he 56le nrrr lbs 50 yrIrI AGAINST only Aldermen Dorian Parker and Frank liersey voted against Rent Program the new centre Aid Perlrr us concern the citys ItIilisll needs would not incesso sub stantially within the hell low yeIrI end said Ibo III no res Ieo shy Ontario Hydro could not be nested tram thetop trro floors at city hall Ind eiiy siIlI ninrrd into city th1 she Ilso Ished what was to become at the NM used in the renovation oi the city council dumber raven yeIrI ego She said any mention oi post It renting tbs new oillre ONLY LIA AH Al Eyers Isled hoe long Ontario Ilydro will he in the pre sent building and us told the kneislornnoarmutiloni Irio Hydro ded to more out these should be no problem litt lng the allies IpIre in its report to city council the city development eonnnluea said the old lire hail building is pest the tot menan use It SIM Georgian Bay build log alike at OntIrIo Hydro bu been eliered lease in its so ronsurodstlon in or hell and there is requirunent lor der loprnent in the erntrsl core oi mindhidldi proposrdby nar rleer president Gns Klisna is no tret by ion Iret Ind at the north Iest corner is two hips extension tolert by to eel that would house the colde chambers Otilce would till the other lioons ot the building the pro pout includes three levels oi underground parting Okayed Anllillbilrn endingaeereleltnlihaiseiingolcor tltrdey boyaott eiIried lIsllrIdIy CitIl Wooiner and they Gov sells rcpeeaening the parents oi the students slice yesterday wih the ItudeaiI rnst yesterdey with later at education and now Ioei certain they will base meet ing with air Welt diaiity and concern new ei Ir rnnr loIIoIing meeting by parents last Thurst erenlndg The is It thai time edited It so the children out at school indeltaieiy Only strident It ianded times Friday The en tire unmixnent It the school is hit Waoiaer saide how about no prpiut was eseinn the bsve conltrnullon ot the meet ins today It wIItha decision at this time to reneei the boycott In tinn Iitrur Indy at time school In AaIuI penan lion It meeting with hlr Wells lir dileipiiauy Ictloo Iinat tor mer pdndet Philip lion Ibo denoted tor Itrspplng nine children its use god to St it school in Is remedla teacher st eats bed Wooiaer laid 1iietniililterl oi boycotted ciesses lor tour days lice in lbrnnto was contacted in the sire beiore Cliez Belle Rezoning Bylaw Others Passed By Council City council IIst nisht Iwrov ed bllIle which Ilim resale hsdyumii Whit tun on no sites lined lrorn residential hoid tag so that culls iunlly units tosnhouses Ind Ipartnient build tnss csn be built on the had The rrrnninl also Illsms peril lend in the area Ihe bylaw now Iiile div etopcr Lou itoslor to build so cording to his subdivision plan Ind Is tnsceosdencs with the citys disirkt Ian live Belors llr oriov us start roostnictlonlnn any oi the build ings he Illlli lirst receive drIlt eopronloi his piers complete oprnern and worth and Rose streets Nontr eubdlvlrters Igreement rertrterthe piIn church Ilia approved byIIw resents the Costa WWW north the Bayiieid idliL item rcsldentisl to corrunerclal Ihe Ipplieliipn tor resonlng bId origtnetty been tiled to permit the erection oi Vie Tenney herith ape but the ltrni has since ried not in to mod with its Ihe toning however has been completed third bylaw titans the re zoning ol agriculture holding land It the corner It Duninp Street and Fedeie End to Industrial so that siniroa Block cIn btiild on the site lourth bylaw Ipprnvrs tho Iite pin the townhouse dovrI It the corner It Duc live ol the so units will be own ed by the DntIrto iinusing Con pantion Ind live will be priv aloiyowncd iliinln llocirey Teams Honored During City Council Meeting three teInu iron the Ilsrrle blinnr llortey Association were esaaled ritll phones latt night urin under meeting oI city counc the litter minor notices the United Rubber Wooten ban terns end the Coll malorrnid til rcceivedi csloi their ttisiliiliil nor digipg thempnll oct season earn it logyth Iiitlnisrlo dtanrpion Iiiipl the learnt er psrtoil nine tcaivl Icsgua or boys nine to it years old The ieIguI includ cs 15 boys In plying tribute to the Bar rte blinor itockey Associsilon Aid Jock llordson said one DthA pincr hII IIreIdy made It to the NHL roll second III drIIted Isst lest by Philadel phII Four have been drilled by Junior iearra Ind tour here Ittendod university in the United states on Ithlctle schoieretilpa Iltsee oi this Jens players have been shall by Junior teams in London Kitchener Ind Ottawa The prrsentations weremode by llsyorL l1 Cools Alder man Dorian Pertrr Ind mayor al showed mane Peasant who Is Ilso csptaln oi the Gillan minor novices City Buys Kemp Bay land To install Service Road City council tut night voted In law oi purchsrlng ii acres trnm ltsinp Rey Developments lint to not In toioot rerviu road no be built to cross his lands on the west side oi Durt worth street north oi Itore Street Price oi the land is 000 GARDEN MPH II said or hhrisit ill hector Ior inI Plow Ind scutiirr Itilcllmeitls tits til lteue telephone no on Nil FAST AtIION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS Milli Iere Ilrmp Bay Developmentsl will retain toloot strip II had along the southerly edge oi the serves road Ind rent the city the option to In the strip oi land Ior It It later dsie The option will include the right at on immediate rishtolr way tor normsl road Ind city services and lull right lor the city to grade uni ditch the strip II it it were part oi the Wool load Illnwuirc lilJlliii RliliillN WELLINGNN NJ All the general Iynod oi the toillk irys linsIIcIn Churchmade up oi ii men and one women relccted by Ilngia vote pro poui to ordain women Is priests PUBLIC srnulcrs consuls Will PreCall Tenders Pending OMB Approval WW8 Cityicouncil last night Ip lour clty drperrnerts wilbe proved the preceding oI lend responsibielor mm the coat ere tor the steel structure and Public works has been Ir mttntciaddlng oItho newsen tossed MM public lilli vies complex on Ferndsle Road Ies Mum parts Ind rec Coide will now reply to the mill lwdlr Wm Ontario hlunlclpei Bolrd lor ap Symmolm um provnl oi the protect my Mm or Tho new renire will cost In lest council is eating the Dill estimated lttltii2 Reserves II to him the Will villi bulb tildibl item the rain ol it Rob oi tor Willi retailer The ortr St to Koimur Ii CanIdI titerenle ween the esirnat Ind transit from the publlo inlcoetolthocompiexleestiie works building will help ottset reserves and WM the cost in order to speed up construe low insane lemilies In liar rie received some tron ctiy turmoil htandsy silt Iben council voted in runs It In Ont Irin timing tnrporeilon rent eminent progrern psogrern cIils tor the sen lalnisonobomesin Barrietn lotincome lIrniIiu lha rent would be scored in incnrne and tenants would deal directly with the indeed The rent subsidy tor the home world he poid by the lederIi provincial Ind mun chpII gnvrrnmcnt at rate at as per cent iii par rent end iii per cent respectively In horns where the rent sup Email to one taro city am this hit an tions in its provsi ll Ietrd that no mont lolsmtlles be sccoinmodated within the rity It the present time under the pro grain and that not more than to per cent ol the units in multi ple lIniliy building to snarl rnum ol tilt units ire permitted in say one derriopmtni Council Iiso Istcd thIt single iImIIy Moe be restricted to no more than thrre in say one bisck scattered throughout the city and multiple housier lora lion be not closer than to ysrds been received the architect has been given permission to go head with tendering bcloro Iinnl Ipprovat Aid Del Cole said construc tion Iboiilrl be Itnticd by the and st August Ind hopes are tho ttrst phase will be compirted by November when the city has to vacate its Roberts Street loca lion The original cost tor the cunt piex had been estimated at it million rroru each outhrr Council received letter lrvm the Barrie SociII Planning Council esting It to endorse the program OIIC olttdais Amelie rd beloro council lest month to rrpiain the progan and exited Ior rit support Iu crinlormstlancon heob Iaincd irom DIIC at no Dunlap St East Rugby Tourney rugby tournament schrdul ed for the in weekend It the Formosa hrowery grounds he received lull Ipprovnt Iron city council tired Fills representing the Rants and Ituranta Itugby Club told it learns Iiil be participat ing in the tourney and are expected lrorri North Bay Tor onto Quebec City and London its will there will be at least two and hopeluiiy thrro pitches In operation Evans iicciises Liberal iiiemher 0i Misleading The Legislature ARTHUR EVANS mnomo CPI The at dtIlrmIn ol Ontario Iiydrs Monday accrued In oppoollon 3ittttilttl3 In rat the Iedslstnre DA Inns PCSimeon Centre and virechatrman oi hydro denied cIterorchiiy that he laid Edward Good trWt terioot Juno that members at the gure miorrimwgl pass on re oi committee tnverllgsting the hydro opersisn llr Good told the legisiaure the member denitely in termed me that there were cop ies at hydro Speaker AitIn Reutcr chided llr Ernie and told him he did not believe it uses proper tor him to that bit Good made Itstsmrnts which were posits lveiy untrue lecithin Gliiiilliii SENIOR CITIZEN City council has Igreed ot Ip peai to the Ontario itunieipel Board to waive hearings Ind to Ipprove byIII which will Illwl tho buildingol senior cltlrens Ipsrtnlent console It the comer oI Dilehworth Street and Blake Street Nti ADVERTISNG th council he turned down request trim the Dorrie Chant bcr oi Commerce asking the city to Idlertlse on brochure pro pnrrd by the chamber Dmrnrli wu told the city has its own maps and does not advertise on other maps PROFISIONAL ENGINEERS Sept it will be prociIlincd Engineers Day in Barrie tollow tag request iron the Associa Iion oi ProlesslonII Engineers oi Ontario The AssociItloni ls rel ehrstiog its slth Inalverssry this year FIRE DEPARTMENT The Richmond iltii lire inpati ment has sailed the Barrie hrs department to pants to cele me the Rich mond lliii centennial in June 1mm Richmond liill drpsrt ment is pIrticularl interested in vintage lilo iris and tire iirhtlns equipment Mltlliii DELEGAES SererIi Barrie lnmilirs uiil Iltrod Divine Rutrrehto trict Assentny at Jehovah heroes in Ilium July to they will be among npprostrn ntciy Iooo Witnesses who will meet It Llnedowne PIrk ior Bible education hlsmlly discus sions Ind Bible drama to bl light the use oi Bible principirr in daily living will be tratured durinl the lourdsy program UNDERGROUND TANK my council htondny nlrhl Lave Its Ipprnrnl tor the tnrtsl iiun hi solo gallon diesel iuet tank underground at Ilav trrI Garage Ferris Lane sol lost to the nppmtul ol the the chili and provldtd the instnin lion lotions toning and building regulations tlcipnis in HoldingTanks SeenAsSoiutionInSpecialArea uy svrirn llAIlltETI Exsmtner Stall Writer heal attens Nor esn they lnnisill Township council and If Italiiiwunnumun the Simon County Health Unit flgujwfll It Ire obtsintng eIttrnItes on the cost It purshuins Ind instItiiag mm or lump mm In 31515 my lg the me but tound um It would mill Mum ii dill 3305 hId reload reeling ii mg mg hmuwm cos up on Council has considered thl James Auid environment min hlm mm mlnlhr trr In letter to council re ilon problems in the or commended that it IhIrdon the Icy Irea tIdiaccnt io tami mm roe betwten Concession cm Ming em theOntIrto WIIer Resources curiae and Concession is Commission will sometimes rub it is approximately nnohIli to rid the test ot rower lhrcogusrtera oi mile wide lea gumtiliof iidli olibe The ruhietn Inthe Ires be it 159 when Mo rider it under present rircun quote sewage systems were In Installed in what vrIs rlmarlly Br septic tank can be scrolls oerralhecot goown in in the spocisl policy ere it not need he Ipprovel ol IieI percolation lest mint bI tho Slrncoo County iireith Unit psriorrncd This is done by dig It that tinie sing hols tour to live set since then the old Ievrsge sys rep in the treat to th tomiisvs become lneiiocllvs hots iilie up with water Ind the colleges cannot install tic took my not be instalod septln tents on properties pith Iidtart Doiht chisl tweeter new inin Council investlgsled the poo trill Unit said that low land on ers the tried putting three tect oi tIndttii on their property in In attempt to rake It to the IC rd level but the land ilIs lbllll back too the underlying Another problem Iith the lendttil solution is that ol water running oll Into Idlacent pro Petty thunctllor Gibblns said that the Not oi lendtiil raising the collage building new launde lion Ind installing septic tent and tile bed is more expensive than instilling holding tent The biggest cost in hold Ing tank concebt be said is the cost oi ernptying it He silmstes that with conserretlva use oi ueter ismiiy ot tour would spend lit to ill month Ui T0 bill Reeve Georsa Burton esthnat II tht be cost would hs closer to ill minds councillor Gihbins ind that collagen would not ino to art my meuh on emptying learn the yssrrouoi ill siIler tebie because oi oi the sirnroe County ilenith dents would be the one with the largo bills ltr Doubt said even ii the bylaw nilowi holding tante is passed it won bcItemporary measure until the township could IIlord to install rowers or the government expropriated thl land tor rterrstioael use Its raid that the latter sniullon would probably be the best They should never lrIve been eilowrd to build in that me in the ills place he said The propole bylaw would see rotate the construction manner oi installation and rirsnlng and disposing oi the contents oi the my holding tents But even It the bylaw is pose rd priorities will be develop ed by the Sim County Ilcalth Unit because tha tIntI will be instaiiod only in problem uses In recent report the hinlh committee It innisltl Township It III recommended lost the contents oi the tents be diapered oi stvtbe IiIrrls some treatment phat Ihst the collectorI equip nisnt be prabIe oi enema holding tasks which are lorst at distance at up to the loci item the access road That the collector he rrr poiulhls tor supplying Illii In Itsiilng the approved seals lot towian completion oI the empty log the holding teriiui That the intial contract he on onoyear hull with Ute collector being responsible tor emytying Ipprorlmsietv to hold tng tents ihst future contracts be on minimum lhreeytr basis That the collector post Yorutrmnnrs bond or lliitmlled etter at credit in the mount oi IitIt the collector be res mbla tor the billing Ind rol oi III ices that where the owner is in deianit into more than three mounts on his payment ol lees the township discontinue the service and the liedical Ditlrer of Health declIre the hulldinl unlit tor bumIn hnhttatioo IAlttl IrInt Andrede contractor Ina resident oi the new pols icy ares la innitiil told he tilt in becsuse th the health unit were muting lame at tho uhoio belle lie said he leeis they wont to call the shots but one not will ing to accept the rcspunsibliityI its sold the hcslth unit has tnown about the problem oi it mrs Ind Itrcpr shitting the responsibility iie said the health unit has toms about the problem ior years Ind trope shilling the responsibiltty hit Androde said he thought the holding tanks should be In ItIIch the gulctrr the bettrr and that long term plIn should besin now tor sewers it the bylaw allowing the hold ing tanks is passed no Islth thought that amllles thIt could notIitord the tents but need then should have to move they cant keep on polluting not Illnrrl to stop And it yisw is not pon ed hlr Altitude said he treIs the hrIIth unith close does any retldenee that presents serious pollution cIuse But dont think theyll do lthI IIld