IoIIIrsitrrIours saw no oi the hem hired In no oGenrtitoOoiiege hummer not which he did doing In It IeverII drrwinAngu 11+de Of Grace Boycottilcltes In Powered three us rm iiiqrqhib Artist To Tedd course It tirerden men ammedmenuon no mo three men Mormon withlthe mum In those In ioronioend tendon thing IIid For some it Heated it Involved in tithe wunoitertrrnritlonroinytrom Ind etchinl III the north lest wliercolm done durtu htr otry they will be mounted tremed Toronto to the IIW rCOtirfse AI GOr9i0n Rohert Peterson matrimony printiny In ert returned trons enthtrIIeh withmeny threeehmrl font seniors to twodtnspnriooel drswin HI 2mm hen SIM no hrnttnl nod prot trmthetrrrie herald Only to rIntI oI eh drrwtnl Ire erodthortooewhtoh holds rittnei drrwtny Ir den leech It Compton Gaiters II ptrtolthetmmerhchootolthe wtii he outdoor pointing or Indltneteure In Inymodie theetudeote choose iiiadiiiiied In Highway Crash WeirOld From Pettawawa Police on moon tot eulv Madu Ir John crdetn It Potew Itdznttttodthemrnitouwerrtontotcootroi mr woodenInmate rundownIrrem Eh ii it Per is Err gr 992 FE at IOCIII on drums DEN Will Die mnumru ol tier one Its Intro to Royrl Iic hoot IIoIpltII with hrohrrt lritt titer In accident InrIon into Excel It Mishap Street thursdey It me gun The driv at the lend Mitts Rich lehlrnc It iomto not Irriurvd WHIPLASI Piedie Iiiroinenl VIIden Cres cent wrs tutor to Royri Vittorie IIoIpIthI with rtch liter In chdent on thrniop Street It PIrhslde Drive Ihnrsdey It lists pm the driver It the record vehicle Raymond VIIII tie oi Strand we not Inlurrd DImIIe wrs ertimeted It toso MINOR tNJIJRilA Deboth Weston oi 0th Street Iutlered mino injuries Thorsdey with the bicycle the In rtdinl III In coiihion with ctr driven by John Ren dI It Weillnpton red The resident occurred on Grove St It St Vincent Street It sso prn IIINOR INJURIES Devtd Ititcheii It It Steele Street lltittllti minnr Iniuriu In In Icctdent on little Street It Johnson Street It ttzto pm the driver oi the ten ond vehicle wII wtiiirm lienry Janet oi Orrtis Court Demure er ertinrrted It noon threewrreretuunyhomrooo tut Police Irid thetwotnhuedmro Druid ON REAP Joseph Junes MR oi thrwiohtd wesulloizd 515 Ii Pro tinctnt court Ihursdty in III Orwerd piesded not guilty to the chnrgn which toiioursi In rutdent on Ardrgh Road In In nirIiI Itvwenhip on April II II it pm The collision occurred when the vehicle inwetd ll drirtttl rtrurt two parted vohiries EAST mm The unopened portion ol First Street hetwecn Cirpperton Street Ind Drury Leno will continue to he ustd oelghhoring raid ent the pu works itee decided this week The corn voltiee discussed cempirint tram ldrs Welter Iieverrrott It Grove St East Ihout clothettlne pole end grtdens on the property the committee wIs told the city It unrhie to sell the lend In the pest hecruse Ieie would tests Itodioctcd agree iii 5s 99 here here led to believe three weeks is not going to hurt our childrens educrtion lie lIs reterring to the porrihiiity thI children my be lllyhi denser tor the rtrneinder ot the reboot yerr Ject Me memher oi the prrents group Ieid he II In In or oi the Idvent lie min the rppeIt to prrentn would he dicrit th Anrus Iitnetiorr red is home it we draft miss the horl we should know where they other prrentrt stand he slid the group wrs told Ihout Wed wdtsymalhil presentation to the Comty ltosnrn CIIh oilc Seprrete School itorrd the bond reiuscd tn reconsider the pereeL The committee moved In nroti advise hire llrvercrott tho neishhors could continue to use the unopened street Iiiowrnce until iurthtr notice 01 IIONICAS PATHWAY Students living In the ruhdivi IIon hehlnd St himicor reper Ite school will have prthwny lrom the Iuhdivislon to the Ichool tor the next school term hurls trustee Jdtrr hrennrn pointed out It recent rchoui hoerd meeting students liittiii till the school no iorned In writ tiung Nelson Street which doe not have Itdnutltr It dis tinct dnnger In them AIR COIIPRBSOR Council will he Ishrd to rItIiy purchase at moo Devllhiss rir romprenror tor the city treiiic onulhirigttion DISAPNINIED Clitl Woolner rporesmen tor the roop IIid he wII extreme Iy dist ed hy thI houde Ittitude lie told no prepIrr tlons hrd been mrde tor the det entlon rlthough the houd knew they were Ittooding the meet ing lle termed thelriturttnn em lie also criticized hoard Ior not Illowtng members ot the dell exntlon to est questions it we end up oing hnct to the bond were point to he rhie to est questions or were not heck he IIid trlrprrm irom the Ontario Ilnfilus Catholic Terchrrs As Iocrtion supporting hIr Piion we also rend to the noon the telegram trill We lent the this PEOIIY SHOW lire Kym lioIowIn ron evnrlny Mrs ilnton veneroltheP Indirtr presentedtheWHl Linton Show oi the IIortIcuI llemnriet hophy to hits mart Societym prree two tiredoorid exhibitor oi the porn wr nlt entryltumitteriho in test nirht It the Summit to Community hire to the Frank Matys Teacher Of or Prenh ttItyI ol St Joseph Inhrnitted to them hy student high Ichool wrs ended the mdinoiplrtidptiihl Ichoois Uuit at Big Mgr tilrhdn Irthi monastery cm In re on coolthe In and this elttr her Involved his students In the maliutnlnemhiylithniinithdtiltionsohoihthld school 5ng Ichooi In triall ory come on yygmygm where they won rm piece one omie Ichnol bm mu oiinclpvi unity out mm mm their iiiiu Iiso politicipiied htr received nonri pm with tnserthedithhtt 1M ItIII rpnrtinp events end her II Ide riong with plr corn memoreting the event qiihe pie Emedlremmrwo will he It St Sign nutmm Ions live It 17 horth Prrt Rd The rwrrd wIs prurnted by The Rotery Ciuh hrscd its sei Dr Peter Doro president ot the ection on the huts oi tents RotIry Club at listrte Principals Council Elected is htemhers oi the principtis The three mernherv Ire elect Kewr Es zi i3 ES Eh 97E in 575 Idivitoi thehow Inrtnvnhiny mhm $3 loudmhevelheenelectodttr II toltr hIIIpPIInwtem naoutuomormmnMWHMIMlim unwerrrntednemmn tohelrsedwiththelrtttt Mkuoi te ale Freeornmendetlnn ntthwhclmgghmnmmm dent til the councillhm wort committee criteior Im dingo ed at using restrict Ind Nimrod upon tutn Rod II oi Cei Ind Wwhurfnmmri rerndwrrtliiedvhen errr WWIIMIIVIWiIi deitIrtrhettt Ihedrpartmeni III In crrrytnyhlmrndtwecompenhoepltstwhnnstemppmm mmm 7mm rsted tor uthoriIetion to um month to rem moot prohienurnlvltr Mme Board Happy With Reeuits OIWinler Works Program the Simon County Romeo Catholic Seperete School Itoerd hes spent torts Ior work to live schools under the winter wortr lncentlre promm At St hitryr Irhonl in lord thee cieIIrooms completer ntrd end re clrreroom wrs ditch two corte ot print to oilico Iteil room upper hIIiwaI two rtrlrweiis Ind ptrt oi In niiice were riso ro IInted Oisi Ior materials end hnr rmounied to Mrs Printing wrs Iiso door It St PItrlcirt Ichooi Phelpston It root oi tttlvtl The wort done Included Iwohnii ItrlrwciirInnilice the stall room Ind miscelirnemn items In lltdirnd ciessrooms hell we rtrlreeti In other end ceiirneour repIIrs were done in st IIIryI school It cost oi 11209 At St JImee school in Coh All ceilin in one classroom wrs restrrppod while live clus tho Iterrie men were more cltht memhorsot the Onttrio lrorlnrlri Police who were prerentod with long Services Ind Good Conduct models It terrennonytnuydrytidie wryI write two ily rooms Ind two heiiwaI were printed Iotri cort at the Inhoot wrs Atoll In Vicorlr ttrrhour revert claim In otilue rtIil room end remediel room were printed Ind nIIecIlinneoII re were done It so hirryI In It cost oi limit the men who did the work werr employed irom Cenedr hirnpower In the mrteworh protect to krhters business Idrnin lstrrtor slid he had been torn corned rhout the type work thrt would he done hut every thing has turned out rrtlslrcor DUNWP WEST minor Incident In Iront oi It Dimiop St West Ihuredry It ttt pm stored on eetlmrted I275 demnpe to twovehleles The drivers Involved were Jemrr Spruce ni Duchwhth Street Ind Bury hippo at little Street Donrld Ford In reroclrie dean It Geor In Cullen hes heed elected timer or the madam dgmtnwt ktrhe litur or or 1mm Iriirfnizord we elected It the rnnnrl meotin held rt Georglrn College urrdry Iilhh Other mernhrrs oi the board Ire Groves oi ltld hunt liret viceprertdent Ei etnor write ot Barrie secret Iry Druid Orott nl ihornton trouurer AioI Arthur ol Bro rte pohtle relruonr niticer diur iel Deeper nl Bertie Irttrtic dir ector Lloyd lurtord oi herrle orchestre Idministrrtor Doul urrrrwsy It hurts mm or Ind Bruce Erereton nt it and James hildieton oi 0rtiilt nrchestre represente tivos Berry Derererrr oi Ushe II he hcen rehired II corduo Ior tor the WM reason on motor srnvicr moms trtt hood to he dwurhhdh tort or en ontlorirede the preeentrttern PROM iretrt CUM tIhieRl1uhno one more in run tuneup tlritenne rrrie On Phillips ttrIcI sit momentumIm WAIRED DRIVING mediItI lowering at Little Avrn Ihrrence Oowud oi RR no user lirrshIli Strut to Int herrle wrr lined ttoo rtter prove visihliity Costs ot the ho wIe convicted In minute lurh will holhilled to the suit tottrt ihuredty oi Imp red drive dividers contribution Iund Pointed Rie Iii Constable Youth ToBe Sentenced Thursday John winter hurgler ol persons llhnn ConstIhieFrIrer Gootstown was convicted In pro told him to drop the rie Burr ulntiri court Thursday oi pos gicr tumod Ind pointed the rule setting drngerous wcrpon at him end In remnndedln custody At this point Cnnstrhle III untiI IhurIdIy inr Ientenring rcrdrew his service revolver Ind hurries wIs dtnrgcd on April Burpirr droppsd the rie toiiowtnr In lnrldwt in Itnr Dclrnse rnurtsel Joot Urine us Ihout Md pm in Width stun told Judpe Jnmcs Rennlctt he Ilietedtv tried 11 out that Rurgiers pIet oi guilty wrs hre title It to Demur rn Indication ol contrttrness cm Jud Renrriris ordered re lienII dwttchment oi the amt mm mm lrIo Prntinriri Police IIs mtiretinf the Incident ourrti tog Burger Ind soother occu prnt oi err in Anne when the three persons pulled up in rsr Testtmon reverted thet itur tier toot the rltloliromyhomrr lthte in mm cording to ringenrtreu Dtnth Christie tn Brrrie yesterdsy to Footnote the lienr Cnnndn Sing np unwriting competition 1hecontort is primoriLv Ior peopiewhomlchtwriiornngshut lust do not tnow how to go rhout getting them recorded hiisr Christie Isid Aii the entire to the contort will he screened hy reprereuir tires oi the recording Industry rnd induce Irons every voustcrl field will he Isted to comment on the wort submitted Etch song suhmlttrd must he recomprnird by In entry lorm end on ho Iuhmiited Is man uscript on tnpe in hierogly phinI erythinp rs Iona es we cert understrnd it The contest spectiicriiy Isrs ringnhle toetopping or up soon metntng ones with road rhythm Ind hrppy yire Ind must he based on CInsdirn theme 1000 ALREADY Miss Giristie said IMO turn have Iirendy horn submitted Ind the hasnt yet hrd thence to rind out lust how the my Ire Interpreting there ourhtet In the tours ivn been on the road Ior two weeks IIIi tour yetre she sold Mostly rotor on open line rhout or heirt interviewed by the needle otoot III In concert to Crtgtry ttcted oil the western crm lInt Commissioner pa Niohoix Deputy Commissioner The contest which closes July intern hrpertnttodeot it it Is Iponsored hy the Crnrdisn Collins Ernie Inspector ti Conierenee oi the Arts rnd liol Herein herrte tEItminer roo Cnnrdien heer tllrs Curls Photo tie rrid most people Ire temit hetth hIr wooiner vrid errIn mentr Ire heing mode tor crre rentrer tor the hiidren at writing parents who Ire not It tcrrding clrssrs llr Ption we not It Thurs dny at meeting The mun ups to his tearing centred prohibih his trting part in the section III woe represented hy HOUSE T0 RENT III were lumped with cIIII House to rent on Ilenry Street small hedrnoms lIrge htct yrrd prrrge tron monthly Telephone mom NR PAS ACIION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS msur Irr with the contest through teic tlslon edvertising dons durln the Strniey hp Pluoitv totti oi 1000 In rents will he made to winniny composers Ind periormerr with the tint prtre souzvlritrr getting 310000 plus then portunity torocordhlr onyx Ind Ivelt promoted winnln tongs will he used In prrt heor commerc irLs All other rights to the soon remain with the computers 1W0 STAGES Judgin will he done in two rinses It very screening by letter herded hy Ben hIcPcet in lorontn Ind Ste phnnn Venue in Montrert linrl lodging will he done by tllss urstio Jenn Pierre Pcr tend PIuI tloliert Richttd John Iton Juliette Jrhn Rohertv Ind Itn Ionn tles Christin llid moot oi the onertions the hon hero Isted dent with the eligibility ot Iongr Aoy unpuhlished tong or Will rceorded or published mu iamthis yerr LI eitgthle the The contest open to rnyohe hut tilts Christie Irid Ihe er trn ol tiidiend iv rice aeoino Sister mu Iinih moody trtuehio since no It littorir Ilrrhorts rtcretery video the guns roots Midhurst Fire Trqu Demonstration Demonstrrtions oi the new tire The open house Is to he held equipment Ire plrn Iromt to pm Ind denials ued It In open house It Ves rI Itrrtlons Irrepgod tor Ind tire hell to liidhurst Saturday oclock llre Chloi Bob Byers Iiternoon Innnunccd Transportation Formula Unacceptable the Ministry ol Educetlon hrs ports students In tho Iloney llrr proposed new Inrmuin tor hour me by hort lntho sprint trrns rtItion ngnts to school Ind trii Ind hy rnnwmohlls in the winter the proposed iormu Although the pnhcy Is still In It Imlts no mention at excep the lonvruintirr store the tlorts such In these Sinrcon County Romsn Crlhollc The new policy is hrscd on the Seprretn School Board iceis it Iumher ol miles trlteiicd Ind does not tit unusuIi clrcumstrro the size oi the bus rether then net the number pt 0le trrns Ihe Icptrrtr hoard treesported 1000 Entries In Songwriting Contest gut most oi the entrInLr will trons unpublished writers She Ii wound IIIiiiueii III won hovey their own content In the music Industry and not need it help ruchr contest pro er Yesterdey er her test on southern Ontario tour ere Ind the wee on her wry out to trpe rnother Ie ot Perty Ernie shovel end concert in Toronto Its orhrurtinp We cIme the out to rtir up the countryside to erondushr lot our centric Motorusurious iitieeotlhlemldrhortitl thwhh tereruyeptneovee