is tbs the Tits and you its but no ons per in ill mid pct item will peo are nrr dogs car Isr that tar lacs plight Gods wt an it shorts is rare is rust apostolic columnar RINK stun Groronamooltyrtok hard arms iblwallrlbloeid as two dllirrtht Basile voids at the participants Bill lie erIborraastheyte rener at booth tumbler thereouriraecar Mllelllliallanmnming Photo Stadtord In 115m Year Oi Municipal Status Hewitt lit hed Hyleeurraoiivirsarhiagilailstb ear ol municipal Itatns the it Is town liayor Joa llagsru herds tha mull wth is currently com pinata the third part oi II as threevear tens when the voters choose their new cotasetl in December it will be tor tvoyeIr turn the present term under nvlslooa to the litnlclpli Act which penali led suds mullahs where they were necessary to have cause tonne coincide with those tor rnliooi trrrrteee Herve Bruce Stewart the wit warden and ty Reeve Fred Cook are lit lords eotlttly cotmcii representatives VIILAOE STATUS Dradiord attained village ate his in salt when proclamation was read The the council was headedb Thomas Drillill pioneer cksrnlth and march nut and his councillors were Thomas Wallace David James ears Itosrs urn was thI tirst clerk ed bred gdswhlolbld population at roo It the time First mayor oi the town at bradiosd wu Arthur liraos ldPl member at the Ontario lagirlatnn ior Contra him dormer simcoe County warden ldr llva has been mambar at the legislature tor almost ll years The room anniversary oi db ialning mimicipai status was ill tAirrrgy celebrated in test when or Evans was reeve Coun cillors that year included lira Si Ellis Muir Wyman Jad apis llsgaal and Herbert Tay dreetiags were extended te the new town by the then mills in lealia hi host the late Haber Canton as obesity war den Elli Rows al Nmoa Roblnsoo as lederal tar lor inu esinSimcoe and ethos iiradlard hlsiuy trace hack to lllt when three lrishmen creased the Holland River and settled la the area use at then lewis Aigen at iiallan extraction was no to have worn belt containing loo xovrrcigrts which was termed the casinos oi the times James Wallaca who built the intense log on the river and Robert Arrostreo were the others To rtg was named Wal laces Whart rmiii it was re placed by oating bridle in am PM TAVERN Soma traca the history to the tint tavern built to list it wu slim log mcreatedmai wear plain road where one branch led in the Scotch Settlement area and the other northward William llulloy operst tavern which III the on our in the area MM 1am Ion constructed mother Ill iltli To meet the competition lir Slmvale To Heat iHRaiiyEvertt mIVALE Still Annual iil rally Ill be held at the Elrnvale District Hi School and Hurools Centers school grands no Smday June id The program now no ed by Don Cam Gu ricwiiiinciudaba sport events and county Jtmldr Farmer sports plaonI lluiioy bad large hotel con structed cue utiler called BNHMI lavarn it was recorded that son or more soldiers were bllleted tbrre doing the winter oi the William Lyon Nationals rebellion PIO SHOP hrralture shop operated by Theodore Slierwnod was ion eer laundry which pr uced spinning wheels wooden chairs sld tables Also to till no at High land Scots irom Selkir Red River Settlement in Mahl iohs took up land west ol the resent site oi Svadlord Others the same otrp ioiiowed and in rm erect cburch hallth which also served as reboot Tirol eldest hi this thrush in cluded William Dilberlandi Jabs hiatbleson Alexander banners mast and Adam Goodialiow My other Irish pioneers ldark Session Ind John ihorpe asie bllsbedlsnililhlhalmJt was touted an stream known as Scanlanr creek other early rrrllis also were built along the Sir Alhesi was Slrncoa Cottaly vrrdso in tail oi live trons Srsdlerd who iii had the honor savourl ll yasrs Another raaer was Georil Evans shapinlved irom inland to test ttir grandson Deorsa ll Evans was county warden in root Dradiovdl that grain dealer Gibson Cool also arrived some years belorr itr incorpora tion other Bradlord pioneers included Jsmcs Drury march sol John Gordon wagenmakcr and June CsmpbelL shoemak or The town received its same item city in wand in For Simcoe North Member Nearly 15 Years HAWNE Still Cotl ior Simeon North riding Dr is lianrd HP Orlllla surgeon will must it years It mem ber this coming Jana ll it was on that data back in itll that Dr ltanrd was run cesshti in burning the tables on the liberal member titer tats Robinson onetime mayor ol Midland who had delested mbhsy lei votes in his iintruo in the till voting which saw lohn Dieleabrker carry the Conscristlves to narrow vie tory over the St Laurent led liberals Dr llonrd had ma iorily at well over coon ova Sir Robinson The other candidates Crop Experiment In Dalston iiroa DAISTON North Shoch Soil and Crop lm rovemaat As sociationhudec edtoenaiinua lilyz crop demonstration area lot The timers site located on the saw ioreriry irrm arrrlir Ioda hail irom Dalston on County Rood It has been view ed with interest by visitors it leaiuros research and ob Iervstlnn plots ni rttlii annual and perennial crops year the regional eat and badvyirlsl experiment is included in the plots Corn herbicide trials are no is lrillwrlns isnn oi herald Curtis Tanners oi the county Ir nvilcdio inspect the plots at any time twilight meeting is plsnrted tor late July The demonstration area is under the direction oi it Klrubury tleld crop specialist lor Sim County hill Wirebewler CCi and aervstive member oi Pariisraeat charlie Parker independent ran Corucrvati away beck PIPELINE DEAL in this nine memorabla eicn Ilata linwa oi Port Arth ur and Walter liarrls minister at tissues were among cabinet mlalslea who were deleatod Gossamer cy tongs trans CenI ppe pro came under severe tack daring tha campaign later it Pearson minister at asiarnal ailIlrI who was oliill mentioned as potential iuiure liberal leader was elected ilkiarrdr at Dr Rynard in re calllng the election reported it gatorlhdjrcsehl Styrene North member much aaiislaetlda They said the lttl election was pro tosi vote by the Canadian peopla who tell the liberIir had been in power too long and bad lost loilch with the people SONG LIBERAL Until Dr Ryaard was elect ed iha ridiar had been Lib eral seal or it years George llciaan senior still rest dert oi Orllila was member oi the liackeasia ills govnmmcnl irom me its toll and be was succeeded by another liberal in hlr Robinson At that time baiore the later redistribution which oed it with part ol the old otb Sim coe under the latter name Eui Simone extended irom Ortilis to Penetenguirbene and to Drrrier borders barrio is now st at Dr riding lni last ledera ection in June trod Dr deleated lilll lirll llbe Ii rimdsrd heater in teen conteated vote when the Trudoru government vIII alecb Other results In arcs rtdirrss in test showed that Harbor Smith barrle lawyer was elected in the old Simone North rldlo tor the ves Ind Ear Rowe dcieaicd ll Wales liberal in SimeoeDuilerla llrukokaPsrry Sound also el ected Conservative in Gordon Alkrn oi Gravenhurst whila Clayton Nodgson Ion Victoria iiallburton and Ontario in the same party Plan Plow Match In Bradiord iiroa RRADFORD Salli blaran err at South Sirocco Plovmeur Association have been busy with plans tor the lots plowing match The event will beheld It the turn si Orville Hughes West Gwlllimbuty on Saturday Sept ember coaching day and competition tor ltmtarr will be held on Tuesday August It It the term at Don Shoes at Cochr ou Maps lit Hrcittves snow Changes In Sirocco County umuuasr strut all papers EltSEESE Ea gigge 4H Delegates Going To Guelp WESTON Stalll mam oi the Ooohstown tii Mra award to county com lion in im Tarts has Sensor Ilratcd his rpedsl abilities ior Judging and leadership Two years no he received his ers iaiil$iuililnii It ur It protects with rIUng at is per ml liisa Rodgers also has been winner oi awards tar her out tending ell work In bet that year as til member she won the high novice Ivard lor har placing in Hilch lessons are planned tor the South Simeon hldglnl om each group with classes slated to miss later she won the Wil begin on llnndsy July The lieliay memorisl lrophylor classes include toddler lurrlor her ell wovL iIscitha barrio vIrlouaimasoi rla everapcricdoi yeaIaodtopiesoilbe Eldest VMIIIIDIWI as tea is interested in ac iory oi the Mini tla stressed the archives is talented in ac dildos rmwllbreoortr oiavcatvoi crinlllcuce Sloth interest alsowas shown In boobs lite 1bl Visible Poll Tiltiarynl Cortn comtys bachaouod iba museum dsteI back so yearsarscouotyprolcstatthis rile The archives section was opened late to tilt as the coun iyI main protect mashing Can adad eeaimnlsi in no Old records showed the court ty operated under district coins cilpriorioldsowiihx oi the cast townships grouped Wins rcpmtniaiian lied Plan Registration Rt Slayner Pool STAYNEIt Stall chlaisle lion lnr classes It Stayrter swim mlng pool has been arranged lor Saturday June in irom lit to it am at the pool lnlcnrtedlaie and senior groups Rink Cammittee In Oro Pleased mnrvssztarm Pro mention boatloadan the Mill passioibow OOGKSTOWN lSlIllt it yearold issue or the onetime Conhslown Advocate has been attracting local intent The tropism reports meet lag oi Mmetb townsbl cosm cll in January on with Albert Glion racve George ilsk deputy reels and meat illi sno Garnet Breeder and lease Ird Abernethy carnation ltilmot Hayes was appointed school attendance oilicer and also rellri silica log on minty road it wears the tih and loth concessions The reeva was authorised to sign bylaw calling lor the ex peodilure oi Milo on loan rblp roads The printing tender oidiherw assesnb plioLy team silhmiianoiiitetonvssg scented Another lrenipsge article told at meeting at the Pres byterian Young Peoples Soeltly Errlyl atria was elected pre ddect Dorothy Campbell tree rarer Allan Trotter social tors vencr Gwen llebcllsn mission ary convene and Eileen llaycr devotidmi conrcoer Members oi the local Lions club renovated the large llch covered shed at the United tltrrrcb to provide rink lnr people oi the common ianotberltamrald1harhed was mired lor light and ism new door placed in the shed misuse Andria sheeting oi the Smith Simeon Junior Farman Assoch sites and report at meeusg oi the agricultural society Ilsa reeaivad prominence Getting Sprayers Ready For Action ELUVALE when sprayars bodes should show no cracking Ire tshcn out oi the shod this Sbutnii valves should more tree rpslog they should be made iy but without leakage Nozzle Highway ranged to give churns ample op positth in express their views concerning the elixir at new or revised trvospnrlstior lsclilly George leragua was elected president at Mission erler Fas triers ior 195 with lllriarss lic bison Ed Eldrrson treasurer and lisrinn llalbcrs secretary hoot page advertisements wrra sponsored by lionhmass ciily groceries bardw me Arnold xe ilrijcrslors Lemons bakery iinppcr ll lichddrn was publish as at the paper Ihlch distant uni later in the same year Willsrn ltttller draggist Isl Wilson mill Ind Smith were other main advcm iisru in the issue Attending the Geordaa bay FairI Association meeting in Barrie irom tsrohstovrrr were Lloyd Dcrmoil Arnold lien Crawlord Albert Gliroy and William Netiis Sepirmber li Ind ll were suggested dates tor the Cambrian lair rsiv rr the id capable oi applying precisely assemblies should be checked to controlled volume at chemlcsl ensure that strainers are clear spray lllllIOlme over the iicid and rhsckvsivcs an operative or crop surlace Underappilcr Select the most suitable nexslr iton will tail to protect crops tip nuiellll gainsi pests or wrcd mmPtll Unless very smsil scrcasa is to be sprayed shitlch or ardcned stainless steel should Una Oversppiicrslion ma dam aurutttsl is to was to mudmr km arena sita ere Four wise rrra Interests re ass the roll line boost pl 100 raised iron the lsslesi walk were Telly besides starting expensive chem rluw VIEW thermal walkalbon Oro mu Rutter Ernie cumming RusLy icals bnotlcra club arewa em Hastings and Ricky Ross All To mm want mp coter ed lb it was now township community artil iclsi lca areas We III III vrati eased with tha revisits said elth Trees spokesman lor the dub commit tee in relursrea to waikalbon in which therequ in partici pants Mrs Thomas blight oi Guthrie chalrrnan oi the walls lbon planning lice who made the wall bersell also was pleased with the line turnout The tirrrlle walks over lvro dil iercoi router both linishcd It the DISTRICT BRIEFS JERSEY CLUI PICNIC SHANTY DAY Stall Slab coo County Jersey club will hold its annual picnic at the mane emails at Guthrie was the tint lady to cross tba liniab line Starting places tor the routes were irom crown lull church corner and East Ora schooL Rob Walker oi Ora Station raised its most money lor the cattle with lid pledged per rrrlie iis received tm tor the is rniies lire Thomas Blight oi Guthrie raised litre limb irom her rllort llrs Brian carpi oi Craishurai made the entire walk pushing carriage with her your and hall old daughter They were so computed by their dog who also helped to pull the earriaga along lira Carolbad usorl rho contributed in tor er el ort llcrubcrs oi the arena boost vvr ti lag brealdcwtte lord head at the Dr llsecrlh Division Ridretown 0a egr Agriculiusrl Technology recom mends that the proper steps be taken Bring the machine out at tioh are in plenty or time and check out every component including wheels shall bearings In drive be is The pump should be capable at producing lull pres sure evcn when using the arg est Ilsa oi sortie The interior oi the tank should be clean and im irom corrosion ii coated steel tank is used check the condition ol iha inner lining Chips irom the lining can plug strainers or damage the pump Detective isnks should be sandblasted Ind resorted or replaced mm ers club committee besides The pressure gauge should be m5 mm Ncltb laces were laonard Edger accurate clear and easily read ayn MEDONTE COUNCIL MOGNSNNE Stall llrv daoia council will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday eve hing June it it was announc cd ylowashipclilciais T0 INFOHCE BYLAWS miVALE iSiIli iaw eoiorcemcat hillcer tor tb viilsg oi Eirnvoic lledley isr each at RR is slated to begin his duties on Thursday Jame DECORATION DAY CHEEMORE scam Annual decoration day and memorial serch at memora Union cesa atery will be held on Sunday attemona June ll starting at use oclock Ollli Mill TOURle MALE Stall illrnvIIe dirtu lions club will hold its annual Iprios soil tourna ment at the On lake course on Saturday June it WILL SPONSOR RIGATTA MIDLAND Stall hiltiiaod iin sailing club will sponsor the Midland Ontario Albacore regat ta at Gawleyr Say Point on Ssh town area urday June it Huronialauth ltthestra Symphony for Young People CONCERT Wednesday June 7tr 00 Collier St United Church Hall Admission Adults Si 00 Students 50c ton Roy Campbell Cecil Cam eroa Norm hlcltay and Roy by the operator Pipework should be lree irom tests and corrosion and Will keep you hanging from the edge of your seatl asaua MAN Wendbast seller ROB HOPE saurv llllllillllll some cusses sauswvrtau ==s iHOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE monayiatermroiiooglllcbut musibertrediaolivar lt ii avaryckope on rneasurIIbeout tollhesprsy area ahead or er orer ilrvw This ensures that the so pliestloa rate will be correct when the sprayer goes into the ileld Fit the nnule ii which are to be used in the cld Fill the tank with water Risa the spray er and set the worhing pressure that is to be sued blork the depth of water its the lush walla tho mum is standing on level 0pcrale the sprayer It the speed which is to be used in the licld Stay measured dis tance or example one lest Put in states no ltci apart and ray this distance in both tiir cost Return to the same level spot and measure the arc ounio water needed to rclill the tank to the origiasl mark The measured application rate may be checked against the tie sirod rate it the two do not rnatcb corrections can be made ltIllaliitt than mu iltittittlt llhiu ltutltti hittiiultltu itilliiillii new in hintith hriuitbhbcrraa its Fri ILSIIII Adults Children llc anytima hoe list and Scale ll xrns privilege rards saw pended or this special er garment hull lb DUNLOP SLW SARRIE ONT IDSEIHERI Will OF THE REST ill THE RUSIHESSI Widthblimm mm Starts Tomorrow monasteriesaim amdaJadrsoanch Tonight Mali latestailment Puppet 0n Ailraln