55 bdlldoaruetnthattha troutup oidtytlIlllcaIdIeIlr hammerhead mil ha produced are record llonthat rounder II Mammals oldlenee nswhetherwedrairel Yooapterr do lrIe Irshie darnarI to their rar drutna by at Egan often Itrhotllute Tor quiet in or ttnn action en believe that at the tea sen thIt men must learn IaIln la the healthy Itren ol cairn Thhhii Itll en oldede erll conterencer Ind to the prom so or thequlISU xIo Siecttu oar problems end Shirk and tour worlr Ira Ileuiy ply Ind worthieal unless we CHURCH OF NAZAREHE ST VINCENT GROVE 3T5 SpecialGuests THE srrusor FAMILY Musicians and Speakers Henr their wonderIuI story Church HOSTS Quartette Ber surionv JUNE ml 00 am 700 pm mm on rumoars Irma Year Carlene lronrmlh lbeyirararedaredetdamep Thereare nearly Iooo onion and worm in North Times oi nth In In at Gritltd meet his lllth end at mine rams thde aria llh Tellani llltl Ilcr hurbrnd me my on vacation out west their home Ill pulled by lira daughters who were at home ll the time escaped un hIrmed At recent sunda mornlnl Bible rlaII where llllllhl were lrIlornlIlly sharing their ex rimrer with one another Merlin raid When we at news ol the in was very Inklul that none at my Iunlly were hurt AI tor the tire had In my heart beequ leve that all thirst work to rth toe to them till loVI od But had one regret VlllllCtI that Bari the plrlurer elm children when they were rnrrli their 01 baby hair Ind inf woddlny pictrnea Just some glMRidmhb ol their When they went through the ed reman oi their home Copland loidor blackened wit lire in iltirey lound III hIUmeUhI pletum oi their thlidren tool It bIhy hair the used rttrro Ili that Velma bed antenna tor had been rot el let her Oolneldeorel Ne tor the word btllod earnital Ian Home yotlhthe laud trio upon toe on my Itd deliverer PIIhn lOllT But some may art it God to deliverer wiry dtdIla not tler from the tire Damn ll not rAe in ii lluMlvnham to the midst at there lriIiI ttrirrlresi lord on me Let ItItIIItIUrnlerllHelovedll melanin dawn the wII our due how room more will lie not be ceocrmrd wlth every detalioi our liveIl llIeIeod la the man who truaia hold FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPIEIIION It HORSLEY II to II BIBLE SCHOOL Clqu its all urea It ans Warship REV DAVID WARD at Toronto Nursery tactlltler II SIarlair RoIIII Everyone lleleooro NORTHSIDE Inn crrtrn due reel lo Iurihtvsrnvrcre Mun Remembrance lervier IltIo MI lentil Bible llolr latter errII IIIIIIIIay tilt yas EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH II Vlneent St Barrie MONDAY rune II 1912 II00 pm MEET THE III HEAR III lTilRYl iAllllOItS ACROSS CAIIAIIA IEAB OF HIS illAlAAliClVilIA THROUCH ARCTIC HAFIR T0 TREIIIOIII mMAHUEl BAPTIST CHURCHl ITS St Vincent Sh Berrie AHST PAUTORI BRIAN RAXIER YRUTII PASTIIRI DON CRAPPLE 45th ANNIVERSARY snvrcrs IlIlS AM OUESI MAKER REV NULLMEYER Specie SoiolII Mr Lloyd Ilnlrhl Choir lIIlewed by BAIIIBMAL SERVICE me PM OUECI SPEAKER REV NULLRBYEII Special Soloist Air uoyd Knight Choir SIIOAJII IMPACT CRBB iDlIl Ill rue muscular Bervireo oeri Reid llllIereIt debut Aadltorln REV BULL BA BI Peeler Iztl Inn SUNDAY SCITOOL llltt Ian MORNING SERVICE 1on Mt EVENING SERVICE Nmerr Fdtlllee Available Piehty oI Partial Speca Wont111mm toughenm tum iID SIwi SI mm Pugtl Mlillhlll PlUlL Mills reee AM hlorIlIr Worship rho other Brother Wire WII IMI AI Rome Church Schoel Ind Nursery EVERYONE is WEICOhiE I1 seam cnuncn Roman Cotholto DUNDONAID AMELIA Ill MM suhoav mosses FIL 100 pm Folk Ilusle lull lilo Irn Conneyatinnal Biotin Sun 010 Inn Childrena Choir our into us turn Mars Iun prn Conventional Sinptny WEDNESDAY EVENING ItIl MIII preceded by Parish Drvnllonr Illi FRIDAYSl aarevr Illl arrr ltII pun FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH ITS alwlord Street Ittl arrI IInIiiy Sunday School moo Irn Bervlea IIIIW 10 BE FISHER OF MEN Speetli liloIle rroe prn Service PEACE FOR OUR 9x4 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL for all aper PRESBVYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA sr ANDREWS rssr rose PREBEYTERIAN CTIUII PRISBYTIRIAN Opposite Burton Arennecil CHURCH hllnlelert Career at Owen end it PIttlIan Me Honky SII OrrInlrtx Guest menu hire III Morton AthI IIIOO Irn some 0N REARan IIGU Ormlrtt CIIe VII Ilrrrrrrl ti ant hieroin Worship Church Schools MI lItarnsIdiItv holler Departments tll yarn and up moo PrlrnIry IIII Junior up to II years vhiuvvrry FltlUlIcI provided no In Slaior count School ttroo am lualee Church School my ur protester Censa Worship thI III lieltaea Welcome anwAIWVIi WW aweW IIlilE her It Cert llme laterinr Ierter Serretery TIN it rue new AMERICAN BIBLE me LIVING store crossrotps if mmfif noesresonatequ momentum nun FIRST CHRISTIAN romeo It crrurcrr It Vlatd at on Phone wouemr mom ltht us IdesItal Service Illlpnr llvealar lenlee lrerytae laloonre Inlay Muller Iladlo Bach to CM Boar CIIIM FM III MIIT It eII CHIC no In tru ST GEORCES ANGLICAN CRURCII OI CANADA horror ArrII IterIorI ltav David Kayo St BarnabII DIy trot Iln lloly Ctrnnrunloa ltIIo nor Marill Prayer lrrrrone Htltame Welcome $1 rill 53 El TEE sr Ionu VIIIIIrrv ROMAN CATHOLIC crrurcrr emulth plienCIrurIII Leirey Man 930 and do Contmieihl COLT to MS phn Hoi MIII Sunday III arm to em Jim Cootmdamlatnrday tltlymoonday Mrthinner Central Collegiate Auditorium Bnlrie 55 r5 Christin Seteaee Ilelta Series 13 the are tn Coilieritreet Qwdlervice bathroom Ii AId Tulimou Meetlll loo Wed each hurt PM Beadle Iloons Open me let TerrellI TUESDAYJUNE l3 800 PM HEARREV nous curl Seen each week in Ameslne Pro IIeeIII TV miarion Free The Anglican Church oiCenrdo sr GILES CHURCH TRINITY When ll Cool Street TRINITYI me are iloiy Csnrrurrolon rotor am MrrIlII Prayer Church lehoel Open lilom Chureh School at Nonrry trlo por Junior Choir lertivet IvaIroItI Ir wrtenur VIII IIY III Itetr tenmunlrr II It CelllIr Street NIXI Peat Ollie Iilm My hot Ivolry Ithoot am tuner oralvriieeml It am MaIiI who me lvvnarnl or Ihltll with Mal ICUMM All minute TED crru RCH or CANADA THE UNI levI is the great aII ot all rlsIrI rumor AVE United Church iIIto Ior ONIIIIIIATIUN ANI TIIH BACIIAIIIENI RI IlOLY COMIIUNION ContralChureh It Rm Blreel lttlIlaIer itev Dould It llA BD AIIeclIte IllelIter It Everltt Aahlal BA BD OrIIniItl bllIa ITIiIrr Choir Direttor Air Wiilleh Ailtl ttrtt InI Meditation LEAllNthI T0 CILIBRATI Nursery recrqu ALL DIPARIMENTI of THE SUNDAY BCIIROL AtIlIiT AI tliOtI AM WELCOME TO JOYFUL CIIRISI CENTRED FELLOITBIIIP COIIIER ST UNITED Corner Collier IIt Peyslr Mialsterr III moron an AIIociIte Idlllrlerr REV FINMV 00 Deuonm lllrr lharoa llIris Mr Lloyd Tultord trIInirt Ind Chehmuter IIIOWTION SUNDAY tenmrotlennl Plenie II Bunolrlnir lurt ltillltllll Iervire 5m birdied time at East Itcv ttrI starry hlorniny Senlerrr II are AWARD SUNDAY 300 pm CllUltCll PlCNlt St ilooest Perl lllnirlrrt Ilet Art Storey BA bit The Friendly Feliavrhlp Alan uninsnrn renter thoTRUTH SOCIETY