Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1972, p. 7

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rlllur no on II Col end In ben oor berrlIJbul lle Bachelor bl Applied em in Heebenlrem lbe Uolvmllylel Inn lbe Willing lbr bll the III lbed In ol bumper IyIlun lhIl Illl IurIlle llrenrlielen bout enlllelno preeenlnl by Solid nl AMO motile Druneen lbllly LI em land In oleul enumerlnl dl on oi lnlernellnnIl Her mler IlIreJllm Illrlenrloloy mum IIm deudsler bl Hr Ind lire Jebn llth bl XIII Alert on retellld her Jolene Il lbe nlneleebs n1 Culn eIIinI IlSl IZIl ke Onilere 20mm Unlmrlly on bley mum her Meier nlAIlI new in Webbing Ind bu Impl poelllnr IIIIoelII Inel er In OllIII lb commence In Ihe iIli In roundly d4 11 announcer WMADMIeanHr In IndIlll Ubyd noun Ind HAWAIIAN Gm oblunbbrmemn memonulde eelerd her M10 elArlI Unllueliy ul Wulnl 0min degree in will Tllerellnr mlulnubomnm bun1lenlUBIlllllN mnuunmhuyuzu WWWIIINM edrIUanolneIllmllnm emolnyed by amulet bib Iiudleui Iredlnie Irlool William we in Throu II Werlrm ll obllln In uI leIrIl gene In return to mm In olelnber or her boom deem Bclnd Member 0loiginn1 Orchestla Among Cue SN undayReception one AND PLACES uni Im onerum HrI Jen PlIlelL Anyme Inlmellbn rney mull Ill Blmleler 757M lu Ire beld Il lbr Beale Yll YWCA every Neede llmIJI INVOCATION Knox hubylerlen nrllnrlbn Duierle on SE rrmo emulnou Hr Ind Nu Herold Druly bl Gwen liill Illended convention II We Hemerlel Hell Univer elly nlGuebh when their Jill Dney received ble Ame IIte Diploma In mum trauma rum Inan ol 5L be Anellue mulch Uioemwlll IW lbr ennui SlrIIberyy IIeliul Il lbe Hloole WIRI ilrcwbbnrumrr MILK gNUAL ernen ol Prnlnn III cloned in Queen bl lbr Can ldIeu Ooeel lo hell CIInllI Were held II the Hoyel York Hole lororila Alum lboee elludlnr Ibe lelh Inn eenventibn IerI roanberr bl Ihe exedlllle oi the Berle club Jlr Ind lire SiInIey Sym uni el abbey Avenue Beale Itlended mvmlin er lor Unllrrelly el Helerlon end llelu Iben lbelr Illeth smolh mind bi Meier nl Arie dean with melee lo mepby Convorellon III btld Il llillbener Hrlerlob llernorial Slelbulll Hr Ind iln Embed were Itemman led by lbelr doughlrr Tin Ber be blchel nl Tuvalu Must Take Stand To Control 61an DrIIAIIIIbIIkl ll Iron Ollie Teen mid bevebrmvnllenbymelem Iinebleberbonlnlornhb belulobbeenryelnbue beerdJuHAI 1le Tue HIll IlIIlrd Iben lbI Bullet me lo Ible rvunlry Ind ihe Wu Ibrlrbrd lelnled wenl completely eye over the Ibe Illnerlrenbvyl udl bed In lrnllele Ibe Ben be So lb ylel their hair gm ion Ilel ire lnrliIIble burned in lrue Illoerlren Ilyle biner II bellrr Ind IIIan Ll beet The youlb bl our nation be urnI ItIlreothlwere liIlr be tune lynabel ol lbe Nee nu lure libdependlm Ind rebel llnr Slnsl parent beled ll Senevle dlIlorue Gel hell SnnoI Iuolblbe IIIIJID nd at lbe belry problml ll in ornblenl Neepln ell lhel bek rlren II Inrk In WI bnlIlIor lbrreil be no blues Are you mr Ann lbe Illl Cher II Due min be Ilih you 1hrrer nobody Iilh bend or molulerlle me in km llul Tole el lurl medial lbe people bl Ila kn ere eIiJId llukInI Bub whel III lb II bl ll Unlind mire eel ill Amerleeulunlu om Dru Ill U5 yillreru MI BUTL be like You hm See emP Ill Ibo deal even led ler ebldl II ensemble you Neg ole eh ihrr or lrlendr Ind relative in be Man cell here come In m1 lrI lbel llley Iere belnx ulna edIInlIxe bl Your column are lbrlll lbI Mum lo om enroll II II NeI Illl you do bornetbin lor lbere el or III mm mm yerbie Il reel many landlubbrrr dbnI IneI Ile not only loll lnenners hul legal nllrme ie bel Inol no but HHIII ihe words come ebbnrd In Ipo hen for there We rlvnl IIIII In rhoul llxhi Inez on llle hull ran be heard lnallle And now lhe mIller bl Iboer II II In wobble IIllr in were Iboerd yIrIll Ieorlnz onll rlnry rlnel IhbeI ll rould enure pennenenl llImeI lo oelnial end llinllhld Iurlmr Iln IIIre tbel lelber mull womenl ol your ludrl uIll techie bill Iiiile you Ire reed Howie in every nil ol whiten Illl DIIn Denney emblem lhele Irrr nleny nnelelrll leel eludrnl II We Unllel lnrlner Ellubeib Roblnenn Iln lbronle Til nlI Hull Falllel Illl Annelle LeIiI Ibcmry elllenie II the rereer Sun elly KlplllljbIlll Pei Well Allen MIIDenIld Owen Sound lbr Ielerel Eye liubberl 11me by ind In honor Dr Ind ibmia berry Dycl Brbcl the lormer lean 3mm rented to mon berrle Inn Imam mm new Ill Aiien roller teenl Ellie While Guellb lilllbn Wm am men Vioedblrn mrdel bi Pet numluer 11H my ulna In Am mm mud mill Idenrmn Mn Ton rol lie lell llir III lbe my Here in In lur help In xel my men emu0H Sell Key Well Beer Sell Never lel ll beau Hint dlxrlmlneled Inlnrl the JUST CIIIZENS Dru Au LenderI yeen Ixo we Ienl lo CenodI or mellon There III ulded lourenllrluy oi the molrl The ulde leol relerrlnl derron Toronle ly bl 91 linulionrer II the Inrmer Joen Amour ibe more no null Ibo Itlended lbr mnl were Inrrner relueu bl BInII bllu Lynne Weill lnrbnio SlerI DelIne Tendon Jud Delaney Illl Hire Sylvie CenllIl Guile Ile Ibo bid NIIb Oebnuel ILrI Dick Oll lnernbere ol ibI bend Inn eel hmnmuwmmp no mu nun been It Wulerrl Unlluu Tendon Jell MM MIMIIM Devlu IIrry Cheryl Wood Former Iredullu Included lire bull IiIrvle Geii lbe Don Hill ol Don Hillr IirII nrmer bull hone member bond moldeni Bill Gribble one oi lho ori IllII orchellu Mr Ibo brlanI bulletin nlern Ind Hr en buyer Toronto here who Ireveiled Iroln OllI lirI rle lire lonller Shelie llr and Mrs Pybern lir Hod blr Ind Eerl Wini born lIllhrbeorleinIlbrc err Guelph lire Vlnlerl III eelre Ind II III Irlb 1bron lurmrr JnIn Mlle Ian In Symphony lirl Belly cIl Werner Geor Luann ollln burl Tnlonlb lbrmrr Belly llerel ol Wolern OntIlln Dr Simpson ll re Bruce Henry sum Dr Simple nlllel ei Educ hilt Henry II llle lernter are lion Slim llIrbIre Ind Emu llellllebm Brlln Hennebry bl Dutlwbrlh Toronto lllee Jule Hellllllbn llr end lire Jim iolr libnlreIlSteve Cbulne Anew lildlInd lire Areule Thronlux lillee AuliI Jnnbnelon lhe lelnlrr Ann Morrow Ted Toronln lilo Guniber lullel Clerkeiiexllle llillSleert oi lnenn lbr lnrmer Ilenlher ble Si celherlnee Dr Ewlrt Berl Him Sl CIthrlneI ISul rem lbronlo brelben IleIIrll Ir liaise Tomlo llr end end Ab Kelly who eliendld Con lire Grlnl Homer 1brbnlo Collerlnle learn me lo Illl John It Slevenrullblorr Ireni lIr Inl lllrI elh lion lel HAII Jill neon II Temp km land the recorder were ill Ind lire biorley Cellul blentrul Quebec lbr Cellerl Illl be credinr Dr II II BerrlelCInlrIl Cel lIrIe blr Ibd oln ubIb Clelmonl Ill Cleirmonl II Ibe wblleber ei lhe lirereebunl neIIbeoer end In moenrlbie lbr Irrendne Ill ol lhe bende oeelInrbI on ull bele bell wm Croembe Boolemon lluIlc Combeoy IllhllllldlmletA Weelenl Onierlo end Ibo retired bred ol mueb It Allllbolne Cni Edlleellnil 0nl blr end urn Here For Iter burllnrlon blrs lnrrier III lbrrner oreeldenl nl Ibe When Auntlrllnn IAMILY MEMBER hle membere Il lbr men The berrI el Ilon In uded llrI Theme run dlebre Ihe ibnner Sylvie neb Recline illr lllcberd Iley Ibronlb who omenlrd Illl er lonelier Joan Heller lo Dr then Mr end lire lI Chiller Illii HrHlillI bend but muler iroln louder Onlerle bir Ind llre lee Iirelibndy rum Ibo In no Ilr Ind lln Devin lb wnIIbir lee lbe eenlent oi the lie on NI Hebere Wher rrnmun Colend blre Gilli in end IlItIr IlrI ll Luo iuol Dol Hunl lerellrrd llCAI II bnwmenvllle lire hob beoll meet ioronln iiIrlln loony rebelr bend Irillllimenll ol Tonnlb Ferry BoIrnen lolnler oboe nilyer with ibe Ibrunte Symon boy who II II ltell the oboe oinerI elnce ibe Id In Mr end Illl Hillel II mllllelIIlGcIiil in lbrbnlol lrolelror InlI Illl Robin Harlem ill linealur Illlld bi mull edncetlnn depl llnilmlly oi Torbnlr III we hire or Shepherd re Heyre Hull blr end end chli drbn lbnllerly bl Slrbud llr ih Illtnded BnlrleCrnlrel Cbley Ind III herd ol lbr men lor llIIIlonn IndMn Brien lie eh AIM To director oi use 1er rnolber who in II yeIrI obi bin ll Hiddiebro Vlrlorlr Herboul lire llbbbrl Delelny oreleni rd book bl Idlerr recommend in Dr Flsher lor the or III Dr Dellnoy bed nor ed in lhb on Ilde ol lhI lIllI rkh lien in your irtierler lite Mrs hackle Heals Healing The mbelbi meeHnI el Inner Wheel III held It lhe bornenl lire TL Leclle Illb evil reopenlny ol Kennedy Crlrlre lurmer Illl llrnlirdle Ilrlt vlell lo lbr John Kennedy Cenlre Ior lhe Perlomllnr All Ihlch uny nnmul or her llIln mum in melan omenl UWIIDI lbe evelllnl III Dr Dlrmlt Heuuyblln Ibo Ipole Ind Iburrnrl Illdee ulrn dulln bll Illy ln leper coloniee Thin III In the em nl NilerlI now known Ie BlelrI Four Iewlny mechioel here been ordered lo iurlller IJIIJI lbe Indlenl on Uilllllen lIIInd Plene lbr Ibe Seplembrr retel In we dlseuued end will II lbb lorln bl In ouldoel ber beeuo Illb buobende eI null or Seol ii The null Nelle Illl be held on June ii Il Ibe home hire Helen lllulbollend on lbll unlll lbI IIIM bl All deelb line ullh lbr dlreelor bl Educeilen slmcbe cruelly Bend bl Educlion Ind bin Human Dr Gerry Wood THON IN YOLK Mi Ind lbe Amerleen IIdI hi the Ielll Sly lelher celled lhe melth bl one oer renl ruldII Illenllon lo the Incl lbII CInIdI le lull In much peri bl Amrrlee the Steins FAT LIMITED Ilium bed Ill bemburs Imnliel to Cuedien leod SI Unlied TblI inoy question Ann The drur rrllllellnee Inlul ebnieiI lanbllIIm oi South Amerk not more then lo per cent loll GLASSES Mens Suits CONTACT LENSES Al BETTY BARRIE OPTICAL eenlIin elely rel Ilneunle el yer milieu el tbl Bend PIF enh Anode en Ind bin Wood gr Illl new Rudrere Bend reidonl Member oi the Durie Bend lioiheu Alreelrloll were in chlreol lilb reception lire Cher er lllllivon wee progrem convener CenlrII Amerlu Ind Norlb Ind ll ii in labelled inn ll Amlrlce Ire Amerirem The in muel mlein no more IhIn il thilIntI el 1th er Ile perceni lei 135 snuon onions JULY WEDDING runs lir end Mir Hurdle 11lellbddin ullllalnolnceel Campbell llodney Sireel re SI bleryr Human cIlholIc pleased in Innounce Ibe Church Bertie no July Il Inyemenl el Ibelr dnuylller lone nillICeluobeii and Iir llrniher Eieine in Ilrune Deiorrnlle erb bolh 11 red lin lMlnIIl Illl nl Ilr lld Hell Unlvrrrily bl WIiIrv Mn De iorenllr el Gull loo Members Nelle Future Plans Al CWL Annualslune Dinner ille llllllllI dinner Illl nlem Allrr lhe lonolulion oi the lure ol the CIIhnIIc Womene meeting bingo wu played ullh Llnuuu St John lllInney III Dbl end III II lun enloy Ilelll nl lhe ilyrbbm Lelellew ed by all llln yemre were IIMIMIHHI on liondey evening ranged by Hrr Job Blehnp lie llama coronal ll Timur nslgnllily emu will be don Il Ieliuwlnx dinner Jill lnlry opened tho rneetllll wllh Mayer null reoorle iron the Various elnlbnere were lMle by Mrs Hery Pennoclr Pre llllrnl HIGHLIGHTS Some hlohllehll bl lhe meel me were Al meal drive lbr new memberr Ir belll orleltllod under ihn III belloo hire Ru inrhollle emborrlllo Conven lr bus love in MIIII Innnbll Ill lulu perlrhlenrrr lo lblb ARRIVHSIIY telebrellone lbr iol luer parlor Hev lIlhIr Clierlel own at St mmrlnulnu lhurbh Toronlo Arrunyelllenlr lulu ebmyieled wllh Hre PIul IIlIllllIIIICI lo reier lbr the III llunl brownie Iml Ilblbbr llnn kucnl by llrown Owl lire lrenl NT Illl Illl ller plrlruled ln Illl iobll ITIIIIIIIHI who Illl he luv ll llln PIrlIh ilrl Prnnorl lhIlllrrl III nilmime lor Ibolr lrrlo lhroil In all lilo out we end rr lhrm lobe elven Iolnr lboll In IIIb iIIileueen bmrr end Iielrd lor lele October 43 ESSA llD FIRST TIME OFFEREDIN 4Plarr our vrcellbnode Illl lune Busrouls Planned By GetTOgelher Members The loonlh oi June from brylnl nlnn in end premiere ln be In lniemilnr lime lor member bl lire Gel Melller Club oi Senior Cilirenl Ih1l urel bur irio Ir plInnJ ll lor Dolllngwobd when memo ere will be rumle nllho Collin wooll Senior Clllrrne It enlll billed meeilny in Some Perl bur lrever lroln ibe Army NIry Ind Alr lorre Club Dun lob Sireol WEJI Il ill em on June Thule planning In lnIlI pell are reminded lobrlnf lunch mmh Mth cum enolldl or two men unlm the men in purbhnu meIlI ln bl mood GIUIICH SERVICE Jllne ill the beylnnln ol Sen lortllirrneueek mom who ere olenoinr lu oIrlleIleI the Sundry moran Iervlle el St Geerlee Angelo Church Burlorl Avenue ll be provided will lrIru rletlon 1he bur time will Innollncrll next week lrlo lnCenlre blend in IIIl ed or June on end memben Illl moot II in Im II lbe ANA rlub looms Thole nbl wiehlnr lo IIIIHIIIN Illlllld Illilnm re in our Ammo yenil II he ihured edlllon nllhe ll Erelnlner Annwmnnenlr were med lhe weekly lnbellnl ol lbr club JOINT MEETING morevleur week memberl bed been lnlllltd lo Illend meellny Illlh lbr blend liy Conlre1be Pull Cornmllke woollen Irenrrorleilon lor lbe oullny whlrb eluded elerlle Illneli eueble Ielm Ind due In In lbe rlub houre lirI John lien bed lbr mil lbrllule eI lelilnI end Illlerlny minor inlurlee club modem hone rbe lI leeiiru boiler llll EXAITINER WANT AD PHONE nlel BARRIE renting lully equip lvlnd ow ven aulomellc ul on with mrdmpion double beds runnln weler Ind ice box Accommodllerl ldilIIJ eerily lintlime oil ered in Berlin by Hertz the No1llenlelcornpeny Hmrrllhlerllrel ml newenlnlhenroneybull Illl elnvul bonnie Illumimd Iorlllel nldelll eeednugIurl welcbhriwubbyu 5qu Io +m money money llblbelrlmplnlnmlinlltiml Allin lullyyou to ur lIynure lllInUn IhoulI our Nowell nonyoullmelourplaee lull smell bihnencill ogreile wuol nyloyur udownsiereywdounor heck lhe rely on your shoes Tlulnm unpurlenl he wenlr lo ll me Illel Iron lhrll ontollhe So we iull lell imth much hey loudly eanlllorduchmonthnhmrlb up ro him to well nul AndIilhvulxrnlng you inolrr your ll l=l YouandllleComrherceI lbgether were bolhstmnger nukes hll money You ere feel love bad In belle lhen new guleilrwo people rel our rb echieve sellde origin are lied eulenluur gollurnd our reel Se Illl kimono Erokpirn loInyon In more then moneyllbn gel working yumme III Iuhl be And lhll reeur lull numbered me other besides min lhe ye off Illing inure llnlpleoe CANADIAN IMFIIIAL BANK OF COMMERCE TllllllllllllllllllllIll

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