said its serene June It JIIK U41 pee reminders heaters nd other Itlornotlre acres as BOUGHT HIM Born in Vilnnlpey in loot iir Sperm darted his bruins earner ua chartered Incont III Tho nhanu came In in when its Ind sevesIl other busi said snitshla donsdlan be lost mldnt be read impendins succession duties iris teeter lit the decision to Celebrates Centennial BRIDGE Ont CF Tull town so Inth northeast oi Termite rclebrated its tooth birthday loudly tulle PM iormer prenuer oi Ontario lit the towns oeniennlIi riImI train torch carrled irorn 0t inwahyatesnsoisohis school runners Ti OPIIAII manor OMAHA Ont CF norm oi CIsnhriIn oiiepe sin deeds irons buibury will operate makeshift library here this rummer touted at iha Cann diIrr Nliltlllll Railways station about miles northeast oi Sitti bury The library will hold about him boob Ind it held sponsored by lineup rant irom the Opportunities for Youih program PILL nor IAithtsi CillANClANO llIly tiiauleri Only 15 out oi every loco ilallsn wornzn between the use at ll and so use the oral rnnIrI eepiire pill compared with Lid many says marry It medl csl ronyrsss here LETTER 50X PAW HOBART Tasmania lllculerl Police hare hurried hack to resident oi Davenport rioth west oi here tttoo in notes he intend in soap container let in his letter hon No one came ierlt ward in claim the money NINE DIE IN PLUNGE CAGLIARI Saltllnin illerrleri Nina ilIlla were killed and in injured here Sunday night whengIloeal bus went all plinsped ever pretty nears nnnaosrrou nus BElltUi incident Lebanon hasvdeclded to art lor the extra dlllon oi two lelienua who hi jacked south Airiuo Alruya iottluer to nlantyre llalnwl May ti on that they may stand lrlIl hers iudlrlIt Ioruru said The rrlen were or Monday rested and deiIlned in Zomba Malawi RESCUE FIIOII FIRE lDNDON lileltleti oilduiy policemen imit way throuxh ames and idtttidtbdihtlhdllhlm hiee iron bluasi went londn maternity hnlpllal iden Anterewlinese said the passion into the and lien drl Crinkle Potent looknuts cork platlorm sole and heel paiizy brass ilno trim open toe and heel White in sizes to 10 Narrow Cross Strapsunit partially closed hEci Foam cushioned lor eomlott TernsennWomenI sizes in 10 in white and brine manmedo material Dark Stained Cork rtaitnrmend heel Ciliand slylinrt with hardware rimmed eyelet illlit Womensendteenssizcslo10inhelpoend white grained easy clean menmado ripper OPEN MON 10 OAT UNTIL 10 PM Fill PAIllilIiti Writ lllrllltlv Blazer Pant Suit 100 Polyester and smashl lerhlon slnnle breastedlackerrlg blue pink or yellow with patched pockets and notched lanels White pants have culls Sizes 715 Nottkntchedihonauticallookln double breasted letter with lech pockets Anchor detail on pocket end anchor buttons Stripe detail It euii Crimp In white or navywhite ollmit quantities BARBIE DAVFIELD on own No and No21 AWomone StvoppySondolI Fashion iloh with ad luttsble slingheck ersywelilnrslow haul cushioned tnnersole Sireito 10lobelpoor white manmrdo mer terial BVllovolty Hoel Sendai Anentllltlerhoowlih mun onsy close manmadai uppers nwovan strap deslpnWhltelnloens and womens Iliei pair