emmnm WWW Ill tHGIC LI Underthe industry to the district And Inntsttt inch Other Inaugurals lhe cl oi Barrie and the township oi Inuidll 3e working towards an ee meut that horrid be oi benet to Ihe intermitnleipul llason cornmltee whidtineiudos representatives oi both commnttler doomed Barrie proiect lthlr week The ropoeol called or revis ltitl or In agreesrreni to provide unitary serviex to 1100 acch at land between 10 rideroad Highway 27 and the dry iisnRr rut industries In this partied world be allowed to con uect to city servers the township would my medal oi esieodngigmtrutakx howl bonndery wou dsarge two times the normal sewer rate topayilacoatoinrunlngthererrices to ilre boundsry The city wants to change the agreernent to give it two and hell times thereto The higher rate It matter tor nego tlallona and undoubtedly soilslrctory lormuls will be level greater the parlance however Is act that Barrie Ind lnnhill are working together to bring low years ago it Burris needed land tor industrial sea it ariropriated irons atsrros og municipatl ea tart err Innistll Reeveileo Burton ob mgtoirnmduu eieitthrtln oustrls expansion woes land It annexed by ergototlrecityaudiheiowndrlphlelt out In the cold Today there Is sameness oi the irot that regio government is com ing to all sections oi Ontario and that the benetlts oi this term oi administration on more Wine nexa on re esp the Ontario govrnmetd Inthecasaoithedeelbeingoonddered by Intermuuidpei oomorliiee Barrie has the modern iaelllties sum as sewer and wrtend instill has Wor ope Ir ey Ire now can encourage industry to one to area Plants thri are hulit will beueiit both Barrie and Innlsiil More jobs will be provided and the two communities will gain Innisdl in tax genome and Barrie in commercial activity DOWN mutant LANE Vto verses sco IN 10er Barrie Examiner June 1952 Paving oi Toroniollarrie Highway 400 some he townie withindustrlal nm lly Wee wrs iniitat zeompieieti by Dominion Day weekend Deputy Minister illliar stated New memorial urrlt Royal Victoria lie tel will be otiloiaiiy opned July 23 Ch msn William Craig snnounced Action will be taken by directors to collect about MODoi ledger not paid as yet NeChrllough oi Barrie elected lSuperintendesrt tor Royrl Arch Masons oi Georgian District Some day we are olng to rule thin country lorries ill rrd oi Toronto told ores labor cone motion in Orlllts Mr billiard is national ldlreetor United Steelworkers at America lend OCT candidate ior York West in nest iadersl election lie loud delegates to learn more about wermrtent Big Rev John Gray Morris oi Sirocserelroy Unit ed aruroin nddressed Kiwanis Club oi Barric there are three impacts on the oi our young people which Influ jeoce them evry dry or vSubooI Ind Oommunlt wants Pam under chairman olly Prophecied snip oi Nell lircllopald and lbrice Smith Sea Crdelsgaieed inspecting oitlcer Common With oi Toronto at Barrie Armoury Lieutenant Iorne hiciiibbon is CO oi Ioc al cog which was termed World War nsored Lions Clu Oiher Barrie liners rre Bill McBride Bob Cunningham Jim Ward Dick blungharn Barrie Colic te Cadets inspected by Colonel Wriisiord CD com mindinghoaiilcer Armoured Corps Cam Borden ring was headed by Alex CocIrbunr oi etali Jim lacking was CO oi Cadeturnd Diane Carnrthers oi Girls Platoon headotlh Jack Garner won Geor Rodgers as boot to drill and apartment Pup directed by Dalton like Barrie should benet trout in New plants Mull iobs and tax revenue Ellie the Ills coon tinnitus WATSON our rttvorrrrrrtrs snot rotor EVERYWHERE QUEENS PAR Liquor Controls May Be Changed Dy DON 01IIARN Quecas Part lareaa Oi The Examiner Solicitortienerri John YarJ cmiobaaioidihebousethata general revision ni our poor laws is under wry ilr Yan enrlo Is the rrrlnlxier responsible ior llotro sdrnlnlatratlrn Apparently the serdsion wont no further need tor these roles local residents ha said could ailll oblect to Individual rp Ilea Urns bid beyond this he dnt see need tor hrrtbcr local con there votes were the heart oi the system when It was Intro duced The local option provi sion made liquor rule at leeat aenriarccpiablo when It wax in been very great opposition with out It But now it has served Ila pur pose Actually when Owen Sound voiod In Ilguor short while ago the but rubelantlral municipality In the province left the shy ranks And the government undoubt edly would be gird to get rid oi the votesThcy are nuisance Ncsbitt and Miss Ruth Kissick of Mail Mr Hill lear ltisbelnsun trnducod then could hrva and expensive staged resolve ll dornoninllml dome ex tcment in SeniordJohn WWWEAWNATW ANN by police constables hob Burrows Reg seamen At Town ital Mayor orie Hamilton exclaimed he the cutest tiring Ind does some it will he at Mn and perhaps will out well now ties with the system oi rest Dot sr idedger at Barrie new president oi LairId bad hourRome ier SoitbeIILer said there would be ertalen by special commit tee oi esbinel end the minister torrents it will be year Irom nowbeiorstttscortoletcd Evidently though when It cant ilnal that was ataricd In rote rate oIiIortor by the lug introduced hr the pro nee mm dbdpune or dubum my um the hint llr Yeremiro gave MASON as that there rrtldht be change In the term oi admlnlc traitors at the topIn which liquor licence board and tip nor control board have the dual responsibility The control board waN could CANADAS STORY Exploit In Canada Won Soldier By ROI BOWMAN Although Canadians have won the Victoria dress it has been rwuded only ones tor ac disrpperr there is very little to in Canada and the recipient caiitodayloraboardto admin waa an irisbborn soldier to ihrea companions and others tied Item the scene The son German immigrants were looted in their railway cars and dirt not know the danger they were In So they was ed the ciivity with great inieres e5 Egg Err$2 Sinner 22 5c Criiios Hitllox Louis In The US do on wssrrrrtorots tcrlu rats to on alasiioour erltidanr at ted Statertas mm three lawstthcb permit many rich to lashed two promi nent Dcnlomata have moved to Connect to inter mtpieie view ni such legislation the laddhhmtrtfr Wm pares ca car nistnilbn unaware but eventually tba treasury issued titties own approach but Represantatiya Wilbur liiiia oiArkansaaaaldtobathanroat And In WARD unsetr is under that ener trutewnuldltha will also on the mated that dimllllll pretti om iniluentlsl voice in Donpesa out some noon no new In each abled And tha mamtaa aligwwlahopgstid lll IT Noon over tneonu iaxea at these mode more it nsiliiotu he said What we ousht to do is ply close the loopholes that met wraith erectillteyprral arisia tors and with great inherited wealth to escape taxes be said lie also charged that errors with incomes one paid no locum tar Recently in histh rva III at Incometax undistohs wotttlddratsa an extra htrl noted on ear that lar eilmlna Id onsior theolo on this would put with the aloraga Amari aboiirb malor Herold In wor two horns promote D01 cand mutual oi every years in client It would rspaal it provisions avan Including aorna exemptions Income cltiaaoa the blind tint en is that these would aimpiybe re ormiddlenrinw inrmLIbo at ith working day drop tIzzyaymietteral automatedI anew ca or und tbwbecomo gilt Ind emotional executioner topic It has van the Democrat laruaand tended to out viewed and reinstated while the pm on us Oiieaioundaaupplyolwater my in world be to on In well beside the nllway line merqu Tloepho ihai MUN take tNlam lion th frth 1g an GI rencrai maria er reportin and planned to open the do the rith his hello lit at tor rstorrn stigng to government ah ha lhll in mm mu Rm the 5min mill ml 01H made gtnatead cutback in govern my $31 Nundleulhumllllelrm will ll IT lrlldli Trde uterus to itoria oi Between lda and rose as cl ns it it rodoitast ndullttretatnehl rereeorrctanrtyldreaptrl Tee title the From mlhugod not out the on Democratic residential Mia lilsorltlirtllullulllulll Its position somewhat agreeing in in itritiahre lrnent lla distinct ves Privaia 1th titles rm up mm lmlmlltt one stag rupee In orsaoiaation lrytnr to In alter arr hourrdrngerotu work tenders uev eorga wrlirca oi mm gm g3 g1 mum my irons the oIItIcal sensitive Imam WM lie was awarded the Victoria Alsbanra and Senator George its highest level In decade but titers are tears that the hi price coupled with rising or Canadian commoditer on ofid export markets will harm Canadas trade Apart lrnm using perihelion io bring down commercialinter seat rater there appears little ib isderai government can do the high level ol the dot lletwceo January and mid May it rose lrnm about It cents to 01 In US llmda lince then it has climbed more sharply It most to 6101 on Monday dotna Toronto ilnanclal sources part it might exceed nor The petiem Is beating out the doc and procarslr some ioraigo prophecy at former on trees aecretary John Connally led when Cunnda hoisted at crrrrancy realignment tells that on letting the dollar enn ua tolioot Ireer In the inter national market BENSON DIAAORRED Cortnatly who had urged ard va urtion as the Oil tied its currency tarerurt upward drlit Benson then tlnanca minister hit doountod prospects oI much rise to humilibidm hl ma Ling milling Canadrrcits abroad more costly and all im portage naive to the long run ardentrrdebsb roses Finance Minister John Jiurorrs that birdch at traeiso lorries Interest in in here with Iiaspeelai tax yer ior mun commercial banks now cturlna JOIIN II CONNALLY IIIr Prophecy ebrrge their best customers iii to ill per ccnl The prime bani rate hers is six per cent hide cert oi the dollar shroud doesnt help exports Trade depurtment llgurea show thnt export prices rose is per cent between ms rand esriy Mo but they used trier that ycrr unit must oi iaat yerr Now they have airrted to rise again In Jnnurry Ind Febru ry they were or highcrthnn in ltot in lost when export prices were high the dollar was rela tively cheep pegged at tha old rats oi ttoccnis us It was rare versed in June rm to Dent on international money markets and hes driied upward with oriodic Intervention by the uni oi Canada to heat back speculation oi usher in cresae simple answer would seem to be that the dollar should be wired but this oiiieielr aay an overrlrnpiliicatiorr Rotors ropeg Rh the government needs ow thri it curt detect it new rrte buying more on do tiara It necessaron loop the Cansdlan dollar lrnm going blotter sit at this Increase represents lbw netaitect oi tha overn menta aliens toltaep dol lar lrnm ria too rapidly or erratically Finance department and bank oi Cansda oillctala always are silent ahmtoayetoday move ments In the Iorelgn exchange market to taer thri anything they say might atleet the man let precipitously However It is known lrnm money market sources In To rortto and Montreal that the government has been trying to blunt the upward thrust ol the mention cleric oi Nutter In iodaya moral climate there Is little need tor ihla votes our This cllrruria also could mean we will are iourdatlon tbgllolcel optiholrt vote nos tirst itiors leader Robert Nlrott Woodosed the end oi these voter III list oI recommendations he sent to the minister all being chal lenred to go on the record Mr Nixon said he could see atone oi tha rytianr lam entities oI ammuni lion inclu or barrels oi gun wder been landed at Nice to use and were then sent by train to the Niagara am This was done with great secrecy audorriy the highest ol ilclala oi the Grand Trunk Rail wayknew tha contents oi the crater Tho es thrives were landed on rsllway cka and attached to the end ot train which our carrying soo German Immi grant Private Older and three other soldiers were the gusrds ol the ammunition trucks dollar at much as It reasonably Wanna As the train drew Into Dsn Since June two the dollars deity value has been determined by the willingness oi iorelgn buyerr at Canadian goods and services to pry whatever price Ia asked to get Canadian cirr rency TLUCIUATE ONE PER CENT Pegged belers that at no cents in us irmda under mice at the International NONE TARY Fund the dollar was perv milled to uctuate one per cent above or below the peg The government intervened in buy or rail dollars on the torelm ex change rnurltet In order to keep clr value within that murglrr not In the spring at two the upward yresaurethe iorelgtt de mand tor Csnadian dollaer came too great lot the bank of Canada ills meni end the resources at the exchange reserve loud The government had to her row doilnrs and sell them on the torelgtt exchange market to try to keep the price down Even this borrowing become too much to hear end solida testing It was Inrclng Intercrt rates up and high interest rates attract more ioreign investors who buy more dollars and keep upward pressure on the dollar Ready Investment cuh een arm more in Canada when in tercst vsiea are higher as they If Ms itnsnce dcprrt iii Torte oodlit It tiayileld Street barrio Ontario Telephone mom Second Class Nail Registration Norther Wt Return portage guaranteed Dally tusdaya and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates dilly in carrier etc weekly itsso year iy single copies tie By mail Barrie All yearly Stmcos burly moo yearly Balance oI Canada Irene yearly All other countries Wont ysrrir Motorthrow oil moo year Notional Advertising oiiireat to Queen St West Toronto ass lilo hi0 Cathcart Sit Montreal Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit tlureau oi circqu door The Canadian Preu Ia exclus ivriy pub Icrilon oi all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or the Assoc ated Press or Renter and also the local news publish ad therein Theulgmlrte Earring cldairna It or ten tlscohg and sditorlal material cra atod by its empioyrea Ind re produced in this newspspcr Copyright Regiatration Num ber Wit drier ll entitled to the use tor re the villaI Gun on June thud oiier raw tire to one oi the on Jun till end the ml is now In the museum ol the British Rilln Brisede in Winchester Englsnd OIiea died at thirst to tilt when he wu member oi an espeditlon trying to rescue men who was lost in northwest Auatrsiia OTHER JUNP EVENTS Illhshipa made at Quebec were sold to West Indies irisGovernor Carleton dc clered martial low or American lltlIlrst legislative council hindered oi South Dakota Murmur attention has been our on what they term on IIir tax laws AGREEMENT Iha Nixon administration hrs piodied It will not ralaa taxes this year but rho is seeking congressional permission to In lbera the some bets iii helmet not in the heated atmosphere or an election emu reorient Alli STAINThrill tor averrrron Amos and grgtghgpm the hrs as hell and er drah thy will right in mm mm Revelation till in administration sprees to tax TC ornu ldaek no mistake about It alive end alert and the growing public outrage able to do and undo to raise cr current laws ammunition trucks Ind gavethc allcrAttoIUnlcnmciatIUngs IT HAPPENED IN CANADA alarm in raveaied what was in the trucks and tilted Ior help In the Queens name However his QUEBEC Quebec to Neil tlra tec tica cl harassment In the guise oi protests sgainst lsili it and the internment oi union leaders are entering their rec ord week It is not without srovdng anguish that one up prosches It to the situation can only get worse unless there is sudden and union rem reversal It still remains possible to hope against all that ltr Cournnyor now thnt he has the responsibility oi civli serv ice minister will be able to And new approach br circumstances It ha does not intend to this the tint step and ii the Icndcrl oi tha common trout persist In serv ing their prison sentence the change oi minister will In no way have contributed to rapprochement ntll how the govomnront aunts to have chosen to let the protest movement untold and spread without intarvorv lol undoubtedly with the aim oi avoiding conirouirtionx and ion Ont tubFire II St Johns Nild destroyed 1000 homcc OPINIONS 1n the hope It will blow Itacii out artd ihnt workcrs swnre oi the artery losses the here rirendy sultertd end it thosa they will be asked to consent to will gredunily decide thenuoives to end the strikes end the civil disobedience movement Ilui polling Is less cerinhr Because until now every body or nearly over body has succeeded tin role In his cool the current crisis has not provolod grave disorder ure rss violence lint the Impellence at some could well test the prlience oi the majority oi the population Anti it Is this ebolo nil thri must be cured crpcclnliy it the protest movement should be prolonscd llllll intrnslliod until publication oi the gov crnment conlrrtct decree next month And it that hoppers how much lino will it take the Quebec community to make up its Ina timel Rar more Dubs tilaylll WOWNIWMMRH WWWENWAICIOIITONNI ltdlliiiibidrliatd WWII Iiilllb FOIIDN AIDA bl but been up and put down Trust lllm erred by Reprcaertrtlva the abtmdant iiie here rod Reuse Darn Win pal Iiie above OM Tllllillliiiitill NINTH IMPle Ill iIiI NW DRAWING TbiliiT FIIE AFTER FIINGIIIA iiiAI OINNO LEWIS IIJAWAWARI erosion or