NEWSJROUIIDDPU rand Jury Crlticize fmWWWI Nell3011139101111 Law union Preeated rinaIWoeksrer The Senior Grades mnaoeeua annoyIota mullahs oatm nraoeroomeram The 59 55 ST 23 v5 $3 tlhlrwmohile Law ALBANY NIII AP Gar an Inn on an ate anowoaohtle In Nee atata etlle trader the In Ilueaoo ol alcohol The but alto llarlta anotmobtle our honIor tlrhermea an akatrrr on to ottlce Ina Nd he vetoed oher meuoree to Ittttan matter tor llleral operatloa at new vehleleo and to Ilmtt ereaa alone putrllc roada where they may he used One at the blue he Irma mahealtteyalanerlutytta operate mohtla tutu than the natnlmttoa apeed re outred to Inllntalo lorward movement Illhla too teet at Itrherman or etater or whole Ioo Ieet ol doelltay helIeen toldth and anI Ilteeommenda Ban STOCKHOle Rattler tae tlnlted Nattoaa coaleranea on the human eorlanntoeot deddod Frtda to recommend loyear maraertunr on comment whale Malta to mettle Int mammal tron the threat ar tlncttoa The dnelalon war approved wtthout dlarent at eomrrtlltee levelI In one vote and wlll be endorsed In the turret are alon next week The oomrntltre dedeloa Iol Ideeedba bangle In It ea Netherlandr who warned that It the worlda romalnlae whales eouId not he raved Inna eIttae tton we have llttle rhlnce or earlay molded and the We aopplytn otor err are prertdeat or the World lldllII Fund May Keep Stations OTTAWA CPI The can dlen helloTetevtIlon CornaIlo aloe haa moved to placate Th ronto televlrloa vtooera who are worried about loalny name But Ialo TV ohlooela on loco eahle telovlalea ayrtenu The eornmlarloa aald Friday that It her naked metropolttaa Toronto cable computer to an Ear at putlto heartar It ton to dlreusr plane or ae tommodatlag Iddltoanl than nets on thelr ryrlemn II these plant prove proetleaL the table computer may be able to carry the Buttalo ohan nelr and the two new Toronto NEW IN TOWN and dontknow which we to ram EEE at at ESE In donate anatoon Ihrpecte Piptine mm on tamer runner emu ltaedodatd an they Illl bolld Maeleade Valley Iaa plpellne Irora the Arottc lte rald In the Gamma the hen now are maettay to Tu and arblle he had heard nothley room the medal he was reuonahly eon taln that they Iroold arree to mom Such merger tor the motto billion dollar protect Is what the nItrItater ha been advoortlny Ior aorne time To Launch Study OTTAWA CPI The Cana dlaa Iramport eomrnltrloa Ia launehlny rtudy whleh could notes Innaataadtor nIyIlery rrrrmmdlnr more nlee The wth Inner quartlana about lhetbar rerldeare telephone ourtornare are treath more than thetr ahelra oI lephone company eoe Government ronrleto areo ole have rated part In the at deal In rott ay rater Ior lodlrld urt company rerrleer CoetI tor there other have never been planed down enrtLv 2Year Sentence TORONTO CPI loan wlth Grade educatlon who war the Ontarlo Educatlnael Heres the tool you need to out on hundred doityourselt eWelohaontyttllho thethrIJIOIenIn eleotrto canton IIntteI the cost living Income lllll rtoet no Ittrnoetaeeaaytouueaan Tnmhodpenllrnh turnout your own rewood hulld outdoor trrnlturer have money wary drne you one Itl SEER hoeplIaI Georye Boon III McDonald and Plot E2 ELMVIILE HIGH MI HerEllis Was Honored me ama lta Jone auto and once more we say moon to the old ltlthdl learn at tat tor the tart tune ltowarer belora we do that we have to any Ioodbye to the ela lrea brave etudeata at our reboot who tell on Monday to In to Caner Kltrhthewana on littoral all lalaad leapead the week lutruettne Grade tour ehlldren on the wooden at nature Ito ludy hlutltler and moreot ooe llnwover we really do any there thin and who are lucky en ouah to let out ol the mob ol the oat week On Sunday there war me Ial alyht Ior Mr trayEllie tn the reboot In Mr ltayEllla waa alaed or the man tblnra he an done tor the ornmunlty 2n School Itssemny TEE EREEE you the ochoota enttae popular Nearlny the end at the mean hly hlr Moenop had the Ital teII eandldatu tor the Read on be state In tree at the audtenoe te prolonged the ar aoy Ior thoaa nornanees be ly aaetrlod menttonlnx he nearer ot the whom Mn Manon alter pruaa proudly announeed Sanda Kurrla and Doug Bayaton the redplenta ot yearn hooorr To and tied attemoon the Weather Delays Oil Pumping Smlth Jr were halted Clot lter proved too much rondltlona are auttable removed by no pro lrlday Il leer howeverthat not an oonh pulse war heard trom the people wlth whom Mr llavEtlla the hull of hu IlrneI the denla But how ran one thank the man who her haea the yutde and Itnal authorlty Ior thonIandr at who ougaiacldmlatryto then up om 0n behalI ot the Grade 1hlr teen clean would tlte to nay thIt the part tlve yearn have been and wlll probably remnln the roost other men ehertrtr ed era at our llves and won Ilka to exprera my ean Kathy to the poor ehape who we to he hack to September People never read enroll adel or do they JUSTIN TIME FOR FATHERS DAY Saves you$lS on theWortd most popularchainsaw MINI MAC srnntm $12495 Bay Head Glrl awarda stand up SARNIA CPI Pumplay on snowmenye mm or alrht due to weather oondltlona llaltrd Stator Cont Guard apoheranan aald that atrunl what In mm In tha St problem tor the mar Pump Ina wlll team when weather About noon yollona had been The Smith rank Monday alter tr collided wlth the cIIIIaIIII mm pr Irom PenalDole traln rarrler Parker Evans No mu my mm EE EEE is iii 355 Er at mamoetu Inld Ior only mo Dtane Saatth and Tom otton were the editora In my to nay It couldnt be don lthoul the larye overtones IIIJI and thetr Faculty adm Mr Brown Tnth thLa belay the last one ol elaarer ILI hard to Ihlnh nt better eodlar Ior tbla achool year raah prlrea to he won lot at too and lot at wlnnera More In lurl tome ol the thourands oI Canndlana whove already pl Canton cape and won sea ll the Inner Dale Trottlor Landon Ernest Beattte London McDaln Inaan Karen Robb London Klrn hrorden 5L Marya Larry llayer londoa Robert Bldner Inndoa Sue Campbell St Thomaa Terr OConnell St Mary Nourrr Dorehrxtrr Smlth Inadon Erie Slaa Mount Brydrra John Sawyer London Charter Reld Ortllla Geurar Green Brantlord Barry Rehltny Kltrhener RIII Leather Elmlre Blake Illnd Guelph Zrohradrlh Klteheaer Edward Wood Aoton Ellrlhoth Baal hllllhanh Gary Bauer ltltehener Georre Srnlth Guelph Crerory Sleeves Baden ll Matresty Kltthraer Jraehlrn Rueha Kttchener John Gootr Kltehener lnulre Bauer ltltrheaer lllelr Meltuyh Goorretown ItIllan Kurton Kllehcoer Ralph Better Shakespeare 1R3 Crewaaa Guelph Daly Ktteheaer Werner Summer Kltrheoer All Orton Kttrheaer Blll Anthony ltrealau Carla Forte Kltrhener Gerard erote Waterloo ltarold ltletreayt Kltehener James Ranch Klteheaer Ruth llnrvay Ktlehraor Dllly Purely Guelph Brtaa Kapahey Kltrhroer Idoln Govrr Kltohoner JIotle Mnhr Drealau Judlth Wllaon Woterloo Marmot AIer Kltrheaer Naney Cnxhtll Kllchener Paul Valertule Cnaartnyo Ralph Mohr Brralau Ron Dourlller Guelph Wayne lIay Waterloo Yvon Fare Guelph Alphonse IL Rhea Tavlrtoct Mark Sobahl Waterloo Walter Waterloo Wayne ltay Waterloo Amer Tlaebart Kitchener Dorothy Wapplrr Waterloo ltarold Matrer Kltrhrner Allan Lamont alterten Andrew Lamb Waltertan Darlene Show Tobermory James Walter Watkerton ltaleh Palmerton Sanderron Owen Sound We Lamont Walterlon Ken rch Hanover hlaxlno Meltlllan Owen Sou Kenneth Johnatoa Gwen Soon Allae Daourt Toronto Nowell ltamlllon Senior Slonay Creek lady Dudaa Welland $55 59 and other eatraeurrtenlae adtr ltlea The node twelvee held their Iradoatlna dinaerdanee at Sun atdnla Part on June and Guest IUSPLIDED AGAIN TORONTO CPI The On larto urroore Annotation an ooooeed Frldoy that lIth Gll lard ot the ltorrlaburr Junlor learn hu been rurpeadad tar ten year Ior alrtltny an om WW elaL The auoelattnn aald la prera releaaa Glllnrd had only recently returned to eetton alter oneyelr turpentlon tor lJJD tlar ottean In mo No dentta ol the latest oIIenee werere leased Dnle Malay St Calharlnea Chrta Amareln Toronto Drhble Karnlno Toronto Memo Catharlarr Barnetaoa Toronto Garry hIcGnlo Wealon II IIle Toronta ll thltanuan Toronto Karla Toronto Lou KtllI landllod lllehelle Harrtroa Port Crrdtt Ntelr Mono Toronto hInddltl Ilornllton Paul Conn lrllarton Paul Wesley llamlltnn Pauloen Upper St Cetharlnea ltlrhnrd Srrtala Toronto SlnIoa Beaumont Oahttlla Thny httrhael Toronto Vernon llowant Toronto Nutley llanIllten Rothrnhurrer Toronto Allan llayward Throan lturlo Douaavtew Dlano Knapp Toronto hrd Full Throttle Glorta Charles llaoIllton trrry Jereh Toronto Nettle Small Toronto Tralll Toronto Terry ttavlland Oak ltldrea Tlm Norrla tert ItIlI Latuppe Slmeoe Allan Cautdy Branltord Arthur Veaner ottorytlle heart WIndhaIn Centre Green Branttord Morton Woodstock harry Kneehtel Cnurtland Carl Bryeatoa tlronttord Don Braver llaroravllle Nlely Btelaa Brentterd Itna landry hraatlord Jolt Depolahd Woodach Paul 6er Drnattard Pearl Eater Clear Creek Darlene Anthony llayereVIllo John Arrnatrony tlllronhurr Sharon Gartoa lturrorrrtlle Wayne lluttoa Branttord riddle ltlrtwood Brentlard Jlm Itnr Branttord ltlrty Krbyaon Beanuvtlle Rnhert Phll It Throttle Itonnle Ne or St Catharlner SanI Splropouloe Toronto Serrle Colette Toronto Steve Meet Toronto Veroalra Smtth Torono It Ito Toronto Paolln Tborold Albert Carter Wlllowdale Allan llaywonl Toronto Anthony Fallon Toronto Erlen Mrtlw Ilarnlllon llrlaa 0Itellly Toronto Colln Martla 5tClllllXTMI CI llodrlIInron St Catherine Dave Jaeehr St Cnlhsrtaes Don Mahar llamillon Dooelu Dealardlnr Brampton Frank lotl Toronto llanlr Johnson Scarborough Frank Strarnarlla Toroan Gene Drater Toronto Glodyr Srnlth lllrnllton Gordon Turner Toronto Grey Earle Thorld Jenaller llllry Worton John ll ltorrlson West lllll Jnnrptt Sadauetar Itarntltoa Kelly Rohtaron Don Mlllr the Delta Toronto tyvlthalowaeonol IT llloaed do Men 01th by Thihaeuonhaaeorm and and SI Joer has or on Itaralarda At the ute held ha Parry Sorted Roan Douattr need In to sham IhlIe one In rap and touth In to metree Item over our athletes put Iorth lhrlr beet ettarta durlar the room Calhelle School Meet Iaat Irl daye They came borne wlth to Illt at to llrata It IrdnndaI It tomtha and llltba whtrh wu yood eoou tor red and plaee tlnlah he ad Oahawa Colhello total at recon were hroha that dny lat Van demon hetlared the lunlnr atnndlnl tony turan Ihlle erh alle Gartrpy hrnh the renter cnsmo Ans FROM PEPSI Plrvandvou couldrvin just the these New vnnners II heerhtt llanrlttoo III Goldslela anarviru Mark Bonner West lltll Martyn Taylor Burllnxtan hIary Dlnrr Toronto tltrhael Mulllrna Weston Moirhy Rubla Toronto Paul Berry llarntllon Paul Gaol Toronto Peter Adlrru carom Robert Moody Grlrhahy Robln Durltat Welland Ron Greenwoy llamtlloa Sandy tlurahto Welland Stella Andrew Toronto Ted Lorkh ltnnIIlton Torn Noble Toronto Torn Qunn Toronto Thor Ouan Toronto ll llerrrh Burlington Wallace Lavlyae ltamtltoa Walter Uhrya St Cathartner Iayae Boulter SnIltthlte Wayne Grtltln Waterdowa Wendy lttllr St Cathartoea WllllanI Deern Dundas Kevln Smlttr Cnlllnywood Berta Weston Patrlela Kurehnt Toronto Paullne llaaren ltnrnllton It Amhrtdre llanulton Rey Detorxe llomllton Raymond Ftltlan llerntltoa Rlehsrd srnlth CIledoale Rleh troll llamlltoa Itoh Convell Toronto Robert Youny Welland Rorer Marrrollo Port Colborne Scott Ruak ltsnrllton Steve Gllehmnn Willowdala Sylvla Relncn Burllnrtoa Torry Kennedy Toronto Torn Redrrra lIamlItna Tony Craze Toronto Vtelnr Pynn Toronto Vlnrent Morlerlty lIarrIlltna GlllIr lort mdlt Wllllam hItNelly StnuIIvtllo WlIllarn Scott Illlttllton Alter Drrterdlnr Weston Aneelo Orlahrera Toronto Anna Goetr Toronto Drtnn Marat llamlltea Colvln Klnl Don MIlIa Cert Moore Toronto Chrlr Greenland Toronto David Marshall Srarhorottrh Dnvld hlvlea Toronto Diane llurd Toronto Dorothy Denman Toronto Graham Roadale Ellraheth tIoallnr Toronto ltaaoer Morrta llarrIIIton Oary Thruth Toronto Glna Alherton Itamllton Gordon Homlnr Toronto Henry Lee HanIllton Clanry Homllton Janet lortrr Thorold Janet Robertson Burllnytaa Joe Brttarra Toronto Joe erernaa Dunnvllle John Graham Rexdalr Iulle erh St Cathorlnea Dee stellard lIatnUton Undo Jonah Port audit ht MeDennotl Oohvtlla Morrtr Itarnllloa thltanuoa Toronto Nell Dlelr Tomato Petrleta nan ltomllton Pauline olrtla Welland Rlohard Wlleoa Toronto Businesses ore OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUR Aha aranahla at one taheeot aerrtee BARRIE soarooos RESTAURANT Alr We 0m Iroaeuoryttet III II to one Cloned htolday Rndlord II sweepers noun MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAILY man to It In EVERY SUNDAY ll AM to 5PM Its Welllaetaa neaeea EREDS FLOWERS mean ll It aurora MIDI anr to 1000 Ina HOPPER FOR ALL OCCASIONS PIZZA DELIGHT cell the Mmm WWWWb SeetheMiniMaetiat aonu THOMPSON cvcu urn nnnore It hhlIIIlttJmhhwohet rAnrnIuna armamgalameilim mm errnu ua come resume on me no rounworn LIALI unmade counuowoon Youdoeyleayoudld YING CASINO CAPS YONECEOUNDABE THE NEXT WINNER Looktortulldelailsatstores Pg where Pepsi and Diet Pepsi are sold It DIET PEPOI PapetColdandPepItarereolateroduaoemattaotreoetcom Good homerooted lleata Iltl Ill Telnet ll Anal No Iarrte AUTIIORIZID ROCKWELL SMALL ENGINE STROUD III III amour nourrntttnrtroIertmn nounearronurowoueronrenreron eaten AlwayetnrlatonMeColleeheha haraandrproolelt