Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1972, p. 7

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it we iiadi Iiwa it coronation BALL sort simmer 72 Irraitrarlceiobactonao leitaitdlilaadli din oi mature trait hiilePeachoiiaad tittantdirecloroithaiiegiaao unwelcomemm Stva dilon guralten Examiner oihohooldiharrie To Honor tinA Clnb Moira healthannorrnced that arraltgenteniaere new bcin completed lor the outdoor tae mhbaheldbythauu club tor the reeldcnte oi the Iron Park iterate on June tiring hairlea Benton at and born the home to tile out lire Macmillan lniormad members that all liay Court clubv will be reinvented at the upcoirriag llili Otitrnal Con greea thiario lierllaaei In Torr onlo hy the Praaldant and Vice reekiant oi the Aaaociatlon oi ia Court Clubs lira Pat to or hault hie liarle and tire it rIlOIOlliiI lirealentoldnee here abouta delighqu happen ooi tippertnoei In the minds oi dren who are part at liay every member tor the next achool pro iww morttha will be their pre mwhea theme invited by parattone tor lley earth In Iioea and lira rtuIl iundralaln event The 31 in the Iivea at Orlirta elementary It Game Davina to alie the hhrinora drcua hire tIaIin lanree reported lillll illNDliliS graduation halt tor the data MAY COURT Cillh CompletePlonsForJuneTeo Senior Citizens that plarra are now countered meumnn tor the naval meeting at the lirdit hiIgWorthrahiobaholdai DarriaCounryCIIab It Welaman coo reoa yrlirlifti lice lenowtn charreoltbehoe annotntced that It ye layette cupboard itirlhdcarde are being made tneorbere aochree Dou lae Tall and hire place at the hilarity Bay horne Brown do will be sent in oi lira Gavin times and main crown warda oi the out lira herewiliprepara iheiood aerva Wehrnan ashed lov certain tea and drive the radical to item ol need rte equipment ldran and var Iotra membcre oilered the eup noeded hy the run VIII TIN TITOIIIIAAI other obtrelneea Iccompliahed included the Ielttrrgup at tie longtime hoe lei raatdenl which hire will organizer the pnaaihle aettlngnp at vie mglgrtidrlldiiiiiialiif ltlng program tor Weleman bylire will be mearched of hire hhaal oveaad lire it Odde Soda Sale Ilean bere are dellrhted that lira liaiph analgrora will again be companyontterm Not For Everyone lier Iran Iandever May raptyto the woman who her no govt had and only love eerie la livln room to male eure riotoon eeepa overnight to her one imrirtaa theotdala roleahtg One oi the happi eat weehe at my lile war when had eight boon guoata plva no hill at golmllr veilemede iiooc on cota hammock canthTporch We inahlill and It waa eheer larn liut what wonderful time only around varyone pitch titled with the elect wi log in The houae laughter Thorn waent aingle cornptelni That woman with no etdra in bed will never have ouch wow derlul tunor auch memovlee Ill bet bor waliorgartlred til deadly dull and can ime what her lrlonde andretaivee think at heOpeadieaeted la llatailcld Deer 0pm You male ll llili round easybut not all guceia can be at on the liner or in hammoc or counted on to pitch in hava ehudhnod metro orloa oieieeplng en the oor when our hovae wee ltllod with company and it wee great urn ler ue title that it yea my dear mother who did all the work Dear Ana tandem When read that letter irorn the aet erttlt grade complained be cartr hle teacher ate popcorn vrhll the tailed over the him it iylng tenttthe crunch drovel tide crew lirrwwl had to write The etudenl elated rather cuuaily There areli hide in our clear and the teacher haa hard time controh Ilnr ih up the hlanhetyhiauhvblatth Ia tar dollar golngl Wh dtouua hard teacher have it stud elaaa Ilwelve eaMida better deal that When the reboot veierendurn ebowe up on the ballot do you dear no new vole yea or do you vote no and grth about taree llae the money already been appropri Itod and II It being miaueed or diverted Ilaha it your huatnoaa to ilnd out home at our achool bulldlnra Ibould he condecnned and re built Tno many CIDLOOIOJ have burnerold teat boob in adequate ruppliee and old beatup audioritual aide Thon eaode oi taaehere have been laid oil and are collecting on moment compeneatloa at clevhing or oitice ohI Whyi hectare the hoarde ed ocatloa cant Sly them what one on In tilt comnrnnllori an the latte Then complain to the mayor or the city map arer th1 hoard ol education you want loea money epont on the military the apace program lorelgn aid and beau ca on and more on ed ucatlon lor ourc ldrcn lat them know that ii the dont vote the way no went out to they wontg reelectedhiad Dear htadt hravol lllghi onl moral lnanha tor writingl Dear All Iaaderet Ivt II yearotd girl who doesnt how what to do about her seven yearold elrlec Thoree going to be talent contact aoon and the vent to be in it Title would be great ii the had talent The poor hid thinks the can aln When war in te iotnih hoot amth and ntahln hlrlooi ntyreli ldontwano it to happen to my ttrtar We been rehaarehra tor the put week and lta pretty grou Morn raya to leave her alonethat Iome penpilehhave arn the ierllaeidid Pl MMIIIMIIIL Photo NEWPIOIICII hiraWelarnanaiaoaaId that anhaite new to blame con gllalerlmand indivt tilt alien on Tholotion treat the hlrrrcoe County While Health Nuralng Unit reorreatlng linaneiai auto lance tor needy children were read by the Provident genarr ai diecueaion ioilo the net reetdt being that men re voted unaninuaraLr to tend an eleven yearold child to summer camp ior two waeha and also to pay the cotta oi orthodontic treatment tor young pubic achool atudent ODD hODI ldrr haelgrova and hire lie tntoeh have already led the chi wo in mi Honor Members Snalgror thla Wit wetland The date in let tor Tribute wae paid to two vnern Wednaeday arming Sept 11th bergat the June meeting oi We Whirlirldiih or ii iiiimo It sale to the sunnidelo Commun omnsrlm lly Centre gnu aoita Miller and It lirahael mliteea iorth viiidtla looolhaxlr lllllli Boyce received tile ment bera memberehi lorthelr many wygqmmmf $3 yeara oi devnt aervlce to mic lilo pricing and lnterloreioo lmmhhihmig col articles to be told There in cite will include Homo Iiah rslau lng and Mum liiaa hilliar ol IicDonI eet mile china rm um celebrated hereothhtrthdayra Milo lbcainrer lilichenware coolly liraE ltoiiy hoyea oi and appliancee To neon Grove Sim lint will marl bar Games Sporting my 00th birthday on Aug Prerldent lira Audrey Ander Ion congratulated the gueata oi honor and weicornod apedal Cancer Leeds guoataatthemaeling llower urnr racenilr MOM Death in the church by tile groupware OTTAWA tort Cancer wee the lglrtrua cauae oi the per cent WM PW in oi deathe In Canada in me on the melon corn with tea per cent the pro ouI year btatiatira Canada venom cancereuraed death tncreaeed catalogue on new primary to rotor compared with men altar at rnallytant ilaeua an in tree carnivores William lhilit Rowe received hie honora Bachelor oi Arte degree In hlloeophy irozn iiiendnn Colegv Yorh Unleeraity lie will continue hia airadlea in philosophy in England In Iail hill the Inn oi hiv hire lion oi lienle Zirrivotrvisiho lakevaew II Ounlop IZIuSISI nutty outrun our NIGHTS Monday To Thundny artIreInerront IiIiIS 0F BEEF With Vepetahle Gravy OR IREADED VEAI CUIIET with Spenlih Sauce Complete Meet 1180 Children under 12 SLIO Complete rnaol includea Dearart and leverage lit MS Mee blossom PLACES mnmmm MancunianI IATraditioncrl Sail Pool FStarls Saturday Events Deveochtoohtitelhtieonahm go air and lira Dave Tenloo liar and Paul Id In lamnce new ooohpartintheeero ii cfii gt 53 En sigh mcitumaumhl HEB ii TOM GIADIIIION Among lhoae who attended graduation Iacechu at Yorh Dalmait when Grant lioater racdrod Bachelor nI Arte do gm In Barnumch wrra Granie wile loan hia parent lir and hire Dough llomcr oi linlgaia Street hie airicr lira Gall he deli oi llininau and air Ianoi lire Alvin ii oi Bib midi Inovvur Jorepbina tariy icule Varty and liaryann Ehrypnehnh oi Barrie were in Oriilla nudity to altered bridal ahowrr held tor Dmra mum will cor ng na mludem TOOle waa held at Orilia uterilined nieiilnl the home at Kathy Brandt ill recently at laminar bullet Emma Gouta ware praacot iron The onto Si Catharina tlnloavlile heavccton and sonic The occaaion war to aay tare ANl IAIN mil Winner at Wednaoday hiohll gamca bald by Ieana weliio tir and tire John to Bridle club ton Karen hirth and Ileathet hire Olive Iicraay and Elia Swain ihei Mr and lira 1mm my ii II Dmitri aecond hlrI Zita ood thetl wtvae lndited to attend were air and lira lianrice $1 liarre lit and tire Rowe ianrlly hit and tire Ian hit Toron AIIEND CONVENTION lot lit Ind lira Erie Mercer Ailtaton were Commodore Dava stoc Pretty itemqu at the Shani Coart to Gout Calorie ere Incentive ntentbere atlaodln who attended lha sixth unuai convention oi the We held at and hire Stock who had the Royal York liotet Mote Lingerie iln Ideal Gilt hev chener chain 1mg lime and bin Shirley tackle oi money waa pmanted to tNid lira bier Gerald and biiee Agnce Iatery Ioiirth CANADIA CONIIII To Make Women FeelPampered ly rtnaaa nvaeua Ii therea woman no MO ltarlrle There are women who put huehand ahd code then pllrnolr emu gowna lor birthdlra and anal buet eiae well lingerie and under garmaata armrndhorne Iliira can be dreared op tor inlorneal nut prei Ingerie that lute eolertalnln load time good Investment In hava aiw aeaoclated black nagligcer ll certain kind ol glanrnr bra there are aorrre heautiiul paatel once around that are hard in raalot Iha Preach have long been iamaua tor their gtaruoroua lin ger oyaler aalln binding on Representatives Girl Guides Scouts TORONTO CPI About delagaiea and member will at lmagtne going to rice in tend the final coolerance to be um held In Canada oi the World Aw open eideeandlace trim al aoclalion oi Girl lattice and bettti illvl Scottie hana int bloat oi the tin erte II rnede oi nylon in colon robinegg blue rrtauve plat and oi roam whll Uvualty th ior that eat are lace trlma atarea and The Park Plaza and their leadarv The cloud coolerence Iuaion bit at ietnininity hara will deal with policy and aornatirnea irtlla home at the aiandardaiortbepurzhoee olea Heighan have very deep tending guidln wi en The delegatee will be repre acnllngmn member countriu tail million plrtv and executive eclione The Royal Ontario Muceum The McLaughlin Planetarium Yours for the weekend Check Into the Perl Ilua anytime Friday And check out anytime Sunday Museum dc the lnbciwccntalteguwiuanhdi to llnren ucaironrtheiarlc IIaaa On Sldlrmy and Sunday morning the Royal Ontario artunr Willi com deitclona continental imaIiavi Ion your attire iamliy Childnnundertz are included an longer thryaltara WM Wlire total lam5nbicctinavaabilllyt ttocr price including imparting and saiea tar Rcrcryattooeanreoeuerywrtlaorceiivzisiin THE PARK MIA TovnvrIeI Preicarrd Hotel report litre lingerie it all hand warh that nlahu able ita not nornmanded to them in the waabar which heata the lite otrt ol than or the dr or homeei ebraearwedgedia pretty lingerie la the luxury or Whishm iiiitrmtdaoliiirilt OVinyIlnpr IBlua oral Waning Worn Initrinra Ii EANKAR Seniee vii llili mrmailhm LINES CANADA LTD meter ALLAN COOK untrue isrttatr rltava Dilvalm Iarllvvl Loin mlvlteua Tamil Em IM lararailna CMM atom eat About Oriv overarwoa Era larhwaiea recent roe Daaiog It MONTREAL CPI BH women run much highe th oi mental lllncar than do whit reinterparta Dr II II camera at lohnl trite eald lh At special adrntille ol community psychiatry It in annual Canadian Pay Atrodeiloa mectiot Dr ath deecribcd apedai haa made on mental among Salim in eclxted aludy oi to ear oi menial liner in hey NwT more than three item many mime women at rnca wrro diagnoerd aa reten tally the raid Thla in abut twice the etaitatlcal ratio in while populations IIII GITIAI fSHANTY DAY Auto Weacirera Late Model Car and Im Part ma connector or OIIO Ivary Thwraday dealer Marne Day rem le organ emu chime Only ever wean are not taro moor Clllrara race HOUSE OF LLINI liniier Ioeailaaa to carve year lane Ia mall not orscouur cas with data ur mom rno LOCATION nation aaoaonwr lttaLlNEudttllWi MY SONS AUTO CLUB mica moooa loch hieeday are lele to match Retailer to the gravlace to which he helda attire last read the III III tied the correct anawrr to the aeration aahcd Who ia the Prrvnirr II the IMlm at Neva beetle head year mm to the Great Caaadiaa Caateei ldltec ela The harrle itaarnlacr lint Iarnca drawn each wool with the correct name will win LP roam by Canadian ariiata IIItry alter today Reawonabla Price ltytra nearer Lnkevlew Fried Chicken heetalvaat Al Ii new Wilton Iilh lira Monitor OIIO MOBILE IIOIIu lie 11 Iiwy MINI In Val VIM meteor MIDWAY Variety and Colin III Iradie II can oer order For the heat Pith and thine in town IlliNItYl Tlhll AND lm Iarrie Plan rreeeae XIIIA III 00 All AIIO IAIICK FOI ttOIAI IILIVI GAIL 7TH IUY LOCAL IUY IRISH Daatera eI liner other Mattel lehleiea Ina anon notion aro Hwy it it rtenee

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