Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1972, p. 5

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bortvlus cabs Nelsen voter is before is little nun tbe prise Voting cbliieugr re Isr over of oinI the us Ive id of his Iiuskte much Demo of re or wrr llonr re still bo successes eilre on the Me tureersr ritrtbtr orgInlIr rssg ntore rounded relrrd bl did who oubi and who red It elsndr Iliu Iwnrn belt The re to cblir reeteo sqtirl cIn Il foreign putt to belt in IictiovertiI In unuc sicctorrle to of until tbs bl us is thepr III the lord for sun LION stilt under ellmr error used Iir ybvli Is the torus ti delir Ewsrt Ives their by Iris Biker write on 195 an of 010 Inhisl Dairy lylAlll 0ne at Ernies oldest resid downfallaw Campbell so once opersted of the errltort deletes in lo ttl lie remernbeee vividly bis Isperleecee oi bis only life beck to the trees MI spent touch of MI iIIe let the Luther lslk It tlrsud VIlley where berries tree in prohrelou sud allgxcslr Ind lynx scrermed It wIsgood with dynamite recIts Mr Campbell And since Ivetyrpriog In tee nv used to form on Ibo Orend It vrr Ind ood the viilsge of arms VIIlIy ever raked to him the hem After there were more oodlugJul once wIs swept downrtrerm on lies that itttr srpectedls broke my end IbId to Irish Jump for share LIVED AT CITUIIOIILL Mr Campbell moved to Chur chill in me end In widower brought Ilon his six children Iud look up term on lot II Contented lunlrtti ltere be Itsrted up dIlry do livery route In the lafroy Iteil Ewrri nd Stoney Creek delivering rnllkfreehvfrom mb borse Ind wrgou Vs loose Indoutetrtpped the uctloooiblsuorsoDun Im Ind Ayrrhlre rows Ind he road we purobrrlng milk from other fermcrr to make up the loo qurrtr piur required deity by customers It sold It ten cents gurtt end it In reIlty term lresh Even It thet drie the tourist reesuu made big summer de mInd for milk Ind demsud de mand correspondingt Is the milk roducilou tellofi winter wt six children to help In Ich of getdeu end iotr of summer tourists Shed Nook DIiry we soon produe ng fresh vsspberrlcs etrIwberrIes pote ioos peII beInI beets rIr rote II well Is variety of summer sud IItt Ipptrr TELL Oi PROBLEMS Yes like my business we did brvs our problems iIugbs htr CImphell We hrd the dem dcrt job to get our milk bottler beck Ind would vae to go right into curlomerr kitchens to di them out whwewre we wont find them being used for plrkler ketchup Ind preservew Once we bed lot of op Ipptes red eutlbrer wrote some wind tells ref tIld blue be could thI Ill be wsuted fe uotbiur lie bed the rm to went me to dellre them hurt turned the pigs into tberut Aiier tbe Campbells bIru burned down The neighbors on lud bsru raisins Tu cele br the completion of the burn been deuce wesbeld no the bent llonr Ind for lighting Hr Cssupbeil drone lltlr Model load up the gem sud Iblued th illbtr in There eIrly csrs bed cur iosity lbIt did not show up until one drove up luetg bill lie re cettrtbetunteeebebsdslutl tank at us he could not dlve up SbIrpr liiti west of Cooks town been the on bed In Iuet punp Iuet ngvity feed Ind rneny times be In bed liomlurn round and beck up the In dellverytng his milk he never encountered impersIble rasds lines they were well mslntstued In winter or mrny mentioning lo Midhurst Hell IilDiTUflST tStIIll Clotti dstu ItIndtog for numluellon to represent the ProgresIIvI 0m rerveilve In North Slmcoe in the coming fcderIl election have been Invited to speak II Mid burst community bell thle thien dgyt evening Dr liynsrd IIP who her bee member oi the ltouse of Commons for is yerrr is ex pected to be present rich with Msyor tor Cooke elite Montgomery Otl owe yer The nominetlon meeting Itself II to be held It ttrrrle Cenlrsi Collertrie an Itrdnesdsy June II There bee been some can troverry overprocedure with Dr ityuerd dlrectug siteullou to rerotutlon perssd II the sonnet meetinr which reccommrnded that the nominating convention not be cIiied until after the int ersl election dste ls Inbounecd Although rertous predictions bsve been msde lecttou dste still is tiucerlriir The present lrutierI government wII elect ed ln Ittne mi fly Today ther II three ielmrwould be gruged no on the greder Is snow plow The morning Ifier MIliovreeu would find to Indications tht spooks Ind ilur bed been on the loose most common be lug tht of little wooden toilets Iluedupontbernshrvtreet of Moll with one being set debt on rellruId trecke Ilr Cembbeil wu wellknown for his Ibltlty with te But one day his rtIrnI II livid with the lsdies Irotmd north end of uhoy when he used twenty sticks oi dynamite to btut huge rock on the edge at town The thst blew bots teu feet deep method the rock end ehoek dlrbrr Iud glrrrwrre otf shelves to sing homes On Iuotber restore be his ed hure ctm slump on the llrtrt of Bill lieil The tivefoot dlIrneter slump use him eleIr across the reed Ind pert of the root went through the root of Soysnore ltIllI home One fellow rid when III blasting trtt or putting In empty dyusmlte her over his band lust before blul One dry are ludmnqdlbemmllowdr htr boxcnvered heed it owed the Devil out of the poor guy NAPPIHII llilN Asked it be thought tblnge Ire beitcr Iodey then they were In Mr Csmpbeii ssyr hsppy set No In the old rim people were filled it neighbor ceme It dim ner ttrne mother would crowd the kids together drop Inolher piste Iu Ind meks him Is wet turns II member of th is on much msehlnery too by Idgrte Indtoo msu things to ecpup to end uobo ybIs time to even teen over the fence Ind tItk Ilr Cempbeii who lives with his drugbier litre itertice Iteld tut Eras Reed berrie her six children including beetrtce bore hiershrti Strand Doug Itd Cooksiown Kenneth ItA lrsncce St llIrrlo itrs Fred lJetsle Jclnl Gerrghty Temps Ftorlds Itrr Prod tIlIrInrlel Stephens till Troy Ontsslu III her to rrsiulchltdren and id grest grendcitlidrert tits sister story BIrrte will be It this er Tax Waste Is Deplored By North Simcoe MP ltAWIlEbTOND tsteftl Nced for more eIreiul eonslderrtlou of government spending pro grease to help curnbst tulieilon Ind protest berrityburdenod trrosyers wss discussed by Dr ii iiyusrd MP in his Iterl letter from Pertisrneut llttl The government rpendr money ILlbO Isle of ltd million for every day It the year which are MW per minute or two per second he seld Iliec referring to iIvarlI Meodeo sons Iudli at the governments books It Is not much wonder our letter Ire so high in order to leap this money coming to but the whole problem Is this money wisely rpenii ibrt Is the question Iuttr gcrtrd II wsr not III example of efficient hIndtIng nl tetpsyere funds An In er Imple of whet he criled eomenf the bomb rpendtnr he rrlrrn It to the government peytug tseaoo for set of puppe which did not work then we found that the drpIrtmcnt of ill II been true Mini people includto prime minister from pece to tiller on government Ilrcrnit without specific IuthoriIItIon for the cost of there ttigttis One of the monsoon of II ilttmcnt remarked the the pup one only took two minutes of ll Ibouid ltI MteJAH UM mm government spending be com menled Is he Idded lIberr there wu the use of peni tenIlIry uerr Cowswnsvilir which wss bolus cbIrged es orbltrul nice for supposedly pure wrter whleb the govern ment bed to ebtorturte before the temrter were showed to drink It CONTRACT BEVlliONd contrect for two escort vbtpr lutIi price wee ercIiIted under II contreet revlrtour to more the orlglnet cuutreet be Idded lhIn Iii million In Iddltiod to Dr IlyIIrd Itro noted ihst unpsld income III II of limb II itli Imouuted to sue ntlI lton competed with million the rest before llr tblr In to button thet the people In finding It much harder to pg their tIres he Isked point it The government Ir into Ill sorts of trouble with supple mentary psymentr where people he been prtd more tbeu iny been end they Ite polith to per the money bch overtntllopsoi doilsr re test In ibis wry uncolieclr be reported III Itro found thet govern ntonl deprrmcnts were over budgeitng in they would be sure If there were rule In their do prrtmrnlr they would thI enough money in rrrry on their full progssme which Is merry cues left some depsrtmente It and of the yeIrwItb 311 list Ire not reader from tety loud at the rest with surplus at funds They must not thI sur they buy Irtlcler not ueeded lmmedlstely or irsnrter tb Iy to soother deprrtment are hopefully It lltly not be discovered It II the department will tr spend it before the next At best the auditor gsrnerste report is Ilhludrcilght check Qo rovernmen spcrt ug ruggeee Dr ltynerd Tit money her beeu nt Ind Imlrteker Ire there III you no do is hope that films they will not mm the nine mlrteks The mrln tssk oi enruriur efciency in In government must tell on gene wider oi Ilheml praperyecu is end view are Iy III or dilutes before they Ire mede lhe sxperrtlturer should be view ed Ind reviewed until you ere rcIsonIbiy sure thIt when the Iudli generIl Inspects the sicklngr would be etude When you see the null Ind extrIvIquce oi the government the big question their lI till governments own control of the rpendlu mecbiuo Ilippingt boys on listed few exImpies at government extrsvrgsnre end they surety exist In provinctII govsrurnculs II well rem Is deed of the club allowing the dinner Ind busv tress motions of IppreclItlutI to lireburtou were passed be rneu loll bsd beers invited to revue by man pm Irtd music lurdsudug III ussdr IvIIlsbIc lire llurton wII recipient of severei gifts Ind men Ipprecls tivs sr msloue Is bended thc revertoberrucceeror WWO EVENTS meeting of the Intel 0va ber of 02mm res brtd It Sevrneb lodge Although tickets bed been on IIlI will time previous to the meeting only IrrIIll representetiau of the foul membership turned out Plus for the knitting of care It events were discussed Includ lug the township field day on Ilsetblrd weekend of July Ind the bIodllrrg of tbe lutrrnsilnnsl brick Iod rolling pin thrnwtng competition wblrb 5th Crude competes sgelnrt the three IAber Strouds of tbewnrtd ihe oucrrttons which will be under the supervision of the numb rr direction Councillor Dou ltoopmbns who will be visiting Giraud Austrsli during this Irr contest will Is wrti wacblug rhempirus ere Iwa their Ibtllly present plIouI to thrlr officials on be hsif at their CInIdlIu compctla tore those who desire to become contestants in the Strand Cute Ids tum Iboull be prectlctng the min for dtsiruce Siraud Csnsde should be on top this with both bricks Inn roil splu lllOIl VANNUVFIR The Ioitbll mmhiimmmwm eerlIe swelling mniirmsilau of peseIge by slit to Atssks up the inner Chllltll At this time oi year the shop Is crowded by tourists to such In esirnt list only round trip return ticket Ire Ivsiiebtc As the purpose of the trip visit with mud ttrughier We in White orre Yukon stopover ts rtrcdcd usI delI here until While in this progressive dis Oriiiie Library liar New Exhibit ottlLfJA Arr esblblt oi gre rblc desllfn will be It the or IIiI pub lIbrIry Irt geliery untll Ssiurdey June 11 Bottled Art II the Service of Intention it tlnctuder most I00 Items posters book Ind mIgIrlne cnvrrs customer In nouncements puckrgcs Idver Itremants Ietlrrhcsds Ind sym bols Iii by CInIdIIn designers tirIpbte design differs from printing in thIt it Is Iimoet pure rommttnicslion the how of morsels rather then the whet The exhibit Is on loan from the Art Gellery of to bulletin thigh ltttttnti illttitt ttttttttt lihtitttttltit ittntlnll Itvltttltyltt titiltth Itiltdittit itttlttttt Idlihltdtthu bihtltutrtiyh Itlilrlthniirr fee ible rpeelsl llv gsgruscrl to non ll DUNLOP ITIW IMIIIL ONT inng 41 ms Pldnning Delays mermemsstststbelvee lrebeueeluhortb Vancouver of Ir Ind kin Deuntsfitvtcbertend their livemuubroidroutse Ifter bl It ngIdercutI Ibo covets us with breed unite II though be bed been expecting visit Flocries burbu IIrI trees In in full bloom Iudpreunlsl flow crrtbstbeckboruesnhutbsrv tlugotdlredlepirylngblnoms URIAN DIVum The development under My III ttrrster Vancouver ever is It mast beyond comprehension The IT municlpslitlcs thet rura round tbe ecnirIl cities Ire Ill experiencing enonnoru develop rneut Downtown Vsscouvcr In three new mntotb Iiructures erected during rm and two more Ire on the my together Illb butt million ruldentlsl shipping development Iloug rtgbt blocks of the comet wIierfrutIt The new hopper type rriu cIrr Iuthortsrd by the Fe erIi Covrrumcnt will bring millions of western wheel to this port for shipment to Profile points of the Fur Elsi fbls red the cost Ind lumber thet term the ports oi IIucourer mrke prosperity usurrd In grnrlb II III the greslrr Ires cities end it Ibowr on every turn visitor mskcs TOURISM INIIINU When we Iound our plIns cbrugcd for continuing trip to the Yukon first thing we went to tourist egrnry Ind put our troubch In their hrnd We to gret thet hir Eulrhrrl Sr one of the mnus Irmtly of seven brothers who ceme from the Ouch Sound OntIrte sees in help pioneer the western city is In poor health lie Is in his lrte ros Ind glad to visit but metals to get Iboul without help YUKON VISIT Ilril Irrfvlng here from folks we Intended tu visit In White llousr Yukon indireted they were planning visit to Vsncovr ver roou end possible business trip to Ibronto me so hm decided to my over in Vancou yer Irrst soother week until Th etter IlItrd rsstlllfroreuovers busting Ind fishing seIrors Is not opening until June 20th or trtrr so winter is still Iboul 2000 miles north County Council Sessions lire Set Simcoe County council will hold twodsy version on Ndle dIy Ind Wednesday June 17 end to It Collier Street United Church lull It wrs Inhounced by Gordon fl WIlsan clerk The sessions will cnnclude with the weedcnI picnic on the rins ing riternoon when the mcmb crs rod cswrrdcur will be Eucslr of WIrden troyd Prid Irn ii iii lbbtf mililllllll Adult Entertelnment JOSEPH lEWiE RICHARD OTB Persosstty feel sorry for this developer IIld Cottodller Buic IIpplug It the long do lIyI We Ire Ibutihu luulslll end they do not seem to have the prublernr Ind dcisyn we been to fIce end hut cent undreslsbd if fbey seem to tsks It up sud get Ippeorsf Ind we Ire nonlin ueliybeldugwotrldtaie in km bet vrrasrg with us ldrsl subdivision sites sad they us so tough on us so such IbII to go Ibesd II we should fbese dclIyI Ire coolly Deputy liceve Ales Johnston rsld be Itro Iympstbised with the sobdlvkicrr out luulcfll is yeIr or two Iberd of Vrrpre lrr plqutng Ind MONDAY NIGHT JUNE 12th EAST OF HATFIELD ST lt Ec ev Coidwater lirea Planning Topic OJLDWNATER tStstft lte prescuulivu bl Dru bledosde OrtiIlI Ind blsirbedsub lower vblpe slang with tssldwetrr rib tree vaI been invited to meeting It glen bsll here on WednesdIy June it Purpme of the meeting is to draw as rnutust pissniug sod II In the prospects for pmsible lu Iuee smIlgImItlocI if required under proposed rcgtouII govern rnent rbsuges Setup of the leak force which bIs brcu orgsulsrd to study Id mlrslstrstivw reforms in the county Int the witch future effect on this Ires Ilsa ls eIpeci ed to be discussed Hit BwVespra councillor at in 55 lei ed czummr PIOGIAM AVLNthxthsutflv unit to Irma lIenf min rod ptrrwberry ruppcrmm mr futures pursued for to centcunlst iebretlorr ailhvro lug United Church on Seturdsy Ind Sundry Jun it end so her Eegt Ill speeb It the SruIdIy rbrurh scrvicc TUESDAY NIGHT JUNE i3iit WEST OF HATFIELD ST SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL KIWANIS CLUI ALL PROCEEDS IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL WbLFAItl MAINLY CRIPPLED CHILDREN Starts Tomorrow admonish THE STEAGlE ANAVWENBASSVREEASE MORme TONIGHT AdmittIucI Restricted it etc MeCIbe ne Klute end Miller last bays tithe tier oil until IUIIONOallAlllAfholfCdeIYIIOWAAn tthNlIit Irvine NITMONV ItthAltDl llvrs lOuIIeWhos Coming To Ireekieri as Robert IiIldr Mrpglrlllye Illequ snowingrm warmM murmured 332 Intramural titties Billu Tonight Doctor Zhlvage Adult Entertainment Plus TONIGHT Adult htht II Starts Tomorrow Support Your Loeei Ounllghier mi Cold Turkeyt

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