Cogiiparaiion animator inspection 51mm urn it candlan Air commodin Irrle Mel Ideally nlyht I110 Glitter Jim Dull Ind 11 luintesthecsdetotibe year IndhisiatherItIhI Inrtttsl Law pectin pillar DrawingsOkayed Fantasia or Renovations eitnp toe the hulidlnr not Simon Board at The new addition and rennin Straighten Education Iienday ht Ipprorr llnnI to Interior Ireu ol the edthuorkinydrIwinu iorthe schoolwilllnehtde lonewetssu ary Alan assistant Iuperln library resource centre see tendeni boldness plant as been ctio room mm illicit rssidnituhnllii stare tarorvoirtrsl W4 cleairilwnulilm mmwlhw hopestobavIdern Hut and toealltoeenlersi or and odd middnlr Li dty oillcer The oillcer Issimsd to rc connotation will be In be alterations ItiendIncI tor iormInees It plain Dali otrtre WIrrInt Col Cadet Iwuds are LI tirentl Dntt lC ilrrslil Jlsll It till Ibermwtiineeseiihem nurknianshlptrophitllchaei itsroeylbeladiasAusiilIry Bill thDo mm Veil Squadron ileyai CInIdian Air Nadeau be PM era lieid WNWS TUESDAY JUNE tan the opeolny per the Cherry Pit the Included Police Ono oi the too numbenln ethtbldons nr periormanm poi buyouts in ice act on complaints In In rmdereoser les with the Crown attorney People numth interested in my INN my music Illiies mark Ben Isonu miss the olrlce area to prortdc mm mm Into centre and In addition ll viceprincipals oilirs Tee lenders the each Iiwp rind be approved the htinis Intention the not held tonint at community centre and will brbeld 1hnreday It the store Staynss Hall tor iurther some work to ventilation public rest on They start Itt in the area ot the stare llilosidents It the area are be hukodlglor thalrmtbouahtsme way prewar II at provincial iauiblllty study loath immmiiiii Development Committee Urges HUI Sitaan east to the proposed Tw oBoriie Students Employed barrio hypsse corridor tetterrrom Writer ilooeen Street wee and theolt development co mailers seen Id utiedhe tlten lock ttIeLIren Ilse sur provosCroundsi iitCyrood School Pmm ML water and electric cortices ni parks and recreation deosrt gt In f1 mm ment in lCoiilneeood Ire wort ing leatther to improve the the nods Itlhs nearkionh taint our school in the town The school and the recreation department are also nastier to leillauil owe mailed area so oo see reItIon department tacliitlel hcdmzltnilierl inllnwtin mvlidiii they end pet electricity and water and speed eornlortsble twaisdpolAnquticlran my rotor it use on Aid illelareneald he would ll Wilma we urpe public works to pet the mum he lllllmnw water and electric Iervlccl hooked up as soon Is possible to Haywood School or to one Chm lluronia Youth Orchestra lisywood public school In old itlhhitiit llnnual Concert Wednesday tectlve the boundary tor corn ort el boaters tied up there the dentin the us depot ol uro and dont think this is Get Water llydro Hooked Up lint nbiel Dd duel blunlclptl Board heierI work gmguw rusrseel such Is Itth show and ensure it it within the Act In most cases involving on to tan ruiur Wk both oi Bank have hem three rnonths airplay ied mus sepsis try in ct meat with the Dot overnrrent DOE AND PET was deep there Sunday ran In and there were it boots tied up 191mm Imhs There was Itcadz strum lrom Damn pup mllt purebred months old tree to good Mm home Telephone motor FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER WANT ADS mains COW WW1 the lluronlI Youth Orchestra yeuos niuslcians Is soloists drdlo on slontnlNottIvrn Wren second meal Catherinehi ionplInistpiays II it ill GM concert nerds nlsltt at Col with the arm in In In to or the lisswood school will lice Street Unit church audit ranzement oi three lineh chore ses Itiertdbymea Avenue school plum AnnI Camer in Water Bends ville nder me orehulra ltll expanded on plays the charminy ilaydrs hwoodOoucrtotnnmsanliw rod will Illeod am at Iron min rrottp rt slio llIttdlil ebool it vrlnd to small mphonl no ilarper wills my er Ind Iresultyprersats concerto lee arena and arches Inescttlnp ro am teas DAMAGE Lloyd ntidrrdl conductor and TM prefan is completed Damage was estimates It muskaldirecterhas held weeks with the oliorlnr orchestral tone to the vehicles involved to iy rehearsals tor the no person laces Overtureonrrench Folk twocar collision early blott peonle mostolwbom study their ones Trumpet Time and Air dIy afternoon near the lntcrseo nitrumant with privsin teach by Purcell lssterale item the tlonoiidin and hold streets er so well as Islaytnr with risth Concerto by Corelli the drivers or thI vehicles were school mops ensemble and Iieiiris Andenta and At blnrlr liershey It and hiIr proopi lexro rpm the Viennese Sona ccl ilutts It both oi Barrie the program icalures three It All On Liaison Committee Following Heated Debate Iollovylnl heeled Irpument iir Constable replied that he hie timetable said he did not between ileove Geerre Burton wanted tohIpresent to invite think not two members would and councillor Biskn Countable own conclusions lrom thldtasus make thrt much dliierence oi innlstll council it me decid lime and did not want to have Gown Mm SWIM members will sit on Ip ed tlon Rmwuwmml he sld he rleseotod whbin council should to preset communes inn it rise ventral decided on mm Ml mm Itr Cortlshls odd hlr Stewart lobe com Idol ilm hidden con him em as would reviled Clerk illeh no the industrial committee hill lloatseasted hindonstalrloll limb and lick iluahes on the globulinmod Daimltloopmnene he pugst lollyecltigtsmg committee let enterewan on Ip mills and Jack liuslhoa oi the to the rnmmllteo on tho tact mnmwglgmmm lilllillllll board and ears Bur that he would then be paid gammy pm my on pr mm mm dimgklzgd ill will this eonmtlttee meet with slow re rentaltvs oi lnnletli Then EFFICIENT ed Monday tb live council to rely on secondhand lniornse mum 1mm mm to police rt the thin months and that report content mud will be on to the Cut attuneyillce while lscont kaolin that halore cheese at mail or vulynrlty no he wn lineal Cm intenttitle ell the uremia led with candidates requlr to we wim re id it PM ratepayers no well Is letter or is mil intent to seek the nthee and the shirt sad no lrrdletlien the club iilPOATANT ravenlnx Iny repulstioe The rhi these It the the Crown attome club and Chic 1kchirbari said procedure his men would keep rain but there is and Iran no me it the issue saylnl the rim they dint tho Ni and madman modedmunetrun Ollie IIIrd it the roost prunian or or outttandrnt air cadet tooth llrn mil shelop the stroll hnprhiew merit the issues it cadet oi the Year III dtrrlnl tho tniniol remand Yosna trophy lor the best all etc when iuiian Fer Vinnie Baron the Ithletic round llntyur radct Bruce trophy tor maul prutldeiry Ind tikaminer Photos all9 law Emmi Proposed Election Act Upsets McClymont Parker Atknnen Dorian Parker not last Indies tha ttrst ltcers David Iieciymont last nltit look bore the linaneI eoenrnlttee I3 vocal ereepun to proposed meetinn Ln Ilierwuds munlelpil election set that has Aid Parker said the mid The clerk said the bill sets up recelvtdilo readinuatcueens raise the losses Into It out new haiiot idem unuiar to Park Ind will likely be passd tinndays council patella provincial election bIllrstI which Mlbrhdltets unliorni dates ior mm mm EM um motion new In mt uttered Mkdio Cindidates will he liload to has set deadline oi nsoirnl hm are Parker was particularly lot swift 06M alien on mm do 5W id it Weinnlll iioinu ioe thI and and nun iaid 19 qu mph leral committee will nests heat to hem yup am go my apartment must beta the man mu by thewerdtnaotthe hiltthlI leek lent would automatically the attorneypercent Mmrmum mde and it is expected to yo butts in pout mm my In Iltornlu are te mgclelkdlliinusevenday the cabinet and metro third alerts steepest that rather than tIsu Intumtn oltim nrl subunit petition signed by re Uouncll woo Istedto minions ricrkplor dnyfthli the icons tilt oi Wetsuits Im be Illawcdto more irom one eorimenis suppcsted the Al home to another durlnl specllled mtg bl Niki Clerks boon durlnr the day asurers The aldcnnen said nornlnailon The amendments as listed by Flirt lilhihilim 11 3111 Pip all he ppm nlphllr lrrmorlant to small rom Clerk Sirsuaitnn included or air aith Week It the corner nutrition Ind turresied the than in the number or his aanvnnlenllmanrllnlry iravstty During their tiny the men will observe hove the iorce lune lions and how problems are dent with it is hoped they will return to their respective Inhoels with In understandinr oi police and law lic oi Dunlap and biary riseeu worktop Is observers with the BIrele city Police Both are thirdyear university students hir lenikoil ls Ituiy the totem It the Unlvrnllr ti 0n TllllllESS Intersection Toronto and hlr Crook is enroll er in the business administsItlon mile at Waterloo Dirthcran Un onloreemrnt responsibilities perked on the parking lot ol Willillll lieu srr T0 smu rriond said the stairs made the committee lsorn Isrrl at cm rum or purl lent one Will shows tht thensrl Skeeter Material to will looks like at the barrio th mm services and shorter ol commlt mm rneetlnrl iteevI Burton told his Cno he lelt tha terse committee stlbls that he was welcome to would not nineties II eillelcnts tier out that as null it be ap lee wont be ellth wind nm mopin awnwmewwumyump Vistpnwwmraw delved severIl sImple boxes ill muhhmtllmhn lumihi Writ ii semen romnewwaa emes use Barrie and lnnlslll severtl tracks dainty Itielh oi nitrite and ieIlher and de Il rd ior use on asphalt mpht be used by the ice type oi hockey The states were sup craxea Photo lied by 0min iiev Orilill Enamlsier ohsnrs is being made beesuse tor nondnations irom seven to at nomlitation meellnl arent as Mr etertln enumerIiloit June ifiolli ditdalllymirdlsd important in melee urban rem instead July beelnr oi 111 mm mm reg helldsysrlodsmzban poopl wo errnen espre rosy In proposed NW Under th tailil all ere wotdd din moansIo 33 be ninelent and avoid WanisDelinitellecomme on meantime fe itlli WURSI DAY The bill sets the that hiurnlsy 33 it City tnrineerlns romullhnts Another runestlon has been me be asked tor dcllnlto re to more irnllie alpnnls ier Film at drrylihsmterraallzg commendation about the Tllilns it aim is Essa intersection odors the pub tssa pg aux tau he works committee notes latter wouldhenhout loosenrid it at decision on what to do with the would lntolrewldeniay ol Tiltln itll it width tinildill The city development comnrit in other business the eomrnll Him ice hesstotedltwouid consider teoreeornrneadcd acceptlnytea ll EVE mm purchase It the unborn ulort tiers irons French Motors in tltonirtsrtuk ashyI sgnum on the corner lithe riiy pets pleitup truck and cab Ind ha mm pt road realirnrnenl chassis The ilrrn was low hidd mg hliam would Pi my on Mb mum sumnhly be In elieet tor elec lions this tall Clerk Struurhen sold the provincial assessment trite will be dolor the enumer ating and he assumes they have begun the procedure Poul llall Fees To Stay Same The city itnaan committee out oi line with some other and mmmym mm municipalities but the remnth ml mm in mm tee dtscorered many otherkmliin Pamswck Man lcl Ililles Ire revii thee mouldstithe WW end lees upwards or already Have To leave Barrie rates where they have leer equal to tisrrle rates see The ice remins tit per dele stion hi pool hIll open year tor the rst table tit tor NW mm P3 ators he requested the licence the second and i2 ior each Pllilk 1m lee be lowered because it was additional table Tumble muesli lltodti to out additionei erIvel on an unopst rd lbehind lilshproprrtyw rrevrey porn exits on to the road Ind he sill every spriny it is in very poor The tissue committee lion number ol parks that born not condition day nipht lrutructrd the city iormaily been tumed over to it Deputy itecio liill tilhhlnslold clerk to room bylaw to turn and as ed that this be rectied hlr Bulmcr that the municipal over one to the Parks and lie sunnldsle rurk ls not one ol lty tinctnoi owe the road creation Connrdsslon the Illttitel parts and will so tt is not their policy to put me eornrrussion wrote council psrently remain under city can money into read it dots out stating that it is managing trol tor while looser own its also said that the read not scheduled to be opened by the developer who owns the pro pcrty sad when it is all the prevel would have to he semoitsi overuse illiitt iiresto surrest Ireas thIl my LisI Hayden or It ilelrose mlaht he irritable lls said the Are wss kept in Royal Victoria mottlnp would he held one nlpht ML rm 10 ilocpltal overnirht tor observe next week MM Iormnl tlon alter she was involved in collision with car last nicht in costumes AGREES irontel mNIplerSt Police Ol development romeolltcc rslporlr issla drugs lindtrou with pllnlllldldbolatl ridI Gels Permissrort are ce rven 2er ho Iysecomme re so Williamson oi usrrle Dlmsre resoran Ip llcailons iorproper For Ills to the Willlsmson vehicle was ties on Ducluorth Street and St callntdlod It so Vincent Street owned by iiIrdcv William ileersrhep has mam mm to no The pldnttlrtl beard held been given permission by little public mreilny two weeks aye ill Township rounrll to set up my run mum and melted atronp obleciions nursery under the name oi the the or approximately an to permitting mltibiltlitd dsv lnnislii Nursery on Iltchnay 11 Imam mm mm alopment on the seven lots in It Concession lo aubloct to the Grsndvtevr Ford on Bayileld quorum mast 01 Ill pertinent revrte Street over the weekend The mom 51x mm If whim gm City development committee mewlolpleism community mm id mm met blorsiny with Ted Beati phmhf Ind derelorrnept com champ oi lirsruon ileirhtl lid mtttee the comet IiondIy MUNICIPAL bliiltlitT oi Toronto to hear oblectlonr to similar approval was granted Aid Jock Morrison will meet proposed noirlentlal district to Joseph Pleclolo to build shortly with OrtlllI Orilllt plun six The plan he not been second Mill on port oi lot it township Ind 0rd Toohshlp is prepared by the plantar dc art Concession iilscilal possible locations oi snout and the committees dtt ll and it tricks were mimicipa at the olden would reviewblsobleclion when given psnidtslon to extend their mansnidhe as received data it petslho planterstuiyiho printer Isand warehouse Item the department at traps that owns too acres in the re ecllttles on north side ot port outlinln what iscllitlcl Ildeotlalriistrlctand obleetsio iliahland Creeeenlsuh ct to the wouldbene ed orderesltls havlnp ls acres oi do writtsn oral or be shut up to the township reprucntI signed on its pi they act Quotas